Through The Barge

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and Atharen's largest city.

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Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:16 pm


He'd never heard of Rien people being called 'grim' before -- maybe the word didn't suit them, to him. He'd heard haughty, cold, repressed, loveless... perhaps all of those things together did make a man grim, though, if his mind was saturated long enough in its state of cold dismay. It was what the birds had done to them -- the grim overseers of their every emotion, forbidding them within their own watchful eyes. The birds were half the reason his people, in New Betham, hadn't gone to live in Lienburg or Goteborg. They didn't want to end up like the old, callous shells around them, marrying for convenience -- loving no one, scarcely even themselves. Working tirelessly for a purpose unknown; perhaps only to continue to live. At least, he supposed, they didn't have to fear the wroth of metal-men.

As he continued to think on those trivial words, Arkash spoke more of himself; his excellent sense of smell, which was what he would use to guide them. Orion winced at first, thinking of how the last thing he would want now would be a good nose, considering the muck and mire around them. The other man didn't seem to complain, however, and spoke of how they'd managed to set up the right conditions for him to lead: rat blood. His wince became a sudden frown as he felt himself begin to reel at the thought; his mind vaguely imagining the poor creatures being dissected and slathered on the walls. At least their sacrifice was keeping the two men safe, for now...

"Ah... ahuh," he softly replied. Orion compliantly took the burlap shirt and held it against his chest, using it to follow after the other man. He walked steadily, slowly, not making any quick movements and truly feeling the shape of the ground beneath his feet after each step. He was heavily reluctant to accidentally press into the other man and knock him over; he didn't want to be at fault for anyone getting hurt.

The other man began to drag the pommel of his blade against the wall, creating a coarse scraping noise as they walked. The human was again impressed by his resourcefulness, but for a while now he refrained from speaking, largely because he was nervous and a bit afraid. His surroundings were so dark and treacherous; it was wild to him how city infrastructure could often be more perilous than the wilds. And Nivenhain itself -- massive like it was -- was something of a hostile land to him. He constantly feared the repercussions of every step, and on his mind was the worry that he wouldn't be able to easily go back.

Shaking Arkash's hand, when he finally did, was a measure that offered him a sense of security. He felt more grounded after the shaky touch, at least knowing that the other man would be there to guide him; that he was in safe, or at least practical, hands. He learned his name, finally, and repeated it softly to himself: "Arkash."

It was a strange name, for a strange man. All the Rien's he'd ever heard the names of were... Karl's, Luden's, Heinrich's, Lukas', Erik's. Then, suddenly, a name that sounded as guttural as the Lizard-Man that wielded it. He nodded his head once more.

"You've never heard 'f us? I reckon you don't speak much ta humans, do ya? There're lots in Lorien, even 'n Lower Nivenhain. Some'a them give us intel, ya see. They still wanna help out their people. I think thas' how we foun' out abou' them guns," he pondered, before nodding once. That was what his mother told him, if he could recall. "Ya see, lossa them just go ta Nivenhain an' tha Eas' End ta survive. They don' do it 'cos they wanna, 'r ar happy ta do so, an' most hope they can go back some day."

He continued to follow the other man, though quickly the two of them stopped as a turn came. Orion kept his feet grounded and sighed a breath of relief, though his arms were still shaky -- he was worried Arkash would mess up the turn and fall in. Luckily, he didn't, and the two continued their conversation. He spoke of his people: the 'Lizard Folk' as Orion had called them, only to inform the young Ranger that they were more than just lizards. His mother was a wolf, his dad... a horse? The Koltoskan's eyes widened, even though he couldn't see 'fer shit', as he would've said.

"Ar' yew pullin' mah leg? No way. Yer ma' was a wolf and yer dad a horse?" He pursed his lips together and pondered, trying to decide whether or not he believed the other man. He decided that he didn't. "Thas' malarkey. There ain' no way that a horse an' a wolf can birth a big ass lizard," he said, shaking his head.

"As for why mah people wan' guns, well... Mister Jus'-Arkash, issa long an' complicated tale. If yew ever heard of them Awokens, well... actually, ya know the Hollowers, yeah? Metal-men, sor'da. Imagine if there were metal-men way-way worse than 'em, all over, everywhere ya went... constantly reavin' an' destroyin' towns. No need ta sleep, ta eat, no need fer supply lines; none-a-that. An' all they wanna do is kill, destroy. No wan' fer money, fer a trea'dy, fer land really... jus' dead us. Because'a that, we need weapons ta pratec' ourselves. The Rien owe i' ta us anyway; is' their stupid war that done caused all these metal-men to be made in the first place. An' now... we're almost all gone. We used ta be a big nation; Koltoskai. Now we ain' got shi'. No leaders, no rule-a-law, no lan'. Jus' war. An' guns are all we got 'ta keep us safe."
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Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:52 pm

It perhaps wasn't hard to tell that Arkash, despite his familiarity with Nivenhain, wasn't all too integrated with the general populace. His name was off, his smarts beyond the city weren't all there, and his species was almost nowhere else to be found in the region. Atop that was his general awkwardness and inability to lead a conversation. With enough consideration, all the clues of Arkash's social alienation were there, and without a people to call his own, he was alone in the world. But then, the rath had mentioned a friend or two at some point in the conversation. He couldn't have been that isolated, right?
Even so, he'd not encountered conversation of the Koltoskans. The humans he did speak to were likely to think of him on a similar level of disdain. Not because of where he came from, but because of what he was. Orion half called him out on the fact that he didn't talk much to humans, and Arkash cringed silently. "I dun', no," was all he replied to the question. The thought of speaking to most rien humans filled his gut with dread and set his teeth on edge. Whenever someone he had to approach was revealed to be a foreigner, as rare as it was, he was always put at ease. So, Arkash took a mental note to watch out for Koltoskans. If even half of them were as kind as Orion had been to him, it was worth the risk to speak to them. "I'll keep me eye ou'," he offered with an audible, sincere smile.
Malarkey, the boy called his family. "'Ew wot?" It was perhaps hard to tell, but Arkash grinned while he dragged the dull metal along the wall. It did sound quite bizarre, especially when one considered that Arkash was a neoalt, born from two beastalt parents. He was an anomaly, as Asmodei called him. "I swears it, Orion. Me mum laid an egg th' size of a grapefruit, an' I hatch'd from i'." When he said it out loud, even he recognized how bizarre it sounded. "They was bofe real tall, too. More'n sev'n foot on each of 'em." That didn't sound any more convincing, it just sounded like more malarkey in his head and out loud.
He found himself with a smile while he explained more on his parents, but it receded quickly. They were both gone, there wasn't a point in reciting their stories or recalling details on their looks. Thankfully, they didn't linger on the topic, but a debatably less-favorable one flowed from the boy's lips. Arkash took the time to smell the wall face with the stained rat blood, then nodded. "Fawu'd," he spoke, then began to cross the bridge that led to the other side of the stream. Once he was there, he felt around for the wall, and again, it was on his right side. The rath pressed the pommel of his sword to the wall and began to scrape as he walked. if he had to guess, he'd say they were under the wall at that moment. The exit grate they'd marked was just a few more turns away, and he had Orion's story to fill the gap.
So, the Koltoskan's had to fight war machines in their homeland. Rather, they ran from war machines in their homeland. The way Orion explained it, like hollows, gave him chills. He already hated the vile constructs, but just hearing their name made his blood run cold. "Lorien dun' care much f'r foreigna's," he spoke on a different part of what the boy said to avoid the hollowers completely.
Orion brought up how his people fell from a great nation to small self-run groups, which intrigued him, as Arkash had developed his own ideas on the likes of leaders and the law alike since he woke. "It dun' soun' like you's plannin' to pay for them guns, y'know," the way Orion spoke of how the Rien people owed them for creating the war in the first place left that impression. "The law 'ere will see 'ew killed f'r less. You bes' be careful."
It was clear Orion needed the guns, and though Arkash sympathized with facing off against evil constructs, he spoke nothing of his own experiences with them. That was when a thought struck, but not before Arkash could test another corner, then sniff another wall before he made another turn in the winding maze of tunnels. "Y'know, I'm a decent fetcher, I c'n 'elp 'ew wiv th' 'eist," he offered with an audible grin. "But, 'ew made a good point earlia'; I'm no good in a scrap," he admit with a hint of frustration. "The shi' that savan' nicked from me has a nice lockpick in it. If 'ou 'elp me ge' i' back, I'll teach'a t' ews i'."
Of course, he had to keep in mind that Orion wanted no nonsense. It didn't have to be an assault or anything of the like. "If you's up f'r i'. I'll think us up a plan now," he offered as a footnote.

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Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:00 pm


The Ranger eyed the other man skeptically as he spoke of his... birthing. His mother laid an egg the size of a grapefruit -- a wolf, mind you -- and he hatched from it. That was how baby lizards were born, but... he couldn't imagine Lorien being a decent hatching ground. Obviously it still worked, but... the Koltoskan bit his lower lip as he explained. Arkash informed him that they were both incredibly tall -- each of them, more than seven feet tall. So why was Arkash so mediocre in height...?

It all sounded pretty wild to him. He continued to nod along, skeptically, as the other man explained -- but for a while, that was all Arkash got. Those skeptical nods.

"Ahuh..." he finally voiced. "Well, I'll betcha 'orse daddy was real proud of his wife fer layin' a big egg. Truly impeccable," he replied, sarcastically -- though it was difficult to tell with him. His tone remained even, and if there were a smile upon his lips, it would be impossible to see. The truth was: he didn't believe Arkash was telling him the truth, and he decided to 'go along with it'. Even if that made him seem naïve.

After that, he kept following, taking each of Arkash's directives as he issued them, noting that they must've been fairly close by now. He couldn't imagine leading the way back without the lizard, though -- a part of Orion recognized that he'd probably need to ask the other if he'd be willing to help with the eventual heist. Even with some torches... it wouldn't be so easy without his 'sniff'r', as he called it. The rat blood would fade more day-by-day, and even were it around, Orion wasn't sure how easily he'd be able to retrace and follow it all.

"We know the risks," the Koltoskan replied, as the other man warned him of the retributive law of the system surrounding them. He scowled. "Is' the risk of death, scroungin' in here, or else the inevi'dability of i' ousside them walls. Without them guns, we're toas'. So this is what we gots ta do."

The other man then put forward an offer: to help with the heist. That took out the question of asking him to join, which brought some small sense of relief to Orion, who was glad to know that the Rathari was receptive. But it wasn't purely out of the goodness of his heart: it was an exchange. He would assist him with the heist, if Orion helped him to take his belongings back from the Savant who had stolen them, or misappropriated them, or whatever the story was. He mentioned not being good in a scrap -- which means to some extent, he expected one. Direct confrontation between Orion and a Rien citizen... not a Nameless, but a bona-fide resident of one of the upper districts.

The thought was scary. But he knew that perhaps he had no choice.

"I'm alrigh' in a fight, Mister Lizard," he said softly. "I'm young, bu' -- I gotta goo' punch'r. So... if we were ta ge' inna a scuffle, I could help ya out. I ain' about ta kill no one, though. An' we gotta make sure he ain' gon' call out fer help," he said. Worst came to worst... he had a gun. It was loud, but -- not too loud if someone put a quilt in front of it or something of the like. He'd never killed a person before, though. Never thought to; never needed to. His enemies had always been metal-men. Hell, even then... he'd only shot a few Hollows. Never the real thing; the War Machines, or their ilk.

He was a good fighter in theory. In practice -- well, there was no practice. Occasional scraps with his fellow Rangers-in-training. And the time he'd beat up his little brother's "friends" for not being good friends at all. That was it.

"Alrigh'," he finally replied. "If yew help me with tha heist an' with that lawkpick, well... I'll help ya get yer shi' back. Even if we gotsa rough up some guy ta do i'."
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Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:36 pm

"I finks 'e was more confused, t' be hones'," Arkash admit with a thoughtful tone. He'd never really asked Cojack about it, but they didn't like to talk about his egg. "'Avin a kid f'r a rath is kin'a... always surprisin', like. Nuffin's standa'd, always diff'ren'." That was the best way he could explain it, even if Orion didn't believe him, Arkash tried not to care too much. He couldn't deny that there was something oddly upsetting about not being believed, however. It was as though his integrity was judged and fount wanting. Even if Arkash was a sleuth and a fetcher, it stung to recognize.
Orion's response was... oddly relatable. "Damned if 'ew do, damned if 'ew dun'." Orion was caught in the middle of an impossible situation, one in which he either faced the wroth of the argent and their hollows or the unending assault of the war machines that swamped his homeland. Just as Arkash could have suffered the savant boys, or he could have taken the fall for stopping them. The world wasn't fair, and though both Asmodei and Fayeth were keen to express so in his company, he'd found someone who knew the same on a much grander scale. "Tha's admirable," Arkash spoke with a smile. "I mean, sorry it's tough on 'ew like. But, 'least 'ew aren' taekin' i' lyin' down."
So, his offer to help was delivered, but it wasn't for free or out of the goodness of his heart. Arkash maybe needed a diversion or some extra force to ensure he could bring down the innkeeper without killing him. But ultimately, all Arkash wanted was his bag of baubles and Cojack's things. Orion was getting weapons in return, so the deal felt as though it weighed in the Koltoskan's favor. "Nah, no blood if we c'n 'elp it." The rath had fallen far from grace since he woke, but not so far that he'd plan to kill a man for the sake of his bag of nick-nacks. Then again, had Arkash ever been close to grace? Had he ever been above the filthy tunnels he wandered through that day? Not truly, not that he could remember. There was no glory for the likes of Arkash and Orion, but only one of them seemed to know so.
"I'ss a deal 'en?" Arkash asked as he tucked his shortsword again, then offered his claws for a handshake. It was quite exciting if he was honest. Initiating a handshake to seal a deal, he felt so professional, so dangerous. There was something spectacular about following an ordinary custom that he couldn't quite put his claw on. Perhaps it was because he was so far from social norms? Whatever it was, Arkash was glad for the opportunity.
Once the deal was done, Arkash returned to his scraping for a small stretch before he came to another pause and sniffed one of the walls. He tested the ground, then proceeded down another turn. He had to think of a plot for two on retrieving his goods, so his mind remained focused on that while he led Orion through the dank darkness. "how meny are 'ew? Like how'd 'ew s'pose we carry all 'em guns throu' 'ere wivout enyone seein'?" They might as well have started talking tactics, as it seemed they would work closely together for the rest of the day, or so Arkash believed.
Soon enough, Arkash's pommel his something metallic, which rang a loud clang in the darkness. It was one of the ladders, a similar style to the one they'd climbed to enter the sewer. Above them, obscured rays of sunlight shined. Arkash furrowed his brow as he cast his one working eye to the ceiling, then tucked his sword again as he approached the wall. A few brief sniffs saw him nod. "We're 'ere," he affirmed. "Wan' me to 'old 'ew up agen?" He offered as he tucked his blade into his belt.

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Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:01 pm


Arkash continued to explain the Rathari in such a factual way, that Orion began to wonder if he was actually pulling his leg. He didn't laugh or carry any particular tone within his speech that spoke of humor; and the oddities of his story almost started to match up. Orion did wonder why two lizard parents would ever end up in Lorien... perhaps they weren't lizards, then, at all. A horse and a wolf. He could only wonder what such a pairing would be like.

It didn't matter that much, so he held his thoughts on it for now. If it were true, well -- he could ask about it later. The questions would come then. If they even survived their journey to the surface, that was.

"Exactly," he finally replied, as the man remarked on his situation. "Damned if ya do, damned if ya don'. There ain' no justice in this world, Mister Lizard. Thas' what my father taught me a long time ago."

To the rest, he only nodded. No -- he wouldn't take it lying down. None of them would; they kept running, kept fighting. They had dwindled a lot, but... their community kept strong. And well -- he sometimes thought -- worst came to worst, they would die defending who they were. Their culture, their heritage, their homeland. The thought of that sometimes brought upon him a somber smile; it was tragic to think that their lives could end that way, but in some fantastical realm, it was equally heroic.

Their conversation eventually shifted to the heist, the potential for fighting, the deal and its many facets. Truth be told, it was favorable to Orion -- or so he thought. He didn't really know much about what Arkash was getting him into, but; Arkash didn't really know the scope of his own situation, either. Raiding a manufactory for guns... it was dangerous. The sewers, though, made the possibility much more approachable. They had an entrance and exit plan -- and as dangerous as the Argent were, he doubted they wanted to be scouring the sewers in darkness.

Still. Both of them had radical ideas of what they wanted, and he could only hope to God that they would come out alright. He'd started to feel fond of the other man, even though he spoke in a funny way, and even though he appeared so tormented by their world. The Ranger could relate to it -- like those wounded veterans of their own wars, but without community to fall back on. Arkash seemed lonely, and like he stuck to himself. Orion wondered what had happened to that horse, and that wolf, and how he'd ended up the way that he was.

"It's a deal," he said, taking the other man's hand. He gripped it firmly for a moment, and smiled softly, even if it couldn't be seen through the shadowy overcast of the sewer walls. He held the grip as long as Arkash wanted to, and then continued to follow after when he was done.

"We got'sabout six wantin' ta go. Big bags an' tha like. We could proball-y fit abou' fiddy guns in them. A bit less if we go fer full-on rifles. Either way it'll be 'nuff ta arm our whole community. We're a small town -- probs only abou' a hundred-er so. Mos' of us ain' the fightin' types neither," he explained.

Finally, they arrived. It was time for Orion to lift up the grate on his own -- rather than sliding it over, he had to push it out and slide it along. It was later now, too; a proper morning. He could see light coming through from above. It would be more difficult to stay incognito, but with that also came advantages. He could hear the bustle of the city from above; the sound would be more easily drowned out.

"Lift meh," he said. Orion began to climb the ladder, waiting for Arkash's weight on his back before he let go with his hands and pressed them upwards towards the metal frame. He began to push it aside, straining, his muscles tightening as his temples tightened and his eyes felt like they would pop from his head. It was heavy -- especially so like this, when he had to worry about falling, holding it up from below and with no help. He was breathing hard. His arms already felt so tired, worn out by all of their labor.

But he managed to do it. The young man smiled somewhat triumphantly as the grate moved to the side, slowly enough and elevated enough not to skid too hard, though it was certainly audible. "Alrigh', Mister Jus'-Arkash. Les' go see yer savan' fren, shall we?" he questioned rhetorically, beginning to climb out. He then pressed his chest to the ground and reached out below to offer Arkash a hand. Once the Rathari was high enough, he would be able to take Orion's arm, making his ascent into the upper district much easier.
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Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:49 pm

Only a hundred people? Arkash considered those numbers. A family could be as few as two or as many as... Well, a lot. He didn't know how many families those hundred people could average out to, but the size of his people concerned him. When orion said that he came from a town, Arkash imagined a larger sum of humans. It sounded more as though he came from a village, which made more sense. The rath had been confused when Orion described a settlement in the area that he went foresting in, but it was all clear with Orion's explanation. That was, except one detail.
"Whatchya mean six?" Weren't they going straight there? To wherever the guns were being kept? "How's youer frien's gonna fine us, eh?" He cocked his one working brow with a frown. He didn't realize it, but he'd agreed to help them with a full-scale heist on another day. Arkash really didn't grasp the full weight of the deal he'd agreed to. Fifty guns was no laughing matter, either. Each of those things was pricey, far more pricey than a nameless life. If they were caught, Arkash didn't doubt they'd be hunted for days if they weren't somehow killed on the spot, but then, his outlook on the argent and the justice system of Lorien was bleaker than most.
That was except maybe Orion, who seemed to understand that justice wasn't for everyone. Arkash would take that thought a step further, as Asmodei had explained, but he held his forked tongue. Not everyone needed to be pressured into his ideals. So, he offered a simple nod to the expression.
When at last they came to a halt at the grate, Orion accepted his offer, and he moved his hand to hold Orion in place. That move, unlike the last, was far more difficult. Orion would feel his weight shift against the rath, who suddenly braced to lift his stump and arm alike to hold up the human. Arkash's whole body went tense, like some sort of support beam that propped the boy up with the press of the blade of his forearm and his meager stump alike. He felt the strain in his legs, his shoulders, his stomach. It took all his strength to keep the Koltoskan steady, but with their efforts combined, they did it.
Shameless of his weakness, Arkash dropped against the sewer wall back-first and openly panted and heaved with exhaustion. The strain saw his left shoulder tense, and in the dark of the sewer, his left side pulled in a brief twitch, which only followed up with another pull and a contraction. Once the spasms subsided, Arkash straightened up and pulled his hood over his head. "'Fore we go," Arkash spoke in reply, then exhaled the breath in his lungs. "I jus' wanna let 'ou kno'; I'll 'elp 'ew an' youer volunteas through the sewas, bu' there's no 'arm in bringin' torches if 'ey wan'." He still breathed at an elevated rate, but it was beneath his focused demeanor, almost as if he made an effort to conceal it.
Indeed, they'd been through the sewers so many times at that point that Arkash almost knew the way by memory alone. There were multiple points in the journey were Arkash was able to predict the turns at the upcoming intersections. If he had the light to help him, it would be even easier. "Migh' be saefa, too." With that, Arkash lifted his hood a little to gaze out the manhole. There, he saw the alley wall he knew; they were in Outer Nivenhain. All that remained then was to find their way to Arkash's problem, which was only a problem for the fact that he could barely see with his disguise on. Once he was ready, he began his awkward three-limbed climb up the ladder.

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Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:48 pm

Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • Arkash - 20 {No Magic}
    Orion - 20 {No Magic}
Pieces of knowledge:


Acrobatics: Swing from a metal bar.
Acrobatics: Freefalling.
Acrobatics: Landing with a deep-sit.
Leadership: Delivering simple instructions.
Leadership: Deliver your plan.
Leadership: Initiating a partnership.
Leadership: Formulate a plan and delegate tasks.
Navigation: Using sound to warn you when you're approaching a drop.
Navigation: Smelling old markers.
Navigation: Memorize the route.
Stealth: Over-sized burlap clothes break up your shape and make you difficult to see and identify.
Stealth: Approaching your target from the peripheral of their vision.
Stealth: Cover your scales to reduce the shine in low-light environments.
[PC] Orion: A human boy from Koltoska.
[PC] Orion: Wanted to get to Outer Nivenhain to steal some guns for his town.
[PC] Orion: Seems nice for a human.
[PC] Orion: Understands the unfairness of the world.
[PC] Orion: Doesn't believe that your mom was a wolf or that she laid an egg.
[PC] Orion: Never saw a rathari before you.
[PC] Orion: Comes from the forest that you used to forage at?
[PC] Orion: You agreed to help him if he helped you.


Gunslinging: Concealing a gun
Gunslinging: Readying a surprise shot
Gunslinging: Holstering
Survival: Sleeping in a bedroll
Survival: Properly wrapping up for cold temperatures
Survival: Sleeping in frosted environments
Bodybuilding: Heavy lifting
Bodybuilding: Lifting upward
Bodybuilding: Evening your muscle exertion
Bodybuilding: Pressing upward
Investigation: Examining shrouded figures
Investigation: Observing a poorly lit environment
Investigation: Studying objects in the dark

Arkash: A 'Rathari'
Arkash: Lowborn
Arkash: An Interesting Guy
Rathari: Animal Race
Rathari: Capable of being any kind of animal...?
Loot: Gun for Arkash to be buried in his backyard and dug up years later.

Injuries: N/A

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 311
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