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The Duchies and Locations

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 5:58 pm
by Tyranny


1. Nivenhain
—Key Locations
2. Breven
—Key Locations
3. West End
—Key Locations
4. Brandt
—Key Locations
5. East End
—Key Locations

Travel Times

Due to the Viaduct and its associated railway, travel times between the cities of Lorien are very quick. Even despite the civil war, the railway can be used by all citizens to travel between realms. Times are listed below, and are based on stops. So, for example, if one wishes to know how long it might take to go from Rainier to Gothenburg, it is best to look at the previous stop (Lienburg) and then view the travel times between Lienburg and Gothenburg.

Nivenhain to Westfalen: <1 Day
Nivenhain to Rainier: <1 Day
Nivenhain to Essen: 2 Days (Rainier, Amhern, Ferry)

Rainier to Astoria: <1 Day
Rainier to Amhern: <1 Day
Rainier to Lienburg: 1 Day

Westfalen to Drakenraid: <1 Day
Westfalen to Stroudsburg: <1 Day
Westfalen to Skaven: 1 Day

Lienburg to Gothenburg: <1 Day
Lienburg to Rostock: 1 Day

Essen to Branderbren: <1 Day
Essen to Verden: <1 Day

Re: The Duchies of Lorien

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:40 pm
by Tyranny



Nivenhain is the capital Duchy of Lorien, the location of the world's largest city and the core of much of the Kingdom's ancient and contemporary history. As a center of technological growth and the home to some of the world's great wonders, Nivenhain is lauded both internally and internationally as a bulwark of knowledge and as evidence of human innovation, despite persistent obstacles and even after the calamity of the Bleeding.

Most of the Duchy of Nivenhain is highly urbanized. While the capital's population sits at slightly over three million, only those living in Nivenhain-1, Nivenhain-2 and Nivenhain-3 are accounted for in this census. Millions more sit on the outer edges of the city, considered to be residents of separate counties, though one visiting Nivenhain from afar would only see the Duchy as a mass of industrial areas all orbiting Nivenhain's core.

Nivenhain-1 is the core of Lorien's political elite; the center of the Omen's power and the heart of Revenlow authority. It is an architectural marvel, with a condensed mass of ornamented buildings and spires, many of them rivaling castles in their decorum and size. A dense number of Celebrant reside in Nivenhain-1, acting as a hub of the upper strata where an enormous amount of wealth resides. For this reason, the city-center is often seen as a place of exuberant decadence and hedonism, with the most luxurious places of fashion and food available so long as one can afford them. The district is known to be built very high above the city ground, almost above it, connected by ascending towers and bridges that act as a foundation for more and more monumental buildings as one draws closer to the core.

Nivenhain-2 lies at what is essentially the foot of Nivenhain-1, sprawled within the gaps of the spires, castles and towers connected by bridges as well as wrapping around the edges of the former district. Due to the urban density of the city, however, one would scarcely note the separation between the two as it appears Nivenhain-2's buildings at their height meet the entrances to the establishments of Nivenhain-1. This district, still highly gentrified, is a place for Argent Knights and Chevaliers, Lesser Nobility and the most successful of Lustrian and Savant moguls. While Nivenhain-1 is largely reserved as a place for the absolute elite of society to congregate, study and enact their duties, Nivenhain-2 serves as a center for business, medicine, finance, and other industries that make up the core of the city's economy.

Still a part of Inner Nivenhain, District 3 is far from a center for the disenfranchised. Instead, it acts as the most highly populated district of Nivenhain with a mass of residential buildings and smaller estates for mostly Argent, as well as the Lustrian and Savant businessmen, lawyers and doctors that run their businesses in District 2. The district holds the vast majority of businesses in Inner Nivenhain, serving virtually any need from opium dens to bordellos to halls for smithing and engineering. The district has a very high number of young Argent residing within it, as many live in Nivenhain-3 while in training to serve the Chevaliers, join the Knighthood or engage with any other militant organization. For this reason it is known for its rambunctious, youthful and often sexually charged atmosphere and is considered the premier place in all of Lorien to have an enjoyable and hopefully forgotten night.

—Outer Nivenhain—
Outer Nivenhain, while not an incorporated part of Nivenhain proper, boasts a larger population than any district of Nivenhain and encompasses a vast amount of the Duchy's urban landmass. Outer Nivenhain is the common man's Nivenhain, though it is not even technically a part of the city -- it is where most Lustrians and Savants reside, with typical middle and low-end residential areas and businesses lining the tightly packed street corridors of the outer city. It is known for its many Hollows that visibly patrol the roads alongside Chevaliers, who work to ensure the urban area is free of crime, invasive residents of Lower Nivenhain and anti-Celebrant sentiments.

—Lower Nivenhain—
The picture of Nivenhain's gradual, outer urban decay and a source and result of systemic xenophobia on the part of the Rien people, Lower Nivenhain is undeniably a slum, packed with drug abusers, gangs, violent ideologues and the criminally insane. And between all of those repugnant groups, migrants - largely from Veranor - seeking a better life than the one offered to them elsewhere. As Nivenhain follows a system of class, and really caste, foreigners who do not possess a caste are certainly the bottom rung of society and possess very little ability to pursue opportunity or take advantage of the systems already in place. Hollows cannot even be leased by foreigners, the government does not distribute Hollow-produced goods to foreigners, and so they are forced to work often alongside Hollows who labor in factories not built for living workers. Despite being a slum, Lower Nivenhain is also - like Outer Nivenhain - both highly populous and a home to many Hollows, who tend to do much of their work away from the eye of society's middle and upper class.

—County of Inner Nivenhain—
As the name displays, the Count of Inner Nivenhain rules Nivenhain's interior city districts, or Nivenhain proper; Nivenhain-1, 2 and 3.

—County of Outer Nivenhain—
The Count of Outer Nivenhain rules Nivenhain's extended urban sectors, not incorporated into the city's municipal district.

—County of Lower Nivenhain—
The County of Lower Nivenhain encompasses the unincorporated districts of Nivenhain's south-end, running down the length of the Duchy towards Lorien's southern border.

—County of Bremen—
The County of Bremen essentially occupies the Duchy of Nivenhain's eastern coast, with the realm's largest harbor and the eastern half of the Great Viaduct crossing through here. Bremen is known for its festivals year-round and its population of fishermen, with many of its festivals focused around boating, the ocean, and competitions for the acquisition of large, rare or unique fish.

—County of Vandalburg—
Vandalburg is Nivenhain's westernmost County, located on its western coast. The least urban of Nivenhain's lands with the lowest density, Vandalburg is largely natural, covered in woods and small townships worked for resources. Closer inland there are large sections dedicated to farming in order to support Nivenhain's populace, making Vandalburg essential in times of embargo.

The Great Viaduct of Lorien

Key Locations
—The Great Viaduct of Lorien—
The Great Viaduct is actually two - a set of twin, enormous bridges that run many miles from the coasts surrounding Nivenhain to the plains of the West and East End, continuing as a rail that runs to Westfalen through Drakenraid on one side, and through Rainier and a collective of smaller cities that follow on the other. The entire Viaduct doubles as a railroad and for its monstrous nature, sheer engineering mastery and its utility to the Kingdom, the Great Viaduct is often considered to be the true pride of Lorien above any castle, cathedral or spire. It is labeled a wonder of the world and unlike many old monuments it is constantly worked on, a benefit of the millions of Hollows that operate the realm's infrastructure. In total, the Viaduct including the full length of the rail running west and east is over a thousand miles long.

—The Chantry Overlook—
The Chantry Overlook, or simply the Chantry, is the place of operations for both the Archlector of Nivenhain and the Order. Structurally it is a massive cathedral, culminating in a monumental spire where the Archlector resides. At the top of this spire is a flat landing area where the Kindred can sometimes be seen touching down, in order to transport the Archlector or communicate their presence to the city. This spire is the tallest structure in Lorien with its height from the base of the Chantry to the landing area nearly making nine hundred feet.

—The Obsidian Redoubt—
One of the largest military fortresses on Atharen, the Obsidian Redoubt is the headquarters of the Argent Knighthood and the place of command for the Dread-Arbiter and his closest Apostles. Essentially acting as a garrison for the city of Nivenhain, the Redoubt will hold nearly a quarter of all Knights at any given time and acts as a place of training for many Errants. The Redoubt also has a massive underground area that houses several hundred thousand Hollows, as a reserve force for if the city is invaded.

—Castle Wight—
Castle Wight is the palace of House Revenlow, situated at the core of Nivenhain-1 and overlooking much of the city. Castle Wight stands as yet another wonder of the world, housing many thousands of Celebrant who ensure the smooth running of the Kingdom in all aspects, in what culminates to a few million square feet of space. The Castle was built by House Reizend to be ultimately defensible, standing at an elevated position within the city's core and located nearly adjacent to the Obsidian Redoubt. The Castle has a constant watch of both Knights and Hollows, and disallows any save for the invited.

Re: The Duchies of Lorien

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:52 pm
by Tyranny

The Residences of Rainier


Breven is, similar to Nivenhain, a fairly small yet highly urbanized Duchy. The original home of House Revenlow, it is a Duchy that has seen a great deal of war and upheaval, one that acted as the theater for many of the battles between Reizend and Revenlow in the Fifth Age. Since the ascension of Revenlow into power, Breven has remained a steady and integral part of the Kingdom's core and has acted as a source of materials and necessary resources for Nivenhain, fueling the economic center of the Kingdom.

The Duchy has long been seen as a stronghold of Rien cultural identity and values, with many of the Kingdom's movements for law, order, accountability and civil liberties initially occurring in the streets of Rainier, the Kingdom's second largest city. Breven is also known to have the greatest wealth equality of all Duchies, a clean and relatively low-crime realm that has acted as a model for other administrative bureaucracies throughout the Kingdom and its frontier.

—County of Rainier—
The capital of the Duchy of Breven, Rainier holds the city of the same name, the second most populous city in Lorien. It is the most populated and wealthy sector of the Duchy, with much of the trade and production channeled through Rainier's highly urban metropolitan center.

—County of Astoria—
Astoria holds the city of the same name, the second largest in Breven and the heart of House Florent. It is the seat of Cailan and Catherine, the leaders of House Florent and holders of Astoria's title. Astoria is often called the 'valley of flowers' for its adjacency to the Graaf Mountain Range that has lead to most of its settlements being situated in colorful valleys adorned with millions of flowers. Astoria is the wealthiest County in Lorien per the average citizen, the residents of the city and its surrounding towns living in conditions almost unheard of on Atharen.

—County of Trebaden—
Trebaden, neighboring Astoria, is similarly a County filled with colorful valleys - the most famous of them literally giving the County its name. Trebaden is the least populous of Breven's sectors, lain with mountains and fields; hiking and climbing spots, thermal lakes and agricultural centers most often occupied by Hollows and small settlements watching over them. It is, however, a common destination for tourists and many of the wealthier citizens of Nivenhain own lodges in the valleys that they visit during the season of Searing with their families, despite the almost nonexistent difference in temperature.

—County of Ravensburg—
Ravensburg is a small but densely populated county on the north end of Breven, often incorrectly referred to as a city-state due to its previous status as such long ago. The city is unfortunately known for little in particular, though it has contributed a great deal to Lorien's medical innovations and technology, and is a place fairly dominated by a Savant-derived, business culture.

—County of Karstein—
Karstein is a flat realm situated between the coast of Breven and the lands pressed against the Graaf Mountains. It is the agricultural heart of Breven, producing a net excess of foods for the Duchy, with such excess often kept in large stores or shipped to Nivenhain. Though it is a very wealthy land as a result of this, Karstein is largely uninhabited by humans and is referred to as 'cold' and 'ominous' for its sheer, whistling winds and abundance of Hollows.

—County of Brent—
Brent comprises of a series of small cities low to the water and pressed against the edges of Lorien's coast. It is the second most populous of Breven's counties due to its great density, and acts as a hub of entertainment for the Duchy. All of Brent's coastal cities appear to have unique theaters and old traditions; there is always a carnival ongoing in at least one of them and there are frequent artistic events as well as operas and dances in the city's streets or more lavish centers. Brent is a young County with youthful energy, though for this reason many of its more veteran residents eventually move out to Rainier or Astoria. Brent's central and most populous city is Amhern, a place frequently visited by Prince Franz.

Osnabruck Valley

Key Locations
—Osnabruck Valley—
Osnabruck Valley, located in Trebaden, is a famed place of beauty within Lorien, known for its color as well as its surprisingly warm lakes, mountain lodges, hiking trails and state-sponsored cave exploration adventures. It is frequently visited by the wealthy and their families, and though the actual population of the valley is low, the transient visitor population as well as the owners from other Counties have resulted in much of the forest being filled with comely log cabins in circles and rows that look almost fairy tale-like. The Valley is frequently referenced as a place most Rien wish to go to, though as a result of its desirability, inns, lodge stays and cabin ownership are rather expensive in the area.

—Amhern Chorus—
The Amhern Chorus, or the Chorus, is the largest and best renowned of Lorien's opera houses, situated at the very core of the city of Amhern. It is known across the world as a place of great music and theatrical performances, with many musical plays being performed upon its stage. Despite its regal appearance there are operas every fortnight that are freely available to the public, so long as they reserve their seating in advance. This can be very difficult, however, as there is never a shortage of of visitors seeking to be a member of the Chorus' audience.

Re: The Duchies of Lorien

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 7:13 pm
by Tyranny

A Neighborhood of Westfalen

West End

The West End unsurprisingly encompasses the western section of Lorien, and is the largest and most populous of Lorien's Duchies. As most scholars agree that the people of Lorien initially came from the people of northwestern Mornoth, escaping subjugation beneath the Kingdom of Silor, it is commonly believed that the West End was the first inhabited section of the realm, the areas around Skaven holding Lorien's oldest settlements. For this reason it is a land of great history, filled with museums and archaeological sites meant to help rediscover an identity of old.

Most of the West End's population is scattered through many smaller cities along its eastern coast and southern border, and due to its flat terrain and proximity to tribal concentrations it is constantly the target of raids from the south. Coupled with the frequency of battles fought on the West End's grounds, and many would call it a realm enveloped by the thrumming fear of war.

—County of Westfalen—
Westfalen seats the city of the same name, serving as one of the primary bases of power for House Alderset. As a coastal realm to the Kingdom's south, Westfalen has a comparably warm and beautiful climate to most of the Kingdom's lands and for this reason it is favored among the wealthy. The County holds a massive, undisturbed woodland area renowned for its evergreens and bountiful wildlife, and remains surprisingly undeveloped outside of its capital - intentionally so. Despite this fact, Westfalen is one of the wealthiest regions in Lorien and has even begun to compete with Nivenhain in trade and luxuries.

—County of Bayern—
Bayern holds the city of Drakenraid, Lorien's third largest city and the home of many medieval technologies. Bayern is an old County and Drakenraid an old city, once the largest city in Lorien before the massive growth of Nivenhain. For this reason it is often regarded as being dirty and poorly built, with high density residences, less-than-sanitary living conditions and poor road infrastructure. Despite this, Drakenraid is a hub for production and a city dominated by Lustrians. It is also the largest center for Hollow production in all of the Kingdom.

—County of Ludren—
Ludren is a quickly growing domain due to its distance from the war as well as its climate. It is the home to Skaven, the West End's third largest city, and Lorien's only major city to sit outside of the Kingdom's perpetual veil of frost. Unlike other settlements in Lorien it does not only have one season, but all four and it sees a truly warm summer and a moderate spring and fall. Originally, Skaven was built high in the mountains to the west as a fortress to fend off against incursions from southern raiders as well as vagrants from the Free Cities. Those stationed there, however, never wished to leave and began to bring their families into the mountainous city where generations have since taken root. Skaven is the most autonomous city in Lorien, and Ludren as a whole has made attempts in the past to become an independent Duchy. After being promised ducal status upon the ascension of House Alderset, the people of Ludren have since served as a great fighting force for the West End.

—County of Trioth—
Trioth is often spoken of as a land of crime and misfortune, where powerful gangs run the streets of Stroudsburg, their ilk commanding the roads of the countryside. While this was once the case, the old and once crime-infested realm has since had its old order toppled by the ducal family. It has seen its economy grow rapidly since then, Stroudsburg becoming a major city in the West End, though Trioth still suffers from identity and the politics from the old criminal order still carry some level of weight upon the realm. For this reason, it is a land still encompassed by above average poverty, poor educational structures and a crime rate that has dropped but not vanished. It has been a focus for Duke Matthias, who believes the region may one day serve as the West End's most industrious center.

—County of Kastran—
Kastran encompasses a vast territory to the northwest of the Duchy. It has some of the largest lorianum mines in Lorien, though its settlements are largely divided into small coastal fishing hubs, garrisoned by Hollows as well as Argent Knights, ensuring the Kingdom's western coast is safe from pirates and other scourge. Kastran is almost entirely covered in dense woodlands, and the few settlements it does have tend to be a collection of forest homes and cabins strewn throughout the forest grounds, often within walking distance of the coast. It does wield a medium-sized city within a valley known as Retzen, surrounded by forestry as well as lorianum-rich peaks. Retzen is one of the natural resource capitals of Lorien, and it is a wildly rich city as a result, with an elite population in the city's interior district, and a vast number of merchant companies and Knights-in-training on the exterior. Kastran is known to have a surplus population of Knights, with an Argent-rich populace and a strong military tradition.

Castle Greymire

Key Locations
—Castle Greymire—
Castle Greymire is the seat of House Alderset, as well as the home of the West End's Chevaliers, the elite guard of Lorien. As one of the oldest but most impressive castles in the Kingdom, Greymire overlooks Westfalen as a bulwark of law, leadership and order, acting somewhat like Nivenhain-1 as a small citadel for the elite of society. Many lesser nobles reside in Greymire and attend Matthias' court, and the presence of the Chevaliers - who act both as guards and loyal Alderset informants - has made Greymire a safe haven for ideas traditionally uncouth among Nobility, such as those that call for the reform of the Omen.

—The Midden Heap—
The Midden Heap consists of a series of tunnels, roads and underground infrastructural areas situated beneath the city of Westfalen. A major contrast to the wealthy city above, the Midden serves as the headquarters of the Vicar (one of the Omen's monastic orders) and as a place of residence for tens of thousands of Westfalen's impoverished, ill, mentally unwell and criminal gangs. Built originally by Westfalen's previously large population of Dwarves as a home, it was emptied after a genocidal culling of said Dwarves due to evidence that they were stealing underground lorianum reserves and creating Hollows. Despite numerous attempts to seal off the Heap and prevent further settlement, the Omen of Westfalen have acted to keep it open as a base of operations, maintaining a close eye on House Alderset from below.

Re: The Duchies of Lorien

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 7:17 pm
by Tyranny

Essen's West Borough


Brandt is an island Duchy, largely isolated from the rest of the Kingdom. It is famed for its quaint coastal villages, bright red oak trees and its many mystical ruins, with a long history of magic that has been suppressed for a long time only to lately be proudly accepted by many. The Duchy is largely removed from much of the war due to its location across the sea, yet it is far from peaceful due to a wave of internal strife spurred by ideological differences. Brandt is a highly political realm filled with competing, often radical movements, from the Duchess' own egalitarian vision to sentiments of anti-Nobility, and old traditionalist wings.

Despite this, Brandt alongside the East End has grown at an alarming rate, largely due to Galbrecht's focus on education and industrialization. The southern coastline, lately brought to modern standards, contrasts with the natural interior and north at two considerable extremes. Brandt is, in fact, a place of extremes overall - but it is one loved by its people.

—County of Essen—
The seat of the city of the same name, Essen is the capital of Brandt and the location of the Northern Lodge, the headquarters of Mornoth's largest mage organization (if one excludes Daravin's many guilds). The city itself is often known as the city of Day and Night - in the day, the average Rien citizen dominates the urban landscape, while at night thousands of mages from the Duchy congregate at Essen's downtown as a sort of separate society. These nights tend to be unique, known for their arcane lights and shows of magical skill, enabled by the Duchess who often takes part in such gatherings. Essen overall is a safe and prosperous city, and is home to Lorien's best authors and poets, according to some.

—County of Branderbren—
Branderbren is widely known to be the location of Brandt's famous thermal springs, but the County also hosts a fairly robust city of the same name. It is the home of Lorien's best athletes, and the base of the Rien Athletics Union, organizing many of the Kingdom's sporting events such as running, climbing, jousting (on rare occasions), acrobatics, swimming, and recently the new sport of rugby. Branderbren is known for its sprawl, largely comprised of many towns of several thousand people that are often within walking distance of one another. It is typically considered to be one of the nicest places to live in the Kingdom.

—County of Ravenset—
Ravenset hosts the city of Verden, the second largest in Brandt. It is also the most dangerous city in Lorien, moreso than Lower Nivenhain, said to be almost completely dominated by crime lords who run sectors of the city and the surrounding County. Olivia, the heir to Brandt, is currently the Countess of Ravenset and has made it her mission in the last decade to violently clamp down on crime - to limited but noticeable success. Initially, the crime epidemic in Verden began as a separatist movement against Duchess Claudia, and has since evolved into what many call anarchy. Ravenset is known for its rain and depressing overcast, though it was once a thriving center for Hollow production.

—County of Lügen—
Lugen encompasses the majority of Brandt's north, with the vast majority of the County's population spread through hundreds of coastal fishing villages, a rare craft in the Kingdom but a lucrative one, largely due to Hollows being poor fishermen. The people of Lugen are often stereotyped as being... 'simple' by the haughty and well-educated residents of Brandt's south, though they appear to take pride in this. Though Lugen is very frigid, it is said to carry a great deal of natural beauty due to its high wildlife density, most commonly bears and wolves, as well as its northern lights that prevail through most of the year.


Key Locations
—Branderbren Thermal Springs—
The Branderbren Thermal Springs are a large collection of springs that run all across the County of Branderbren. The water, due to its warmth, is almost a second home to the regional population and a great deal of adults and children will spend hours of their day at the springs. It is known as Brandt's number one attraction, with large resorts clamoring at the edges of the springs to profit from visitors across the Kingdom.

—The Northern Lodge—
The Lodge is the headquarters of the Northern Pact. It is effectively a city on the outskirts of Essen, beyond a few miles of forestry that veil it from the remainder of society. While the Lodge is technically considered to be property of the Omen, and the Pact one of their monastic orders, recent history has seen the faction entirely morph into an independent force held to no higher accountability. As such, what occurs in the Lodge is unknown even to the Kindred, the premise protected by many wards that alert of their presence and make their stay very uncomfortable. There are constant rumors of what occurs within the castle walls, allegations of witchcraft and the potential undermining of society. In fact, it is the Lodge's presence in Brandt that has led to much of Claudia's unpopularity, though she maintains that the Lodge wishes to do nothing but benefit Lorien's future prosperity.

Re: The Duchies of Lorien

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 7:20 pm
by Tyranny

Central Lienburg

East End

The East End, nearly as large as its western counterpart but with barely more than half as many people, is considered to be very sparsely populated particularly to its east and north. It is also the home of Von Rabe, the ancestral homeland of the Kindred and a place of great mystery and innate spiritual power. As a result of its proximity to Von Rabe, the East End is often besieged by blizzards and amidst these storms of frost the Kindred can often be heard through the veil of white. It is a terrifying land to live in for most, and those who do dwell in it tend to be fiercely devout if only for their own survival. Religious fanaticism is rampant in the Baringer's lands, but ironically also creativity, passion and drive.

East Enders are renowned for their independence, worldliness, and rugged charm, but also notoriously for their demeanors that are even considered crass by Lorien standards. Despite this, the Duchy is one of the most beautiful as well as one of the fastest growing and developing of all of them. Separated from the rest of the Kingdom by a large mountain range, the East End almost never sees war, and prospers always as a result.

—County of Lienburg—
Carrying the city of the same name, the county of Lienburg is the most developed, densely populated and wealthy of counties. In fact, between Lienburg and Dresden resides more than half the total population of the East End, with the majority of those numbers residing within Lienburg's County borders. The County is renowned for its spectacular lawmen and its rigorous court structure that favors evidence and reason to noble arbitration, and as a result many wealthy individuals accused of crime will purchase Lienburg lawmen as their representatives, as well as seeking methods of having their trials occur in the city's local courts. This has brought a great deal of wealth into the city from other parts of Lorien, which has been utilized to help develop new urban infrastructure to fund the Duchy's economic growth.

—County of Dresden—
Dresden is the home of Gothenburg, and is not only the fastest growing region in Lorien but all of Mornoth. Not due to internal movement or high birth rates, but rather to hundreds of thousands of Koltoskan migrants through the East End's southern border. While most of Lorien's regions do not offer a class to migrants, instead content to allow them to suffer as 'Nameless', this tactic of segregating migrants has proven untenable in Dresden whose population is nearly fifty percent Koltoskan. As a result, a large number of these migrants have been allowed largely into the Savant class, with the language, tradition and culture of the region rapidly changing as a result of their integration.

While Gothenburg is a fast growing realm it has largely been separated by ethnicity; the wealthier Rien tend to live in the eastern sector of the city, filled with thriving businesses and the Kingdom's best colleges, while the western half of the city has become known for its overpopulation, crime and disrepair. The streets have also become regulated on a constant basis by the Order, who 'convert' the migrant population often by force. For this reason, Gothenburg is known to be one of Lorien's most zealous cities, roamed by the ever-watchful Order and fanatically governed by a population of Rien cultural supremacists who use the Omen's traditions as a sort of cultural flail.

—County of Enden—
Enden is an extremely large County, encompassing much of the Duchy's northern frontier. It is the home not only to the city of Rostock, but also Von Rabe. Enden is always in a state of snowfall, so much so that Hollows are often commissioned to remove snow from Rostock's streets and infrastructure before it collapses roofs or buries parts of the city. As the county has immense repositories of lorianum, however, residence there is worth it and many of the Lustrians dwelling in the city will acquire a fortune in farthings that they may use to move to affluent locales such as Astoria in time. Rostock is known to be a city of business, where large merchant syndicates hold equal or even more power than many members of the Nobility. Also, the city - like Gothenburg - is highly religious and cathedral attendance is mandatory. Enden itself is known for almost nothing - except for being utterly terrifying.

—County of Graaf-Meissen—
There is little to say about Graaf-Meissen, a county clinging to the Graaf Mountain Range. It is, to no one's great surprise, a mountainous region whose economy is largely based on lumber, minerals, agriculture from the valleys below and other similar things. Like all counties situated upon the Graaf Mountain Range, Graaf-Meissen is known to be incredibly beautiful. It also has a thriving wildlife population, making it a favorite destination for those interested in the natural world.

Graaf Mountains

Key Locations
—The Graaf Mountain Range—
The Graaf Mountain Range is a long series of sharp, white-frosted peaks stretching from Lorien's southern border near its northeastern coast. It is seen as the dividing line between central and eastern Lorien, and the range as well as the lands past it were used to initially determine the realm's ducal borders. It is a tall but inhospitable range of rocky peaks incompatible with infrastructure, though they are well known for their majestic beauty. The range has several counties situated around it, all of which have a high volume of tourism associated with them due to their sights, lakes, forestry and other attractions.

—Gothenburg Grand Archives—
Located in the city of Gothenburg, the Grand Archive is the largest library and center for information in Lorien, attached to the Kingdom's most prestigious university, Gothen College. The Archives have, allegedly, every significant event in Lorien history documented as well as the ancestry and family tree of every Rien family. It also has documents on all known technologies and how they work, many books on magic, as well as books for trade skills and other guides; novels, religious texts, virtually anything that can be thought of. Considering Lorien has a long history of writing and documentation for all things even seen as meagerly important - with a sort of fixation on immortalizing knowledge through text - the Archives are massive in scale, and sit at over a million square feet of space.

—The Tower of Glass—
While not particularly adored by the people of Lorien, the headquarters of the Lorien Scholia Arcana - the Tower of Glass - is located atop the Graaf Mountain Range (called the Frostwald Mountains by non-Rien). While there have been long periods of contention and dispute over the Tower's presence at the heart of the East End, the recent alliance between Baringer and Galbrecht has led to the Tower's acceptance due to Galbrecht's ties with the faction. For this reason, many claim that the Northern Covenant ultimately acts as a Scholia subsidiary, taking orders from and conspiring with the prominent magical order. This has led to tension not only in Brandt and the East End, but Lorien as a whole, and the Omen has publicly issued warnings from the mouth of Von Rabe over the unaccountable nature of the faction. For more information, please read the Scholia Arcana article, located here.