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Re: The Hour

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:37 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Konrad's eldhan tongue was as exceptional as he hoped it would be, and more than he thought it would be. It took him a moment to adjust, but he spoke as properly as one could. If Taelian noticed any one thing, it was that he spoke like an elderly person, like one of the Elves born not long after the Sundering. Those that had learned from their parents, who lived before then, and used the tongue in its most true and proper way. Elven tongues evolved slower than others, or so he had heard, but Silvain had changed quite a lot: they had previously been ruled by a human Empire and were integrating more and more Common words and phrases into their tongue before. Now, they spoke with more slang, and far less education. He decided to spare telling Konrad that he spoke like an old sage, though, if only so that he wouldn't feel silly. The poetry of his words was rather charming, and his mostly-Rien accent -- though not thick enough to disturb his well-spoken tongue -- offered his own, unique transformation of the old vernacular.

He listened to him as he spoke of the Rien people, and their curiosity. He had always expected as much, knowing of their distance from the arcane, perhaps even their fear of it. Human realms always appeared driven towards the mechanical, the industrial; Daravin was perhaps the exception, but it was the Elven homeland at heart, saturated in their history, the memory they still left on the land. To be so far away from such a part of their world must have been isolating. Rien men and women did not even know much of their Gods -- the sixteen, their corruption and schism, and what came after. All of these things were barred from them. Most afraid of this knowledge were the Kindred, who kept their power only by subduing the truth.

In some way he felt a sort of pity for Konrad, and his peers. Though he also knew that things weren't all the better elsewhere. The prosperity of the common Rien was far greater than in any society he'd been to. The places he knew -- the ones dominated by arcane power -- were also rife with inequality and danger. Sometimes he wondered if magic truly was a blight, a blemish upon the soul.

He had known it and nothing else for all of his life, though. It was the only way for a simple Elven man like him to compete with the warriors of a corrupted God; to contend with a scourge so vile as the Court of Dusk. This had always been the only way.

The man sighed as he listened to the other. Finally, within his many words, he found a place to interrupt.

"I did not choose to be a revolutionary," he said. "My parents died from infection and disease when I was young, dathúil," he called him. It was perhaps a word that would bring Konrad discomfort, if he understood it -- but it fit. It meant "handsome". It was the name of a curious philosopher in a common Elainian story. Charming and blessed innately with wit, he was unexposed to the ardors of the world beyond him. In some way, Taelian spoke the name -- which was equally a compliment, and equally a caution -- with some level of envy. Konrad had no concept of how terrible the Darklands were; he appeared to be raised in wealth and education, in the insulated revelry of this isle.

"When they died, I was taken by an Ebon Knight named Vendrael and recruited as a... well, a useful urchin, I suppose. I was made Famished, though not successfully. I... won't even attempt to explain to you now, what that is. So: they decided I could be useful to their cause; that I had some hope of serving as a warrior. Given that I had no other choice, I became an Ebon Knight." Taelian settled as the other man allowed him to, and exhaled through his nostrils. His thoughts flickered back to some of those moments. In an Elven memory, they weren't all too long ago. He could still picture some of those tribulations so clearly.

"Magic is a comfort to me," he said. "Power, yes, but in a very direct way it is the ability to shape reality. It is only through magic that one may forcefully alter their circumstances, and direct things through will alone. For example: have you ever dreamt of being elsewhere, seeing things in a different place, learning of different lands and their people? I could accomplish that dream for you now; in an instant, you and I could be in Cathena, in the southern deserts, tasting their sweetwine. There is an allure to it because it is real. Unlike other temptations it is not flickering or false, it is a companion that won't ever leave. And its mark upon your life is truly significant," he said.

The man stood again, content with his bath, and the meticulous massage he'd been given. The scents, the words. He felt incredible, and more. Motivated, inspired, and totally intrigued. The man before him was one that had revealed in his words a gem of a mind, and a curiosity that brought out his own.

He beckoned for the man to dry him, and after would step out from the tub. He stood straight and tall, and looked toward the other man with a sort of discerning interest.

"Dathúil, a man who does not partake in the breadth of this world is a savage. I wish to embark on all that there is for me in this land. The arcane, the fleshly, the verbal. I would do more than teach you; I would live and grow alongside you, and we would learn together. To be forward: I find you an enchanting man, dathúil, and I am a man who strikes upon opportunities when they are presented. If magic might be a tether between us, it is one I will share with you, and I will help you grow in it -- in a way where you mustn't fear its power."

He paused for a moment, trying to respond at least partly humorously to Konrad's silly jab. "I can't speak for whether you'll start to excessively sweat, though, Mr. Schreiber. I'm not a sweater myself, as contrary as that might be to your assumptions. You could nestle a hotpot into my armpits and I'd probably only lightly perspire. Another way magic subverts expectations," he teased.

Re: The Hour

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:08 am
by Konrad Schreiber

Dathúil. It sounded odd but still in place, and Konrad quietly floundered to place it. He knew the definition of it, but Taelian had used it as a moniker. It was no honorific he knew of, but there was something supremely familiar about it. He decided, for the moment, to set it aside and focus on the far more somber account of Taelian's childhood. Settling back onto his seat behind the head of the tub, Konrad quietly listened to the short but poignant tale of a young boy left alone and snapped up by those looking for tools rather than family.

It certainly felt as though he'd overstepped, and he supposed he had. Clearly Taelian had had very little to do with the trajectory his young life had taken. There was the word acras which had several translations, all of which pertaining to various states of hunger, but Konrad wasn't familiar with anything that made sense within the context of what Taelian was saying. He frowned in thought as Taelian passed it over, assuring him now was not the time for a discussion of such things. He could only hope there would come such a time, his curiosity already very much kindled.

When he was beckoned, Konrad rose swiftly to his feet and gathered up a pair of towels, one slung over his arm and the other bunched neatly in his hands. He reached up and started at Taelian's neck and worked his way down to about the middle of the man's thigh, lips pursed in consideration of Taelian's own ideas of magic. "I believe you are describing the very self same wonder of getting lost within the pages of a book," he chuckled, patting dry Taelian's broad chest.

It was more than that, of course, and he couldn't help but feel that pull of intrigue he'd described earlier. New sensations, novel locations, fresh and unknown drinks and cuisine all held a romantic draw to them. The thought of being whisked away on the coattails of some Sil'norai super weapon wearing the deceptively attractive face of an almost-man was downright ludicrous, and yet there it was right in front of him. He found himself smiling, gaze distant, as his towel moved from the base of Taelion's stomach down to the tops of his knees.

He helped the other man step out of the tub and onto the intricately woven rug before he set about drying off the last of his glistening skin as Taelian continued on to debate his use of the word 'savage' and what sounded very much like some storybook offer of marriage. His grin only widened as he stood up, both towels now heavy with the water removed, and cocked a brow. He honestly couldn't tell himself if he was surprised by Taelian's fact made retort or not.

"I cannot decide if it is the magic that subverts expectation," he replied, setting the towels aside in favor of a small clear vial half filled with a scented oil. "Or the man." He gently took Taelian's hand, turned it so the wrist was exposed, and let a single drop of the oil splash onto the skin. He recapped the bottle and made a motion of rubbing his own wrists together then pat them against his neck. "It is better if the oils are applied by your own hand to keep from muddying the scent."

He strode over to the bed and gathered up the darkest of the lounge wear, finding that the deep blues and violets fit best against his charge's pale skin. "I confess my heart is easily swayed by the prospect of dreams sparked to life and a tongue eager for me to hear it so," he laughed, snapping a pair of silken small clothes to breathe a little life into them before he sidled up to Taelian's side and waited for him to step through. "And while the men and women of Lorien would surely dub you a fool for so barreling a way you have with words and their intention..." He slid the small clothes into place and took a step back to check their fit with his discerning gaze, though his amused smile never wavered. "There is a nameless charm to it."

The new trousers were next, and they slid over Taelian's legs without too much issue, though he did need to exert a bit more force to help crest them over the man's backside. "I have no doubt your offer to be true, and I feel the imbecile for not immediately accepting something no other member of the Lodge would surely ever extend to me, but I must kindly ask you allow some time to pass between and among us, gealach soilleir." He tied the trouser's silken drawstring loosely, no real need for it with how Taelian filled the fit just fine.

"Make no mistake," he continued, stepping back to gather up the shirt and stare meaningfully into Taelian's expectant eyes. "My refusal is born not from the heart of rejection but the matter of why I am here at all. To inform and advise. I would make a poor purveyor of either should I agree to submit myself body and soul- or whatever capacity such magic might entail- to a man I only just met and bathed." He began to fit the shirt around those wide shoulders, already pulling one of Taelian's arms through with his firm but gentle guiding hand. "Learn more about the man I am as I will strive to discern precisely what your pyromancy and whatever else have you is. If we are still in agreement? Please ask me again, and I believe I will have quite a different answer for you then."

He ran a hand along Taelian's shoulder, his own feet stretched onto the tips of his toes just to reach, to smooth over a slight crease. Large as he was, Taelian made a striking figure even in his lounge wear, and, though his ears and pale skin were most certainly a muddied pedigree, he had no trouble passing for a Rien lord now by appearance or smell. Konrad took a final step back to appraise his work. He nodded, slowly, then began to unroll his sleeves and refasten the buttons of his cuffs.

"For starters," he continued, "Perhaps you will indulge my endless curiosity in the coming moments we spend together and see just exactly what might occur should such a hotpot find its place there between your arm and chest." His smile was wide, no hint of regret in his choice to ask Taelian wait. He simply couldn't accept, even if he'd wanted to. Whatever Taelian decided, he would take no offense.

"Now," the sound of the Common word was almost strange after the air between them had been so filled with Silvain. "As much as I've enjoyed our conversation, I really must insist you take at least a little bit of time to yourself, Lord. We will have plenty of it between us and even more under the scrutinizing eyes of Lorien." He was already folding and tucking and re-hanging as he spoke, the slight mess of the room once more returned to its pristine state. "I will return within an hour's time- perhaps a bit longer- during which I ask you not leave your quarters save for an emergency. Though, I should add, this is a request and a request only."

He paused at the door, his jacket now donned. "And if I may be forward, Lord," his smile almost crooked, "It much more than fulfilled my expectations." He stepped through the door and offered a polite bow before departing. "Enjoy your evening."

Re: The Hour

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:15 am
by Taelian Edevane

He applied the oils to himself much as instructed, all while lowering his gaze to watch the man and his movements, as he spoke and pondered upon the Sil'norai's words. Taelian continued to listen, though it was obvious from fairly early on that he intended to reject, or at least to delay. His musings more explained the why, though his reasoning was quite valid and clear. He did not wish to become too distracted -- perhaps too intertwined -- with his charge, lest it threaten the purpose of their professional relationship. The mage was certain there was more to it than that: fear, perhaps, or a lack of trust. Mages were sometimes believed to have poisonous tongues, and in a land where all things arcane were ridden with frightening superstition, he wondered what sort of influences the other man might have had.

But, he nodded. "Nothing too impressive," he replied, as the man spoke of the hotpot again. Taelian was deeply resistant to heat, and because of his own body heat he was mostly spared the threat of frostbite, too. The Beacon brought at least a few inherent benefits with it, and glad he was for it; it was a harrowing thing to obtain, the most difficult of all magics to actually proliferate. He was reminded of conversations that he and Konrad would need to have, if the man ever did become interested in that magic. Though he had more that he could more easily share, and likely with better results.

"I'll take time to myself, yes," he replied. Truthfully, the Sil'norai felt... some level of guilt for his forwardness. He did not wish to make the man's tasks too difficult; he had already laid what only could be described as flirtation at his feet, and had mixed it with a proposition of magical power. Any level of discomfort he worried of bringing on him earlier, he had brought tenfold due to some level of undue comfort. Taelian... did not know Konrad well enough to act as he did, compelled instead by what he saw as intellect. And the fact that he knew and spoke Silvain, and spoke it well...

He was enamored, to some degree. That much was obvious even to him. So, as the man prepared to leave, Taelian mostly appeared... slightly awkward, even distant.

"Thank you for the bath," he said, finally. "It was quite lovely, and -- you've proven yourself to be an incredible partner in conversation. I hope to share many more talks with you in the future. I suppose as a final word, I am willing to wait: my offer of tutelage remains open to you, and I will inquire again at a later date. Enjoy your hours alone."

Then -- Konrad complimented him, too, and in a far more direct way. The taller man found himself blushing, with the feeling of a sort of build-up in his throat. He barely knew what to say.

He decided to respond much the same.

"I am pleased to exceed your expectations, Mr. Schreiber," said Taelian. "And hope to do so again."

His heart... was oddly racing. "A good eve to you, as well," the man concluded, before sitting himself again upon the edge of his bed with an almost wistful sigh. "Gods," he muttered, and laid back into the softness of the frame.

Re: The Hour

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:23 am
by Haldir
Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • Konrad - 20{No Magic}
    Taelian - 20{No Magic}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Taelian

    Etiquette: Speaking properly
    Etiquette: Having a valet
    Leadership: Tasking a manservant
    Leadership: Getting to know your 'employees'
    Seduction: Subtle flirting
    Seduction: Expressing attraction with flowery words
    Rhetoric: Self-deprecating humor
    Rhetoric: Going along with someone else's jests
    Acting: Taking on a false identity
    Acting: Faking an accent
    Acting: Playing a role of a different class
    Acting: Faking confidence
Loot: N/A

Injuries: N/A

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!