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Re: A Touch of Desperation

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:50 pm
by Rhea

⌘ A Touch of Desperation ⌘

50th of Searing, Year 120, A.o.S

⌘ She was releived when the city guards showed up, the onset of pain as her adrenaline faded and reality was setting in. She watched as the guards rounded up the robbers, and Analine came to look over Rhea and her wounds, tending to her friend as best she could. The twoman was no doctor that was for certain but she knew a little first aid to know to wrap bandages and stave bleeding, minor things.

Looking over to the two civilians, her heart was aflutter as they were indeed safe, save for some scrapes and bruises themselves. She had to admire their bravery too, not many would have done what they did in this kind of scenario, but they did well, and she was happy to have been able to ensure they lived to see another dawn, as it was fastly approaching as the colors of the sky hinting the change.

"I knew when you never showed at our usual meet up spot something had to be wrong, happen to find some city guards along the way and asked they join me in the apprehension of whatever or whoever was stalling you Rhea." she noted, taking a pale of water and rag that was given to her by one of the city guards, using it to wipe the blood from her face and arms.

To be rather honest she never noticed she was bleeding up till now. With a smile, she leaned onto Analine, content that she saved some lives tonight. The shop owner as well as the young woman from earlier both came to thank her for her efforts. When she was called a savior her face was flush with surprise.

"I'm no savior, I was just in the right place at the right time is all. I don't think a report is needed, it was pretty straight forward what happened, though I suppose they will have questions for you later." she noted, only to flail her hands no when he offered her a piece of art within his shop. "Honestly I couldnt possibly do that. You being able to live another day to paint is reward enough for me. I appreciate the gesture but I will have to politely decline. I'm just glad I could help." She said looking at them both. One of the guards came over letting them know everything was being taken care of and they could return home, to which Rhea nodded and waved goodbye to them both. ⌘
"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: A Touch of Desperation

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:20 am
by Arkash

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3403#p3403

XP: 8 Each

Magic Experience: One point may be used for Reaving (Rhea)

Injuries/Ailments: A big ol' bruise for Althalos.

Awarded Lores:
Running; Focusing on breathing
Running; Letting the legs do the work
Running; Running for too long burns the lungs
Running; Feeling the beat of your feet
Running; Shoulders level and relaxed
Chakram; Tossing a disc from the heart to the apex
Chakram; Using an improvised weapon

Blades{Longsword}: Slashing across the Face
Blades{Longsword}: Cutting through wooden clubs
Reaving: Calling forth your pact weapon in time
Acrobatics: Sliding across the floor
Unarmed Combat: Kick to the groin
Unarmed Combat: Tussling with an enemy
Investigation: Looking into a loud noise
Shields: Shield Bash

Intimidation - Be Direct | Unarmed - Desperation Powering your Blows | Unarmed - Scratching at Eyes | Unarmed - Tackling Someone | Business - Lock Up When Finished | Negotiation - Thanking Someone with Gifts | Painting - Your Hands Won't Cramp | Business - Lose Money, Not Your Life

Loot: Nothing.

Well, that was interesting. I didn't expect Althalos to grow a backbone and rush into battle, for sure! I've gotta say I love Althalos; he's so reserved and awkward in every situation without fail. I love that Saej has pink Leather running shoes, too. I'm not sure why that detail stuck with me, but I felt the need to mention it. As for Rhea, you were kick-ass ass always. Enjoy the rewards.