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Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:44 am

Enid Villblomst

Full Name: Enid Villblomst
Race: Fae (Siltori Carapace)
Sex: with men..just kidding its fluctuating
Gender: Physically masculine
Age: 21
Height: 4'11 (Fae) 6'0 (Sitori Carapace)
Weight: 90 lbs (Fae) 150 lbs (Sitori Carapace)

Birthdate: 23rd of Glade, 99th of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Silfanore

Profession: Mercenary
Housing: A tent

Titles: Mage
Factions: -

Fluencies: Common and Silvain
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None



Since Enid wears his Carapace on a day to day basis, he is most recognized as the Siltori illusion he constructed. With a face sculpted with just the right amount of boyish cuteness and rugged beauty, he considers himself to be the most alluring creature imaginable. He of course didn't forget to add a touch of flaws, like making his nose a bit too broad for his liking, just to make him a bit more relateable to the common folk.

His Physique is athletic, lean and just the right amount of muscular for a Siltori, made only more dazzling by the glimmering skin the race is known for. He is however, much shorter than the typical Siltori male, and one might notice the tiny wild purple flowers blooming in his champagne coloured mane. To match these flowers he has eyes in the same shade of purple which further give away the illusion of him being a natural born elf. Enid is comfortable with this fact, as unlike most Fae he was conceived by a Siltori mother and believes he is a perfect blend of both races. He likely has more pride in how pointy his elven ears are, than any natural born elf could ever conceive of as a result.

In the rare instances that Enid choses to remove his Carapace and Expose his true Fae self, one would see a different side to him. The most noticeable difference is likely his green skin which now has a leafier texture and his hair which has been replaced with an untamed mane of grass. He is also a bit shorter, with a slimmer physique and his face is more on the androgynous side. The flowers that grew in his hair when wearing his Carapace have increased in number and even spead down to his back and shoulders. His ears are less pointy, but his eyes are strikingly more purple, leaving no room for any white.

Being the beautiful, awe inspiring and immaculate creature that he undeniably is, he of course needs to show it by wearing only the best. Fine silks, beaded embellishments and all kinds of immaculate jewelry are worn at all times and he absolutely hates getting them dirty. He will spend all his money on clothing that is very much out of his price range to look as expensive as he feels. To save money, his clothes don't cover much, leaving little to the imagination and resulting in him being mistaken for a street walker. He loves the attention it Garners from attractive men however and pays little mind to the jealous troll faced neanderthals that shoot daggers at him when he walks past.


When people first meet Enid, he can rub them the wrong way without even trying. He is not one to shy away from speaking his mind, frequently offering unwanted "constructive criticism" and saying hurtful or insensitive things without realizing it. He also has a high opinion of himself or at the very least gives off the impression, so he doesn't take criticism well and is easily swayed by any bit of flattery. Don't even get started with his spending habits and lust for attractive men, he may need to seek help.

While he will never admit it, Enid holds prejudice against Humans. He will be as tolerant as he can and even polite or friendly but he has trouble trusting them. Enid can get uncomfortable when he sees them holding any positions of power and likely won't consider their insight or knowledge. He might consider a human for a passing fling but its hard for him to ever form a lasting relationship with one.

On the other side of the coin, he has a motherly side to him that comes out when people get close to him. He can be a very giving and compassionate friend and has a devastating weakness for small creatures, plants and all things cute and tiny. If it came down to it he would gladly jump into a burning house to save a kitten and then adopt it or find it a loving home if it didn't already have one.



Enid was born to two mothers in Silfanore, one was a Fae and the other was a Siltori, both were mages. He doesn't remember much of Silfanore because not long after his birth his mothers fled with him to Daravin to escape possible execution for their magical practices. In their new surroundings the family gained favour relatively quickly with their skills in the arcane, not enough to be considered a noble but enough to avoid the shackles of slavery and the hopelessness of the slums. Wanting to ensure their child gained the same good will, they intimated Enid at the tender age of ten into Semblance magic. While being one of the easiest magics to be initiated into it was still still a struggle for everyone involved, quickly making the two young mothers regreat their desicion. When the magic induced hallucinations finally stopped Enid's mothers gave him training in meditation and self control so his fledgeling powers wouldn't erode his fragile psyche. The mothers became very over protective of their child, never leaving his side and constantly checking up on him.

Of course this only led to Enid rebelling and sneaking out frequently to hang out with friends and get into trouble. During one of his unauthorized excursions he found a Gemling that had recently sprung from the ground. The small creature had quite a bit of build up of dead gem shards, was lost and in need of food. Enid gathered his discovery up and brought it back to his worried parents. When they were done lecturing him, Enid showed them what he had found and they helped him care for it. The Gemling named Lapis, having appreciated the kindness she had been shown appointed Enid to be their Big Friend.

Upon reaching the age of 18, Enid desired more magic and begged his mothers for an initiation into Elementalism. They were understandably against it but knowing their rebellious son they eventually decided that it would be best for them to do it instead of a stranger. As expected Enid suffered a debilitating and drawn out case of pneumonia that his mothers had to care fore until it passed. They continued their lessens in magical study up until their mysterious disappearance a year later. Many locals said that it was a human man who murdered but Enid has a hunch that they are still out there somewhere.

In the beginning of the 120th year of the age of steel, Lapis succumbed to age and Enid has taken charge of her child who is also named lapis. The two are on a mission to find his missing mothers and bring the culprits to justice.

Last edited by Enid on Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:32 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1288
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Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:50 am

• S K I L L S •

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• C A T A L O G •

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Points+1000 100
Semblence+025 75
Elementilism+025 50
Meditation+025 25
Acrobatics+015 10
mount+010 0
Last edited by Enid on Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:59 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 356
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Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:57 am


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word count: 89
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Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:24 pm


  • 1 Set of Clothing (a beaded crop top, a set of silky thai pants, sandals and a cloak.)
  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Backpack which contains:
    • 1 Set of Toiletries
    • 10 days of rations
    • 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
    • Flint & Steel
  • 1 Large Tent (4 people)
  • 1 Large Tarp
  • 50 ft. of hempen rope
  • 1 lantern (complete with oil)
  • 10 torches
  • 1 Bedroll
  • 1 Blanket
  • 1 Horse (named Dandelion)
  • 1 full set of tack
  • A set of large saddlebags

Houses didn't offer enough sun so Enid opted to get a tent, he sets it up in a different location ever so often to get a new change of scenery. He shares the tent with a Gemling named Lapis and his horse Dandylion.

1. Starting Gold, +25,000 df. 25,000 Total.
Last edited by Enid on Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 347
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:10 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=615
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=662

Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:17 pm


Name: Lapis
Status: Companion NPC (SP)
Relationship: little Friend
Birthdate: 5th of Glade, 120th of the Age of Steel

Weapon (Tiny Spear): 50
Running: 60
Acrobatics: 30
Climbing: 50
Weapon (Tiny sling shot): 60

A Gemling named Lapis was saved by Enid and became his tiny friend, they did everything together until she died. From this death, came the child of Lapis who also named themselves Lapis. Like their parent this Lapis has also decided to be Enid's tiny friend. Despite being very young, Lapis has a natural abiliy at combat and most things of a physical nature, its likely she inherited it from her past self somehow because Lapis doesn't know where she learned it.


1 a doll dress
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 10 days of rations
1 Flint & Steel

1 Tiny Spear
1 Tiny sling shot

45,000 df (Past self lapis stole this from Enid and buried it a hole somewhere as part of a game, the current Lapis can't remember where her past self buried it yet but she's looking and hopes to find it one day)
word count: 202

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