To Roam Unseen

The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:49 am


He grinned for but a moment as the man confirmed his earlier suspicions: so you did notice that, he said, chuckling -- perhaps even awkwardly. The Knight wasn't the best at being able to tell, at times. Still, he didn't judge the other for it, or even derive too much from it. It was impossible to know why he looked: whether it was curiosity, admiration, a nervous habit, or actual desire. Stephan had always been a tease, and he'd always enjoyed putting others on the spot. It was what he was doing now, though perhaps in the moment it made him feel... a bit mean.

Stephan let the conversation slip, for a moment, and they moved on to something else: how the man had learned Silvain. His answer fascinated him: it was his native tongue. His first tongue, in fact. His adoptive mother even believed it to be tied to his race; a half-blood, perhaps. It would only make sense -- how could his native proficiency be explained any other way? A human mother or father taught him Silvain, before Common? Stephan doubted it.

He eyed him for a moment. He did look like he could've been a half-blood, even though his ears weren't very sharp. He had the coloration, including in his hair. He wasn't too rugged to be a half-blood, either.

"I see," the man nodded. After saying as much, the other - who stood before the hearth - began to entirely disrobe, removing his pants and letting them down before him. For a moment, Stephan could see almost the whole of his shape, up to and including his ass. He blinked, his body stirring for a moment. The exchange between them was quickly becoming unusual, particularly for a new initiate to the Black Remedy. Stephan shuffled slightly, then let out an awkward breath, that bled into a cough.

"Right, well..." he simply said. "Me...? Ah... I--"

The mage paused, his eyes narrowing. He wondered how much he should tell him; perhaps everything.

"To begin with, my name isn't quite Stephan Lange. It's Taelian Ela'Rannoch; I'm a full-blooded Sil'norai, in truth, and I've been concealing that fact in order to... blend in. I'd still like you to call me Stephan, though. It's my legal name in Lorien, so it's as good as any. I don't see it as some sort of privilege to call me Taelian; consider Stephan a nickname," he nodded. "I was born in Sil-Elaine. My parents died when I was very young, and I joined the Black Remedy not by will, but because I was forced to. I've been fighting the Dranoch scourge ever since."

He bit his lower lip, unsure of what else to say. In truth, Cyrus knew quite a lot about him: that he was an Argent, a member of the Covenant... Stephan believed himself to be a boring man, and couldn't think of too many attributions to spice up his introduction.

In the literal sense, though, the doctor was right. He'd exposed a lot of himself - all of himself, in fact - and Stephan hadn't exposed anything at all. As if to invite the other man to stare as he pleased, he quickly pulled over his shirt, revealing his tan and muscular chest. Again, the Lord Elf grinned. "This certainly isn't a professional exchange, but... we're the only two Ebon Knights in this whole country, so we don't really have to follow anyone else's rules. You are a handsome man, Cyrus. Is there any part of me you'd like to know about in particular?" Stephan kept a faint grin plastered to his lips.
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Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:06 pm

☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Stephan| Thoughts: Someone is being Forward| Mood: Intrigued

☠ It was as suspected, he was Sil'norai, and had altered his appearance in order to blend in with Lorien society. It was understandable as the elves were not liked as much in certain parts of Lorien "I thought as much, Ellisan seemed to be suspicious of you and her hunch seems to have been correct." It seemed to me this Argent wasn't bound to stringently to an honor code as he lied about who he was, making alterations to his form to deceive a populace.

Ser Stephan then went into some detail about his upbringing, which caused me to turn my body so I could see him better as he spoke. He was like me, but he at least knew who his birth parents were, were as I had no inkling as to what kind of people my parents were, who they were. I envied him in that regard but only for the fact he had that connection.

He seemed to be rather self-conscious about himself, though I couldn't place why exactly that was. In any case, I nodded acknowledging what he had told me and seeing the awkwardness of his face. He seemed flustered, though I wasn't sure why, though he hinted as it seemed it was the way I had undressed in front of him, and I didn't think of the predicament it must have put him in, nor how he would think of me in such a manner.

Though it didn't seem to bother him too much as he was inclined to remove his shirt becoming barechested. It was amusing to me see him do such, especially after being so shy about my nudity. I wouldn't stop him, if it was to make himself comfortable, after all it was just us two, and I have seen my fair share of naked bodies both alive and dead.

"I think it's good for comrades to have a certain level of familiarity with one another. How can I trust you to watch my back if I cant be comfortable around you? And I find that one is most at ease & vulnerable when stripped bare. Modesty is for those who have something to hide and I good knight, have nothing to be ashamed of." I informed, standing to my feet and moving to stand behind Stephan.

At his mention of anything I wanted him to show me, I decided to play with him a bit, just to see how he would react. "Well that depends commander, how much are you willing to lay bare." I whispered into his ear, my hair grazing his neck as I moved on with a chuckle, exiting the room.

It seemed that these barracks should have a kitchen or somewhere for the soldiers to prepare food. I left Stephan alone for a moment, searching the building for something in particular till I was lucky enough to find it in one of the cabinets in another room. Grabbing two glasses from the room I made my way back, barely holding on to everything along with my shirt that was covering my endowments from view.

Once back in the room I sat in front of Stephan and began to pour some of the alcohol I had found. "Care to have a drink with me, to commemorate a successful initiation? Also, I wish to play a game, 21 questions of sorts, to help break the ice between us." I encouraged, placing the cup in front of him.

"I'll go first, If you had the choice of joining the Black Remedy or not, would you? And if not, what would you see yourself becoming instead?" I asked, Taking a sip of my drink, the taste strong but bearable. I sat with my legs open, still covered by my shirt as I leaned back into allow the warmth of the hearth to rest on my back. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
word count: 755
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Taelian Edevane
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Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:08 pm


The mage grinned as Cyrus spoke of 'comfort' or 'familiarity' with one another, as comrades. It was something he'd heard before, among other Ebon Knights, often as an ice-breaker to get one another's clothes off. The Knight was quick to call Cyrus' intentions into question, even going so far as to offer what it was that he might have sought. In return, he replied in Silvain: how much you are willing to... and so forth. Taelian pressed his lips together and rose one brow, before exhaling gently through his nostrils. He was perplexed; it was a difficult situation, and a difficult ask.

In response to Cyrus' almost-proposition, the man simply replied with: "We'll see," at first, before adding: "I suppose it depends on how much I drink, tonight."

And before long, at that, the two were sitting before one another with glasses of alcohol in their hands, the Knight sipping from the glass corners of the cup as he peered into the other's eyes. Cyrus wanted to play a game of questions; to learn more of one another. Taelian pondered for a moment. Cyrus' very first question would have struck a sore nerve if he'd asked it a year ago. Instead of derision, however, he merely met a stale set of eyes from the Knight, whose expression was difficult to discern between one of amusement, and warning.

"The Remedy forced me to become what I am," he replied. It was honest -- he typically wasn't so honest to other Ebon Knights, but again, Cyrus and he were the only two members of the Order in the entirety of Lorien, or so he believed. He did not need to deceive him: if anything, it showed his faith in them, that he decided to remain among their number despite the way they had exploited him as a youth. "If I had never been forced, I likely would have... well. I was trapped in Sil-Elaine, but -- ah, maybe I would have tried to escape. I guess... I never really thought of it," he said, quietly.

He had no idea what profession he would've wanted. Life would've been so much more open, to him. A plethora of possibilities would have been available, and open.

"As it is now, I know what I know. I've had the experiences that I've had. So -- going off of the man I am today rather than a theoretical version of myself, I would likely pursue power through other avenues. I am very motivated by power, Cyrus. Perhaps it is odd that I admit it so openly, but I feel no shame in my aspirations. I have many goals, and all of them require the ability to act far beyond what I myself can perform, or commit to. So -- my answer is that I likely would be a politician of sorts, instead. Perhaps a Nobleman. I am already seeking to achieve that in this Kingdom, as we speak."

He continued to stare flatly at the other man, before leaning back himself, the base of his palms keeping him upright as his arms extended down to the ground, vertically. "Is there any secret about the world, or your own life, that you've ever really wanted to know? If so, tell me. That is my question."
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Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:11 am

☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Stephan| Thoughts: Someone is being Forward| Mood: Intrigued

☠ For all the flirting and inuendos, it was nice to see Stephan in a little more vulnerable light. It seemed he would still be a man of ambition regardless. it was sad to hear that his choice to join the Black Remedy, unlike mine, was not his make.

I couldn't see myself as a man that longed for power, but I knew what power could do for one's ambition. Though I could say gaining power is a sure-fire way to meet an end. To achieve a goal one would have to sacrifice for that power. I was sure if there was anything I could sacrifice now, I didn't have much in the first place.

I was satisfied with his answer, to which I acknowledged with a nod and a swallow of alcohol. The question he posed to me made me think a bit, as it was not something I considered ever. Was there anything I wished to learn? I had my fair share of secrets that was for sure, but was there anything I wished to know about this world?

Pondering for a moment, I stared at my shadow on the floor of the room, then with a breath I spoke. "I suppose I wish to know the secrets beyond magic. What I mean is what lies beyond the mastery of the arcane, is there more magic out there that we are unaware of? How does it work, how does one acquire such magic? What are the limitations we as mages have inflicted upon us the moment a rune is transcribed upon our flesh?"

Magic was one of my fascinations, as I mulled over my own words. Giving my drink a swirl around the cup, I took another sip before continuing on. "As for a secret about myself, I guess it would be that I feel no remorse for the lives I've taken. In fact I was delighted to do so blissfully so. I was conditioned from my first time killing to take joy in ridding the world of featuring diseases. Some mortals are just not fit to remain alive."

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
word count: 434
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Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:27 pm


The mage's brow rose as Cyrus posed his query. Magic -- beyond the mastery of the arcane; new magics, even. Stephan found his query intriguing, though in reality, he had already been bequeathed with one of these hidden magics. The Knight himself was one of the first people in over a thousand years to acquire Sigilic Pyromancy, and yet now he wielded and proliferated it. There were of course more magics -- magics that once existed, and perhaps magics that were yet to exist. Of that, he was certain.

"This magic I initiated you into... Sigilic Pyromancy. Not too long ago, it was lost to the world. A 'Lost Magic', as they are called -- and certainly, there are others. There is certainly Blood Magic, with Vandikar still spreading it - even now - beneath our feet. Then... there's one of legendary prestige, Chronomancy, one lost to my people," he mentioned. Thinking on it, many of those magics once 'lost' were lost either due to the fall of Silor, or the events around it. Chronomancy was one, though he knew little about it. Sigilic Pyromancy was another; it was, in some ways, the reason the Ald'norai Empire had fallen in the first place. Then even Blood Magic - the power that they used to build that Empire, one they legally allowed. It was even still legalized in Sil-Elaine; so while the mage-scholars of the Pact and Covenant referred to it as a lost art, Stephan did not see it the same way. He had seen it before, in the open. Used to execute, to torture, to terrorize.

"There are certainly more magics," he nodded. The Covenant spoke of them. He'd heard of more -- vague conceptions of them. A whisper: light-magic, crafted by Venadak, once wielded by would-be Gods. He knew little more. All of these stories were just stories; they spread around the magical world, but the mages alive today knew little of them. Even as a Thespian - or counselor - to such a prestigious group, his knowledge was so limited.

He stopped there. There was no point in continuing the discussion; the truth would only be found in time. Instead, he quieted down, and listened to Cyrus as he spoke of his remorseless acts of murder. The deaths of others he'd perpetrated, and how some people did not really deserve to be alive.

"I agree," he replied. "Evil people -- corrupt ones. Ones who can't be rid of through traditional means. Sometimes, I've found, I've needed to act outside of the law. On my own terms. To kill those that cannot simply be managed through prosecution. In war, these acts of mine have become justified; I've jumped through the Duchies of this nation with portals, culling Celebrant and Argent opposed to the cause of this rebellion. I'm normalized in doing so -- even incentivized for doing it. But I like to think I would do it anyhow, even without the satin drapes and the fine clothes they provide for me in exchange. There is a sort of liberating quality to murdering a man who oppresses others, I've found."

The man leaned back more, before lying on the ground, his back pressed into the smooth floor. Looking up towards the ceiling, which was really just the bottom of a second layer of the fort, he breathed out through his nostrils. "Would you like to join me tonight, Cyrus, in the Captain's barracks?" he asked, boldly. "No concealment, or disguise. No questions and answers. Maybe some sweat," the man teased, grinning as his eyes narrowed almost to a close.
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Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:46 pm

☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Stephan| Thoughts: Someone is being Forward| Mood: Intrigued

☠ My eyes would widen in surprise as I had no idea it was among lost magic. It seemed that sigilic pyromancy has just now begun to circulate among the public again, and I was now a beholder of such a rare and ancient power. I felt honored in a way, but also burdened, burdened with the task of upholding to the caliber of skill one would need for this lost art.

Stephan began to explain other magics deemed lost by modern scholars, but the way he spoke of them, I believed they had only been lost to other non-elven races. Blood Magic, Chronomancy, and more? It seemed there were magics beyond Sigilic Pyromancy that had been lost to time, but Stephan spoke of them as if they were being practiced today, and maybe they were.

This piqued my interest more about the arcane, and the wonders it held. How many were lost? What kind of magic was this? Are there more than what is already known out there to be discovered? So many questions swirled in my mind as I thought and contemplated what excited me more.

As the conversation moved along, it became clear my commanding officer shared my sentiments on murder and killing off the unworthy. Another commonality we seemed to share, and I was starting to think it was maybe fate at work rather than coincidence. I had expected him to scold me for my blatant view, but he too agreed that some souls just didn't deserve life. For that I was grateful, finding a kindred spirit in him.

This was a good day as I was glad to have met him, to get to know him better. His next words took me by surprise however, but given all the flirting between us I was not surprised, that along with the fact we now had alcohol in our system. Witha chuckle a finished my glass, and stood. "I thought you'd never ask." i teased, turning to walk away towards the captain's quarters, dropping the shirt that I was using to cover myself onto the floor. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
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Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:20 am



Sigilic Pyromancy: The Initiation
Sigilic Pyromancy: Bonding the Beacon you one's own soul
Sigilic Pyromancy: The Beacon feels alive
Sigilic Pyromancy: Is a gift, a boon from Malek himself
Investigation: Asking personal questions
Investigation: Be invasive but respectful
Etiquette: Getting to know someone over a drink
Seduction: The Allure of the nude form
Seduction: Staring at another's assets
Seduction: A mutual attraction
Seduction: Modesty is for the weak
Taelian: Is an elf
Taelian: Is rather handsome
Taelian: Stehpan is his Lorian Alias
Taelian: Has a similar background as I do
Taelian: Has mastered Sigilic Pyromancy
Taelian: Is Famished

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 12 magic XP

Comments: As this was an initation thread, I awarded full magic XP to you Haldir! Seems only fair. Sorry this took me a minute!! I enjoyed every moment, very well written you did great. I can't wait to see what comes of this union!



Leadership: Getting to know your comrades
Leadership: Initiating others into your group
Leadership: Taking someone under your wing
Leadership: Establishing a headquarters
Leadership: The Chain of Command
Leadership: Sharing vows and oaths
Leadership: Helping others to understand your creed
Leadership: Warning your comrades of risks
Leadership: Professionalism
Leadership: Keeping an informal relationship with your charge
Tactics: Fortresses
Tactics: Setting up a fortified base
Tactics: Communicating with your superiors

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8 magic XP, 8 general XP

Comments: I gave you magic XP for initiating someone into a magic! No easy feat. Also bowchikka wowwow to that ending! I see now that Tae explained later that Stephan was his alter ego, I guess I should have just waited for that!
word count: 311
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