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Re: Aspirations

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:22 am
by Taelian Edevane

All the Argent could do in the face of Konrad's amused horror was grin, and toss more flowers at him. Surely the gardener would think some Nameless scum to have snuck into the topiary gates in the middle of the night, and he would have been almost-right. The Sil'norai could only bring himself to laugh as -- while Konrad resisted -- he made sure to pocket each flower, as if he appreciated them as gifts.

Konrad slapped at his hands and took hold of his wrist, the Sil'norai wiggling limp at his grasp as if it had paralyzed him from moving further. "Your cause is righteous; I will relent," he said, teasing. Stephan snatched one final flower from the bush, however, and offered it to Konrad as a direct gift. The one in his hand appeared to have rose-like accents within its shimmering, chromatic shades, tones of peach and gold. It was not his gift to give, of course, but he thought it to be pretty and figured the man could use a decoration or two. Perhaps something to remind him of his charge, even while they were apart.

Either way, he settled himself and listened to Konrad, all the while rushing them away from the scene of the crime to ensure they were not directly associated with the theft... in case that same enraged gardener stumbled upon the site.

The Savant spoke of his mother, making a rather... peculiar comment about what it might take to please her, though Stephan considered it to be genuine. He looked the other man up-and-down for a moment, and thought it to be plausible that he had some issues of pride with his stature, perhaps concerns shared by his parents. Particularly a mother who was an 'athlete'... though Taelian himself felt little concern regarding such things.

As odd as it might have been, Stephan responded to Konrad's statement factually. "It is not impossible for two male lovers to have children, through Necromancy. It is a wildly complicated process -- one that typically involves a... erm, host, but hold out hope, dathúil. You may yet be able to bear my titanic babes." He made the comment in jest, with a small but clear bout of laughter following it. Stephan was, himself, an inexperienced Necromancer -- but the practice was common enough in Daravin that any novice sculptor of flesh knew of it.

As the man explained his parents more and more, the mage appeared to be trying to connect the dots. Konrad's father made perfect sense to him, and from him, he appeared to take considerable inspiration. A writer... yes, Konrad himself likely fit the bill. He imagined that the young man enjoyed literary works as much as Sil'norai poetry, and actually inscribing his own was surely something he had done in the past. As for an athlete -- he seemed fit enough, though he had a somewhat lithe and delicate frame.

He surmised that in a country like Lorien, where few actually needed to work to survive, people picked up hobbies simply because they wanted to, and parents would share their talents with their children not as a matter of life and death, but a point of pride. Still, Konrad appeared rather bitter regarding his parents, and it appeared clear enough that he felt they were not pleased with him. That they were, perhaps, dissatisfied with many details about him, despite Stephan seeing him as all manner of brilliant. It was a shame.

Stephan exhaled a surprisingly warm breath, and nodded as the man finally recalled the source material for his name. Indeed -- a man of absurd ivory-colored hair, long and wavy, like every romanticized Sil'norai man. The fashion had changed to much shorter cuts since then, if only to ensure some corrupted insect was not being hosted in their web of hair.

"You did not deny being as handsome as him, or as well-spoken," he said, grinning. "And, I'll take the flowers in your pocket as an up, rather than a down. Surely you wouldn't demean my gifts," Stephan teased.

The man gestured for Konrad to sit beside him upon one of the benches, the ornate metal frame accepting the shape of his back as he spread out his feet.

"I, for one, think you to be an exceptional man, though you already knew that. Parents can be ridiculous things to please. At times I am glad that I do not have them, as even Vendrael's expectations have been... difficult for me to match," he said. "I do apologize for being difficult to attend, dathúil. I can be a whimsical, flippant man at times. I do respect you, though, and as I learn of your boundaries I will learn to respect those as well. Though I can't deny that a part of me believes you would like for some of them to be crossed: irrevocably so, perhaps," Stephan mused.

"Well..." the man sighed. There was much on his mind, and he was uncertain of what -- if any of it -- would be appropriate to utter, at least in the moment. "Why don't we tour the city a little longer, and then meet with Lady Engel? For as long as both of us can stand to bear. After that -- we can return to my room in the Lodge, revert me to my lounging attire, and speak more about... politics or what have you. Perhaps even magic, to satisfy some of the curiosities you might have acquired. We have nothing but time."

Re: Aspirations

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:08 am
by Konrad Schreiber

For a moment, Konrad's face unintentionally displayed a very genuine fear before Stephen laughed off his suggestion of a magically induced pregnancy. Magic or no, Konrad had no desire to carry to full term another human being inside of him. His own anemic chuckle followed shortly after, more a sound of relief than enjoyment. "I wouldn't dare to dream, Lord," he murmured at last, hurrying after his charge. "You'd do better to bear an heir with your husband to be."

Fortunately, Stepehen didn't linger on the subject, and Konrad wasted no time in working alongside him to progress the conversation far enough they might never need to breach such things as 'titanic babes' and their wombless 'hosts' again. His laughter was more relaxed now as he settled on the offered seat. "You are all too astute, Lord. And while you're correct to assume I wouldn't spurn your gifts," he continued, his right eyebrow arcing in mirthful disapproval, "Make certain whatever you think to foolishly throw away into my possession is yours to give in the first place."

He was going to have to find a time to surreptitiously set the flowers aflame so that none might take them as evidence against either of them. It was aboslutely overkill, but he preferred not to take any chances. Stephen was already at odds with those remaining Rien who were still loyal to the Galbrechts and their cause by his foreign nature alone. There was no need- and he had no desire- to add fingers pointed in demand of retribution for rampant acts of vandalism.

As Stephan continued, Konrad could only shake his head and smile softly. He let his eyes roam through the garden, nothing in particular catching his eye but appreciating the pleasant state of the day, the verdant display of life in spite of the portent of death that permeated the city like a dense and invisible fog, and Stephan's odd but welcome company. "You've known me for barely a day, Lord," he returned with a healthy dose of skepticism to his chuckling reply.

"There's still time enough for you to find you share in my parents' disappointments." His calm gaze set on Stephan's face, eyeing the other man's expression with a curious curve of his lips and shine in his eye. "Perhaps a time coming sooner rather than later should you entertain that part of yourself which believes my boundaries things to be... 'irrevocably crossed'." His eyebrows bounced playfully but there was the hard glint of genuine challenge in his eyes. He was no mage nor noble, but there were plenty of lines he preferred remain uncrossed, regardless how handsome or clever or powerful the offender might be.

Sighing contentedly through his nose, Konrad nodded his approval of Stephen's plan for the rest of the late morning. "Of course, Lord, if that is how you wish to spend your time, though my time may be better spent gathering what information I can detailing those vacant lands and titles you brought up earlier; after I've seen to your comfort upon our return to your chambers, of course." Stephen would arrive at a decision when the time came, he had no doubt, and either would serve the lord well enough.

"As for the Lady Engel, there always exists the chance she might be quite a delight. After all, I can vaguely recall a specific savage far exceeding the commonly held expectations of base intellect and boorish behavior so common among the Rien mindset." His laughter was teasing but not harsh. "Why, you may even find her a desirable replacement to settle on that pedestal you've so curiously set me upon."

There was a very good chance the Lady was no lady at all and a foreign conscript or volunteer. He still wasn't clear which Stephen himself belonged to, though he supposed the end result was about the same either way. Perhaps she could provide Stephen a more familiar companionship. Perhaps that was why he'd been told to arrange the meeting in the first place. Or pehaps she was a goat and the Lodge simply wanted to keep Stephen busy for fear of him wishing to make a name for himself. The possibilities were endless.

Re: Aspirations

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:33 am
by Taelian Edevane

Stephan regarded the other man with an almost worried stare as he half-rebuked his comment on Necromancy, the throwaway comment apparently horrifying him. As he made clear his distaste for the idea, the Lord interjected to ensure he was aware that it had not been an offer in the first place. "Konrad -- it was a statement of fact, nothing more. Do not worry; I do not intend to burden anyone with the prospect of children for some time. Years, at the least. I am an Elf -- I'd like to live at least my first early decades to myself, with my own freedom." It was uncommon for his kind to have children so young as he was. The possibility had been raised once or twice with Riven, though that was... mostly because he wanted to know what sort of life the other man intended with him.

He thought for a moment to clear any misconceptions Konrad might have acquired on the nature of the Necromantic process and how it worked, though he ultimately did not. The fact that the 'host' was in fact an external surrogate -- or in the case of Daravin's strange course, even some facsimile of human life, or perhaps even an undead -- they were complications probably unwelcome to a man who likely already held reservations about magic. As a servant of Malek, he once felt a very real pull towards disgust and contempt when it came to the oddities and excesses of the arcane. The more he ventured down that arcane path, however, the lower his standards fell.

The Argent's own boundaries had mostly been beaten, replaced instead with vague aspirations towards power and ease of life. Unlike him, it appeared Konrad still had some sort of sense left to him, at least enough to continuously rebuke the Ebon Knight and his continuous attempts to crack him open.

"I don't know that I would be so disappointed," he replied. "Perhaps that's really what I want: an exemplary show of restraint from you. All a part of my century-long quest for the perfect valet, maybe. Honestly, dathúil, I'm mostly just bored. I haven't been so disappointed by any of your rejections thus far, so don't worry; feel free to levy a few more at me," he grinned.

Thinking on it -- he supposed that he was an odd man. At least they were kindred spirits, in that regard, or so he possibly liked to delude himself.

Konrad was right, though -- it was perhaps best that he sought out information on Stephan's request. The Lords that would have split from the Galbrecht's would have done so already: there were limited openings, he was sure, and he was a foreign man. His opportunities would close more by the day, as the 'loyalists' likely moved like roving hounds, seeking out carrion. So: the Sil'norai nodded, agreeing with the other man's words.

The topic moved to Lady Engel, and Stephan's non-enthusiasm could barely be contained. He was only now starting to realize just how much he did not want to attend this... brunch of theirs.

"I highly doubt that outcome, dathúil," he replied, as the other man commented on how the woman might somehow replace him upon the Argent's pedestal of high regard. "I have never enjoyed these forced acquaintances, no matter how many times the Covenant has thrown them my way. You are the first, and I would not expect their success to double so quickly. Now--" Stephan rose from his seat on the bench, extending a hand towards the other man. "This is the North Borough, yes? Let's explore a bit more of it." He pulled another flower from his own interior pocket, one he must have secretly stashed while the other man had been caught unaware. Stephan grinned.

"A gift for my guide. I'll have to get some more on the way out..." he teased.

Re: Aspirations

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:25 am
by Haldir
Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • Konrad - 20{No Magic}
    Taelian - 20{No Magic}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Taelian

    Larceny: Stealing in broad daylight
    Transposition: Committing souls to the Lychgate
    Leadership: Sending your "underlings" on personal tasks
    Leadership: Inspiring with authenticity
    Leadership: Sharing your ideals
    Leadership: Sharing your ambitions
    Leadership: Asking for personal loyalties
    Leadership: Devoting others to your interests
Loot: N/A

Injuries: N/A

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!