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Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:49 am
by Cain


Cain Socorro

Half Rathor-Neoalt
Half Human

170 lbs
13th Cinderfall, Ash 4566
Unknown, Daravin

Resoner, Resonance
Risen, Baptism

Sunderer, Sundering

Bedchambers in Socorro Estate, Boghadar
Underwater Cave, Coast of Leride

Veir (Lesser)
Himself, House Socorro

Common, Vithmi



Enemies: -


When one first looks at him, perhaps one of his most striking features are his eyes. Blue in color and clear as crystalline ice, his gaze is cat-like and captivating despite the predatory coldness reflected from within. Under a head of long, feathered cobalt blue hair is a man with caramel skin and a face that is heart shaped and feminine. For a human, he is about average height with a rather thin, lithe build that is evocative of dexterity and grace over raw strength.

His true form is bipedal humanoid, but it possesses similar coloration and overall skin texture to his Faunis form where his primary color would be a deep, dark abyssal blue. His features are an odd yet appealing mix of human and fish. Additionally, he possesses appendages and fin-like adornments which are often brighter shades of blue and edged with vibrant, cerulean bioluminescence. Cain's true form is the same height as his human form with the same overall frame, but his musculature is notably larger. In this form, he is a predator; sharp teeth, clawed fins, large eyes with an acute sense of vision, sensitive hearing and a body built to split efficiently between strength and speed.

Coeruleus Devilshark - Hexanchiformes - Chlamydoselachus daemonia

At a glance, one would look at this beast and be confused as to whether or not it was an eel, a shark, or a fish because it has physical characteristics that would lead one to believe it could be a combination or one of the three. In reality, it is, in fact, a shark. The body is long and eel-like in shape, however, it is composed of the same cartilaginous structures sharks are known for. This allows for a lot of freedom of movement and flexibility. Color wise, the flesh of the beast is abyssal; a blue so dark that it looks closer to black. Its fines are adorned with brighter, bioluminescent colors ranging from blues and greens to reds towards the frilled tips.

The head of the shark is broad and flat, with a short, rounded snout. The nostrils are vertical slits, separated by a flap of skin that forms the incurrent opening and the excurrent opening. The creature has moderately large eyes that are horizontal ellipsoidal in shape. Ligaments articulate the long jaws to the cranium, and the corners of the mouth have neither furrows nor folds. The jaws contain 300 trident-shaped teeth, each needle-tooth has a cusp and two cusplets; about four rows are fairly densely packed teeth are present within the shark's mouth. These creatures are able to open jaws and devour food sources that are considerably greater than that of their size. At the throat, there are six pairs of long gill slits; the first pair of gill slits form a collar, while the extended tips of the gill filaments create a fleshy sort of frill.

The pectoral fins are short and rounded; the single, small dorsal fin has a rounded margin, and is positioned at the far end of the body, approximately opposite the anal fin. The pelvic and the anal fins are large, broad, and rounded, and are positioned to the tail-end of the shark's body. The very long caudal fin is a triangular tail that has neither a lower lobe nor a ventral notch in the upper lobe, and has a margin equipped with sharp, chisel-shaped dermal denticles, which the shark can enlarge. The underside of the shark's eel-like body features a pair of long, thick folds of skin, separated by a groove, which run the length of the belly; the function of the ventral skin-folds is unknown. In the female shark, the mid-section is of the body longer, with the pelvic fins located closer to the anal fin.


Likes: Magic, Blood, Sundering, Shiny things, Music
Dislikes: Heat, Bright lights, People, Loss of control
Attributes: Sadistic, Curious, Intelligent, Cruel, Fastidious, Controlling, Impatient, Capricious

To strangers, he will come off has cold and predatory. Lacking inherent interest in socialization, he is blunt and to the point when communicating with those he doesn't know well or doesn't care for. The way he talks might come off as mechanical or stilted at times. The man is also notably lacks patience and will become irritable very quickly if he perceives somebody to be wasting his time in one way or another. If you are of no use to him, he'll have no interest in you.

Cain is capable of a wide range of emotions, he's just spent a lot of time learning to suppress them as he finds emotions only complicate matters. As a result, it is very difficult to move beyond his initial frost-bound boundaries. If one does, he will become notably warmer and a lot more talkative, especially in regards to subjects that interest him. Incredibly curious, he seeks knowledge of all types and on all subjects. This curiosity, however, is entirely unmitigated by ethics or morals of any fashion. His only limiters are personal ones which tend to be rather capricious in nature.

To lovers, he is incredibly passionate and doting, though this might be because the lines between 'lover' and 'possession' are rather blurred in his head. However, if he considers you 'his,' he'll treat you like royalty. Lovers are also the only people who will ever see the full range of his emotions and the more complex facets of his personality; showing these things to others he's not oath-bound to is pointless, he believes.


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Recent History
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Marks of Power



Mark of Resonance

A visual representation of sound waves, it is colored and shaped like flowing waves of seawater. Granted to him by his father as a rite of passage in his youth.



Mark of Baptism

An upside down, deep blue, upwards facing crescent moon of faded transparency placed on his forehead. Granted to him by his progenitor as an additional gift.


Re: Cain

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:01 am
by Cain


Re: Cain

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:13 am
by Cain




What will go here?

[For Future Use]

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Apprentice

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Journeyman

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Expert

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Master



What will go here?

[For Future Use]

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Apprentice

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Journeyman

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Expert

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Master



What will go here?

[For Future Use]

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Apprentice

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Journeyman

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Expert

(affecting x skill: ‘’) Master

Blight: Dranoch
Though they are called one, the Dranoch are not truly a race - but rather, some would say, a blessing. And some a curse. It is the gift of life unending, but also of abject hunger and a suffering extreme. Power unlike that of mortals, with the potential for so much more — but only through extortion and grim indulgence.

The Dranoch began long ago. In fact, it is unknown from where exactly the curse originated, only that it was the Corrupted God Valteran who first offered it to a mortal who many claim he dearly loved. Whether that brief rumor is true and whether that individual still yet lives, these ancient histories are far from evidenced. In fact, it was not until the collapse of the Unbroken Empire that genuine examples of these beings appeared, in the form of the Court of Dusk.

The Dranoch are fairly rare in the world, save for in Veranor where the most prominent of their kind reside. As such they are generally the black sheep of whatever society they reside in, though they will often have secret societies that often seek to benefit their species as a whole. Due to their violent nature they are hated and feared, even by many worshipers of Valteran who believe they are cursed by him rather than blessed, and ultimately cannot be trusted.

It is no misconception that the Dranoch are cruel, extortive, hungry and profane. That they are vicious and merciless, willing to eat both old and young without regard for pain or death. What is worse to many is that they are not truly evil, but that their species simply requires sustenance from the mortal races to exist. They are predators and are treated as such, and their nearly indistinguishable appearance has led many in the world to lash out in fear even when they are not really there… though, unknown, they often are.

For now, 00.

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Re: Cain

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:17 am
by Cain
Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class
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1. General SP + World Mage Addendum
1 Sunderer's Kit
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries
  • 10 days of rations
  • 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
  • Flint & Steel

2. General Items


Cave: Off the coast of the Daravinic city of Leride, there is an underwater passage that leads deep within the mountains. At the end of this passage is a dry, secluded cave. Cain has claimed this cave as his own sort of workshop space and he keeps his tools for carpentry and sundering here.

Socorro Estate: His chambers are a lavish bedroom in the main Boghadar estate of House Socorro.

His chambers in Boghadar and his cave are connected to one another by his personal Shard Resonators.

+1000--Starting Package1000 df
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