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Nim Leone de Heloise

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:20 am
by Nim Leone de Heloise

Model: Alice Pagani
Full Name: Nim Leone de Heloise
Race: Rathor; neoalt
Sex: Female
Age: 65
Faunis~ 2'
Humaniod~ 5'6"
True~ 5"10'

Faunis~ 9 Lbs
Humanoid~135 lbs
True~ 175 lbs

Birthdate: Glade 47; First Bloom 17; Year 4556
Birthplace: Daravin

Profession: Apothecary, undercover poisoncrafter.
Housing: Veir house in Tired Quill
Partners: Dimitri Edme Heloise

Titles: Veir(Merchant)
Gemini (alias moniker)

Fluencies: Common & Gentrevese
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

An average sized black fox with orange eyes. Somehow this fox always looks like she is grinning.

Small and lithe in her humanoid form she has a dark, organically shaped vitiligo mark covering her entire left shoulder almost like a puldron. She has another dark vitiligo mark on her right wrist. In this form her eyes are light brown and she has dark freckles on her face, shoulders, and chest.

Short for a Rathor she retains her orange eyes and keeps her tail as well, her facial features resemble her humanoid form in an uncanny way. Her feet have longer toes and her legs are long while also being skinnier than average. On top of her jet black, chin length hair there are two fox ears.

Devil May Care;
A little too full of herself. Considers herself lucky. Gracefully holds the smoking gun with an esteemed grin. Someone who can talk her way out of anything.

Cowardly at best, she will two-time anyone for a better deal. Good at hiding her emotions.

Intelligent and savvy. Holding herself with a certain amount of elegance, people can be surprised that their first impression of her is so wrong. What you see is not what you get with this trickster.

Nim is not a good person. She finds herself in smoke and mirrors playing a part in the masquerade but cannot and will not suffer within the mold. This is her Purpose. Her mother was a florist growing up and a valran herself. Nim was taught by her in the ways of subtly and politics egging her on to be something better "than she was". They traveled across Daravin sourcing flowers for the business. Nim never really felt she could live up to her mother's expectations, who was a fanatical follower of the Omen. The white owl rathor would go on long rants about the cleansing and constantly invaded Nim's life with lofty accusations of Nim being lazy and undeserving. Her mother's obsession with perfection drove Nim to act out in secret. Unbeknownst to her mother Nim was cultivating poisonous flowers and drying them, storing them for later. When she found they strongly resembled the flowers her mother used to make her tea she switched them and poisoned her mother. The woman died in the year 4575 and all was left to Nim, who soon was married and had the café up and running. Nim's only remorse was that her mother could have no idea how happy Nim was that she was finally gone.

In the world of a Daravinian prude-- her smile flashes provocatively. Spending her days in modesty serving very normal people, mainly valran and veir, no one would suspect what goes on after hours in her life. Hosting sex parties in her home for the entente of Bardona is her main cash crop as in Daravin the currency is secrets. Sometimes acting as a courtesan this isn't her preferred method of payment. Being a tea house and owning so many plants and a herbalism lab, Nim Leone de Heloise's true specialty is poison. Reading books and experimenting she loves seeing what concoctions she can make from her gardens and has a good stock of vials put back ever since the fateful day of her mother's reckoning.

Nim has been married for 20 years. Her human husband, Dimitri, is much younger than she and also a Veir. To her, he is a stepping stone. Their relationship is loveless and much more of a partnership, if not almost a rivalry. Following her Purpose she is unsatisfied with him and considers him a burden. Only he knows know about the poison lab or the murder of her mother, none other are confidant for this cardinal sin. He has kept the secret for a long time, but lately things between them have been shaky.

By going against her mother and praying to the Elven divines she was granted the power of Summoning. Initiated by a troublemaking old friend she released the coils of the Omen and started praying to the Elven gods as a rebellious act in the beginning. Eventually this turned into a secret devotion. Veratelle was assigned as goddess after the summoning initiation which no made her the patron of Nim's magic. Because of this her archetypes reflect that of Tar'haen.

Secrets and lies are her current memorandum operandi as she uses her side business to get in with the eschaton's of the nobility, considering herself travelling down an intangible road of what she thinks to be her Purpose. To become prominent in Daravin. Starting up with the moniker of Gemini, she likes to say the apple doesn't fall from the tree in regards to her new business. The apple being her calling card, people will leave a ruby red apple behind the counter to signal for their "medications", which they are instructed to call it. She occasionally sells poisons to the entente to take as an immunity making substance to protect them from the affects of poisoning in the future. But lately she has been contracted to make a poisons, a secret kept by only Dimitri who she considers to be her fall man. Dimitiri knows and loved her for the fact she was a devout follower of the Elven gods. But lately he has been more testy with her than before, after a long truce he has demanded affection from her and she refuses to give it. he has been cold and callous since then. She knows he's going to do something drastic and with her new poison business on the line... There are plenty of ways he could turn her in and get a gold medal for it. What will she do?

Re: Nim Leone de Heloise

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:25 am
by Nim Leone de Heloise
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Business 75/100 Expert
Politics 50/100 Journeyman
Summoning 40/100 Apprentice
Poison 25/100 Apprentice
Apothecary 25/100 Apprentice
Botany 25/100 Apprentice
Alchemy 20/100 Novice
Stealth 20/100 Novice
Seduction 15/100 Novice
Disguise 15/100 Novice
Deception 20/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+1000 100
Business+025 75
Alchemy+020 55
Poison+015 40
Stealth+015 25
Seduction+015 10
Summoning+010 0
Cannibalized Pre-Atharen Points Awarded Here+1400 140
Business+025 115
Poison+010 105
Summoning+030 75
Botany+020 55
Deception+020 35
Apothecary+015 20
Politics+020 0
Atharen Launch Bonus+250 25
Politics+05 20
Botany+05 15
Stealth+05 10
Apothecary+010 0
CS Approval+150 15
Politics+015 0
Starting Skill Adjustment+5000 50
Business+025 25
Politics+010 15
Disguise+015 00

Re: Nim Leone de Heloise (WIP)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:47 am
by Nim Leone de Heloise




How to read your opponents facial expressions for honesty(PAL)
Giving an honest smile after a lie(PAL)
Hiding your identity with a mask(PAL)
Knowing your tells(PAL)
Using reverse psychology to convince people(PAL)
Manipulating people's emotions(PAL)
Covering up a lie(PAL)
Doing favors to black mail later(PAL)
Conning people out of money(PAL)
Reading a room(PAL)

Ranks of the Entente(PAL)
Personal names of the Veir of Bardona(PAL)
Name dropping to get ahead(PAL)
Keeping tabs on your social reputation(PAL)
Staying Modest in Daravin(PAL)
No touching in public in Daravin(PAL)
The Entente live in massive, lavish houses(PAL)
The Omen (Religion of Daravin)(PAL)
Getting ahead by having dirt on your opponent (PAL)
Everyone wears masks in brothels to hide their identity(PAL)
Knowing your opponents weakness(PAL)
Bribery by using your body(PAL)
Keep your friend's close and enemies closer(PAL)
Prowess based on land ownership(PAL)
Segregation of nobles and commoners(PAL)
How to greet upper ranking nobles(PAL)
Looking your best in public(PAL)
Maintaining your reputation(PAL)
19 Generic lore (CS Approval)
20 Generic lore (CS Approval)
21 Generic lore (CS Approval)
22 Generic lore (CS Approval)|
23 Generic lore (CS Approval)


Managing your employees (SP)
Busing tables(SP)
Maintaining a clean workplace(SP)
Talking to customers(SP)
Keeping the surroundings modest(SP)
Kicking people out with grace(SP)
Running two businesses at once(SP)
Storing your money in a safe place(SP)
Keeping one of your businesses secret from the public eye(PAL)
Running a brothel(PAL)
Maintaining the needs of a café style tavern(PAL)
Attracting the right customers(PAL)
Advertising your business(PAL)
Restocking supplies (PAL)
Making new product by hand (PAL)
Serving customers (PAL)
Getting into the work groove(PAL)
Having a popular business (PAL)
Keeping clients in check (PAL)
Employee safety (PAL)
Assuaging customer grievances (PAL)
Selling poisons to upperclass (PAL)

Washing your hands (PAL)
Keeping your workplace clean (PAL)
Making sure ingredients don't contaminate other items (PAL)
Some poisons can be diluted (PAL)
Poisoning yourself over time to create an immunity (PAL)
Poisons that make you sick (PAL)
Certain poisons are fatal in lower doses than others (PAL)
Administering poisons in vials (PAL)
Poisons on a blade work by getting into the blood stream (PAL)
Crafting poisons from common weeds (PAL)
Making poison taste less bitter with herbs(PAL)
Creating poisons in secret(PAL)
Using a scale to measure out correct portions(PAL)
Replacing herbs for ones with similar effects(PAL)

Creating teas (PAL)
Blending herbs(PAL)
Remedies for calming(PAL)
Sleep inducing herbs(PAL)
Herbs that wake you up(PAL)
Creating pesticides from herbs(PAL)
Common weeds for tea(PAL)
Foraging for weeds(PAL)
Using your own homegrown herbs(PAL)
Making tea for taste and comfort(PAL)
The right temperatures for herbal brews are different for each flower(PAL)
Making up teas for customers on the spot(PAL)
Using tea to cure headaches(PAL)
Honey makes herbal brews less bitter(PAL)


Using the Ritual of Binding to call Archetypes(PAL)
Using gestures to summon(PAL)
Offering ether during a Binding(PAL)
Ether given creates the time limit for summons(PAL)
Chosen by Veratelle, the dead goddess(PAL)
Summoning Tar'haen(PAL)
Using the Ritual of Unification to order around summons(PAL)
Ritual of Unification is an unrefusable request(PAL)
Tar'haen spit out poison(PAL)
Tar'haen lurk in the shadows(PAL)
Ritual of Reminiscence expends more ether for less time than the Ritual of Binding for the same outcome(PAL)
Summoning Vrannik(PAL)



Swapping out goods in secret(PAL)
Being light and lithe(PAL)
Knowing the creaky boards in your house(PAL)
Going the path less traveled to avoid being seen(PAL)
5 Generic lore (AT
6 Generic lore (AT)
7 Generic lore (AT)
8 Generic lore (AT)
9 Generic lore (AT)
10 Generic lore (AT)
11 Generic lore (AT)
12 Generic lore (AT)
13 Generic lore (AT)
14 Generic lore (AT)

Selling your body(PAL)
Doing everything with a smile on your face(PAL)
Swaying your hips(PAL)
The Sweet Spot(PAL)
Remaining aloof to some things(PAL)
Cooling off a slight(PAL)


Growing plants indoors(PAL)
Maintaining natural light indoors for plants(PAL)
Sulphur to get rid of mildew on indoor plants(PAL)
Cultivating seeds to seedlings(PAL)
Growing flowers and herbs(PAL)
Maintaining herb gardens(PAL)
Keeping gardens free from pests with pesticides(PAL)
Growing certain plants to keep pests away from other plants(PAL)
Trellising plants for aesthetic affect(PAL)
Using soap to get rid of bugs(PAL)
How to cultivate more finicky plants indoors(PAL)
Perennials come back year after year(PAL)
Some plants have large root systems(PAL)
Flowers which self seed(PAL)
Annuals have to be replanted year after year(PAL)

SP; Starting Package (8)
PAL; Pre-Atharen Lores (112)

Re: Nim Leone de Heloise (WIP)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:58 am
by Nim Leone de Heloise




*1 Waterskin Starter Package
*1 Backpack which contains: Starter Package
*1 Set of Toiletries Starter Package
*10 days of rations Starter Package
*1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife) Starter Package
*Flint & Steel Starter Package
*Ear dagger


*1 Set of Fine Clothing (Cloak and footwear included)Starter Package Noble
*1 Signet Ring (Bears the sigil of Noble House Heloise) Starter Package Noble
*Courtesan Clothing~Starry night
*Courtesan Clothing~Pastel
*Courtesan Clothing~Black and lacy
*Courtesan Mask~always worn after hours

Magic Items

Nothing is here yet. :(


Nothing is here yet. :(

Used Items/Broken items/NFP

Nothing is here yet. :(

Her home is on the upper floors of the Tired Quill. The entrance to the stairs is roped off with red silk and after hours guarded by the bouncer. The rooms are the master bedroom, the large bath, and the poison and herbalism crafting labs. There is a storage room filled with ingredients, one of the book shelves move revealing behind it the poison making lab. Below the home is the business, the library, the kitchen, an inside common area for seating, and the stables are outside on this level. Outside in the back is a seated courtyard and patio filled with flowers maintained by Nim, who uses them in her tea café. Down below is the brewery and a secret room covered by a large stack of antique barrels of wine, inside there are four bedrooms and an elaborate common area covered in pillows for lounging. This is where the sex parties are held.

1. Starting Gold, 25,000 df. ~ 25,000 Total.
Courtesan Clothing; embroidered, large, satin, dress, 2,400 df. ~ 23,600 Total.
Courtesan Clothing; embroidered, large, satin, dress, 2,400 df. ~ 21,200 Total.
Courtesan Clothing; embroidered, large, satin, dress, 2,400 df. ~ 19,800 Total.
Mask 30 df. ~ 19,770 Total.
Dagger, Ear 500 df ~ 19,270 Total.
Pricelist crunch ~ 1000 df Total.
Apothecary Kit 150 df ~ 850 df Total.
Larceny Kit 150 df ~ 700 df Total.

Re: Nim Leone de Heloise (WIP)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:39 pm
by Nim Leone de Heloise

T I R E D ~ Q U I L L

B U S I N E S S & N P C

~Business Plan Here~
Tired Quill has stood proud after the untimely death of Nim's mother in 4575. Known for being a quiet respite for those looking to sip tea and read books in a large, plant filled room. Modest, elegant, charming, Tired Quill is a favorite café for conversation in Bardona. Ran by the Heloise Veir household it has tea and food for patrons. The teas are herbal brews meant to alter the drinker's state of mind. Jars of flowers and leaves reading "relaxation", "contemplation", "focus", "trance", and even "meditation" line the walls behind the counter. These are not magic potions but teas said to change mental states in a way similar to aroma therapy. Food at the Tired Quill is simple and light, they serve salad, soups, bread, and sandwiches. Dimitri brews wine and ale in the cellar below, which is also served to those who ask. This is a popular place to eat and well known even among the commoners.

People come sometimes to read her open library of books on plants, natural history, gem stones, and books about Daravin itself. No one is permitted to leave with any of the tomes. People will come to read them like magazines and talk as if in a forum in the common area of her café. Inside is very spectacular with lavish living plants of all kinds. Plants and vines drape from pots above seating areas in the dining room and other taller plants stand proud in pots on the ground. There are palms and succulents lining every window in the café. Curious plants like bromeliad bring life to the green that surrounds people with their fiery orange flowers as well as pink begonias on her serving counter.


At night the whole scene changes. Having part of the underground life of Daravin in your back pocket isn't always easy to maintain. Through careful planning and strict housekeeping she is able to run a sex club in her basement behind a stack of a barrels of old wine. In one of the barrels there is a hinge that opens up into a foyer, with a door at the end. From the other side of the door someone will open a small window and check if you have the requirements to enter. Upon success the doorman will let you in. The main area is down two steps to a pit of pillows, blankets, and seating. There are shelves in here and drapes hang from the walls. Sconces light up the room and down a hallway there are four small rooms for business. No one will let you inside unless you have a mask on and are dressed in finer clothing, baring a snake's head with a red ribbon wrapped around it.

Inside there are courtesans and nobles talking, letting loose in their own way. Wine and beer flow freely on these nights. These events happen every Kyrikas and Jaxetas each cycle. The Tired Quill's afterlife isn't known among the common people. Valran are allowed to be courtesan's but they cannot indulge in the services from a buyer. Fake names are used here only. Dimitri acts as doorman and bouncer often. This speakeasy for sex can get loud and rowdy in the common area at times when stifled nobility really let loose.


Name; Dimitri Edme Heloise
Approval Link; viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1371
Race; Human
Birthday; Searing 78 4582 (40 years old)
Relationship to NPC; Husband, brewer, bartender, doorman
NPC Type; Plot NPC
Influence; 0

Always seen in dark clothing and after hours will his hair tied back and hidden behind a full mask. This man married Nim years ago out of steamy passion and love. Over the years their business grew and Nim became distant, essentially ending their happy married life as lovers. Now they are mere business partners and barely friends. He helps her manage the business and is an accomplished sigilic pyromancy swordsman. The brews and wine he makes are well known. Veir is his title and he has several Valran underneath him acting as butlers, bouncers, and apprentices in the business. He's a sneak and a conman at best, often seeing women and embarrassing Nim in public.

Dimitri has a certain degree of respect for their club to hide most of his personality in public, but his antics are enough to set Nim on edge. Neither delights being around each other. They live extremely separate lives although they are married on paper.
