Sacrifice Ⅰ

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and Atharen's largest city.

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Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:37 am

☠ 34th of Ash, Year 120 ☠
Company: Patients| Theme: Si Deus me Relinquit| Thoughts: She must be cleansed| Mood: Indifferent

☠ The clinic was lively today, the shuffling of feet as nurses and patients moved about the building. It was a usual day, the warmth of the searing season riding along with the breeze that blew into my office window, and the tranquility of the familiar sounds around me. it made me feel quite at home like it usually did.

A knock came upon my office door, a nurse telling my first appointment was here and waiting to be seen. Looking at the charts in front of me, read the name, and my brow couldn't help but rise at it. It was Mrs. Gartchet, a nice young woman, wife, and mother of four handsome little boys. I found it odd she was here again as I just saw her a few weeks ago for a sprained wrist.

Curious to see what was ailing her, I made my way out and into the hall towards the examination room where she was waiting. It was unlike her to come to me so frequently so I was a bit worried as this must have been serious for her. I must have gone over several other scenarios in my head as to why she was here. Curious enough my nurse was waiting for me outside with a preliminary report.

"Sir I dont know how to say this, but she has several bruised ribs". A brow raised as my heart sank a bit. She was just here for a sprained wrist, now she bruised ribs. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I fixed my hair, and taking the notes from my nurse, and continued on to the examination room.

Closing my eyes, I focused on putting on the best facade as to not tip her off on me knowing her illness. Between the assumptions in my head and what I expected her to tell me, I had to keep a level head in order to get to the bottom of what was really going on. Taking a deep breath I entered the room with a smile.

"Good afternoon Lady Gartchet, so nice to see you again. I hear you have had an accident." I said, looking into over the notes from my nurse and then into her eyes. I could tell right away that she was nervous, the shift in her eyes, the positioning of her hands, and her body language.

In all honesty, I do believe her husband beats her, though she would never admit to it, either out of embarrassment or fear. I wish she would be honest and tell me, I am her doctor after all. "Care to tell me how you ended up with these bruised ribs?" I asked, trying my best to seem empathetic to her. I couldnt help but feel my desire to cure her husband well up inside of me, and I only needed her to confess to his abuse in order to do so.

It's obvious that she was afraid, I didnt need to read her aura to see it. She gave me a polite smile and fiddled with her fingers as she attempted to respond. "You know me, always trying to help my servants in their daily tasks, I was up on a ladder and lost my footing. I fell onto the ground rather hard you see." she lied, acting as if she even believed it herself.

It annoyed me when people did things like this, lying to protect others. It simply baffled me the lengths mortals would go to in order to do so. "I see." I told her, shifting in my chair as I looked at her. I could tell she was in pain so I decided to patch her up while I spoke.

"Well that was certainly some fall to bang you up like this. A delicate flower such as yourself should be more careful." I mused, entertaining her lie for time being. I did what I could to be as gentle as possible with tending to the bruises, I needed to ensure she would have the best chances of recovery, though I'm sure she would be back again in time.

It was a simple task really, mostly making sure nothing was truly broken which she was safe from thankfully. "You'll have to be on bed rest for a little while and make sure you ice them to help deal with the swelling. Also, take this with your morning tea to help with the pain and you should be recovering quite well."

With that I gave her a smile, waiting to see if she would give me anything about the abuse, but she didnt, thanking me for my time and the medicine, and quickly making her way out. With a sigh, I shook my head and readied myself for the next patient. A whore, how wonderful.

One of the many medical contracts my father had was with a prominent brothel in the city, and it was a rather lucrative deal. We give the madame and her girls preferable treatment, and they provide us any information. I could say I was not opposed to helping the girl in whatever vaginal disease she may have contracted, but it didnt make up for the constant and insistent flirting and advances.

Making my way to the examination room I was greeted by a stunning woman. Hair vibrant and blazing like fire, and piercing green eyes, this one was quite stunning, catching me off guard for a moment. She could see this and a smile crept onto her face. Dressed in fine clothing the woman was sizing me up as I took my seat, licking her lips as she crossed her legs.

"So what brings you in to see me today Ms?" I inquired, looking over the notes taken by my nurse. "I am here because of a little inconvenience I hope you can alieve me of." her words made me curious, especially as to what she considered as an inconvenience. "Well tell me how I can be of help?" I inquired, though I was not expecting what she was about to request of me.

"I've come to learn I'm pregnant, four months or so along from what the midwife has told me. Given how well requested I am a child would only be a hindrance to me right now. I want you to terminate it for me. I hear there is a pill one can take to kill it yes?" she blatantly asked, causing me to become speechless. I couldnt believe what I was hearing, but my duty as a doctor had to be fulfilled.

"Yes, I think I can help you with that." I noted, moving to a cabinet within the room and pulling out a vial. "This will help remedy that for you. Take it with food on your stomach and it will take care of your pregnancy for you. You can pay the nurse on your way out." I advised the beautiful woman.

She gave me a hug and then proceeded to exit the room, looking back as she blew me a kiss.

For a moment all I could do is sit there in that room.

I couldnt believe I had just done that, aided in the termination of infantile life, and that's when she came. The soft caress of her hands cupped my face, and I knew instantly. My own hands reached up to meet hers feeling the warmth of her hug. "Tell me my little Cyrus, what was the first thing I taught when becoming a doctor?" her voice was like cool water, sweet like honey.

"All life no matter where one comes from, their race, or their past, is important and must be protected." it was like clockwork, never missing a beat. I could feel her smile on my neck with my response. "Exactly, and this woman, this woman asked you to snuff out this beautiful life prematurely."

I could feel the immense weight in each and every word she spoke. "You know what you must do correct? This woman is ill, and only you can cure her." she added, with me nodding in agreement. "I will cure her mother, you need not worry." I assured her, standing as I turned around.

There she was, standing there mere inches from me, her eyes glowing with unnatural light. She was still as radiant as when she was alive, but she was here now, with me, giving me encouragement to administer another cure to a sick woman. Her smile at my declaration was pleasant, but the look in her eyes was hungry, the look I remember getting from Fayeth time and time again.

I didnt care though, She was right, and I would do my best to aid that woman with her illness. I had a duty and obligation to do so. I left the examination room and went on to my next patient, tinkering in my brain as to how to go about curing this woman later on, but my medical duties were first.

Taking a breathe, I put on the facade of the good doctor once again, and went in to the room. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
Last edited by Haldir on Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1673
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Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:56 pm


Review Request:

XP: 5

Magic Experience: None, this time.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Medicine: Prescribing remedies to ailing patients
Medicine: Offering comfort to your patients
Medicine: Rest is the best counter to bruised ribs
Psycology: The fear of the abused
Psycology: Understanding Body Language
Investigation: Asking how one got their injuries

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Interesting. The complex of protecting all life while taking others is difficult to pull off, but Cyrus's delusions make it work. I also appreciate the mention of Fayeth in this thread! I can't wait to see where this plot goes.

Build to last,

word count: 121
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