
The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and Atharen's largest city.

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Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:55 pm

40th of Ash, 120

It had been four days since Arkash joined The Sawtoothed Renegades, a gang native to Lower Nivenahin. He steadily recovered from his bruising and the scrapes that littered his form, but his face was still tender and sore. As part of his initiation, he was expected to fight against three of the gang members to collect six farthings. Arkash blamed his blindside for the fact that they kept managing to hit him, but it was plenty likely he just wasn't fast or precise enough to dodge three attackers at once.
The gang's orientation was the prosperity of its members, and they fought for it no matter the price. Though Arkash understood the sentiment, he didn't fall in line with them, at least not through his own eye. He was there because he needed allies to band against The Black Boar Chargers, one of the most prominent gangs in the area. They'd tried to kill him some few days ago in a shoot-out, but thanks to Asmodei, his stalwart protector, they failed.
His joining of the Sawteeth was part of Asmodei's and Fayeth's plan; they had resources that Arkash could utilize, and he fully intended to make use of the thugs.
But, he hadn't spoken to the couple since he joined their ranks. Arkash resolved to find them at their rendezvous point outside the city, so long as they were still alive. It was unfortunate, but the young rath's faith had waned since he woke. Cojack had given up on him, and if even his own father lacked the strength to wait for him, who could? In the back of his mind, he expected both that Fayeth and Asmodei had somehow abandoned him.
One problem at a time, he thought to himself as he ascended the cold, dimly-lit stairs that led to the headquarters of the gang. At the top of the tall staircase stood one of the Jastai; the short-haired dark one with an unshaved face. It was the same one that had kidnapped him in his first encounter, and Arkash glared playfully to relay his recognition. The giant grinned as Arkash approached. "Up and about, eh?"
"Yeah, me 'eads gettin' as numb as me legs jus' sittin' 'er. I nee' sum air." He explained and glanced toward his legs at the gesture. They were still stitched up proper, but they'd healed to a point that allowed Arkash plenty of mobility.
"The doc would tell you to stay in bed, but..." The jastai shrugged and scratched at his neck, "I'm not the doc. When'll you be back?"
Arkash grinned at that. Though he kept his wits about him around the thugs, there was a sort of charm to the thugs that Arkash couldn't fully put his claw on; they were simple and hardy, easy to read. Their leader, Kahl, was an exception, but he'd already known something about him was amiss. "Cheers," Arkash returned, "an owa or two at most."
The giant man nodded, then turned to the door and began to fiddle with the various locks. "Name's Vok, by the way. Dun 'ave'ta know me as that guy that kidnapped you," he spoke flatly, then pulled the door open and shivered at the gust of cool air that rushed into the alley. "Try not t' freeze out there, lizard," he warned.
Arkash nodded, then lifted his hood as he proceeded into the dank alley. "Cya, Vok," Arkash waved as he proceeded to the street. The snow had fortunately melted in the time Arkash hid underground; he didn't have to worry about the impediment of the cold so much as a result. Without pause, he tapped his claws against the cold stone of the lower district's streets and proceeded to the sewer grate, where they'd all agreed to meet.
As Arkash descended the slight slope that led to the lake, he looked about the shoreline for his protectors, but the sudden pull of gravity stole his attention. It felt as though the stitched wounds on his shins and calves alike would split open if he resisted the pull of the hill, so he didn't fight it and allowed the momentum to carry him to the waterfront.
With a hiss, Arksh lowered into a crouch and squeezed his shin with his one hand, as if it were possible to hold the thing together with the pressure of his bony claws alone. His gaze lifted to the water, where he lowered his hood to get a look of his surroundings, then finally straightened up. A low sigh escaped him when he realized that there was no one at the scene. Neither Fayeth nor Asmodei was at their agreed meeting location. Part of him reasoned that they could have been late, the rest knew they'd left him.
He lowered to sit on the sands of the lakeshore, then drew his legs close to his chest and rested his head upon his knees. What was he to do? he'd prepared himself for the possibility that he wouldn't see them again, but it didn't change the fact that he still needed them. Or did he? Before he could contemplate the topic further, the air wavered with a hard gust, accompanied by the muffled beat of large feathered wings. The sound made Arkash perk, then turn his head in the direction of his dead eye, to see both the avialae and the siltori; they hadn't left him. Arkash smiled but didn't attempt to stand as the siltori and avialae alike watched him with puzzled gazes.
"What happened?" Asked Fayeth as she approached his side, then sat.
Did Arkash say he was happy to see them? No, he didn't want to show weakness or appear dependent. If they died that day, it would make no difference to him. "It's nuffin'," he answered and pulled his head away from the elf's digits as she reached for his bruised, cut face. "I go' initiated, I've bin healin' since we split," Arkash explained.
Fayeth frowned, but it was Asmodei who took the liberty of speaking next. "Well aren't you the little soldier?" Asked the winged man with a grin before he took a seat on the rath's other side, then held his damaged shoulder in a half-hug.
Arkash twitched a little but didn't otherwise react. "Jus' cus 'ew two are 'uge, dun' mean I'm li'l," he warned with a scowl. It was time they treated him as an equal; he'd been through enough to earn it.
Asmodei raised his brows, then shrugged. "Alright, big man. How was your vacation?"
"Fien," he returned with a moment of thought, then continued. "They's mostly jastai, ex-vikin'ers or summin'."
"Atinorins?" Quizzed fayeth from Arkash's blindside. The rathari merely shrugged against the weight of the gauntlet while Asmodei nodded in affirmation.
"Anything else?" Asmodei asked with a lean of his head before he removed his grasp from the rathari's shoulder.
Arkash thought for a moment before he looked back to Asmodei. "They's my bigges' fans; I'm apparen'ly entertain' t' watch in a scrap." Arkash grinned a little at the thought then shook his head. "Their smith is dottin' ova' me too. 'E's tryin'a buil' me a new arm."
"They have a word mage?" Asked Asmodei with some degree of surprise.
Arkash shook his head. "Nah, jus' a smith. Talkin' a metal arm f'r me." It was a nice gesture of Taun, even if the giant was a bit strange. Though, Arkash didn't doubt he had his ulterior motives.
"Well that's something, at least," spoke Fayeth with little enthusiasm. "What of their motives? Their drive? The services they sell? Anything?"
Arkash furrowed his brow at her tone, then directed his gaze to her. "I've bin stuck in bed, Fayeth. All I know's they's jastai an' they wan' prosperity firs', everythin' else secon'."
"Prosperity..." Mused Asmodei. "Why'd they leave Atinaw then? To come here of all places? Something's not right there..."
Arkash nodded at the sentiment. Why would anyone come to Lorien of all places to seek prosperity? Unless they were intended to marry, of course. "The boss's name's Kahl; I dun' like 'im much," declared the rath, who then lowered his legs and pulled up his hood with his one arm. "half of 'em's tidy like, the rest? Offish. I dunno wha's up 'ere, but I dun like i'." Both the siltori and avialae nodded to one another; they were all in agreement, there was something wrong with the group."Whatchya fin' abou' the charga's?" Arkash riposted.
Fayeth drew a deep breath, only to exhale quickly at the question. "Well... It seems you've scared them."
Arkash furrowed his brow and looked to Fayeth. "Really?"
"Seems that way," returned Asmodei. "They've hunkered down, bumped up security and patrols. I have a feeling it has something to do with how their band of six wound up dead in a burning ruin when they came after you."
Arkash rolled his eye; that was a joint effort of his and Asmodei's, he couldn't take all the credit. "Orite, well..." Arkash scratched at his chin while he thought. "I'll keep living it low wiv the sawteeth f'r now, get in my docta' visits n' such. Meanwhiel, can 'ew two keep an eye on th' charga's? Try'n fine some manholes aroun' their lan', summin' we can sneak in throu'?"
To that, Fayeth rose a brow with a grin. "Yes, sir," she spoke largely in jest, then stood and helped the rath to his feet. Her tone came across as a mixture of sarcasm and inspiration; something he was sure only she could manage.
"We'll do our best, young Arkash," was Asmodei's affirmation as he stood, then took a pace or two away with Fayeth at his side. "In the meantime, try not to break anything?" Fayeth clung to him, and in a flash, they were gone. Arkash was left to his thoughts, where he reflected on the emptiness that had been left in his chest at their departure. With a sigh, the rath hung his head and began to climb the slope. No matter what he told himself, he needed both the elf and the winged man, though he found that he quite enjoyed clinging to them. So, he anticipated their next meeting as he returned to the headquarters to rest.

word count: 1792
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Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:27 pm

Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • 5 {No Magic}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Leadership: Command respect.
    Leadership: Status report.
    Leadership: Debriefing your followers.
    Leadership: Briefing your followers.
    Leadership: Show no weakness.
    Leadership: Formulate a plan with your followers in mind.
Loot: N/A

Injuries: N/A

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 64
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