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Jean Dal'Dania Lorraine

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:15 pm
by Jean
AKA Jack Ela'norai

"What can I say? I have a passion for the empowerment of my race."

Full Name:
Jean Dal'Dania Lorraine

Race: Sil'Norai
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 142 Lbs
85th Ash, 297 AV
25th of Wither

Birth: Bardona of Ciseperant
Location: Daravin

Raw Magic:
Malformity (Expert)
Sigilic Pyromancy (Expert)
Resonance (Novice)
Bane (Novice)

Veir (Noble/Politician)
Ebon Knight

Veir of House Lorraine
Cleric of the Black Remedy

The Daravin Entente
The Black Remedy

The Court of Dusk


Landrys Estate,
4 Gleaming Way,
Bardona, Ciseperant,

Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual

Fluent: Gentevarese, Silvain



Possessed of a stalwart, rigid-bodied posture, this short yet imposing figure can be seen as a soldier at first glance. His hands are rugged, coated in nicks and scars, his face pale, gaunt and narrowing yet soft and smooth with the vigor of youth. The silver hair upon his head is often cut to a gangly, yet appealing mess and tied in the back. Meanwhile, his bright, amber eyes - backlit with flames like tiny daggers - always carry a perceptive and discerning edge to them.

Jean can usually be found donning the regal military uniform of House Lorraine, a dark, ashen coat of woven cotton fibers with the silvered winged sword heraldry of his house emblazoned both on the chest opposite the heart, and more prominently upon the center of the back. The jack is bedazzled with more of this silvery, stylized Sil'Norai symbolism down the connecting, laced hems.

Marks of Control

The Black Sigil

The Black Sigil

Also referred to as the 'Beacon', the Black Sigil is a conduit for powers harnessing the soul. It serves at the Mark of Control for Sigilic Pyromancy. This was imparted upon the right side of his chest, and it will thwart most methods of prolonging one's lifespan. Given to Jean by Aldrin, Jailor of the Black Remedy. [SP]


The Mark of Malformity

A dreamcatcher-shaped symbol tattooed upon the center of his chest. It allows him to channel the power of Malformity through his soul. Given to Jean by his father, Landrys Lorraine, upon his birth. [SP]


The Mark of Resonance

Appearing as a sound wave, this mark was imbued upon Jean's outer-right bicep. It allows him to channel the power of Resonance through his soul. Given to Jean by his father, Landrys Lorraine, before being sent to Sil-Elaine. [CT]


The Black Seed

Appearing as an opaque, inward-curving triskelion emanating dark vines twisting across the skin, the Black Seed germinates steadily as one progresses with Bane. This mark was imbued upon Jean's inner-left bicep such that it may be hard to find. It allows him to channel the power of Bane through his soul. As it grows, Jean's lifespan shrinks. Given to Jean by his father, Landrys Lorraine, after returning from Sil-Elaine. [CT]


Likes: Order, Ambition, Animals
Dislikes: Gods, War, Criminals
Merits: Brave, Discerning, Loyal
Flaws: Empathetic, Stubborn, Solitary



Tinker Scholar Soldier Spy
Jean is a nobleman and a scholar, but also a form of soldier. It is his birthright, his expectation, and his pride. He is trained to be the best loyal lap-dog he can be, and this is also the expectation he levies upon others in exchange for his camaraderie. Those who are lazy do not deserve his respect. Those who oppose the Montese Lorraine are anathema. Those who oppose Daravin itself should be subjected to destruction.

While his more bookish days are beyond him, Jean spent much of his youth studying to prove his worth. He enjoys musing on sciences or participating in crafts when time allows, but his true fascinations lie in clockwork gadgets or engineering marvels. To him, the body is another form of engineering that Necromancy may then adapt. Beyond this, he is incredibly patient. He knows he has hundreds of years yet to live. Jean is never in a rush except when it is to meet a quota or impress upon his liege.

The Entente

A Noble of House Lorraine
Jean was born to nobility. How he thinks and acts is guided highly by his prestigious upbringing, to the point where some may see him as pretentious or snobby. However, this attitude serves a purpose. Everything in Daravin is highly politicized concerning nobility, and information about the flaws or failings of another can lead to shame, which can lead to being made a pariah. Being disowned is rather easy, even for low-ranking Veiren, and having the family name of Lorraine makes things even harder for Jean. More than most, the bar is set very high for Jean's performance, and he is willing to grandstand, manipulate, or be subversive to keep up those appearances.

The Candor

Daravinic Etiquette
The Candor and what is or isn't taboo guides much of Jean's attitude, as he was raised on these subjects. Information shall not be revealed without a price. Appearance matters. Get to know one's rivals. Choose alliances well. Be valuable. Do not break that which is taboo. Seeking only the best from his race, Jean is extra critical towards Sil'Norai. However, other 'lesser' races bereft the flair of nobility or a bond forged in warfare are examined and remarked upon as one would an animal. In short: he's a snobby racist. Jean is willing to subtly break taboo traditions when it comes to these Sil'Norai, even affording their homeland of Sil-Elaine an empathetic truce when it comes to the Contra-Jingoistic views of the Entente. He will betray his class to a degree concerning them, fraternizing with the well-kept pointy-eared rabble. All of these considerations will evaporate under the presence of other perceived nobility, as he is fully aware of the social risk he must always face.

While Jean has an aversion to nudity and showing excessive skin—and he will actively shade those who choose to act immodest—Ulendreaism allows him to make exceptions: certain appealing qualities of Templates and Integrations may be a form of showing one's divinity, and Mark of Control derived mutations that necessitate showing skin are also unlikely to be criticized. Even roaming the world as a beast, Jean takes great care to leave the dirt and grime upon his paws and nowhere else. This desire for cleanliness only begins to fade during life and death situations, or the heat of warfare.

The Remedy

The Black Remedy
Beyond his service to to the Montien, Jean secretly owes allegiance to the Black Remedy. He takes his oath to order seriously enough, at least in a militaristic sense. Blight must be rooted out, and expunged. None should remain forever immortal. His people must be strong; they will serve to benefit the most, uplifted and unified once the Court of Dusk is vanquished. Keeping his service to the Remedy anonymous serves to help protect him from scheming Dranoch, and political persecution alike. Use of his fire magery is oft hand-waived as a demonstration of his Malformity by most, as Jean is known to be well traveled.

Keeping his identity separate from the Black Remedy, Jean has chosen to adopt a nickname in the presence of the order given to him by his superior. "Jack Ela'norai" is what he will answer to, and he will not acknowledge this name even in the presence of his non-affiliated Valran. He will be careful to avoid sharing with other Clerics that he is Veiren, but he doesn't make an effort to truly hide or obscure this fact; other members of the Remedy stationed in Daravin are good at making an educated guess considering his stature, manner of speaking, and personality.

Insofar as loyalty, Jean has been clear with the Jailor: he cannot promise that he will do as the Remedy asks should this conflict with the interests of his family. Until that moment, he will put his life on the line for Aldrin, as a supporter of the rebellion. However, it is not the idea of a Dranoch that disgusts him. Like many mages of Daravin, Jean does privately fancy the power a Blight can bring. It is more the idea of his race being persecuted and the political stigma Blights carry that drives him to oppose the blood harnessing deviants operating Sil-Elaine. Were he to meet a Dranoch that avows themselves of the Court of Dusk, he would weigh his oath against the value of letting them be free at the price of never setting foot upon the demesne of House Lorraine, and in exchange for this amnesty he would want something in return.


When it comes to matters of faith, Jean is resolute. He was raised on the principle of Ulendreaism. While he does not consider himself a zealot, he still adheres to and obeys the whims of the faith, and the Omen who facilitate it. On the other hand, he owes perhaps at least a sliver of his approval to the Living God Malek; the Black Sigil has helped to shape him. However, his cautious acceptance of this god does not extend to his words; Jean would never openly endorse Malek outside of superiors in the Remedy testing him, though he would look over heresy from his followers in private. Other gods are entirely heretical. The other Living Gods, the Choir of Fog, and the Elven Gods, Tyrnac and Lotheric being major threats and frequent matters of discussion.

Jean believes in the existence of the Living Gods, but is reticent to offer them little more than disdain; these Living Gods do not intervene, and when they do, their intervention brings about disorder and conflict. None have been able to prove him wrong regarding this observation, and much of his knowledge about them stems from Nardothis libraries filled with books that are biased enough to highlight more misdeeds than any good they might have shown the world. He even feels this way regarding Malek, to an extent.

Arcane Philosophy

As a graduate of Nardothis, Jean's views on the subject of Malformity have been shaped by the scientific and strategic values instilled unto him by his instructors. As Malformists must work harder and smarter than other mages to make the most out of their magic, he must utilize a set of principles and a greater level of distilled knowledge to guide him towards utilizing his forms in complex ways during spurious moments such as war or ambush.

  • Fauna must first be sought and explored wholly, then given a subjective judgment based on their unique considerations for synchronicity, especially general motion, mass, musculature, reflex, and senses.
  • Templates must be broken down into their constituent traits, distilled to the point they may be recited, as Malformity requires a fluid stream of refined thought to compose its chimeric forms and integrations.
  • They must constantly compare and study the natural or unnatural materials from their Templates against the standard metals, as Malformists more than any other face the bite of weaponry in battle.
  • The process of adapting forms to one's martial prowess is an art in and of itself. Their approach to combat must take into account their body shape, agility, size, reach, and ability to endure retaliation. They must also consider when swapping to another form would be advantageous.
  • The element of surprise is key. Malformists must be strategic and patient ambush predators in warfare.
  • The Malformist must know their own limitations, studying how far they can push their own discipline before succumbing to Magithermal Entropy. They should consider staying within a form for a span of weeks before warfare to utilize the discipline in a passive manner, as freeing that small amount of stamina for other spells may very well be the difference between life and death.

In addition to these tenets, Jean has his own thoughts on the matter. Rare creatures should be treated as any secret weapon, and Jean still hasn't seen many of the Templates belonging to other Malformists within his House. Acknowledging which fauna one utilizes for forms or being a braggart can be seen as a breach of candor, or just plain idiocy. This air of mysteriousness helps him to play off his Pyromancy as an aspect of his Malformity.

It is worth noting that Jean would rather abandon someone to the harshness of the desert than allow them to 'ride' him as one would a steed. He would opt for dragging someone instead if absolutely necessary, only conceding the worth of doing so in matters of war and politics. He is reluctant to cede the 'dominant' role in any situation involving contact.

Sigilic Pyromancy
While the discipline of Sigilic Pyromancy may be Jean's preferred choice of weapon, he scarcely uses it except to make a show of force. He utilizes his Pyromancy more passively to bolster his Malformity, avoiding the more devastating aspects of the discipline to better protect himself politically from the truth.

The mobility of Resonance and the ability to control sound has proven highly useful to Jean. He utilizes it to dampen his own sounds on the hunt, position himself favorably within warfare, and to distract or confuse. He has only just begun his foray into the discipline, but he applies his analytical mindset towards the discipline to extract more utility, thinking in terms of how sound will travel and be perceived by others.


Chinks in the Armor
In spite of his ideals, Jean has a weakness: his empathy. There are holes in the ramparts of his psyche. Holes filled with disgust, fear, and love, and attraction. As much as he might try to bury them, they still, at times, get the best of him. When others are suffering, he cannot help but mentally suffer with them. These facets of his being must never be shown, and he keeps his emotions beneath the surface as much as he can.

Shorthand History - The Life of Jean Dal'Dania Lorraine
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• Chapter 1.
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The Vow of the Ebon Knight
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• Chapter 2.
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Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:15 pm
by Jean
Racial Ability - Sundered
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Sigilic Pyromancy

Quirk Theme
Flames of the Rebellion

Wrought by toil and hardship, Jean's Quirks trend towards what is bestial. The more dominant discipline of Malformity governs Jean to a greater degree, leaving Pyromancy to develop that which is common between forms. Through intense rigor, Jean has adapted his use of the magic towards the divine naturalism of his Molded forms, pulling upon the aspect of what could be. In a way, his Quirks make him more similar to a Deathstalker, introducing him to the concept with every adaptation.

Approved Here

Journeyman - Enkindlement of Bone
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Expert - Clarity of the Seared
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None yet.

None yet.


Mutation Theme
The Horror of Ciseperant

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

None yet.

None yet.

None yet.

None yet.

A Broken Heart
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Known Templates
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► Show Spoiler


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:15 pm
by Jean
Skill List
Starting Guide | Skills | Magic

Skill List

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Strength (100)
Unarmed Combat 100/100 Master
Dexterity (49)
Acrobatics 49/100 Apprentice
Arcana (174)
Malformity 75/100 Expert
Sigilic Pyromancy 75/100 Expert
Resonance 12/100 Novice
Bane 12/100 Novice
Craft (0)
Necromancy 0/100 None
Artificing 0/100 None
Sundering 0/100 None
Smithing 0/100 None
Science (0)
Biology 0/100 None
Engineering 0/100 None
Smithing 0/100 None

Mundane Skill Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+500 50
Character Transfer+590 109
Atharen Launch Bonus+250 134
+100 Unarmed Combat+0-100 34
+34 Acrobatics+0-340
+15 Character Approval+150 15
+15 Acrobatics+0-150

Arcana Skill Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+500 75
+25 Malformity-250 25
+25 Sigilic Pyromancy-250 0
Character Transfer+1240 124
+50 Malformity-500 74
+50 Sigilic Pyromancy-500 24
+12 Bane-120 12
+12 Resonance-120 0

Mageblight Ledger

0 ImageNo Mageblight
1No Mageblight
2No Mageblight
3Early Stage Mageblight
4Early Stage Mageblight
5Early Stage Mageblight
6Early Stage Mageblight
7Middle Stage Mageblight
8Middle Stage Mageblight
9Middle Stage Mageblight
10Middle Stage Mageblight
11Late Stage Mageblight
12Terminal Mageblight
Sil'Norai Mageblight Graph
Mageblight Tracker
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Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:16 pm
by Jean


Unarmed Combat [45]
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Running [0]
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Stealth [0]
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Acrobatics [20]
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Tactics [0]
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Meditation [0]
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Hunting [0]
► Show Spoiler

Survival [0]
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Malformity [77]
► Show Spoiler

Sigilic Pyromancy [40]
► Show Spoiler

Resonance [7]
► Show Spoiler

Bane [8]
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Remnant [0]
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Mentalism [0]
► Show Spoiler

Druidism [0]
► Show Spoiler

Baptism [0]
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Necromancy [3]
► Show Spoiler

Artificing [1]
► Show Spoiler

Alchemistry [0]
► Show Spoiler

Smithing [0]
► Show Spoiler

Jewelsmithing [0]
► Show Spoiler


Engineering [0]
► Show Spoiler

Clockwork [0]
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Biology [8]
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Physics [0]
► Show Spoiler


Intimidation [0]
► Show Spoiler


Business [0]
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Placeholder [0]
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Unverified Intelligence - Rumor
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Verified Actionable Intelligence
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Possessions / Wealth

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:16 pm
by Jean
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel


Outfit - 1


Outfit 1

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

- Clothing Article 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 3 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 4 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 5 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 6 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Signet Ring (SP)

Outfit - 2


Outfit 2

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

- Clothing Article 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 3 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 4 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 5 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 6 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Signet Ring (SP)

Outfit - 3


Outfit 3

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

- Clothing Article 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 3 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 4 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 5 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 6 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Signet Ring (SP)

Outfit - 4


Outfit 4

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

- Clothing Article 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 3 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 4 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 5 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 6 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Signet Ring (SP)

Outfit - 5


Outfit 5

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

- Clothing Article 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 3 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 4 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 5 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 6 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Signet Ring (SP)

Outfit - 6


Outfit 6

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

- Clothing Article 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 3 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 4 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 5 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Clothing Article 6 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 1 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Jewelry 2 (Noble Lifestyle)
- Signet Ring (SP)

Jean does not currently own a business. He blames the Grisic bank.

Currency & Faction Ledgers


Starting Package: Noble
Current Lifestyle: Nobility
Item Adjustment Total DF
Starting Package +1,000 df 1,000 df

Black Remedy Reputation

Item / Thread Amount Total
0 (Pending first mission…) ...

Creations / Inventions

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:16 pm
by Jean
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Other Crafts
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Malformity Philosophy & Templates

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:17 pm
by Jean
Landrys Estate
Within a gated community. Located in Bardona, within the Montese of Ciseperant, Daravin. Blah blah blah.

A tragic work in progress...

Home - Chimeric Wing
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Family Members
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Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:17 pm
by Jean
Veiren of the Entente
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His Valran
Jean is reluctant to promote any Valran due to his need for privacy at present. Only someone truly loyal, skilled, and talented will be considered, and he will have certain expectations as part of the arrangement. Special consideration will be given to members of the Black Remedy, skilled Sil'Norai, or powerful mages.
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Others' Valran
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► Show Spoiler
The Black Remedy
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► Show Spoiler

Thread List

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:18 pm
by Jean

Current Season - Ash 321 AV

Xth of Ash, 321 AV:

Prior Seasons


None so far.

Interim of Growth - 320-321 AV
None so far.

Remedy - Sil-Elaine - 318-319 AV
None so far.

Entente / The Badlands 316-318 AV
None so far.

Nardothis 313-315 AV
None so far.

Childhood 297 AV-312 AV
None so far.
