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Milana Terras [Approved]

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:26 pm
by Milana





Family & NPC's

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Re: Milana Grimholdt

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:28 pm
by Milana

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Artificing (25 SP) 30/100 Apprentice
Business (25 SP) 50/100 Journeyman
Clockwork 15/100 Novice
Drawing (5 SP) 5/100 Novice
Kinetics (25 SP) 25/100 Apprentice
Leadership 30/100 Apprentice
Medicine (25 SP) 25/100 Apprentice
Necromacny (5 SP) 5/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+1000 100
Racial Bonus+100 110
Artificing---25 85
Drawing---5 55
Medicine---25 5
Necromancy---5 0
CS Review+15-- 15
Clockwork---15 0
Artificing+5-5 0
Trail of Shed Skin+8-- 8
A Hot Searing Day+5-5 13
Ticktock II+5-- 18
Ticktock III+5-- 23
Facing the Nightmare+8-- 31
Server Restoration Reward+30-- 61
Business---25 36
Leadership---30 6
Dum Spiro Spera+8-- 14

Re: Milana Grimholdt

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:28 pm
by Milana




  • Constructing small clockwork spider
  • Clockwork: Working with Copper
  • Clockwork: Making moving parts
  • Clockwork: Small Helper Golem
  • Clockwork: Working on fine details
  • Clockwork: Adapting a blueprint

  • Sketching simple blueprints

  • Sterilizing infected tissue
  • Stitching small injuries
  • Medicine - Binding a laceration



  • Creating the Aether Well (SP)
  • Creating the Core (SP)
  • Creating the Circle of Mindingl (SP)
  • Artificing: Shroud Lure
  • Artificing: Programming Verbal Commands
  • Artificing: Teaching a Golem
  • Artificing: Golems only know what you teach
  • Artificing: Simple Pictographs for Simple Purposes
  • Artificing: Use Glass for prototype cores when possible

  • Fine Control of small objects (SP)



  • Storytelling - Lessons through stories

  • Tactics: Weaken your opponent before striking
  • Tactics: Set the environment for your victory
  • Tactics: Strength isn't just brute force


  • Managing multiple projects
  • Managing Supply Chains (CS Review)
  • Negotiating Contracts (CS Review)
  • Business: Organizing a reception
  • Business: Making decisions based on resources
  • Business: Recognizing opportunities
  • Business: Running a town
  • Business: Macro-economics
  • Business: Trade routes
  • Business: Adjusting plans on the fly
  • Business: Redirecting Conversations back on track
  • Business: Leaving personal feelings out of decisions
  • Business: Planning to Salvage a Deal
  • Business: Anticipating long-lasting consequences
  • Business: Avoiding being misdirected
  • Business: Making hard decisions
  • Business: Always appraise craftsmanship
  • Business: Clothing is a weapon
  • Business: Investigate Threats to Business personally
  • Business: Do not dismiss claims outright

  • Leadership: Making connections
  • Leadership: Giving clear instructions
  • Leadership: Taking Charge
  • Leadership: Putting your people first
  • Leadership: The burden of leadership
  • Leadership: Being the first to speak
  • Leadership: Admitting weakness
  • Leadership: Listen before you speak
  • Leadership: See from another person's perspective
  • Leadership: Connect with others through shared experience

  • Negotiation: Bending expectations
  • Negotiation: Using Mathematics for Impact
  • Negotiation: Working under pressure
  • Negotiation: Diverting attention
  • Negotiation: Controlling one's tone
  • Negotiation: Adapting half-truths
  • Negotiation: Leading with half-truths

  • Politics: When to know you're being threatened with political connections


  • Survival - Ripping cloth for a bandage


Re: Milana Grimholdt

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:29 pm
by Milana





  • 1 Set of Fine Clothing (SP)
  • 1 Signet Ring (Bears the sigil of Noble House) (SP)

Food/Cooking Supplies

  • 10 Days of rations (SP)
    -A mixture of jerky, hardtack pemmican.
  • 1 set of Eating Utensils (SP)

Traveling Gear

  • 1 Backpack (SP)
  • 1 set of Toiletries (SP)
  • Flint and Steel (SP)


Unique Items

Artificing Items
  • Dragonshard Foci (ring)
  • 1 prototype leather binding golem

1 suit of rooms totaling 400 sq/ft in the Terras family estate. The suit consists of a finished bedroom, and attached sitting room.


ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package +25,000 df -- 25,000df
Play Test Grant (Paragon) +45,500 df -- 75,000df
1lb of Copper (turned into screws, gears and other times) -- -50 74,950df
Gadgeteering Kit -- -15,000 59,950df

Re: Milana Terras

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:16 am
by Milana



Dalinar Terras

Status: Personal NPC
Relation: Father

Business: 75
Medicine: 80
Necromancy: 30
Negotiation: 65

Milana's father is a shadow of his former self. He is focused, driven, and even obsessed with his work to the point of ignoring anything and everyone around him. He is skilled in his work and treats his patients with a calm and reassuring manner, but many have noted that his eyes no longer hold the same passion and fire they once had. Still, his dress and etiquette are as precise and clean as ever before, his demeanor one of calm control, and his voice never falters or wavers no matter how dire the situation. If one had not known him before they would not suspect the changes that he has undergone since the death of his wife and subsequent sickness of his only daughter.

More often than not Dalinar is found in his clinic located in the West Wing of the Terras Family Estates. He only ever surfaces for food and sometimes rests.

Evona Terras

Status: Personal NPC
Relation: Mother

Milana's mother is now deceased, having died 20 years ago due to an unknown illness. She was known to be the light of the family, the reason Dalinar lived, and was the main reason that there is a greenhouse located on the family estates. She loved life, baking, and flowers, and that love is strongest in Kuvar, the youngest son of the Terras Family.

Jebal Terras

Status: Personal NPC
Relation: Older Brother
Age: 35

Business: 60
Medicine: 55
Necromancy: 40
Negotiation: 80

Jebal was always a rather serious boy, even from a young age. He idolized his father and loved his mother dearly. If Evona's death broke Dalinar it only served to harden Jebal who turned from serious to inscrutable. He is the successor of the family clinic and has taken on the mantle of leadership within the clinic almost fully at this point. When Milana grew sick it was Jebal who encouraged his father to seek out... other methods of healing, and why the family began to incorporate portions of Necromancy into the family business. This, however, is not well known as both Jebal and his father fear that were it known that they used the magic, even subtly, on their patients it may cause a rift between them and the townsfolk.

He has grown ever more distant from Milana as she has taken over the role of Vassal to the Family Estates. She isn't sure if it is because of her illness, or perhaps her position overseeing the affairs of the kinship. In any case, the two rarely speak, with Jebal keeping to the clinic and his own rooms within the manor.

Seraphina Terras

Status: Personal NPC
Relation: Jebal's Wife
Age: 22

Baking: 50
Herbalism: 65
Medicine: 40

Seraphina is a good woman, pretty though not overly beautiful. She and Jebal became close when she worked as an assistant in the clinic. Where Jebal was cold and distant she was warm and inviting. In some ways, she is his opposite, and when they are together the normally hard man seems to open up, if only slightly. She still assists with the clinic to this day, taking up the role Evona left vacant with her passing. She now utilizes the herbs in the greenhouse for baking medicinal bread and other goods to help the healing of patients of the clinic. Because of this she and Kuvar have grown somehow close.

Kuvar Terras

Status: Personal NPC
Relation: Younger Brother
Age: 23

Herbalism: 50
Gardening: 65
Potion Making: 60

Kuvar is quiet, not shy exactly but distant in a way that isn't standoffish. He is closer to a shadow than a true person, quiet and seems to fade into the background. In many ways Kuvar feels responsible for the state of the Terras Family. Had he not been born then perhaps their mother would have survived. If he had been with Milana when she fell, maybe she would still be able to walk. The guilt of these thoughts have lead the man to seclude himself in the greenhouse mostly, tending the flowers and herbs there, and assisting the clinic with salves and potions for the patients.

Katalina Terras

Status: Personal NPC
Relation: Aunt on Father's Side

Acrobatics: 80
Weapon (Daggers): 75
Leadership: 70
Mesmer: 65
Necromancy: 60
Semblance: 50
Stealth: 100

Katalina is a mystery, even to her own brother. She disappeared for years at a time and suddenly appeared again to pull Milana out of her stupor and set in motion the events that has lead the Terras Family to where they are now. She is like a force of nature, strong with her impact, indomitable. In the early months and years, she was invaluable to Milana's mental recovery. She continues to offer a guiding hand to the girl, never directly taking part in the rulings of the kinship, but instead poking and prodding where she feels the need.

Estate Servants



Hand Maid

Maid 1

Maid 2

Special NPC's

Richard Strous

Status: Companion NPC
Relationship: Manservant, Bodyguard
Age: 35-45

Weapon (Long-Bow): 50
Kinetics: 60
Leatherworking: 30
Smithing: 50
Weapon (Broad Sword): 60

Milana knows very little about her bodyguard. Richard Strass is a man of few words, and as such he has not felt the need to enlighten his employer beyond what was strictly necessary. What she has been able to get from him was that he was once a Vikinger, though some event in his past lead him to become a mercenary and all-around man for hire. He is a tall man, 6'3 with broad shoulders and thick arms. He might have been considered handsome were it not for the scar which runs from his hairline, across the bridge of his nose before hooking under his chin. Black scruff lines his squared jaw, a look which would have seemed unkempt were it not for the fact that the edges of his beard were cut with razor precision. Grey eyes that are almost blue lookout beneath a brow furrowed from a life of struggle, and there is a bit of grey beginning to appear at the temples of his short cut brown hair.

Richard, or Strous as he prefers to be called, is a man who takes every aspect of his job seriously. His skills alone have made him an asset to Milana, but more than that his bearing and demeanor add a level of threat and credibility to the woman that his mere presence has been shown to affect the outcomes of various engagements.


1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

1 two-handed broadsword
1 Longbow
20 arrows

45,000 df

Conrad Dillinger

Status: Personal NPC

Artificing: 100
Clockwork Engineering: 75
Drawing: 50
Jewelcrafting: 45
Runeforging: 50
Teaching: 80

Conrad Dillinger was once a professor at the Academy of Atinaw where he taught the basics of Artificing and aided in the Runeforging courses as well. At early 70 years old his hair has gone from a dark brown to a mottled combination of grey and white. Thinning on top, likely from how often he runs his fingers through the wispy locks, it seems like most of the hair on his head has transferred to his rather substantial beard. Milana is not completely certain as to the extent of his history, however, he has told her that his life at the Academy had become dreadfully dull. He lived a good life, made good wages, and helped raise 4 children and 6 grandchildren, all of which were now grown and living their own lives. The letter Milana had sent was first passed around the academy, moving from one reluctant person to the next until it finally landed on his desk. So, with nothing left in the capital for him and rather tired of his regular routine, Conrad packed up his things and set off immediately to teach this Fjornis from a small town deep in Grimholdt territory.

Re: Milana Terras

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:26 am
by Milana


DateThreadThread PartnersStatus
19th of Ash, 117AV The First Day Ricky Complete

Searing, 120 AV
DateThreadThread PartnersStatus
3rd of Searing, 120AV Tick Tock I Solo Graded
8th of Searing, 120AV A Hot Searing Day Solo Graded
9th of Searing, 120AV Business with the Terass Patrick, Leliana In Progress
14th of Searing, 120AV A Trail of Shed Skin Taelian Graded
14th of Searing, 120AV Facing the Nightmare Taelian Graded
16th of Searing, 120AV Blood and Paper Solo Complete
20th of Searing, 120AV Tick Tock II Solo Graded
22nd of Searing, 120AV Tick Tock III Solo Graded
62nd of Searing, 120AV Dum Spiro Spero Saej Graded
62nd of Searing, 120AV A Chance Encounter Athalos In Progress

Re: Milana Terras [Approved]

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:56 am
by Milana


Loras is a small town located on the road leading toward Kamdin. Because of this, the town acts as a waypoint for travelers on their way toward Grimholdt, and the services of the town are built to accommodate this. There are a number of inns and shops, and the town even has its own small market which is open to everyone to sell their wares. The surrounding farmland consists mostly of agricultural products which the town both live on and sales in equal measure. Given its location, there are a number of traveling merchants who hail from this small town, though because of its dependency on trade the town does not have many crafters of their own. The majority of the tools and building materials come from other towns within the territory.

Because Loras exists along the route to Kamdin it has taken to growing and providing several goods which would be classified as luxuries, and thus impractical for most towns to barter in. Such items include tea and tobacco, precious stones from Kamdin, and even ink and paper. The population of Loras is only 300, but the people of the town are warm and inviting and welcome weary travelers to stop on their way to rest and raise their spirits. Holidays and festivals are a large part of the town's culture, and the people of Loras celebrate with gusto, even for seemingly small events.

The Town Guard

Loras has it's own small guard force, though they only number around 20-30 men in total. They primarily act as lookouts on the walls and provide basic services in the town by settling domestic disputes and handling townsfolk or travelers who take to the wine a bit too heavily. Their armor, while not extravagant, is a mix of chain mail and leathers, and most members of the guard are trained in the basics of hand to hand combat, spearmanship, and crossbows. They are lead by Guard Captain Tyran Malkea, a former knight of the Order of the Brave. He retired from his time in the main city and settled in Loras where his children and grandchildren live.


Terras Estates
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Center Market
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Duedrop Inn
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Erma's Herbal Remedies
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Fishook Tavern
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Citizens of Loras

This section is for the NPC's in Loras which have been featured or named in a thread inside of the town. Some of these NPC's will receive full writeups, but primarily this section is used to keep track of names and occupations for continuity over time.

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Recent Events

Dranoch in Loras - 14th to the 30th of Searing, 120 AV
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