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Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:59 pm
by Amara

A m a r a

Full Name: Amara
Race: Jastai
Sex: Female
Weight: Aprox. 343

Birthdate: 31st of Ash, 96 of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Daradan, Daravin

Profession: N/A
Housing: Simple Cottage
Partners: N/A

Titles: N/A
Factions: N/A

Fluencies: Common, Elathee
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Built like a bear and standing a massive height of 9'1, Amara finds herself easily spotted in any crowd and to some degree; she's proud of that. The full-blooded Jastai is adorned with plenty of scars (noted most are under her clothing), ranging from claw marks on her back to the occasional chunk out of her leg from falling as young girl-- each one having their own story ranging from a dangerous quest to a simple mistake. Stance aside, two toned black and white hair cascades down her shoulders in curls, reaching down to her lower back where it's kept neat. Beads thread through the strands. More often than not, it's braided out of the way as she works day to day. The Jastai has unreal pale skin decorated in striking ocean veins, high cheekbones and a strip down the middle of her bottom lip, running over her chin down to her throat, disappearing over apparel. She appreciates soft cloths and something she can move in with ease, often seen in dark colors and leather, shorts, belts and straps to cover her essentials but not much else.


To say that Amara carries herself with confidence may be an understatement. She holds a comfortable amount of pride in her charming smiles and bright eyes as she tries her best to bring joy to those around her, sometimes going overboard with loud remarks and over the top jokes or puns. Despite her cruel features and massive build Amara's very kind, acting as a mother most of the time, taking in stray animals even as a child-- for better or worse those around her are well taken care of and protected. This kindness is never to be taken as weakness, however, as Amara is more then capable of causing destruction with her words and her body.



Amara was born as most Jastai, in a pot somewhere, formed into a pebble like thing and breaking out from that egg later on as a baby. Her parents were a couple who had parted ways with each other shortly after the ritual, leaving the pebble (egg?) with a young man named 'Orain' in a sizable tribe nearby. The odd male had no need for children, nor a wish to raise any, but fate would not have it any other way. No one in the tribe he resided in had the time to raise a baby. At last he gave in, taking the bundle into his home. This Jastai named the child 'Amara' after his mother, and rose her as his own for the majority of his life until his death. But it's much to soon to talk about that. There wasn't anything special about him.. He was a loud man, happy, acting like the world was at his command and always busy working on improving the it with his creations.

It is important to note that this man shaped Amara to who she is today, the broad shouldered, powerful giant with a tongue as sharp as her sword. When Amara was given to him he was an aspiring blacksmith, the dream of a fantastic death had been put aside until he knew the little girl could carry on the legacy he intended to leave. Orain was the 'best of the best' as he put it, and rose the child to be just as in love with the glittering metals and heated minerals as he was- and to be frank, it didn't take much to interest her in such things. Watching her adopted father work with swords and armor excited and inspired her, until finally. She was allowed to make her own sword. The first few weapons Amara crafted? They were terrible. The swords, daggers, hammers, they were all flimsy or thin, perhaps some were dull and even chipped! It was clear from a young age, although she was so interested, it'd still take hard work to learn the craft of being a blacksmith. But the older Jastai kept each of her creations and told her the same thing, 'they were going to sell for thousands of Danari.' As every Jastai did, Amara was more attuned to an element. Orain himself had the luck being paired with metal, while his daughter used her flames to heat the forge and help keep the cabin warm during Frost.

The two were close, and Orain worked the girl hard.

Over the years of being trained by her father, Amara became accustomed to hard work and bruises, often working and pushing the limits of her body to support the tribe whether it be lifting, hunting, or continuing her training; this giving her the muscle and broad shouldered stance she's so proud of. The two lived a hardy, mildly uneventful life-- all notable events leading her to love the animals she grew up beside, take on a motherly tone of voice and adapt to a gentle touch. Granted, there were times she let her strength get to her head, thinking that an ACTUAL bear would be no match for her.. Amara has many untold stories of living in a hostile land with her family, (some admittedly exaggerated) and learning her way around the land. It was a life she was content to pursue.

All things must come to an end, and Orain had been one of them on her 23rd year. His death was sudden and cruel. A group of very bold, (and some may argue very stupid) Rathari had broken into the forge in the night. Orain, the light sleeper that he was awoke to find his wares being stolen and dragged off in a leather sack-- and who would respond positively to that? Orain died that night, defending his home while Amara had chosen to stay out. The sword left beside the broken and battered man was her first, deemed too dull, too light, and too useless to take. It left her very cold for a time, taking a long year to recover.

Before the unfortunate fate of her adopted father, he often spoke of a place called Atinaw, a wistful tone of voice giving away the wish he'd never speak aloud. The city of Hopsfel is home to Ransera's best blacksmiths, where they worked with a higher quality of metal and made names for themselves. This brings us to the present, where Amara resides and has been for nearly a week on her own. The journey along left her a handful of scars, and she wears them proudly. It is in Atinaw where she plans to stay and find a blacksmith willing to take her on.


Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:56 am
by Amara
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Smithing 25/100 Apprentice
Blades 25/100 Apprentice
Unarmed Combat 25/100 Apprentice
BodyBuilding 25/100 Apprentice
Hunting 10/100 Novice
Survival 5/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Points+1000 100
Smithing+025 75
Blades+025 50
BodyBuilding+025 25
Unarmed Combat+015 10
Hunting010 0
(Mirage) Survival+550
(Mirage) Unarmed Combat+1010 0


Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:01 am
by Amara


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Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:40 am
by Amara


  • 1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
    1 Waterskin
    1 Backpack which contains:
    • 1 Set of Toiletries
      10 days of rations
      1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
      Flint & Steel
  • 1 Shield
    1 Short Sword
    1 Set of Armor (Leathers)

1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth (or heat source equivalent), bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug.**

1. Starting Gold, +15,000

**Doorways and ceilings have been raised so she can actually fit.