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The First Name on the List

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 12:39 am
by Alexander Cross

Noon, 15th of Ash 120
The barmaid slid over a piece playing card with the ace of spades on it along with the plate of steak that Alexander ordered. He looked at the barmaid. She smiled and winked at him made her way over to the next table. Alexander sigh. It’s been so long since he’s back Lorien. He scolded himself on the decision to report to his father’s superior in the Argent Knighthood as soon as he arrived in Lorien. But life must go on and without any news from his parents and grandfather, he needs to find a way to keep his coffers from going empty. He finished his food then proceed to make his way to the bar.

“What can I get you?”

“A dark-roast with double shot espresso, a double shot of vodka, and a single shot of brandy.”

“Local beans or house special?” The bartender replied and raised his eyebrow, eyeing Alexander cautiously. The patron seated on his right side lifted his shirt a bit for Alexander to see the concealed gun he was carrying. As if on cue, another patron came and leaned on the bar on Alexander’s left side. He too lifted his shirt a bit for Alexander to see the concealed gun he was carrying.

Alexander smiled. “What local beans do you have? Breven, Verden, or Essen?” The bartender chuckled. He motioned the barmaid from earlier to come. “She’ll show you the local beans.” The bartender replied the two armed patrons resumed their activity as if nothing happened.

Alexander followed the barmaid to the kitchen, passing several kitchenhands scurrying around. The barmaid made her way inside one of the storage rooms. Alexander followed. Four kitchenhands followed them inside. The barmaid locked the door then she turns to Alexander.

“Identifications?” She asked, the two of the kitchen hand grabbed guns that they hid in the storage room and pointed it at Alexander, the other two approach him. One held out a tray and the other stood behind him.

“Cross, Alexander. X9121A.” Alexander replied as he placed his weapons on the provided tray. After placing all his weapons he lifted his hands up, the kitchen hand standing behind him pat him down. After everything’s clear the barmaid pushed a button on the wall. The wall slid open, revealing a set of stairs to the second floor. The barmaid made her away up the stairs with Alexander following closely. After climbing for quite a while they entered a lavishly decorated room with tinted glass windows overlooking the area they were in, a man was standing looking at the streets below holding a glass of wine.

“How do you fight monsters?” The man blurted out loud without even turning around. He doesn’t wait for an answer. “We fight monsters by becoming monsters ourselves. Some must remain hidden in the dark and should never find their way into the light and there are those in the light that should never step into darkness. Then there's us who keep them from straying to the opposite side.”
The man turned around and looked at Alexander, he motioned for Alexander to sit at the chair opposite his chair. Then he made his way to his chair. He sat down and then took a gulp from the glass of wine he was holding. “Well then, let’s skip all the small talks and introduction shall we? Who knows it might be the last time either one of us see each other, so let’s not bother ourselves with emotional attachment and burden ourselves with the burden of loss.” The man pulled out three pieces of playing card. He gives them a shuffle and places them faced down on the table. “Choose one.”

Alexander followed the man’s order and chooses the middle card. The man turned the card over to reveal the Ace of Spades. He turned the other cards over to reveal blanks. “Funny right? What are the chances?” Then he pulled out another card and tossed it at Alexander. Alexander catches the card. Nigel Forsch, the name written on the piece of playing card that Alexander caught. He turned the card around, L.N 0600 W.S.S was written on the back of the card along with the initials AL. “You may leave. By the way, you should try the bread from the colorful lady.”

It’s not that he has second doubts about his line of work, it’s just that if a person’s name was on the list it means that they are a nuisance to the kingdom, and thus the weeds must be pulled out for the plants in the garden to grow. He was trained to follow orders, it’s not that he questioned the decision of his superiors but as his father used to say “We as Argents are the sword and shield of the kingdom we strike and defend wherever they ordered us to. Always see the big picture.” Alexander nodded. Then he stood up and made his way outside of the building, not forgetting to retrieve his stuff. Arriving outside the bar he takes a peek at his watch.

Damn it, four more hours before the meeting time, Alexander thought to himself.

“Need a lift?” a carriage driver asked him. Alexander saw the skull and cross-bone tattoo on the driver’s right wrist.

“Sure” he replied, as he grabbed the playing card and handed it to the driver. The driver took a quick glance then handed the card back to Alexander. “It’s gonna take quite a while.” Then Alexander entered the carriage and decided to get some sleep as they made their way toward Lower Nivenhain. After quite a while the carriage came to a halt.

“We’re here.” The driver said as he knocks on the roof of the carriage. Alexander exited the carriage, still a bit disoriented from being woken up suddenly.

“Where is W…“, Alexander turned around to ask the driver but the driver and his carriage were already speeding down the street.

“Bloody fuck” he grumbled. He then began making his way down the road looking for a street sign or landmark that would inform him of where he currently was. Since his mother initiated him into Transposition magic, Alexander has gained an uncanny awareness of his surroundings. It was quite hard for him at first since he could see things that aren’t in his field of view in which sometimes he would be grabbing stuff without looking at it. Most of the time it would freak people out, it even freaked himself at first. But he played it off as having good observation and reflex skills rather than admit that it was as a result of his Transposition magic.

As he continues trudging along the street trying to look for anything out of place, he noticed a colorful-dressed figure selling bread at a small shop tucked away inside a nearby alleyway. He made his way to the colorful-dressed figure.

“Excuse me, how much for the bread?” Alexander asked the seller

“Hello dearie,” the woman took off her colorful hat. As the woman took off her hat, Alexander saw the same tattoo as the driver’s tattoo on the woman’s right wrist. “I’m sorry, but it’s all sold out. The buyer will be here any moment.” Alexander grabbed the card and showed a glimpse of it at the woman. As if on cue the woman grab a baguette and wrapped it and handed it to Alexander. “It’s best enjoyed warm.”

“By the way, I was meeting a friend over at the west side street but I’ve seemed to have lost my way,” Alexander said as he received the baguette from the woman. The woman smiled. She knocked lightly three times at the wooden makeshift wall behind her. A young boy popped his head out. After looking at Alexander the boy disappeared behind the makeshift wall, after a moment he popped back out.

“Well come on mister, try to keep up.” The boy said as he starts running.

Alexander tried to follow the boy, but the boy was very agile and the boy knew his surroundings. But Alexander has an ace up his sleeve thanks to his Transposition magic. The boy stopped in front of a three-story building. He looked back and saw that Alexander was nowhere in sight. The boy smiled. Unbeknownst to the boy, Alexander had taken a shortcut. Alexander jumped over the nearby fence and startled the boy.

“So this the place?” Alexander asked while catching his breath. The boy nodded then he ran back the way he came from.
Still, with one hand clutching the baguette, he made his way inside the building. After climbing the flight of stairs he arrived at the top floor. He leaned on the wall beside the closed door, while catching his breath he surveyed the building. Then he entered the room.

As soon as he opens the door he ducked, a hand ax came flying at him, barely missing his head by mere inches. If not for his mutation the hand ax would have cleaved him right in the face. Alexander could feel the killing intent from everyone in the room. Then the man standing near the whiteboard looked at the baguette he was holding. The man lifted the golf club he was holding and rested it on his shoulder then he took a puff from his pipe.

“Ah, you must be the new guy. I’m Solomon. Please, take a seat anywhere you’re comfortable. Make yourself feel at home, it’s not like that we’ve been waiting for you for quite a while or anything.” Solomon said as he motioned for Alexander to take a seat. “That geezer, always sending newbie at such times like this,” Solomon muttered to himself loud enough for Alexander to hear him.

As Alexander was surveying the room, a muscular bearded man grunts past him to retrieve the hand ax he’d thrown earlier. He saw another man fanning himself with his fedora leaning near the opened window, at his feet were a pair of black dire wolf sleeping soundly. Then his eyes met with the eyes of the red-haired girl with a nose ring who has been eyeing him up and down since he entered the room. Alexander saw the knife that the girl was holding behind her back, making a mental note of it as he pulled a chair and sat beside the girl. All the running earlier had made him hungry. He was about to take a bite from the baguette when Solomon slapped the baguette off his hand using his golf club.

“As a gesture of goodwill, since we are a bit short-staffed. Don’t eat anything that old hag with that ridiculous colorful hat made.”

Solomon replied as he grabs the baguette from the floor and breaks it in two, he took out the piece of rolled paper from inside and brought it to the table near the whiteboard. He then began to unroll the paper. Alexander grab the baguette crumbs from the floor and took a sniff at it. There’s a faint familiar smell to it.

“Rosary peas, it contained abrin a close relative of ricin.” The redheaded girl explained as she saw the look of confusion on Alexander’s face.

Alexander pretended to scratch his stomach but in truth, he was reaching for his punching dagger concealed in the inside lining of his coat. Then he turned his attention forward at Solomon, the man fanning himself at the back of the room near the window threw a throwing dagger at Alexander. Alexander ducked at the right moment then quickly pulled out his punching dagger and aimed at the redheaded girl’s throat before she could strike him with the knife she was holding behind her. Taking the opportunity Solomon lightly hit a golf ball aimed at Alexander which Alexander caught the ball with his free hand without even looking at it. A hand ax planted itself on the floor near Alexander’s feet.

“Bam, you’re dead in the fourth attack.” The muscular bearded man said as he closed the door and made his way to Alexander to grab his hand ax.

“It’s just a coincidence.” The man at the back of the room said as he pulled out another throwing knife and was about to throw it when a golf ball hit the window near him.

“We’ve got a job to do,” Solomon said. He turned to the whiteboard and began writing something.

“The intel from the old hag confirmed that the target would be at the White Horse tavern this evening. With double his usual entourage. If he brings the usual carriage then it would be parked behind the tavern, with his bodyguard’s carriages parked across the street, right in front of this building. With the original plan what we lacked is another person to assist Katya in the close quarter assassination.” Solomon looked at Alexander.

“So, what’s the plan gonna be like?” Alexander asked

“The plan is that Spades,” Solomon pointed at the man in the back before continuing his speech “and I will provide cover fire and getting their attention to focus on us. While you and Katya” He then pointed at the red-haired girl “will do the close-up assassination on the target. Olaf,” He then pointed at the muscular bearded man “will be nearby in case the two of you need help. Anyway, with Katya’s inside man, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Here are the details of the plan.” Solomon drew on the board and assigned the tasks for each member of the team.

Evening, 15th of Ash 120

Alexander waited across the street from the White Horse tavern. He took out a pack of cigarettes and took a piece out and began to smoke it while waiting for Nigel Forsch to arrive. When he was about to lit his third cigarette, Nigel’s entourage arrives. Alexander waited for a bit as the bodyguard’s carriages stop in front of him and several men step out.

“Hey, any of you got a light?” He asked the bodyguards. One of the bodyguards handed him his lighter. Alexander lit his cigarette. Then he took a puff, while the bodyguard’s not paying attention, Alexander switched the lighter with the one given by Katya. Then handed it back to the bodyguard while pocketing the bodyguard’s lighter.

“Thanks,” Alexander said as he made his way across the street toward the White Horse tavern, he took out his flask took a gulp, and swirl the alcohol inside his mouth then he swallowed it. As he entered the tavern he was stopped by two of Nigel’s bodyguards.

“Hey what the fuck are you doing?” Alexander told the bodyguard as he patted him down. “I’m here for a drink, get off me bastard!” Alexander raised his voice. The other bodyguard motioned his friend that Alexander was probably drunk and after a quick pat and found no weapon they let him through. Alexander spotted Nigel at the bar talking with several of the female patrons, Katya was one of them. He made his way towards them.

“You bloody swindler! How could you do that to me?” Alexander shouted while pointing at Katya. Then he made his way toward her while rolling his sleeves giving of the intention that he was about to hit her. Nigel stopped him. Two of his bodyguards came to hold Alexander. “Let me go! I gave you everything, yet you leave me like that? After everything, I’ve done! Now you find another man to swindle. Oh and don’t tell me you’re gonna use the exploding carriage trick again and say that you are a celebrant and assassins are after you.”

“W…what do you mean?” Katya replied. Nigel looked at her, “N…o no. I don’t know this man.”

“Ah shut up bitch! If that carriage doesn’t explode in a few more minutes, then you’ll know who’s telling a lie.” Alexander accused. The plan seemed to be working because everybody’s paying attention to them. A few minutes passed by and nothing happened.
Nigel clapped his hand. “Well my friend it seems like you got the wrong person,” he said to Alexander. He motioned his men to grab Alexander and escort him out of the tavern.

“Get your hands off me, I’m not feeling well.” Alexander rushed to the bathroom. Arriving in the bathroom, he went to the designated toilet and feel around the back of the toilet, he carefully peeled the tape package in the back of the toilet and unwrapped it. He gets his punching dagger and placed it in the socket in his belt. Then he exits the bathroom. He leaned against the bar and asked for water from one of the bartenders. The bartender arrives with his water. Alexander gave the signal to the bartender. The bartender nodded then went to the kitchen. After a while, the bartender came back out. Alexander then slowly made his way toward the door. As he passed Nigel and Katya, the carriage outside exploded, triggered by the mechanism that was in the lighter that Alexander swapped. The bodyguards at the door quickly blocked the door. The bartender swung a knife at Nigel, Alexander stopped it and tackled the bartender before pressing on a pressure point, rendering their inside-man bartender unconscious. At the same moment Spades and Solomon took shots at the bodyguard through the window. It all happened too fast. Taking momentum of the confusion Alexander grabs Nigel’s hand and pulled him toward the kitchen.

“MOVE IT DAMMIT! The Boss sent me to keep an eye on you. It’s the Corvuts family, they are aiming for your head!” Alexander shouted at him as he pulled him to the kitchen then out the back door. Having been able to separate him from his men, Alexander led him through winding alleys. Stopping to catch their breath at a deserted alley. Alexander then went and lean at a nearby short wall. He took out his pack of cigarettes and offered them to Nigel.

“Hey, come here get out of sight or they might see you.” Nigel followed Alexander’s suggestion and leaned at the short wall beside him. Unbeknownst to Nigel, Olaf was waiting on the other side of the short wall. As soon as Olaf saw Nigel’s head come into view he quickly used his garrote to choked Nigel. Nigel was struggling to release the wire around his neck, his eyes were looking at Alexander pleading for help.

“Well, now we know who is the liar.” Alexander grinned at him and blow a cloud of smoke at his face. Then he proceeds to took out his punching dagger and stabbed Nigel in both of his armpits. It was like a fountain of blood.

“You forgot the Corvuts family signature move,” Katya said to him as she caught up with them.

“Oh yes, my bad,” Alexander replied as he pulled his punching dagger out and proceed to stab Nigel several times in his chest. Then for the finishing touch, he uses his punching dagger and punched Nigel in the throat. Nigel’s body twitched for a moment before it stops moving. Olaf releases his hold on the garrote.

Clapping could be heard. Solomon step out of the carriage and made his way toward them. “Well, not bad newbie, not bad. Oh, give me your playing card.” Alexander gave Solomon the card with Nigel’s name on it. Solomon bends down and uses the card to wipe the blood from Nigel’s neck. Then he handed it back to Alexander.

“Now, let’s head back for our pay.” He continued.

Re: The First Name on the List

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:14 pm
by Ruin

Review Request:

XP: 5

Magic Experience: None.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Deception: Showing that you trust someone even when you don't
Deception: (Misdirection) A quick sleight of hand
Tactics: Planning is a crucial part of a successful mission
Deception: Using a seemingly innocent question to make the enemy lower their guards
Deception: Putting on an act
Deception: Planting evidence to falsely accused another party

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Comments: A nice read. I'm excited to see what comes next in the story. However, there are some grammatical issues that I've noticed that are worth mentioning.

Tense: You seem to mix the past and present tense a lot in this thread, and swap between then per sentence. An example of this would be

Solomon replied as he grabs the baguette from the floor and breaks it in two,

As apposed to:

Solomon replied as he grabbed the baguette from the floor and broke it in two.

Keeping the tense of the text uniform allows for smoother reading and generally makes more sense. Regardless of these issues, I still enjoyed the read. I hope to see more of this story in the future!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know. Enjoy the rewards!

Build to last,