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Seasonal Registration - Searing, Year 120 Age of Steel

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 pm
by Chronicle
Character Registration for Year 120, Searing

Players who intend to write within Atinaw during the Searing of Year 120 should post their registration here as soon as possible, even if they don't intend to stay the full duration of the season. Please stand by for the completion of the Seasonal Calendar. Use the registration format found below.

Code: Select all

[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #000000; border-right: double 6px #000000; border-bottom: double 6px #000000; border-left: double 6px #000000; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #ece8e8; background-image: url(]
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[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race, Age, and Gender:[/b] Character's race, age, and gender.
[b]Citizenship:[/b] If you belong to a kinship, you are a citizen. Otherwise, you must be a knight, druid, or royalty to hold the status of citizen, regardless of being born in Atinaw or not. Citizens should mention what Kinship they're a member of and when it was created (before or after player creation). If you aren't a citizen, please mention if you have a Temporary Visitation Pass. 
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What kinds of threads do you enjoy writing about? What do you not enjoy writing about?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] Why come to Atinaw?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you remain in Atinaw?
[b]Random Mod Intervention:[/b] How do you feel about mods 'randomly' bombing your threads or plots. Yes, no, ask first. (Answering no will not stop mod intervention if you're found to be breaking the rules or abusing the rules and outlines of the story and setting.)


Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing 120th Age of Steel

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:16 pm
by Kotoru

Name: Kotoru Hattori
Race, Age, and Gender: Human, 25, male
Citizenship:Looking to become a Citizen, to join a kinship or knighthood
Likes and Dislikes: Combat & Magic are Koto's bread and butter, but social interactions are fun for him as well. As long as its not mundane Koto will be engaged
Reason for Visiting: Better himself as a warrior, learn who he is as a man, gain new magics and become journeyman in the ones he currently has.
Goal for the Season: To get in good with one of the 8 clans. Lay the groundwork for his "Cleaner" ring
Duration of Stay: Foreseeable Future
Random Mod Intervention: How do you feel about mods 'randomly' bombing your threads or plots. Yes, no, ask first. (Answering no will not stop mod intervention if you're found to be breaking the rules or abusing the rules and outlines of the story and setting.)
- not opposed to it, though if its a dramatic change ask first? :?

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing 120th Age of Steel

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:43 pm
by Saej Mirilla

Name: Saej Mirilla
Race, Age, and Gender: Human, 26, Female
Citizenship: Temporary Visitation Pass
Likes and Dislikes: Nothing comes to mind really for dislikes. Likes, I enjoy talking out a thread's bare bones before we write together. For example "My character will be showing yours around the city, we'll head to the (such and such) area to talk about our past and play cards" is good enough for me! I truly /prefer/ threads that have a plot to them, such as we stop a robbery and then in a second thread have to face them again because the robber held a grudge. Things that have sequels etc. :oops: The more drawn out the better.
Reason for Visiting: Honestly because Kalzasi has very few players right now. I will find my niche here as well for now before hopefully continuing on. I won't be playing here until the travel times are up for view as I need to move Saej around to get here.
Goal for the Season: OOC; get my business, NPC, and loan approved. IC; map out some travel and get into trouble
Duration of Stay: Not sure, possibly all season long but Saej is build to move often.
Random Mod Intervention: Yes, I would enjoy anything you can throw at me!

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing 120th Age of Steel

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:14 pm
by Patrick

Name: Patrick Barnell
Race, Age, and Gender: Human, 31, Male
Citizenship: Citizen, born into the Barnell Kinship
Likes and Dislikes: I'm a greedy baby, gimme all de threads
Reason for Visiting: Uh, I live here? Duh.
Goal for the Season: Improve skills and make mayhem
Duration of Stay: Foreseeable Future
Random Mod Intervention: Hit me baby one moar time

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing 120th Age of Steel

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:52 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Name: Taelian Ela'Rannoch
Race, Age, and Gender: Siltori, 24, Male
Citizenship: Not a citizen; employed by the Finla of Loregard
Likes and Dislikes: Many things
Reason for Visiting: Life and the pursuit of ambition
Goal for the Season: Take all of your plots
Duration of Stay: Foreseeable future
Random Mod Intervention: Yes

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing, Year 120 Age of Steel

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:56 am
by Leliana

Name: Leliana Ela'Morian
Race, Age, and Gender: 1/2 Siltori 1/2 Human, 25, Female
Citizenship: Temporary Visitation Pass (Pending)
Likes and Dislikes: Anything! I love action and romance, and with this character I'm diving more into politics and magic. I'm always happy to do social threads too, but I usually like to spice them up.
Reason for Visiting: She's hoping to find her father or leads on how find him.
Goal for the Season: Get into a lot of trouble, build skills, learn the area, and pave the way to Knighthood.
Duration of Stay: Indefinitely, barring some adventures that could temporarily take her elsewhere.
Random Mod Intervention: Rock my world!

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing, Year 120 Age of Steel

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:11 pm
by Alyssum Crow

Name: Alyssum Crow
Race, Age, and Gender: Rathari, 60, Female
Citizenship: Member of the Crow Kinship
Likes and Dislikes: I'm down for just about any threads, really.
Reason for Visiting: Just decided to swing by.
Goal for the Season: I'm hoping to make friends with more PCs
Duration of Stay: Undecided.
Random Mod Intervention: Bring it.

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing, Year 120 Age of Steel

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:01 pm
by Ammy

Name: Ammy
Race, Age, and Gender: Gemling, 2, and undecided (or agender).
Citizenship: Born on a farm in Atinaw but not a citizen technically and doesn't have a pass. Probably no one even realizes they exist? :lol:
Likes and Dislikes: Pretty much everything, I've yet to find something "boring" or that I "dislike" and I don't personally have any hard limits when writing.
Reason for Visiting: Born here
Goal for the Season: OOC: Get a grip on Gemlings character/IC: Find a Big Friend, find a place to store their collection
Duration of Stay: Probably indefinitely?
Random Mod Intervention: Have at it!

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing, Year 120 Age of Steel

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:05 pm
by Althalos

Name: Althalos Sil
Race, Age, and Gender: Animated Awakened Siltori, Biologically 25, Male.
Citizenship: Temp Visit Pass
Likes and Dislikes: I enjoy action, adventure, combat, socializing, plot. I don't particularly like threads where literally nothing at all is happening, but then, no one else does either. Meeting people is fine, as long as we're doing something and there's a clear line where things will end.
I don't like smut. Don't proposition me for your smut fantasies ya fetishists. Thanks. :(
Reason for Visiting: Proximity to Awakening
Goal for the Season: Hoping to get my foundations, maybe find a job, maybe find out what I'm doing here. Really less solid goals than one might thing.
Duration of Stay: At least this season, probably next.
Random Mod Intervention: Hit me like it's Blackjack and I've just drawn an Ace.

Re: Seasonal Registration - Searing, Year 120 Age of Steel

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:27 pm
by Magna

Name: Magna
Race, Age, and Gender: Halfbreed, 18, Female
Citizenship: None! I plan to acquire a pass or something IRP!
Likes and Dislikes: Pretty much anything.
Reason for Visiting: Seems like a cool place.
Goal for the Season: Make some friends IRP.
Duration of Stay: Until the day I die.
Random Mod Intervention: Please!