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Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:26 am

Adelaide Mannon Stål
Name: Adelaide Mannon Stål
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5’5” (165 cm)
Weight: 132lbs (59kg)

Birthdate: Frost 24th, 92nd AoS
Birthplace: Family estate near Hopsfel, Atinaw

Profession: Innkeeper
Housing: Parlour, Nivenhain-2, Lorien
Partners: None yet

Titles: N/A
Nicknames: Madame M, M, Your Disgrace
Factions: N/A

Fluencies: Kokalath, Common
Conversational: None
Ineptitudes: None

Last edited by Mannon on Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:33 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 91
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:38 am

Appearance, Personality & History

Of no particular height, Mannon is thin limbed. Whether that’s due to limited intake of food, profession, or genes, who knows. But one thing is for sure, she is impeccable and shows her skin with the finesse of a noble, or a seasoned cabaret singer. Her taste in clothing is refined and it shows in her show couture as well as off stage or backstage attire. Her skin bears only a few scars that have whitened with years and are placed precisely where no one would see them in public. The Masquerade rune is hidden on the left sole of her foot.


Has an air of superiority about her which some may confuse for arrogance. Others who are familiar with her past know this is due to her upbringing. Mannon will respect those who deserve it by earning it. Otherwise, she has nothing to say to you. She tends to keep people at arm's length or preferably even further so it is often challenging to know exactly what's going through her mind. This gives her an opening to listen intently and observe unreservedly. People fascinate Mannon. Understanding them is her aim, to what end, that’s her secret to know.

The prisoner of circumstances

Frost 24th, 92 AoS
Born to a prospering Stål kinship in Clan Hopsfel, Mannon was one of seven siblings. She was to be the only daughter to enter a partnership contract when she came of age since her older sister was already being groomed to one day take over the kinship. She grew up with that idea and quite accepted it since no one had shown her an alternative and in her naivete and trust, she did not care to look for it herself.

109 AoS
A year before she was of legal age to enter a partnership contract, the matriarch of the family already had the best match picked for her. No one expected this to be disputed or threatened, least of all Mannon who was excited as well as nervous about the prospect. That was until she met Axel. A good looking noble from Alfsos who was travelling Atinaw on some sort of sabbatical. Mannon had fallen from the first moment head over heels into a whirlwind romance. He promised her things she never knew she wanted and this spelt trouble with her family that were going to end only one way. By the end of the year, she had run away from home with the lord of her heart. Her head was full of promises and dreams.

110-111 AoS
Unfortunately, very early on, reality struck Mannon across the face with an iron slap. The promised love nest that was nothing short of the luxury she was used to, turned out to be a neglected mansion in dire need of some repairs with less than a skeleton crew of servants. Her lover turned out to be a destitute noble who was eye deep in gambling, drugs and women. In fact, he had already managed to accumulate a collection of similarly fooled young girls. Though none of them from a kinship that could offer Axel an escape from his looming poverty.

Almost as soon as Mannon settled in, Axel became adamant to draw a partnership contract, not the true marriage he promised. He presented her with the papers, demanded she and her family sight it. Alas and understandably, the Ståls refused, demanding their daughter to return home. Still blinded by love and suffocated by shame and embarrassment, Mannon refused, determined to prove her family wrong. But the Stål kinship did not intend to wait and see. They disinherited and expelled Mannon. Thus, she became kinless, unwanted in the lands she called home and worthless to the man. Overnight, she became nothing more than a play toy to him like the other girls. And his games weren’t the kindest.

During the following years, Mannon got tangled in the craze of the crumbling mansion. Drugs and gambling events were a daily occurrence. The other women and she were the entertainment of the ‘lord’s’ choosing. A variety of people walked the corridors of the place, some intelligent with strange leanings, some pure rabble of the streets.

The girl wasn’t even sure when or how she met the man, but at some point, Salem Hannan, a travelled researcher, visited Axel. Mannon was drawn to his knowledge, his experiences and most of all some underlying pull, the way he made certain things look...different.

It was with his nurturing and guidance, that she brought herself out of the disillusioned state of love that led her to depression and apathy which was so characteristic to the women of the mansion. Soon she was working her way into the servant connections, towards the ledger. Salem wanted her to understand the way the world worked. Mannon saw it as a second chance to win Axel’s heart. If only she could prove to him that she could run a household, perhaps he would see her in a new light.

But nothing changed. The more she tried, the more Axel pulled away, ridiculed her, mistreated her. Until once, she pushed him too far earning a public humiliation like never before.

Before she could plummet back to the depths of the darkness of despair, Salem caught her and offered her a solution. The alluring magnetism around him. It had a name. Masquerade.

After surviving the harrowing experience of initiation sickness which left her mentally scarred, Mannon returned to her previous activities but this time with a new aim. Step by step, she brought the household to relative stability. This time not for the man she no longer loved, but for her freedom and for the first time with allies.

112 AoS
It had been over a year since Axel disappeared. No one knew where he went or what happened but this prolonged absence was highly unusual. After a year of painful waiting, Mannon and the servants who now managed a much healthier household, pleaded with the authorities to declare the man dead. They didn’t only want to move on. In the lord’s name and in memory of his generosity, they wanted to give back to society. As a trusted member of the household, Mannon petitioned the authorities to allow her to convert the mansion into an asylum for women and children. Where needed she produced just the right documents, just the right securities, ultimately winning the case under certain conditions. As a self-governed institution, it had to be funded privately with all ledgers available for inspection by the authorities at any given moment. The moment that the institution would fail to support itself, it would be disbanded and the estate is returned to the possession of the authorities.

The moment that the papers were signed, Mannon handed them over to the head of the servants. It was theirs to maintain. She wasn’t able to stay. Too many harsh memories she needed to clear her head from. She hired a travelling wagon, fully covered and left one night without saying much of a goodbye. Many thought the past was chasing her away. But perhaps she was leaving with her demons in tow.

Whatever drove her, it ended in Lorien with Salem Hannan.

114 AoS
After joint effort between Mannon and Salem, bringing together their wit and money, the two were able to bribe baron Tobias Mohebi - a man who was Salem's frequent 'customer' for information. Doing so elevated Mannon into the Savant Caste so that she was then able to open her own business - the Parlour. On the outside, it was a cabaret that offered stage entertainment. However, rumours had it that a select few called the Primes, as well as Mannon herself, offered additional services if one knew how to ask. Ultimately, Mannon and Salem had their own stakes in the business, and their own plans for it too.

She travelled back to Atinaw only once or twice since moving to Lorien and her visits were always short and never spoken about at lengths. She moved out of Salem’s house to live in the Parlour.

120 AoS
This year was not meant to be any different to the previous ones. Her business was meant to continue gaining a fascinating reputation, her life was not meant to change any more than it already had.

Alas, when the supposedly disappeared destitute lord from Alfsos became a bargaining chip in another man’s game, Mannon found herself locked in a situation that threatened everything she worked to build over the years. And this time, the same trick may not work to save her again.
Last edited by Mannon on Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:29 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 1500
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:17 am

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
> Singing 0/100 Novice
> Acting 0/100 Novice
> Etiquette 20/100 Novice
> Negotiation 10/100 Novice
> Persuasion 20/100 Novice
> Seduction 5/100 Novice
> Dancing 0/100 Novice
> Disguise 0/100 Novice
> Logistics 0/100 Novice
> Psychology 0/100 Novice
> Business 25/100 Apprentice
> Deception 5/100 Novice
> Meditation 15/100 Novice
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Last edited by Mannon on Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:55 am, edited 13 times in total. word count: 118
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:51 am



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Last edited by Mannon on Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:32 am, edited 9 times in total. word count: 381
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:56 am

Arcana : Masquerade
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Masquerade 25/100 Novice




Acquired at Novice. A minor illusory enchantment that requires active sustainment. A mask is the thin application of aether over an existing object. It almost never incorporates more than one sensory aspect and is almost always purely visual in form. This can be used to change a person’s eye color, make it appear as though a scar is not there, or patch a hole in a piece of fabric. Masks do not hold up to physical inspection and will immediately dissipate once they are no longer actively sustained.


1. Mask technique
2. Mask needs active sustainment to hold
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:22 pm



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Basic Items

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Unique Items

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Starting Package+ 25,000-
Black silk skirt, small size- 750df
Fine wool shirt, small size- 15df
Last edited by Mannon on Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:28 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 134
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:27 pm



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Job Threads

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Last edited by Mannon on Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:56 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 89
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:28 pm

Business : Parlour

Last edited by Mannon on Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:48 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 19
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:30 pm


Salem Hannan
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Axel Opheim
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