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Joining the Argent Knighthood

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 3:31 am
by Alexander Cross
Morning, 3rd of Ash 120
Alexander trudge along the street of Nivenhain. Yawning as he goes. He stopped at a nearby tavern. He made his way inside with Gabrielle following closely. They sat near the window. The barmaid comes to take their order.

“So, what are your plans, Alex?” Gabrielle asked

“Well, first I have to report to my father’s superior in the Argent, and since I’ve been away for quite a while and have no relatives in the city….”

“You’re broke”

The barmaid arrives with their order and placed it on the table.

“Well if you put it that way.”

After finishing their meal the two of them continue their journey. Alexander hailed a nearby carriage and entered. Alexander stopped the carriage two blocks away from the Obsidian Redoubt. He walked and entered a small café.

“Hello, what can I get you?” the barista asked.

“Umm, do you still have the Breven house blend coffee?” At the mention of it, the barista’s face twitches for a moment. “Umm, yes let me get it at the back.” The barista excused herself. It took the barista quite a while. Unbeknownst to Alexander several men already circled the café and waited at the front door. The barista returned followed by an older gentleman.

“Hello there, my name is Abram. I heard you requested the Breven house blend coffee?”

“Um, yes but if you don’t have I’ll be taking my leave.” Alexander turned around to come face to face with four men pointing their guns at him. He turned back around and saw the barista holding a rifle and aiming at him.

“What’s your name boy? I’m sure we don’t have to refrain from using violence right?” Abram said as he nodded his head at Gabrielle.

“I’m Alexander Cross, grandson of Lazarus Cross.”

“Are you?” Abraham pulled out his knife and walk toward Alexander before stopping inches from him.

“Yes, I am.”

Abram swung his knife at Alexander. Alexander closed his eyes “Waaiiitt, the pig farm at Breven, the golden turnip.” Abram stopped, the knife was few inches from Alexander’s eye. “By the gods, you really are that bastard’s offspring.” Abram motioned his men to sheath their weapons. The barista lowered her gun and went off to the back to prepare the coffee.

“How are you? Where have you been since that night?”

“I’m quite ok. I’ve been grieving in my own way.”

“So, you are taking the same path as your grandfather and parents?”

“Yes, that’s the only thing I’ve been trained since small. I’m also still hopeful that they are out there somewhere sipping tea and watching the suffering of their son.”

Abram chuckled. “I’m sure wherever they are, they must’ve been proud of you. Anyway, take the card. At the reception desk, talk to the recruiter and go the usual route. But after that go to the second floor, find the painting of His Highness. There should be a guard or two guarding it. Show the card to them.”

“Thank you, by the way, could you do me a favor? Please watch over Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle pouted and looked at Alexander.

“Hey, it’s much comfier here. It’s all just boring adult talks and ceremonies over there. I’ll be back before evening.” Alexander said as he patted Gabrielle’s head


“If I’m late I’ll buy you parts for your golems.”

Gabrielle nodded. Alexander thanked Abram then left the café. Alexander hailed another passing carriage and made his way to the Obsidian Redoubt. Arriving at the Obsidian Redoubt, Alexander made his way inside.

“Where do I sign up?” Alexander asked a nearby guard. The guard pointed him toward the room. Alexander followed the guard’s direction and entered the room.

“Ah yes, how can I help you?” The recruiter asked him.

“I want to join the Knighthood. My name’s Alexander Cross.”

“Cross, cross, cross. Seems familiar,” the recruiter shifted through the files on a nearby cabinet. He found the files he was looking for, “Ah, shit.” He muttered to himself. He went back to his seat. “The son of Leon Cross and Anastasya Cross?” Alexander nodded.

“Will you be residing in the Obsidian Redoubt or nearby?”

“I’ll be residing nearby.”

“Alright, check-in daily within the week, there will be training for Errant and the opportunity for missions. Stop by the armory before you leave. Show them your identification and grab your Hollow for training and other kinds of stuff. If you have any other questions you could ask me.”

Alexander nodded “Thank you very much. I’ll leave then.”

Alexander left the room. He ascends up to the second floor. Knights were walking around. Alexander wandered around until he saw the painting of His Majesty. Two guards were standing on either side. Alexander made his way to the guards. He showed the card. The guard looked at each other then back at Alexander. After making sure no other knights were nearby one of the guards motioned Alexander to follow him. After walking for a while they reached the end of the hall. The guard knocked at the door at the end of the hall and gestured to Alexander to give him the card. Alexander gave the card to him then the guard slid it under the door. After a few
moments, the door opened.

“Well, what are you standing there for? Come on in.” The man gestured for Alexander to enter. The guard was already making his way back to his post.

It was a small but well-kept room. The man walked to the table and began pouring wine into the glasses there.

“Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Well forgive me but this is all that I could offer at the moment.”

“Thank you very much,” Alexander replied as he sat on the chair opposite the man.

“Well, it’s been quite a while huh Cross?”

“Yes sir, I hardly recognize you. Also, what’s with the small room?”

“You got a great memory kid. Just like your father. Well, I like it better this way, not too cold in Frost and not too hot in Searing. It’s comfortable, the most important thing is that it’s quite secluded. Call me paranoid but after working for so long in this line of work it began to grow on you. At least I still have peace of mind in here.”

“Might I ask if you’ve heard anything about my parents and grandfather?”

The man shook his head. “But they are one of my best agents, I’ll inform you if I found out anything about them. So, you decided to go down the same path right?”

“That’s the only thing I know, well in part to honor their legacy.”

“You’re a good kid. But remember in this new life you are stepping into, kindness, empathy, and sympathy are a double-edged sword. It would be your greatest strength and also your greatest weakness. The line between black and white will also become blurred. Many times you will question your superior’s decision. Many times you will also question your decisions. And you will carry the burden of your decision for the rest of your life.” The man stopped and he took a sip from his glass of wine. “Every time I close my eyes I still remember the frightened face of the little boy when my knife stabbed his father, twenty years ago. The face of the man begging for mercy as I hung him from the clock tower, fifteen years ago. “

“Now I understand why my parents are alcoholic. To numb the memories.”

“Yes, just like you. Gambling, smoking, and drinking. How about the one under your care? Shouldn’t give bad influence to a child.”

“How did you…?” Alexander stopped then he smiled. “Just like dad, I guess he and mom knew every time I was lying, and yet they let me get away with it.”

“Once you go down this path, there’s no turning back. Your normal life would never be the same. Your night would be restless, the feeling of someone watching you will never go away.” The man sighed, “And every day you would wake up wondering if it’s going to be your last day.”

“And then if I ever get old enough to retire, I’ll buy up a patch of land and do farming. Until either old age or a blade ends me.”
The man chuckled. “Death is the only way out.” He took out a small notebook and wrote something down.

“Cross, “


“Ah yes. Alexander Cross, X9121A. Welcome to the Argent Knighthood’s smallest division with the highest turnover rate.”

“Come visit often, if you’re still alive. I’ll send the courier to your place.”

“Well, you don’t even…..” Alexander stopped. “Ah yes.” He replied.

“Well then, see you when I see you.”

“Same goes to you, sir.”

Alexander left the room and made his way back to the first floor. He asked the nearby guard for direction to the armory. He showed his identifications and was given the necessary items and access to a single Hollow which he would use for training.

Afternoon, 3rd of Ash 120

Alexander entered the café, Gabrielle was sitting while drinking tea and reading a book. She looked up at him and smiled.

“You’re almost late.”

“Well, long lines at the recruiter.”

“I’ll pretend I believe your lie.”

“Smart girl.”

Abram exits the kitchen. “Hey Alexander, so it goes well?”

“Yes, I talked with the recruiter and that old geezer.”

“Well, getting in is the easiest. Staying in is hard. Getting out is the hardest.”


“Ah, he gave you the speech huh?”

Alexander nodded. Abram grabs a pack of cigarettes and tosses it at Alexander. Alexander catches it.

“So, where are you planning on staying?”

“I’ll manage.”

“Sure, come visit often and don’t be a bad influence on the kid.”

“Jeez, you sounded just like that old geezer.”

Alexander and Gabrielle said their farewell to Abram then continue their walk. Alexander entered an apartment.

“Hey, you got vacancies?”

“Yeah, top floor. Got any luggage? Use the elevator, it’s slow but your body would thank you.”

As Gabrielle and Alexander were about to enter the elevator the clerk motioned for him to come.

“You go on ahead, I’ll catch up,” Alexander told Gabrielle.

“Yeah what is it?” Alexander asked the clerk. The clerk handed him a package with a playing card stuck in front of it. The Ace of Spades. As the clerk handed him the package Alexander noticed the skull and cross-bone tattoo on the man’s right wrist.

“Enjoy your stay.” The clerk said as Alexander went to the elevator.

Re: Joining the Argent Knighthood

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:32 am
by Ruin

Review Request:

XP: 5

Magic Experience: None.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores: None requested.

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Hi Alexander,

Please keep in mind that the only way to join the knighthood is from birth or by enlisting through a celebrant/as a celebrant. As such, there's no need for recruitment offices. I do believe Alexander was born an Argent, though, which would mean he's already in the knighthood and has been all his life. Aside from that, I enjoyed the thread and liked the dynamics and powerplay involved with the NPCs. The narrative keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. There are a few grammatical issues that I've brought to your attention in past reviews, but I won't repeat them as I understand this request was posted prior to the reviews I gave you. I look forward to seeing your future works!

Build to last,