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Late Night Run In

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 2:21 am
by Linden
Late Night Run In
Age of Steel, 15th of Glade 120


Álfsós was busy as usual despite the waning of the plague and the last patient he was treating left the clinic he was sharing with another handful of doctors. They were gathered in the Capital by the Queen and told of the situation back during the Frost of 119 and they had to figure out how to combat it. Even Linden contracted it when he continued his duties of traveling around Atinaw to the different Clans to make sure they were taken care of. Some of the people lived away from town and they deserved the same treatment despite a few thinking this was a good time for a "cleansing" which resulted in some unsavory words.

With a sigh and a wave, he made his way to the Silver Lion Inn where he was staying currently while in Álfsós. Linden hoped to be heading home in the next seven days once some questions were answered. The main reason for his time in the Capital, besides dealing with the end of the Plague, was because of a woman named Silla. They met last Glade at an event, but when the Plague came in during the Frost it made things difficult even though he made time for her when he was in town. Since he has been here for the past five days and sent word to her, Linden has received no reply.

"Maybe she is busy," Linden told himself as he looked up to the full moon hanging in the sky. The moonlight shone brightly on the well worn path that led to the river outside of town a couple of hours or so. "Maybe I'm too busy..."

Along the path to the water were patches that interested Linden as he marked them earlier that in the week.. Walking over to a section of Purple Dead Nettle he knelt down to touch the fuzzy leaves. Taking out a rectangular, soft leather pouch tied by cord to reveal a white piece of cloth inside. With hand-held pruning shears, Linden used the moonlight to look at the bigger leaves for medicinal purposes and placed them on the cloth. Folding over each leaf so they didn’t damage each other. Satisfied and rolling up the soft leather pouch is when he began to top off some of the plant going only three rows down from the top of the purple flower. Setting them in a small box inside of his pack and closing the lid.

Standing and stretching, Linden sighed heavily and looked up the moon. Shaking his head back to the path and continuing his way to the river. “Perhaps the flowers and tea were too much?” Linden says to no one as he couldn’t help but wonder if Silla was angry about the gifts. “Or not enough? Should I have gone to her place and told her that I was here instead of sending a message? Inside his head he was following all the proper love tips gathered from friends and family. Granted, his relationships have never lasted long, but this time Linden was sure he wasn’t making the same mistakes…

Or am I?

Eventually Linden reached his destination with his head over-analyzing everything. Going to the large cropping of mugwort and even rubbed a leaf between his fingers to smell to confirm the sage-like mint scent. With them being new growth in the beginning of Glade, lacking the pinnate leaves and lobes that give them the feathery appearance. Thinking about Patrick and his family now and thought that they may enjoy this for brewing their beers. Taking a few stalks for himself of course for drying to make teas and salves. Wrapping them up in a cloth as well while shearing them close to the ground.

Linden was too engrossed with wrapping the Mugwort that he didn’t take in his surroundings. A small band of five were approaching with a large dog that were motioned to be silent when they saw movement by the river bank.

“Rather late to be out?” A woman said in Kokalath that had Linden turn around from his crouched position. “All alone?” She purrs as her tail swings from side to side.

“Umm… No… My friend just went to relieve himself is all while I am collecting plants,” Linden stared at the woman who was a lioness Rathari Beastalt. Her companions, three male humans with one dog, and another Rathari Beastalt that reminded him of Arif. Though this one wasn’t an owl Rathari, but a different bird of prey that he can’t really place. ”I think I should be going and the river bank is all yours.”

“Tut-tut-tut,” says one of the men as they raise their large hand. “This is a large space and I’m sure we can all share right? Maybe even share what you have in your pack?”

”They are just herbs that I have collected, nothing more.”

“Then there is nothing to worry about right?” He replies and begins to step forward while Linden remains planted where he was at. “Don’t look so scared just because it is dark and you are alone. My friends and I just want to get to know you and make sure you are not… Carrying anything is all.”

First thought in Linden’s mind was to run. Another said to not fight. Though his gut told him that either course of action was going to end the same.

Good doctor not taken down by the Plague but by bandits as they stupidly go out foraging in the middle of the night. Yes, fantastic, Linden thinks sarcastically and grips his small shears that were hiding under the bundle of Mugwort in his arms.

Re: Late Night Run In

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 9:48 am
by Talon

Talon was gripping the hilt of his sword so tightly that his fingers were going numb. His nerves were completely frayed and he was a bundle of raw unease. Back and forth he kept pacing, the feathers of his wings ruffling and then settling as his mind raced through every possibility in front of him. Aoren had been missing for nearly two days and it was making him sick to his stomach. It had been two days since he’d left Aoren in the common room of the Silver Lion Inn. It had been two days since some of the patrons had said he had last been seen escorting two rougher men out of the inn after they got far too violent. Aoren had never returned and Talon had known of the distress almost immediately. Across the light bond that the two of them shared, he’d been pulled from the relative peace and serenity of the bedroom and thrown into a state of fight or flight. Talon had rushed down from the room, flung himself outside and immediately searched for his companion. The only thing he’d found was one of the dark feathers from Aoren’s wings. It had sent a chill so strong through him that he’d frozen in dread.

He’d kept up the search since that night. He’d kept up the search the following night. Talon had been advised to get some rest and while he’d managed to get snatches of sleep, the worry was eating at him. He paused in his pacing. His grey eyes came to rest on the empty armor of his companion. Aoren’s sword was resting peacefully by the bed. His belongings were undisturbed. Whoever had abducted his companion wasn’t interested in a ransom. They weren’t interested in mere coin or objects, they had taken his friend because they had wanted the man not his belongings. That meant only a few things and Talon had far too many questions spinning in his head to think clearly.

I need some air.” Talon spoke aloud. Partly to steady himself and partly to break the maddening silence that felt like walls closing in all around him. He dressed himself carefully, donning his armor just in-case he ran into any trouble while he was out. Part of Talon wanted the trouble. The ability to unleash the cold fury that was brewing inside of him would at least allow him to do something. It was better than just pacing back and forth like a caged animal. He exited the room, locking the door behind him and then quickly departed the inn. As soon as he was outside, Talon extended his wings and took flight into the air with a single leap. He ascended into the air and gave himself to the winds.

It was a cool night in the Glade season. The touch of winter was still lightly in the air and that brought Talon comfort. Avialae were naturally drawn to the cold of Frost. He knew that this was because of his people’s origins but in that moment he didn’t care. He flew, following the gentle urgings of the winds, listening to his instincts as they allowed him to soar with relative ease. He had no particular destination in mind but eventually the winds brought him to a wilder place. The banks of a river with trees that reminded him of home. Talon landed once he spotted a place that he could without difficulty. The light of the moon helped to guide him as he found his footing. He knelt down next to the water of the river, dipping a hand into the cool stream he collected a bit and splashed it onto his face. It was as he was rising to his feet that he felt a whisper of something. It immediately put him on alert.

Talon took several steps back until he was hidden by a grouping of trees. As soon as he was hidden, he jumped up, spread his wings just enough and glided up until he landed on a thicker arm of a nearby tree. He hunched down, hoping the leaves and darkness would be enough to give him cover.

A man was making his way toward the riverbank. Talon’s eyes were sharp but from the distance he was at, he couldn’t really tell what the man was doing. It was only when he crouched down and started gathering herbs that Talon relaxed somewhat. He watched the man carefully for a short while before the Avialae decided it was safe to descend and be on his way. Just as he was coming to that conclusion however, another group came out into the open. From their motions and the hand signals they used, Talon could tell even at a distance that they did not mean well. Reaching into himself, the Novalys heir stirred his aether into motion. He brought it to the forefront of his awareness allowing it to open his eyes and senses to things beyond the mundane. He focused on the individuals approaching the man gathering herbs.

With how careful they appeared to be moving, it gave Talon enough time to pull their auras into focus while blocking out all others. The first sense that Talon received from that collection of auras was a sense of predatory awareness. They were moving in coordination. The slippery sensation of ill-intent suffused Talon’s aethereal senses. That told him everything he needed to know. Talon dismissed his Semblance. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for his senses to return to normal before opening his eyes again. When he opened his eyes, the man who had been gathering herbs was facing the group. His posture was stiff. One of the group was approaching him. Talon took that as his cue.

Talon angled himself on the arm of that tree. He reached into the aether flux and redirected its flow so that a small bubble formed around his whole body. He compressed that bubble so that it conformed to the shape of his body to protect him. Talon then launched himself from the arm of the tree. He released the kinetic coating from around himself as soon as he was through the branches in his way. Using his kinetics, he propelled himself more rapidly through the air by sliding his grip through the aether flux and pulling himself along. Tucking his wings in close so that he dove more swiftly, Talon rapidly soared through the air. He angled his body so that he would land solidly on his feet. In a matter of moments, his boots landed squarely on the ground and without hesitation, Talon drew his sword as he rose squarely to his full height. He was facing the man who had been approaching the one gathering herbs. He leveled the tip of his sword at the would-be assailant.

You should be on your way.” Talon’s voice was cold as he glared at the group. His heart was beating faster. His adrenaline was pumping through his system. Part of him, a very strong part, didn’t want them to go. That part of him wanted the confrontation. It would give him an outlet to vent his fury at his inability to find his missing companion.

Re: Late Night Run In

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:08 pm
by Linden
Late Night Run In
Age of Steel, 15th of Glade 120


Linden was going to attempt to scare this man away when a rush of air came from nowhere. The scent of the Mugwort tickled his nose when a figure's back was now before Linden. This man was huge regardless of the wings as he spoke a warning to the questionable people.

An Avialae.

The air around them felt heavy by the imposing presence. The voice, despite sounding cold, seemed like it was holding back another emotion. Linden still breathed a sigh of relief as he took a step back. The way the moonlight was striking them had them appear like a solid black figure that no one should be messing with.

"Yeah?" The man grins while lifting both hands up and taking a few steps back himself from the tip of the blade. "No need for trouble. Just trying to check in on our friend there so no need to be all hostile."

The two Rathari's watched as the lioness purred happily as her tongue ran along the incisors and canines. In Vithmi, she whispered to the others as one man touched the large dogs head and two men walked forward with hands up. The three of them formed parallel line with one seemed to try and look around the Avialae.

"Hey! Want to tell him to calm down? That we mean you no harm? We are friends after all right?"

Quickly, Linden's mind looked around. The area was open so there really was no way they could flank this man, but he knew that a Rathari Beastalt wasn't something you trifled with either. The large dog seemed to be trained, but even they can be unpredictable depending on how it was trained. Would this man be able to handle them or get injured because it was five against one?

"I... We..." Linden stammered a little and just stuffed the Mugwort into his bag and kept his shears out. "We can settle this peacefully by all of us just going our separate ways?"

"I think this night is lovely for a little moonbathing don't you agree?" The Lioness purred again. "So strange to see your kind around these parts and maybe, if you come with us willingly, that man will be unharmed? After all, your kind fetch a pretty price and I would hate to accidentally ruffle anymore feathers than I need to."

The three men separated as as they drew daggers and blow-darts at the sound of a whistle with the large dog taking off like a shot. Not going straight to the large Avialae, but going around. The sharp-beaked aerian rushing forth as all three men blew their darts as they believed that any angle he was going to block, one of them will get him, especially with one rushing and the Lioness was nowhere to be seen.

Re: Late Night Run In

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:17 pm
by Ruin

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=4162#p4162

XP: 8

Magic Experience: Semblance and kinetics for Talon if he wishes.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Botany: Purple Dead Nettle: Medicinal leaves
Botany: Mugwort: Beer recipe
Botany: Mugwort: Tea recipe
Botany: Mugwort: Salve recipe
Survival: Foraging by scent
Survival: Foraging by moonlight
Survival: Fight or Flight: Keeping wits
Navigating: Familiar path by moonlight

Loot: Some purple dead nettle and mugwort for Linden.

Damn, that was shaping up to be an epic fight! Shame it ended so soon. Linden's sure lucky Talon came along, or he'd be lion/dog food.

Talon: If you'd like to request rewards, please let me know in DM on site and I'll edit them into this post.

Build to last,