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One Of The People (Orion)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:57 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa
4th day of Ash 120 Age of Steel

The sound of Elizana’s boot foot making contact with the pavement was lost in the general noise of the city. The blue eyed lady paused on the front steps of the Celamyrsa city estate. Her gaze took in the gaudy and cramped cityscape of the capital Nivenhain. The young woman found that she still didn’t particularly care for the capital. She had grown up outside of Skaven which wasn’t a small city but there was a difference. Maybe it was because the nobles of Ludren competed not on the grandeur of their town homes but of their country estates and the productivity of their lands. Here is the capital the theme was wealth and how could it be squandered.

Elizana glanced up at her own family city home. It was beautiful, but excess wealth hadn’t been spent on showing how much wealth they had. The place didn’t really compete with the other houses in guadyness, but upon careful inspection you could see that the upkeep of the house was pristine. The house of Celamyrsa had been in Lorien since before the kings and that strong long term stability was what they liked to show others.

The young lady didn’t really spend on that much time on the front step philosophizing over the grandeur of the capital. She had errands to run for a few members of her family before she would had to depart for Brandt in the next couple of days. With purposeful steps Elizana moved down the steps and across the front path, and nodded at one of the guards at the front gates. Elizana didn’t move into the rich sections of the city put moved into the other parts. Everything she needed to get could be retrieved in either locations, but the Lustrian and Savants made equally quality products just without the additional embellishment and cost.

The daughter of the west was dressed in warm clothing to fight against the perpetual frost but she had altered the normal woman’s wardrobe slightly. She wore a blue blouse but it was currently covered with a brown full sleeve jacket with a high color that spread down to cover her skirts which only had slight poof to them and most of that was underclothing to help keep the warmth in. What was harder to tell though as that she wasn’t really wearing true skirt, but a divided shirt that was more like billowing pants.

Elizana continued her walk until she came to the first shop on her list. It was a location that sold hunting supplies and was a location her brother asked her to go an pick up an order for him instead of trusting a courier to deliver them. She paused outside of the shop and wondered if maybe they could make her a good trowl for her archaeology kit.