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Caustic Candor [Nathan]

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:25 am
by Nuraku

Ash 48th, 120

"Aaaaaaa-shit!" cursed a very loud, very obtuse and profoundly irritated Rathari. Since the last slice of toast she'd made, there wasn't much work in town--they'd gone to dirt, and now she'd stuck her neck out for heavy lifting. Sweat rolled through her fur as she heaved several planks from the pile to the scaffolding above, an elf kneeling to draw them up. Whapping her paws together, she rubbed the rest off on her cloak--seemed pretty dumb to NOT wear her armor in the slums, even if she was working hard. There was no tellin' what enemies she'd made.

Slumping down upon a crooked heap of refuse, Alphonse stared groggily across the yard beneath the hazy mid-day sun, the gloom of the city really getting to her. Fuck, I miss Atinaw.
The air here is shit.

That moment turned to several as she rested her eyes, but she wouldn't let it last. She knew better than to let her blood settle. Rising to her feet, she'd just started to work again, only as she walked towards the pile, she saw a familiar fellow approaching. He didn't say a word as he pushed a scrawled note into her mitts and walked off. Alphonse glanced down at the paper, then shrugged. "Guess've gotta go. I've got work ter' do!" Alphonse waved to the workers up on the scaffolding, who seemed to waver at her announcement--she'd made things pretty easy for them. Now those boards were going to have to come up one at a time, with multiple people helping.

Someone'd seen a Dranoch thar' night before last, at Koda's Alley.
Hate the place.
When're they gonna put me where it frick'n counts?

Grumbling, Alphonse lumbered off down the street--down a few streets, strolling lazily. She was sore, and she didn't smell too great--her underlying padding beneath the armor, her gambeson, was wet, and it was a bit heavier than normal to boot thanks to that fact. Still, it was day out, and that meant the Dranoch wouldn't be so brazen since they preferred the darkness for the advantages it offered. Glancing up at the sun, she figured she had at least a few hours left.

Approaching the alley, she saw someone already shifting about. Alphonse yawned garishly as she turned the corner, announcing her presence. That scabbard behind her revealed just the kind of woman she was, and the fact that she was Rathari did little to subdue the shock of seeing someone quite like that. Rathari were rare faces in these parts, after all. "The f'ck 'er you doing here?" she huffed lazily. "You huntin' bloodsuckers too?" She crossed her arms. "Ain't got the time to deal with mercs, an' I don't got money for 'ye. Scram." The Rathari walked her fingers through the air in a shooing motion. Rude.

Re: Caustic Candor [Nathan]

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:14 am
by Nathan Wolfgang
The group of carriage arrived in Koda’s Alley. Nathan followed the man to a door which is a bit obscured from view. The man knocks a certain sequence of knock. After a few moments the sliding panel opens and a pair of eyes look from within. The man smiles awkwardly. The sliding panel closes. Several locks could be heard being opened. The man opening the door squinted his eyes, after taking a deep breath he grunts and look at Nathan and his group.

“Ah Jack, you guys are late. This the guy?” The man pointed at Nathan.

“He...Hey Dex, Y..yes this the guy. W..where should we unload the goods?” Jack replied while wiping away sweat from his forehead.
Dex took another deep breath then he pointed at a big warehouse-like door several meters from them. Jack was about to open his mouth in protest before Dex cut him off.

“Back door Jack, the boss is meeting with the guests.”

Jack gulped and made his way to the other door. Nathan followed him. Jack pushed the door opened but it won’t budge. He knocked again.

“What the fuck is taking them so long?” Nathan said while taking a cigar out of his pocket. As he was about to light it the door slid open. Dex was waiting there, arms crossed. He looked at Nathan.

“Ah, yes.” Nathan motioned for his men to unload the crates. Dex pointed at a spot inside the warehouse and the men began unloading the crates there.

“Follow me, the boss would like a word,” Dex said while making his way deeper into the building.

Jack was all sweaty, “You go on ahead. I’m not feeling well. Must’ve been the spicy foods last night.”

“The fuck you are,” Nathan replied while motioning to Arronax. Arronax grabbed Jack by the collar and pulled him along.
As the group went deeper into the building Nathan noticed the lack of lightning around. He could hear laughter from groups of people from nearby rooms. He tried to peer through the glass window but it was too dirty to see inside. He could only see the candles illuminating the rooms. Dex cleared his throat.

“H.Hey, I was just looking for you. Thought you might be in one of these rooms.” Nathan smiled awkwardly.

“He’s waiting for you,” Dex said while motioning with his head to the door beside him.

Nathan, Jack, and Arronax entered the room.

“Ah gentlemen, welcome. Please take a seat. Hello Jack, oh and you must be the one Dimitri sent? What a pity that he couldn’t make it. I’m Cain. That’s a strange hollow.” Cain said, welcoming the guests as he extended his hand for a handshake.

“I’m Nathan. Dimitri sends his regards. Yes, I leased it for my journey.” Nathan shook Cain’s hand.

“Zar,” Nathan said to Arronax. Arronax took a step back and stood near the door.

“Well still learning the basic commands. So I guess everything’s accounted for right? I mean I don’t want to be rude but I heard your guests are already here. I apologize for the delay, unfavorable wind heading south, so we got delayed at sea.” Nathan smiled as he sat down.

“Well, delays happen. Good thing it arrived. Well, that’s the cost of business right? But still business is business.” Cain went to grab the danaris from his box under the table. He began placing it on the table. Then he took a pile of it and put it back in his box.

“It’s for the delay isn’t it?” Nathan said while quick counting the pile with his eyes.

“Straightforward aren’t ya kid?” Cain smiled, scratched his arms before grabbing half of the previous pile that he stashed away, and put it back on the table.

“Well, it’s good doing business with you. Dex will see you out. I must attend to my guests. But if you want to join us, you’re welcome to join us. You too Jack.” Cain stood up extending his hand for another shake.

“Likewise, another time perhaps. I’ve got another delivery run to do.” Nathan lied. He shook Cain’s hand and leave the room.

“U..umm, you go on ahead, I’m just gonna go use the bathroom, I can’t hold it anymore,” Jack said.

Nathan nodded in approval. Nathan and Arronax made their way through the poorly lit corridor. He could hear Cain speaking in the room that he tried to peek on to earlier. “He’s lying isn’t he?” Nathan said while peeping into the slightly opened door.

“Yes, he is,” Arronaux replied.

Finding a slightly opened door, curiosity got the best of him and Nathan peered inside. He saw Cain at the head of the table addressing his guest, something is moving under the sheet in the middle of the table. After finishing his speech Cain motioned for Dex to remove the sheet. Under the sheet is a woman, gagged and bound to the table. Nathan watched as Cain took a bite of the woman’s finger.

“Fuck this shit, we’re out.” Nathan turned around and in his haste, he knocked over a bottle of liquid nearby. He turned around, their eyes met. Nathan and Arronax made a run for it.

“TO ARMS!” Nathan yelled as he is within sight of his men. His men quickly grabbed their sword. As they made their way to the exit, Nathan saw Jack standing outside. Jack mouthed something which Nathan assumed was apologies before pulling a lever and shutting the door.

Clapping could be heard from the hallway. Cain made his way slowly toward the group. Nathan’s men have formed a half-circle formation with the door behind them.

“How rude of our guest, to interrupt dinner,” Cain said with a smile while licking his lips. Two of Nathan’s men charged forward. It was over in a bit. They didn’t even have the chance to land a blow.

“You see, mankind as we know it is not the apex predator in this world. Nor the other races. We haven’t even unlocked our true potentials.” Cain said while making his way slowly.

“Let me guess, you are the apex predator?” Nathan smirked. He pulled his gun and shot at Cain. Hitting his shoulder. Cain was surprised. Arronax drew his guns and pointed it at Cain.

“I won’t miss,” Arronax said.

“And your petty weapons do not affect me,” Cain replied. He signaled for Dex and his men to attack. It was a bloodbath. Nathan's men fell one by one. It was just three of his men left, excluding him and Arronax. Two in front and another that has been working on trying to open the door.

“My Lord the door is open!” the soldier that’s been working on unlocking the door shouted.

“We’ll cover you, my Lord!” The other two said. Nathan, Arronax, and the soldier ran out of the building.

“Arronax hold the door! Kid with him!” Nathan ordered the two. Nathan heard someone yawned garishly. He turned to face the source of the voice. It was all a haze, but as soon as the stranger said bloodsucker, Nathan reached for his gun and pointed it at the stranger.

“B..blood suckers? Prove it that you’re not one of them!”

Re: Caustic Candor [Nathan]

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:49 pm
by Nuraku

Rubbing her eyes as the man raised his weapon in a fright, the tall beast of a woman sighed. "Calm the feck down, I'm here to help," she answered sharply, though her eyes went to stare at that rather well-to-do Awoken. She hadn't seen a Golem quite like that since she traveled through Daravin. Her ears were starting to pick up on the commotion on the other side of that door, and as the seconds ticked on, her mind started to connect the dots. "Ah, shit."
She stuck her thumb out, her jaw hanging a bit with a smile. "Waaaiiit. Did you feckers find uh nest?"
Sticking her mitts together, she made the sign of Irothar. "I've got just teh' thing."
"So hold tight and keep those panties of yours nice 'n loose."
"Keep holdin' that door, this is gonna take a bloody minute!"

The woman started to mumble, her lips moving to the song of an otherworldly chanting. The presence of her Patron washed over her, and she could feel his servants like little threads each stretching and yearning for her contract. She knew what she wanted though, and as the seconds rolled on, a swirl of warm firelight coalesced in-between the nooks of her padded fingers.

Setting her shoulder against the door, she felt it thud, and dug her boots into the stones beneath them, bracing as best she could. As it came through, she turned her hand towards the floor, and the light spiraled up her hand, coalescing into a brightly colored finch with fire-illuminated eyes that tweeted and flapped its wings. "Cht, cht," she said to the bird, clicking her tongue before bringing it up to her shoulder where it hopped on for a ride.

Reaching back, she planted her foot on the door and grabbed hold of her blade, drawing it from the scabbard in one long, fluid motion. The metal sung before she brought it level, glowing a certain warmth just like the bird on her shoulder. Holding it tight, she glanced left and right for a window. With none such available, she took a sharp breath. "Alright, we're opening the door, and you're going to steer clear."

Alphonse grunted and shoved Arronax over, before driving her molten blade through the center of the door. She felt her weapon meet some more resistance and start to jerk on the other side, a horrifying screech bellowing from someone on the other side of the door. With both hands, she turned and heaved, pulling a gash through the frame, and after that she kicked the door clear off its hinges, smoke billowing up from the aftermath. "Hrrragh!" growled the panther-like woman into the darkness, baring her claws and teeth as the bird at her shoulder took flight.

Like a small ember in the dark, the bird soared--there was nobody there to meet her at the door save for someone crawling away after meeting her mettle, bleeding his guts out onto the floor. Like she thought, they were Botchlings, and they were about to get cooked.

A flash of light erupted from the abyss, and a loud, billowing clap echoed behind it. Flames rushed past Alphonse, licking at her fur and singing it on the ends. One hand on the doorway, she turned to Nathan and Arronax. "Uhh, we should back off and form a plan." Brushing the cinders off her fur, embers trickled down to the floor, and her chain maille clinked to the bounce of her steps as she started to jog her way right out of the alley with tufted black tail bobbing behind her.
"I'm not feckin' goin' in there blind!" she yelled, letting her sword drag on the ground where it started singing the stone, leaving behind a black streak.

Re: Caustic Candor [Nathan]

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:20 pm
by Nathan Wolfgang
“Calm the feck down, I’m here to help,” the stranger said. Nathan somehow felt assurance in her words. Deep down he knew that if she wanted to kill them, they’d already been dead, considering even Arronax is a midget compared to her.

“Nest? What the bloody fuck? People are eating people inside there, what the fuck is happening? Yeah, we aren’t opening that damn door!” Nathan replied as he stood up from the ground and slowly made his way to one of the carriages while keeping an eye on the stranger.

“What the fuck?” Nathan said as he watched the brightly colored finch appear out of thin air. He observes as the stranger grabs her blade, the blade glows a certain warmth like the bird in her shoulder.

"Alright, we're opening the door, and you're going to steer clear." The stranger said.

“Wait, no, didn’t you hear what I said earlier? They’re fucking monsters. I shot one almost at point-blank it doesn’t affect him.”

The stranger shoved Arronax aside, seeing how easily Arronax was shoved over Nathan gained a bit of hope that maybe the stranger could fight those creatures. The stranger drives her blade through the center of the door, a horrifying screech could be heard from the other side. After pulling her blade through the frame she kicked the door clear off its hinges.

“So they could bleed,” Nathan said to himself as he saw the creature crawling away on the floor. He put two and two together and something clicked in his mind. Fire.

Nathan looked at Arronax, it seems that Arronax understood what Nathan was thinking. He grabbed the soldier and ran to Nathan. Nathan opened the carriage door and pointed at the crate of alcohol.

“Fire-cart.” Nathan and Arronax said at the same time.

“Kid, grab a hold of yourself. What’s your name?” Nathan said as he shook the young soldier.

“I..I, Jo...John, my Lord”

“Alright John, move it! We don’t have much time!” Nathan ordered while he grabbed a bottle of rum from his stash in the carriage. He ripped the curtain covering the window of the carriage and made a makeshift Molotov. He opened several other bottles and pour its content inside the carriage. One of the many things he learned in the crime-infested hometown of his.

As the bird soared into the darkness, Nathan lit the Molotov he was holding.

"Uhh, we should back off and form a plan." The stranger said before she began to jog her way out of the alley.

"I'm not feckin' goin' in there blind!" she yelled.

As the stranger began to jog out of the alley, Nathan rushed to the doorway. He took out his gun and shot the crawling man on the floor. Then with all his might, he threw the lit Molotov into the darkness. Arronax and John had pushed the cart near the entrance of the building. Nathan ran to help them. As soon as they get the carriage to block the door, Arronax handed him another Molotov.

“Arroax, get the second carriage ready, we are getting out of here!” Nathan yelled, he lit the Molotov then dropped it into the open window of the carriage blocking the door.

“Nathan! Let’s go!” Arronax shouted from the driver’s seat of the second carriage. Without wasting any time he ran and dive into the opened carriage door.

“Arronax, back to the inn!” He ordered.

“Hey! Get in, we need to get out of here! There’s an inn a couple of blocks down. We could reorganize there!” Nathan shouted at Alphonse as the carriage catches up with her.

Re: Caustic Candor [Nathan]

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:46 pm
by Nuraku
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Alphonse's mind was in a state of panic. Her heart raced, and she only looked back to make sure those feckers were right there with her--they were falling behind! Damn!

What she thought were Botchlings streamed from the burning exit, these ones looking a bit tougher. Her clawed feet skidded on the dirty cobbled stone as she whipped around, her blade trailing sparks over Nathan's head as it whistled through the air over him to cover their escape. She brought it down in a hopping arc, crashing the metal to the ground and cleaving angry, fiery gash in the road. Like the fires of Bel, flames sprung forth from the crater, Trailing outward to Alphonse's pleasant surprised. They leapt to half the height of the man, fanning across the alley and licking at the heels of the monsters who were stayed by its escape. The hot, heated Shrivenflame left the Botchlings in disorder and disarray, the lot of them turning back.

Wasting no time as Nathan's men picked off the rest who'd dared to venture or crawl through their flames, Alphonse turned tail once more to take advantage of the exit she'd made, excitement filling her. "Did you see that?" she hollered to Nathan. "Feckin' excitin' to roast those feckers!" Passing beneath the arch between two tenements, she found herself out in the street, a rather tight-looking carriage being loaded up with her new companions. Alphonse hesitated.

As John entered the carriage, Alphonse sheathed her sword and funneled it in first, holding it diagonal as she moved in behind him, stepping up onto the step. Her immense weight creaked, causing the carriage to tilt briefly to one side before she scooted in, hunched over in a space far too tiny for her. "This wasn't such a good idea," she mumbled. "I'm too big for a human carriage." It had already begun to move, and she regretted the entire thing the whole way.

Whomever this man was, he seemed to be a naturalized citizen, and he hadn't batted much of an eye at her magic, so he wasn't a zealot. He'd make a good ally in the days ahead, surely.

Re: Caustic Candor [Nathan]

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:48 am
by Ruin

Review Request:

XP: 8 Each

Magic Experience: 2 For Alphonse's Sigilic Pyromancy

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Sigilic Pyromancy: Trail
Sigilic Pyromancy: Trail - Using It To Cover Your Exit
Sigilic Pyromancy: Enkindling - Melting Through A Door W/ Enkindled Weapon
Unarmed Combat: Kicking a Door Off Its Hinges
Summoning: Caru - Using a Caru to Burn Multiple Foes
Summoning: Caru - Caru very effective and scary versus Botchlings
Tactics: Retreating
Tactics: Retreating - Running Away To Form A Plan

Deception: Hiding your true intention with excuses
Deception: Hiding the true nature of your companion
Deception: Making a quick excuse to get out of a shady situation
Negotiation: Some people favored straight forwardness
Gunslinging: Shoulder shot to a Dranoch won't disarm them
Tactics: Using firebomb to delay the enemy
Tactics: Using firecart to block the enemy's route
Gunslinging: A shot to the head could immobilize a Dranoch

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

The thread is a little chaotic and rushed, but makes for a good read anyway. I do have some notes for each of you to take away from this, as listed below:

I do feel as though you're overplaying your skill level by throwing over a golem without effort with only 55 strength and novice unarmed combat. According to their profile, Arronax is an apprentice in unarmed combat, a full 25 points higher than Alphonse. Additionally, kicking doors off their hinges without struggle is a little excessive given that you don't have any strength skills higher than 15. This also applies to ripping through wood like paper, even with an enkindled blade (this would be fine and totally achievable if Nuraku wasn't a novice with blades or low on strength). Please keep your skill level in check in the future. There's also something to be said about the discovery of new magical abilities on the fly as a footnote of your post, which is why I've chosen to award only two points. I would recommend exploring this ability more in-depth at a later date to gain more xp from it. Please also keep in mind that the discovery of new abilities is very taxing on the soul in the future.

Please be advised when naming NPCs that Lorien has a very Germanic influence. Outside of the nameless caste (who are mostly made up of immigrants), you'll find that most people have german names. Names like Jack, Dex, and Cain don't really fit the setting. Personally, when trying to think of names, I use online generators or refer to lists of baby names from specific cultures to help.

As an ending note: I recommend slowing down the pace a little, this could have easily been more than five posts long. Enjoy the rewards, and I hope to see more from you guys in the future.

Build to last,