The Flaneur & The Gladiator

The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:27 am


While the shop clerk was occupied with pulling pattern books, Thomas addressed Zilrud's questions.

"It's not that you did something wrong, it's that you don't know the rules, and she found that amusing. People in positions like this put a lot of importance on the rules," he paused, making sure no employees were in earshot before adding, "because it's one of the only comforts they have. It allows them to feel better about themselves when they see others not knowing the steps to a dance they know well."

"The truth, though, is that people are raised into this," Thomas said, a casual wave of the hand taking in the tableau of the multi-generational family doing their shopping, "And so they forget that they ever had to be taught. You don't think about walking, but you weren't born knowing how to walk. You don't need to think when you whittle, or when you chop wood because it's second nature to you. When I do it, I have to concentrate very hard, because I'm not practiced enough to do it without thinking. It's the same with many parts of society, including manners and shopping."

Thomas intuited what Zilrud was asking about obliquely: an idea of what to expect from the rest of this encounter. Some form of step pattern for what was to come so that he wouldn't tread on Thomas' foot again.

"We will start with selecting patterns that are suitable for your frame and your form. That may take some time, as we have to select shirts, jackets, trousers, small clothes and socks. A full wardrobe. Once we have done so, the clerk, or perhaps a male clerk out of respect and decorum, will measure you in many places: the circumference of your ankle, your shin, and your thigh. Your waist, your chest at its widest point which is quite wide indeed, the span of your shoulders, and then the span of your arms. I'm also going to recommend they add in extra seam allowance at the biceps, thighs, chest, shoulders, and back. This will make finding styles difficult for you, but the alternative is having you look like a stuffed sausage the minute you wish to exert yourself and your muscles expand. This may mean additional measurements, as well, so they can verify that I'm not encouraging them to make garments that will look bad and then refuse them payment later."

Thomas mirrored Zilrud's gesture, putting an arm behind the big man in the center of his back where it cleared the shelf of the low couch.

"You're doing well," he said, before beaming at the sales clerk bringing back a stack of pattern books that had to be no less than a dozen thick. "Oh, excellent!" He exclaimed. "I'm sure we shall find something suitable in one of these."

"As you say, Sir," She replied, back to the carefully neutral expression she'd started with.
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Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:13 pm


If he did not do anything wrong, why did it seem like he did, especially if that woman would act that way? The ever-so-slow rising of his brow showed his hand in the fact that he truly did not know the social games that the Rienese were playing. Socialization and wordplay were definitely not the Orkhai's forte, but he also knew that he would have at least learned a bit of it to know when things were going on so that he wasn't completely ignorant of it all. And the more that Thomas explained to him, the more he found himself irritated with the girl. He had thought, for once, he had found more than one human who could tolerate his presence but found, in the end, it was still just Thomas.

Lifting his gaze when Thomas gestured to the others when he spoke of people being born into it, comparing them to people who had to learn the ways, he equated it in a way that the Orkhai understood. This found Zilrud's brows lowering and nearly furrowing as he tried to think of a way to reply to the conversation without sounding more socially inept than he already seemed in this particular society. He understood though that concentration would be needed to follow or attempt to keep up with things, so he merely nodded to Thomas's assessment of the situation and that it would take time before either of them became masterful enough at what the other was already good at.

Lifting his head, the Orkhai tilted his gaze over towards Thomas as he was describing almost step by step what to expect when they picked patterns and could move forward with. The idea of being measured was not entirely foreign to him. When he was fighting in the arena, to make sure they had armor that fit him, rather than letting him try it all on and snapping it, they had measured him around the parts that mattered to be protected, such as his chest, parts of his arms, and legs. Still, it was done in a haphazard way that it was not fine enough to remember, especially regarding sewing clothing and creating outfits for him. "Hm..." Zilrud hummed to himself as he thought of the idea of extra room or fabric to make space for expanding muscles or widening joints. Thomas really did think of everything when it came to shopping, and the Orkhai was fairly impressed.

The arm to his back was a welcomed surprise as he lifted a brow and cast a glance down to Thomas out of the corner of his eyes before looking at the girl as she approached them with books that had patterns for them to look at. A low, rumbling growl rose from his chest and throat as he looked at the books and glanced toward Thomas. Taking a book, he started to thumb through it while remaining beside Thomas, and he did not quite know what he was looking for. He just knew something large enough to wear that wouldn't get caught around a muscle and tear. Growling louder, he lifted the book and settled it in Thomas's lap, regardless of whether he was already looking at another one.

Leveling his gaze on the girl, whatever minutia of warmth he held for Thomas in those moments leading up to that point bled away as he looked at her and spoke quite plainly.

"What do you think?" He asked this of the woman, his teeth clicking, almost grating against one another as he almost dared her to try that social move again on him now that he was slightly wisened to it. He had asked the leather shopkeeper his ideas, so he was doing the same with the girl. It was a chance for her to prove her stuff or to become Orkhai food.
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Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:25 am


Zilrud had picked out something decently suitable. The pattern showed a grey jacket, which may have been what attracted the orkhai's eye initially; Thomas had noticed the man did not enjoy bright colors. It was structured, and too gathered at the waist for Zilrud, but that was accomplished via darting and those could be let out or omitted altogether. That alongside some more generous seam allowances in the arms and shoulder and a greatly expanded chest and it would work. If Zilrud liked it enough, they could even get the same thing in multiple fabrics. It was a bit gauche to truly only have one jacket, but Thomas thought Zilrud might appreciate the simplicity of having one jacket that fit similarly instead of three variations on a central theme. He had no intention of introducing the man into whatever passed for Kastren's Season, so there would be no gossip from anyone of any consequence about his spartan fashion sense.

Thomas smiled, eyes on the shop clerk to see what she said.

"Well, Sir, this could work," she said, lips pursed. "I would recommend a black wool, or perhaps a dark grey, with a green cross-weave, the sort that will complement your skin tone. It will look imposing, but refined. As for the structure of the jacket, it is overly gathered at the waist, but since My Lord's concerns were chiefly in the arms and shoulders, this is a decent choice. It has minimal narrowing at the elbow, which makes it less fashionable than something more tailored, but we can provide extra fabric at the shoulder to provide an illusion of narrowing at the elbow, if you wish for such things. It will make him look bigger than he already is, which many men appreciate, but in this case may not be necessary. It is up to you. All in all, it would be a good choice in my estimation."

Thomas' smile became sincere. "I concur," was all he said. "And the idea of the green cross-weave is intriguing. Please do pull some for us to look at when we are finished picking out patterns."

She returned the smile. "Very good, m'Lord. I think this could be just the thing for a shirt," she said, pointing to a collared shirt with one large button at the nape of the neck.

As she went on to explain her reasoning, Thomas found himself warming up to her. Superior attitude aside, she knew clothes well. That was worth something.
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Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:26 pm


There was a danger in allowing Zilrud to make choices. It would either be boring but mostly functional or just non-existent, and the Orkhai would figure out how to move forward with the situation one way or the other. The jacket he had picked looked reasonably decent. It was not very flashy, nor was it just a piece of fabric to try and wrap around his larger self. Seeing as how Thomas had no immediate objections to what he had pointed at, his gaze lifted from Thomas to the clerk and raised both leathery brows in her direction. When she offered in return that it could work, she started saying fabrics. He knew what wool was and the colors, but then she mentioned green cross-weave. The glowing red eyes blinked a few times as he looked to Thomas for a hint of what she was talking about. Whatever it was, it seemed Thomas seemed intrigued by the idea and thankfully asked for a sample so Zilrud could see what they were talking about.

Thomas's tone didn't seem to indicate anything too bad with the woman, unlike their last interaction. Peeking over as she recommended a shirt, he tried to see what the pair talked about. It had a collar which made him grumble. If it were up to Zilrud, he wouldn't wear a shirt, which would be acceptable in some parts of the world, but apparently not where he was now. "And pants?" Pants were also his enemy, especially since it was rare to find something roomy enough for the bulk of his musculature, especially around his thighs and the joints on either side of them.

Allowing Thomas to have fun regarding the fashion and working things out with the clerk, the Orkhai's gaze wandered away from the pair over to the group monopolizing most of the clerks' attention. Sliding his gaze from generation to generation, he was thinking back to what he could remember of families back in Rokhan. Orkhai had families, but they did not do things the same way. And for a brief moment, Zilrud lost his ability to concentrate on the ordeal of picking patterns and figuring out clothes for himself and was thinking about the multigenerational gathering he was seeing.

Unfortunately for Zilrud, he looked like he was ready to eat one of them, mostly because his brows had furrowed, which wrinkled some of his green flesh. His lips were slightly quirked to the side, exposing more of a tusk than typical, and the glow from his red eyes could be perceived as sinister when in reality, it was just how they looked. And for a moment, there was not even a growl or sound of annoyance from the Orkhai; instead, he just seemed to stare.

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Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:01 am


Thomas saw that Zilrud's attention was wandering. In the time that the man had not been paying attention, he and the clerk had settled on one additional style of jacket and two styles of shirt. With two jackets and nine shirts coming his way, Zilrud would be reasonably well outfitted from the waist up.

For trousers, Thomas already knew what he was looking for, or an approximation of it. He wanted pants that would be fitted in the waist but very loose in the thigh, gathered at the knee before ballooning back out to accomodate the musculature of the shin. The cuff would be loose but gathered by a strap so that the fabric didn't flap about and irritate Zilrud with its fluttering. Thomas had seen them worn by caravan guards in Daravin when he'd worked a traveling carnival in the area. They were not anything that would be seen as a fashionable garment, but if they were made of fine dark wool and light linen, they would at least be well made enough that people could not deny that Zilrud was breaking the rules on purpose rather than by accident.

Before he could explain his idea to the clerk, however, he did not fail to notice Zilrud's flagging attention.

"Could you bring us both some wine, please?" He asked the clerk. "Shopping is such thirsty work."

"Of course, Sir," she said, once again leaving them with momentary privacy.

"Zilrud," Thomas said very quietly. "It's okay to look at what others are doing, but it's rude to stare. They will begin to wonder why you are looking at them, and it will stir fear in their hearts. Please try to keep such long looks to the patterns for the remainder of our time in the shops. For me?"
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Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:55 pm


Zilrud's attention had not only wandered from the situation at hand but also leveled on people who had probably never been watched by an Orkhai before. Where had Zilrud's thoughts particularly gone while staring at them? He would keep that within the Orkhai's mind to himself for now. The request for wine from the woman had been heard but had not registered deep enough that the shop clerk had been sent away. It was not until he heard his name that one of those thicker-skinned, green ears perked and his head tilted before turning so he could look at Thomas while the Griscian was speaking to him. Once his mind had caught up in the conversation, the Orkhai realized that Thomas was asking him not to stare because it was considered rude and would cause fear in the group rather than come off as a curious bystander. The words chosen, though, had those red eyes zeroing in on the other's gaze and even narrowing as he finished speaking.

For a long, silent moment, the Orkhai stared at Thomas, not saying anything. Slow, deep breaths would be the only movement seen as the chest and shoulders of the muscularly bulky man rose with each inhale and lowered with each exhale through his nose. With no other movement from the Orkhai, it would perhaps be difficult for others to foresee the mood or change in the demeanor of the Orkhai, but Thomas could possibly pick up on it. Only after a few moments of silence did Zilrud begin to turn slightly at the waist until he regarded the Griscian more appropriately. And rather than speaking to him, Zilrud lifted a clawed finger, caught the underside of Thomas's chin, and lifted it, the sharper tip of the nail digging in against the soft underside of flesh, just behind the prominent bone of the chin. Leaning closer, the Orkhai finally spoke, low and quiet.

"Little one."

The voice came coolly from the other; even for Zilrud, it lacked the Orkhai's typical mannerisms. He was learning.

"Instead of looking at them or the damned patterns in these books. I could stare at you if you want."

The larger, Orkish head tilted almost in an animalistic nature as he leaned closer and closer, only instead of their lips touching, the tip of the nail dug in just slightly harder, lifting the chin higher as the Orkhai's head moved beside Thomas's own and the lips pressed against his ear and whispered into the curve of the younger male's ear.

"I know how that makes you feel. If I keep my eyes on you or these... books. I know how to repay you, after."

There was the slightest nip of sharper, meat-shearing teeth against Thomas' earlobe, pulling at it with a more than playful tug before it was released, and the Orkhai sat back, pulling his finger away from raising Thomas's chin. A knowing stare over to the Griscian was given before he turned his gaze back to the books, looking to the idea that had been left on the most recent book that had been opened and went otherwise silent.

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Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:06 pm


Zilrud had a knack for solving social problems, Thomas had to give him that, although he had mostly replaced the problem with a different problem. The other customers in the store were pointedly Not Noticing Thomas and Zilrud, now, the go-to reaction to someone being brazen in public. Zilrud probably thought it improvement. In Thomas' mind it was rather more complicated.

On the one hand, he enjoyed Zilrud's attention, and the feel of the teeth on his ear made him smile. In this instance, also, Thomas cared not a whit about the opinion of anyone else in this shop. No one in Kastren was so important that he really had to watch his step around them, even other Celebrants. As long as he didn't murder a Rienese citizen and bathe in their blood in the town square, he had little to worry about. On the other hand, Zilrud would have to learn, eventually, that such gestures in public would not always be appropriate. Thomas chose not to bring it up for now, though, because assuming that the orkhai did not understand that was patronizing. They could discuss it later.

"I'm the one being repaid, hm?" Thomas said quietly as he flicked through a pattern book of socks.

He'd deemed them too boring for the orkhai to care about, even though there was rather a lot to consider here. He wanted something with a looser knit than would normally be given to humans to promote aeration and also so that the orkhai's claw-like toenails would find their place in the fabric without shredding them. Zilrud's feet, also, were bigger and broader than most humans', so the use of more structured weaves that gave human feet some support would just feel overly restrictive on him.

He put another pattern book on Zilrud's lap as the clerk came back with some mulled wine. This one contained cloaks, something Zilrud probably didn't need help picking out.

"I look forward to it," was all he said as he made mental notes on what would suit.
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Sat Mar 04, 2023 4:55 pm


Zilrud was a man of fewer words than many on most occasions. There were other times he spoke as someone would typically talk. Rarely did he overstep. The initial response to his words being silence showed him that he had violated something. Once the Orkhai had completed the gesture, Thomas spoke up, questioning the target of the repayment. Hearing the question, Zilrud lifted his gaze from Thomas and turned his head toward the people who had made it very apparent that they were not paying attention, and it only brought a broad smile to the Orkhai’s features. It was not often that he smiled because mostly when he did, people thought he was snarling, and Zilrud displayed his sharper teeth. It was not a display meant for them as much as he was smiling to himself. He understood now what had happened between Thomas’ reactions and the others, and he looked to the floor, his smile diminishing into an Orkish smirk.

Catching sight of feet from the shopkeep who had left to retrieve the mulled wine, he began speaking up to the point that the woman had rejoined them with the wine.

“Do not think it lost on me, Little One, if the danger to you for bringing me to someplace like this. I might not dress in frilly cloth, but I am not an idiot as most think.”

Was Zilrud endangering Thomas’ life? No, but there were other ways that could jeopardize someone’s clout, or social standing, especially to those they were married to as being seen with a Nameless, who did not respect the culture. Thankfully, the book landed on his lap, and he looked down at it to see it was full of cloaks. He knew cloaks well and did not need another’s point of view on it unless there was some design flaw. Before he flipped through it, though, he was offered a glass of mulled wine and took it.

Was warm, spiced wine the Orkhai’s ideal drink? Not typically, but Thomas had asked for it, for the pair of them, and he knew better than to refuse it outright. Zilrud also knew better than to down the whole thing in one swallow. Begrudgingly, he held it up to his lips and awkwardly sipped the drink. It looked nearly comical. A giant, a hulking beast of a man, a pattern book in his lap, almost frayed endings to his pants and top, was sitting in an outfitter’s shop, sipping mulled wine.

Finishing the sip, he tasted the fermented alcohol laced with spices and looked for a place to set the cup. A single brow rose as he turned his head one way, then the other moved to reach, but did not want to do anything that would draw attention. So instead, he settled the cup in the palm of an upturned hand and used his other hand to flip through the pattern book of cloaks. He did have a question, though, as his finger paused on a cloak edged in fur and looked up at the woman.

“...What is the toughest fabric you can make a cloak from? Something heavy for and protects from some things. But not too heavy if he had to wear it?”

The Orkhai gave a nod of his head towards Thomas as he spoke to the woman. Zilrud was not merely looking at the cloaks as a garment to accent an outfit. He was looking at it as a tool for many situations. He had asked the question for a specific reason and allowed his gaze to rest directly on the woman’s eyes, not blinking while awaiting an answer from her.

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Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:22 pm


Thomas had been about to direct the shop clerk to his recommendations for socks when Zilrud asked his question. She looked to him, but his eyes went to Zilrud as if to say "He asked a question; you'd best answer."

She gave it some consideration. "These pattern books are not so much intended for things such as this, Sir, but the sort of thing you're talking about is not unheard of. A cloak that was padded, say, in the style of a gambeson could provide some protection from blunt force trauma and slow weaker projectiles like thrown stones. It would not do much of anything against a gunshot or even a crossbow bolt, however, and something like a sword or an axe would be able to slash through it. It would also be heavy, and would impede mobility. In theory, one could line a cloak with all manner of things, including chain, but it would probably not be practical. It would be quite heavy, for one thing, and something heavy billowing out from the body could hold you back or slow your movements."

"As well, we would not be able to furnish something like that. This is an outfitter, Sir, not an armorer." She said the last bit without malice, though. Clearly, she'd found the question an interesting one. "The most we customarily line our cloaks with is a nice wax coating on the outside to discourage the constant rain and snow, or something extra warm on the inside, like fur or fleece, for those who worry about being caught out in the cold and may have to use their cloak as an emergency blanket in a blizzard or other dire situation."

Thomas nodded. That had been a surprisingly comprehensive answer to a question that would have flummoxed a less capable employee.

"Before we continue our cloak discussion, I believe I've found the socks that will work best," he supplied, and then showed her some entries from the pattern book. They discussed weaves and fabrics for a bit before settling on some selections and her attention turned back to Zilrud.
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Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:52 am


The answer the Orkhai received was disappointing but not entirely surprising. Zilrud had been hoping for a one-stop shop for the cloak, but he understood that certain vendors and shops had their limitations. Taking a deep breath, the Ork nodded and looked over to Thomas as he discussed the socks. Zilrud was happy to hear that he was considering the sheer size of the Orkhai’s feet and the occasional nick that would come from the Orkhai’s toenails.

Since arriving at the manor, he had thought of trying to file them down or trim them, which would most likely take some form of sheers. Mainly because it was rough on Thomas’ poor bedding and occasionally Thomas himself. Raising a thick brow, he lifted the mulled wine to his lips and took a sip from it, looking out of the corner of his eyes at the book he was talking to the girl about with the socks. Zilrud trusted Thomas with the matter of the socks and waited for the pair to finish discussing.


The Orkhai lifted the book and showed two cloaks. One had a hood, and one did not.

“Wool and some fur. Something that can help keep someone warm. And, what you said about the material to help it not get wet, too.”

Thomas was indeed correct, Zilrud would not need help with cloaks, and it was undeniable Zilrud was not thinking of himself in terms of keeping someone warm with the cloak's material. The Orkhai was thinking a few steps ahead regarding the cloak and glanced at the glass of mulled wine in his hand. The cup was warm, too small to warm his palm, but the temperature was enough for him to notice it.

Looking from the wine to Thomas, Zilrud was trying to think what else would be needed. That took care of tops, pants, socks, and cloaks, and Zilrud would not wear a hat, even if Thomas tried to force one on his head. So that left some measurements needed for other things, and the Orkhai blinked in silence before looking at the girl. He did not quite know what would be next, and rather than look through another book to try and look busy, he figured he would let the two who knew more about clothes figure it out than interject himself into that.

word count: 403
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