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Althalos Sil

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:12 pm
by Althalos

(Credit is owed to whoever drew this picture, but I don't know who that is. If it's yours, and you discover it, let me know.)

Full Name: Althalos Sil
Race: Animated Awoken(Siltori)
Caste: Two
Sex: Male
Age: Biological - 25 / New Soul - <1 Year
Height: 6'0
Weight: 160 Pounds

Birthdate: 10th of Searing, 120th of Steel
Birthplace: A trail near Alfsos in the territory of Atinaw.

Profession:Painter at Stolen Moments
Housing: Cottage in Alfsos, Atinaw
Partners: Absolutely Delicious

Titles: Sil - A nobleman of some form, though the actual location of his nobility is lost on him.

Fluencies: Common and Kokalath
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Althalos is not so striking as to be immediately noticed within a crowd, but is possessed of a casual symmetry that often draws the eye. He is an excellent example of the Siltori race, his skin gleaming with a pale gloss. His hair holds to an equally silver gloss, as though it had been touched with beatific products at all times. While he is not excessively lithe in form, he also clearly strays from a more brutish and hulking figure, lying somewhere between the two.

Taking away from his otherwise exceptional visage are a series of veins which web their way across the back of his neck, demonstrating the mutation known as "Leaden Veins". These veins are visibly black in stark contrast to his skin tones, making them easily noticeable. Other portions of his body including his upper arms and thighs also possess these marks, though these are often covered over by cloth and unable to be perceived by a viewer.

Were it not for his Siltori heritage, he might've been considered to possess a corpse-like pallor. His state of undeath often reveals itself in the subtle deterioration of his extremities. His skin, especially upon his hands and feet have a tendency of breaking out as though excessively dry, and given enough time they will begin to stink and fester as pieces dissolve off of them. At this point, the rot will follow along his limbs going towards his core, his breath will begin to stink of decay, and his eyes will begin to cry spontaneously as his eyelids begin to slow in responsiveness to outside stimulus.

While untouched by the rigors of death, the frequent state of encroaching deterioration has coupled well with a relative lack of heavy physical activity, causing his musculature to fail in many ways to develop significantly. He is, notably, not a strong looking individual, and a casual observer could certainly ascertain a life of either hedonistic luxury or else of casual laziness or artisanal activity.

Personality is often defined as a predilection towards certain behaviors and a stern opposition to others, usually set primarily by a mixture of both genealogy and imposed behaviors during the formative years of one's life. This is an accurate definition for the development of personality as it relates to many of the mortal races, but it fails to encapsulate the sudden proclivities found in those few souls who find themselves awoken suddenly in bodies that are now their own without past knowledge.

Althalos behaves with a gentle curiosity towards the world around him, as though attempting to formulate his own theories as to the nature of the world around him, and seems to prefer to simply observe from the distance when encountering unknowns. That is not to say that he finds social interaction to be repugnant, as some of his kind do, but instead that he prefers to fully understand the situation at hand before attempting to interfere in it personally. For this reason, he is liable to watch someone for some time before attempting to make their acquaintance, finding no issue in naming off details of them that he has discovered along the way.

Perhaps the only emotions which manage to match his careful curiosity are his caution and his hunger. The gnawing sense of hunger especially finds itself taking a prominent role in his faculties, as failure to meet its requests spells death for him. While the desire to avoid decay often flings itself to his forefront, Althalos is not a predator by nature, nor is he inherently violently disposed leading to a contradiction in his behavior. He does not want to hurt anyone or place himself into a situation of conflict, but he also doesn't want to slowly rot to death.

The nature of his undeath and the subsequent acquisition of living flesh to sate it has led to a fear of horrific reprisal by those who have been harmed by his actions. He is unlikely to ever reveal his true nature unless severely interrogated, or else in a desperate situation, choosing instead to play the part of a particularly curious Siltori.


Althalos Sil is not the man that he once was.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, the name Althalos is merely a pseudonym for all of the lack of emotional attachment he has towards it. Having awoken an indeterminate amount of time after a tragedy had befallen a traveling caravan in the lands of the Atinaw, Althalos found himself suddenly conscious. The previous occupant of his body had expired entirely due to the presence of some form of venomous creature, but the relative stability of the corpse had through unknown methods -- almost certainly related to a passing dread mist -- managed to implant the empty husk with a fresh soul.

Examining the wreckage of the caravan, he was able to uncover a number of journals and diaries and ascertain his previous identity, adopting whatever portions of it could be found to better present himself to civilized society. Recognizing the peculiarity of his circumstances, Althalos has decided to play things close to his chest until he has learned more about his specific situation.

Althalos does not know where he is, or even necessarily what he is, but he endeavors to find a place for himself in a world that has suddenly begotten his presence.

Re: Althalos Sil

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:33 pm
by Althalos
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Painting 30/100 Apprentice
Acrobatics 20/100 Novice
Negotiation 20/100 Novice
Stealth 21/100 Novice
Investigation 5/100 Novice
Cryptography 15/100 Novice
Running 10/100 Novice
{SP = 25 to Painting, 20 to Acrobatics, 15 to Negotiation, 15 to Stealth, 15 to Cryptography, 10 to Running}{10 Acting Points rewarded by Mirage}
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Drink and the Devil I+880
Drink and the Devil II+880
Step into my Parlor+808
Fanciful Inquiries+5013

Re: Althalos Sil

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:51 pm
by Althalos


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Re: Althalos Sil

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:02 pm
by Althalos


Noble Starting Package

1. Set of Fine Clothing
A finely dyed cloth coat serves as Althalos' chosen outer-wear. It is of good quality and is adorned with colorful laces which contrast the otherwise earthy color of the garment. His trousers are composed of similar material but are of a lighter tan shade. Grass stains at the bottom of the pant-legs indicate failure to scrub out the presence of the occasional outdoorsy adventure.

2. Shattered Signet Ring
3. Waterskin
4. Backpack
5. Toiletries (Gross)
6. Set of Eating Utensils
7. Steel and Flint

A 400 sq ft cottage set within the city of Alfsos. Inside are such spectacular furnishings as: A chair, a table, a wooden chest, a bunk currently in the process of being eaten by termites, and the nicest rug you've seen in your entire life: If rugs were people, this rug would be an aristocrat for certain. What a rug.

Stolen Moments in Alfsos, Atinaw

1. Starting Gold + 25,000 df
2. Business Setup Cost - 22,042
3. Food and Drink for Saej and Shasco - 28
4. Total = 2930 df