Keid Erris

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Keid Erris
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:07 pm
Character Sheet:

Wed Aug 19, 2020 3:07 pm

Keid Erris

Full Name: Keid Erris
Race: Rathari, Neoalt
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 7'7
Weight: 350 pounds.

Birthdate: 17th of Searing, 86th year
Birthplace: FadeGrove, Ailizane
Profession: None
Housing: None
Partners: None

Titles: N/A

Fluencies: Ithimi, Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Keid's three forms take an eerily similar shape; muscled, tall, and scarred. Remnants of scraps and less than cooperative prey left their marks along all forms, the most noticeable being a nasty bite on the right hip, the size of his own palm and deeply rooted. It's known to act up and ache every so often- there's no pattern to it. Truthfully the main difference between each form is how much fur he has. In his Faunas, Keid stands as a feral, male white wolf with blue-grey eyes, standing around five feet tall. His true form relates to that of his faunas-- an anthropomorphic copy. A long muzzle with rows of teeth hidden behind his lips; keen ears atop his head, and a rather emotional tail attached to his lower back. These two forms are by far preferred, yet a human form will occasionally be taken in environments where beasts aren't as welcome. As a human, he stands at 7 foot 7 (roughly a half-inch shorter than his true form) with shaggy white hair and a light scruff he doesn't bother to trim. Pale cracked lips that are set in permanent resting bitch face, no matter how much he wished it didn't. In all forms, his height and build may seem a bit intimidating, but he's a teddy bear at heart when he's not hungry.


Despite his rough appearance, Keid will never hurt another for fun, and any blood spilled is for the purpose of a meal or self-preservation. At first glance, he is intimidating, cold, and self-isolating but it's easy to get past his shell with some playful banter and a warm bite to eat -given you aren't already his meal. Despite being alone for most of his travels he doesn't mind the company, the wolf appreciates someone who can keep a conversation but not become so dependent on him that he's just talking about himself. Otherwise, when he is on his own, Keid is happy to follow the pull of his purpose, and otherwise find himself enjoying the wonders (or horrors) of nature. He's seen by most as polite and professional. He's happy on his own as a stereotypical lone wolf and isn't the type to run into a situation with his claws out, despite not being the best at strategy anyways. He's usually level headed and calm but known to get comically sappy a few drinks down. No doubt he's easy to get along with, but difficult to bond to. It should be noted that Keid has his own set of morals and rules that were heavily influenced by a rather.. unorthodox mother, so some of his habits may seem strange while others may seem downright crazy.




Keid grew up with rules, rules that if he broke he'd be punished, and if he followed life would go on as it should've with few rewards. He was educated properly and taught the right way to hunt and protect himself, his days were ruled with discipline-- and the majority of his younger years were just that. Emotional support was usually found in the arms of his sickly grandmother, Ratear. She was the elder of the tribe and judging from the rattling coughing fits she wasn't going to be around much longer. He took advantage of the nights where his mother was away, he was left to his own devices, and more often than not the pup could be found in her light green tent. Ratear was able to draw out the child-like innocence, buried until his mother's rules. Despite the elder's chastising of Leah Keid never thought his mother was cruel, he had thought of each word she spoke as a law- meant to protect him and the tribe he cared so much for. To this day, his mother's moralities and laws stay with him.

The Ceremoney

As he grew older and childish fantasies faded, the day of his 18th year arrived. The ceremony was almost like the day of his birth, a great feast, a bonfire, and the mass of his family congratulating him in becoming an adult at last. Even Leah, the usually stoic lioness had put on a smile and tipped a mug back for her son. The night of his 18th, Keid obtained both his faunas and true form, both brilliantly white and shockingly fluffy. He picked favorites and spent most of the celebration in the four-legged form of a white wolf- which pranced around with dragon-like pride. The party carried on till morning. Drunken boars, human-shaped lemurs, and hungover scaled beasts found themselves in their own home with just enough of their memory to realize Keid Erris had become an adult, even Keid found himself dizzy in the fur-lined blankets of his bed, though.. oddly late in the afternoon. He assumed it was the hangover his mother knew he'd have. Or maybe her own way of a gift to him? Either way, it was suspicious his mother would let him sleep in so long.

The morning after the ceremony Keid found his mother's things missing from her room. There was no note or goodbye kiss.

Purpose and Travelling


Last edited by Keid Erris on Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:18 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1009
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Keid Erris
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:07 pm
Character Sheet:

Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:57 pm


SkillSkill LevelLore CountProficiency
Hunting 25/1002 Apprentice
Running 20/1002 Novice
Navigation 10/1001 Novice
Survival 25/1001 Novice
Stealth 20/1002 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Points+1000 100
(SP)Hunting+025 75
(SP)Navigation+010 45
(SP)Survival+025 20
(SP)Stealth+020 0
Last edited by Keid Erris on Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 56
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Keid Erris
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Character Sheet:

Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:51 pm


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Keid Erris
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:07 pm
Character Sheet:

Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:51 pm


Starter Package
  • 1 Large Tent (4 people)
    1 Large Tarp
    50 ft. of hempen rope
    1 lantern (complete with oil)
    10 torches
    1 Bedroll
    1 Blanket
    1 Horse
    1 full set of tack
    A set of large saddlebags

Hi I'm homeless, nice to meet you.

1. Starting Gold, +25,000 df.25,000 Total.
word count: 136

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