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Jack Corvané

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:50 pm
by Jack
AKA "Jack"

"How far from grace can one man fall? Let's find out."

Name: Jack "Elio" Corvané

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 173 lbs
Birthdate: Searing 86, Year 4596

Birthplace: Railón, The Southern Marches (Daravin)
Location: The Imperial Badlands

Raw Magic:
Remnant (Apprentice)
Mentalism (Apprentice)




Enemies: The Bloodbreakers, The Iron Moon


Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Homosexual

Fluent: Raillen, Common



Jack is a man of above average height, with deep tan skin, medium brown hair and rich hazel-colored eyes, which sometimes glow faintly through as his Neurocrux radiates iridescently from within. He has a well-balanced, athletic build, somewhere in-between that of a runner and a fighter, his physique toned in a way that appears to be designed for agility, flexibility and endurance. His features are regarded by most as handsome; he has a well-shaped jaw, typically has light stubble, with somewhat soft features that he tries to make appear more imposing by displaying a performative gruff. Jack dresses better than most in the Badlands, but still poorly. He typically wears a Badlander-jacket of some kind over a fairly open shirt, often a simple white linen. His demeanor always appears to seek an imposing nature, but once the Raider's guard is down, he reveals himself to be an evidently open man.

Marks of Control
Mark of Remnant
Jack's Mark of Remnant appears as a constellation, placed on his scalp and therefore typically unavailable to view unless his head is shaven.

Mark of Mentalism
Jack's Mark of Mentalism is a Rorschach image, shaped like a mantis emerging from a diamond, or an eye, surrounded by pillars of flame. At least, according to him. It's located on the back of his neck.



Likes: Freedom, The Open Road, Discovery
Dislikes: Oppression, Greed
Merits: Deep Thinker, Passionate, Honest
Flaws: Wayward, Violent, Rash

Jack is an often harsh, blunt and foul-mouthed man, one who exudes ‘street smarts’ as much as he does a few, positive traits: honesty, integrity, reliability. He’s a damn good friend, but he’s also damn brutal to the people who mess with him - or the people he really doesn’t like. Mostly, though, he tends to come off friendly and witty, even if his words are often saturated with stupid lingo and with the accent of a man who grew up outside of a sewage shaft in the shadier edges of Shitport.


Ah, the life of sublime luxury. That was how it always was for Jack -- yeah, even back then. He didn't have his trusty Chariot, but he had a mother who wore a corset beneath her dress, a father whose mind hadn't yet been addled by Mageblight and even a dog who occasionally pissed in his bed.

Things weren't always so good. He could remember, even now, the beatings. The envenomed words, 'mother' and 'father' regretting ever becoming just that. The screaming until his little head spun. How much chaos could be sown by two people in free-fall? They unraveled time and again, yet with intensity would they collide. What a relief, then, when Jack's old man started spasming, frothing at the mouth, his throat heaving blood. It was a chance for the lady of the house to fulfill her long-lost dreams, escaping the life assigned to her from birth.

Lady Corvané hauled young Jacques and his father to the edge of the Badlands, speaking all throughout of a 'cure', a miracle in waiting that the man lapped up like a dog. The things the Badlanders had learned, to resist and survive Unbroken corruption -- she spoke of all the stories she'd heard. A way to not only soak away Lord Corvané's Mageblight, but to ameliorate all of the plentiful difficulties he'd acquired along the way. Her words were more than promising to the dying mage, whose mind became so subdued that he forgot for a time how deeply he loathed her. And when they arrived at their first settlement in the Badlands, she disappeared in the night and left both husband and son to rot in the desert.

But they survived. Batty as he was, old man Corvané still had some kick in him. He was a powerful mage, after all -- enough to rise above his siblings in the plentiful competitions that raged among the Veir, and forge his right to inheritance. He killed. Jack watched him, every time. With his mind, he warped space, crushing lesser men and pulling them limb from limb. He reminded the young man of what the Entente around him would always say; they were the agents of a true, greater God, everyone around them meek and malleable. He felt that as he watched Pablo Corvané, his father, cull the supposedly 'tough' Badlanders of Daravin's ass-end.

He aspired to be like him, at first. He became a Mentalist, then a Remnomancer, his father initiating him in the spirit of tradition. Like Veir, like Veir-son. Young Jacques would, after all, one day take the mantle from him. He needed to be ready.

Along the way, they got into all sorts of wild, outside things. They joined a cult for years, known as the Black Hammer. They drank Wurmblood as psychedelics, the young boy's eyes widening as the substance made him see stars in grains of sand. He had an uncanny life.

When Mageblight eventually claimed his father, he left all of the madness behind. He joined a gang -- a smaller one than the typical four that ran the show, but one he felt himself aligning with more. 'Scythe'. A group meant to restore the Badlands to their old glory; to make them a unified, independent state. Scythe manufactured weapons, sold guns and even the occasional golem, and Jack began to serve as an 'operations distributor' before eventually becoming an enforcer of their intelligence wing. Got some cred, and eventually... Scythe became a part of him as much as he was a part of it.

Only one thing could have ever pulled him from that life, content as he was to linger in the Badlands and their endless dunes. Fear. Fear brought him to look towards home, as a painful anomaly stirred up in his mind: the incursion of a new disease, an aspect of the Madness that grows within his skull like a cancer. In the face of that prospect, and looming towards death... the young man finds his way back to the pastures of his old home.

Re: Jack

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 8:22 pm
by Jack
Racial Ability - Adaptive
Humans begin with +10 XP upon creation.

Mageblight Graph
Currently: 0 (No Mageblight)
Mentalism: The Prophet
Remnant: The...
The Madness - Stage I
Work in progress.

Re: Jack

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:02 pm
by Jack
Skill List

Skill List

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Unarmed Combat 100/100 Master
Acrobatics 70/100 Journeyman
Running 25/100 Apprentice
Bodybuilding 18/100 Novice
Survival 25/100 Novice
Remnant 70/100 Journeyman
Mentalism 42/100 Apprentice

Skill Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Atharen Launch Bonus+250 25
Character Transfer (Orion, Geralt)+930 118
XP Expenditure+055 [Unarmed Combat] 45 [Acrobatics] 18
The Way, Part One+55 [Mentalism] 18
The Way, Part Two+55 [Remnant] 18
The Way, Part Three+55 [Unarmed Combat] 18
The Way, Part Four+55 [Mentalism] 18
The Way, Part Five+55 [Remnant] 18
XP Expenditure+018 [Bodybuilding] 0
The Way, Part Six+5 05
The Way, Part Six+55 [Mentalism] 5
Starless, Part One+55 [Remnant] 5
Starless, Part Two+5 010
Unbroken+5 5 [Remnant]10
To A Thousand Warm Winters+15 15 [Unarmed Combat]10
Breathe Free+8 018
Where We Begin+8 026
Where We Meet+8 034
A Memory I Dreamed+8 2 [Mentalism]40
Home of the Wheelbarrow+8 048
Seasons+8 054

Starting Package:
150 Points
Remnant - 50
Mentalism - 25
Acrobatics - 25
Unarmed Combat - 25
Running - 25

Human Bonus
Survival - 10

Approval Rewards
Survival - 15

Re: Jack

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:03 pm
by Jack
Skill Lores
► Show Spoiler

Non-Skill Lores
► Show Spoiler

Re: Jack

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 8:17 pm
by Jack
1. Badlander Starter Package (Migrant)
1 Large Tarp
1 Large Tent (4 people)
50 ft. of hempen rope
1 lantern (complete with oil)
10 torches
1 Bedroll
1 Blanket
1 Chariot (with 5 gallons of wurmblood)
Jack does not currently own a business.

The back of his Chariot.

Currency Ledger
1. Starting Gold, +1000 df. 1000 Total.
2. To A Thousand Warm Winters, +500 df. 1500 Total.
3. Seasonal Wages, Ash 4619, +3185 df. 4685 Total.

Re: Jack

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:57 pm
by Jack


Jack's Mark of Mentalism is one with great sway over his mind. His Neurocrux, sharp and orderly, has given rise to a pseudo form of sentience for his Mark itself -- which advocates for its own position and ends. Always a director and voice within his mind and dreams, that same Mark seeks to convince him of his role as a Prophet, within the framework of its own great aspirational tale.

Mark Location: The back of his neck.

The Visions - Apprentice
The Mark often steers Jack's mind. Through it, he undergoes delusions, hallucinations, visions, waking daydreams and all manner of strange events. His reality is often questionable in nature and function, as he appears to live split between a world of truth and objectivity, and a subjective and often exaggerated reality sculpted by his mind. Jack's brain is a powerful, but scarcely compliant tool, guiding him towards strangeness and uncertainty.

The Truth - Journeyman
Jack's Mural is changed forever. No longer does he see a shifting image within stained glass; instead, whenever he connects with a mind, he wanders through a desert of black sand, submerged into a moonless night. In the distance, he sees the person or people whose mind he is interacting with, each depicted in a way he can easily understand. Rather than deciphering the physical appearance of their Mural, their Truth is something he can intuitively decipher, as if it is second nature to his Neurocrux.

In many ways, this makes Jack a natural empath, as he is capable of deciphering emotional complexity to a far greater degree. Yet, within the story-like, fantastic nature of the Truth, the meaning of these emotions is often diluted. Within those sands, Jack will greet that individual as if they are a player within his own story. Their minds, while linked, will often become separated from the outside world as they commune within this generated place, linked together in totality. This serves also as a weakness for Jack, as while he can truly immerse himself into the mind of another and interrogate their perceptions fully, he does so at the risk of being harmed in the outside world, entering a meditative trance along with the other tethered to him.

Jack can intuit the full emotional breadth of the other as he links their mind to his Neurocrux, allowing him to more finely and precisely manipulate their emotions, and bend them to his will. This comes, however, at the risk of him playing against his own ambitions--as his Neurocrux will often misguide him and distort his 'readings' based on its own goals.

The Liar - Expert
Though Jack's Neurocrux effectively bears sentience, it rarely interacts with his mind directly, preferring to act as one facet of a greater conscious. At worst, it is a voice within his mind, whispering to him and compelling him to act. 'The Liar' is a manifestation of the darker aspects of the Neurocrux. As it evolves, it evolves to deceive him, guiding him towards imperfect truths and distorted understandings of himself and others. 'The Visions' become crisper and more vivid at the advent of this mutation, but also more deceitful, and sometimes more pernicious. The Mark begins to speak to Jack more and more, and by edging nearer to his Mark of Remnant, gains the power to sculpt portions of his dreams.

The Emergence - Master
As Jack's Neurocrux fully matures, it manifests terrifying capability. Jack no longer needs to utilize 'the Weave', and can emit force purely from his mind, without gesture or crystalline structure surrounding the object he wishes to manipulate. Instead, force will merely ripple and vibrate through the air, transparent but visible to the naked eye. All of Jack's 'Weave' based abilities become stronger, and as they lack the need for a Weave, they become more precise. Compel can pull in objects or individuals with a rapid, extreme force, Impel can fling men like ants. Overbear can crush and contort with ease. All of these abilities still require the force rippling through the air actually catching Jack's foe, but otherwise work with greater force and extremity in all ways.

Due to the change to Jack's 'Weave', the ability Vindicate will instead condense that force within the given area, allowing for him to apply the physical aspects of his other Mentalism abilities to any within that radius. This makes him truly capable as a Mind Mage, able to dismantle foes caught within Vindicate with ease. As a result of The Emergence, sometimes the world around Jack will react with his mind, vibrating or rippling uncontrollably, streaks of perturbed force and energy wobbling through the sky or objects unexpectedly rattling.