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Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:49 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

Table of Contents

Elizana Octavina Celamyrsa,

Lady of Ludren
Duchy Of The West End
Kingdom of Lorien

Basic Information
Physical Description
Family and Friends
Skills Ledger
Financial Ledger
Threads Ledger

While you read.

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:52 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

Basic Information




Full Name: Elizana Octavina

Nicknames: Elle
Titles: Lady of Ludren,
Dowager Countess
of Branderbren

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1st of Glade,
Year 96 Age of Steel

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lb.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Mother: Nyvene
Father: Octavian
Siblings: Vinceant
(Twin Brother)

Partner: Count Horatio
Friedrich (Deceased Husband)

Children: None
Birthplace: Skaven, Duchy of West End, Kingdom of Lorien
Current Location: The Dawn Palace, Skaven, Duchy of West End
Companions: None
Profession: Noble/ Archaeologist
Factions: Lorien Nobility
Magic: Semblance
Languages (Fluent): Common, Gentevarese
Language (Conversational):
Language (Ineptitude):
Face Claim: Jenna Coleman

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:52 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa


Elizana Octavina

“I meet the Lady Celamyrsa today and was pleased to see the reports haven’t been exaggerated. When she entered the room I instantly saw that she stood about five feet and I would guess eight inches tall. Neither very tall, for a woman, and not one of those feminine midgets. She can look the shorter men in the eye and not have to crain her neck to look into tall men’s faces.

Speaking of her gaze, she has pretty eyes though I can’t determine if they are blue or grey. They look at the world with a almost wide eyes gaze. They are set well in her face which is very oval shape. Her lips are full without being huge, with white straight teeth in her mouth and she has a very petite nose. She keeps her brown hair clean and in a bun which frames her face well.

I wouldn’t say she is the most fashionable but her dress and hair style are nice without being extravagant. Though being from Ludren with its four seasons the coloring in her clothing is a bit more diversified.

I will say that I worry about her ability to have children as she has a slender young woman’s form and while it appears she has decent hip structure that can really be hard to determine as clothing can be flattering to a figure. Overall I find her to be an pretty young lady who can catch the Count’s eye but not so pretty that we will have a bunch of young idiots following her.”

~ Chamberlin Gregous Xenapor comments in his journal.

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Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:52 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa


Elizana Octavina Celamyrsa,

Elizana is as complicated and contradictory as most people. On the surface she appears to be a very excited and eager person with a passion for drawing. The truth of her personality is much deeper than that. Elizana Celamyrsa was raised in a noble Lorien house and so nothing is ever what it truly appears. Elizana’s great strength and weakness is that she is who she is, and she likes herself. She can never hide that she is a pleasant person, but the years have taught her a bit about holding parts of herself in reserved.

If left to her own choice Elizana would greet all of her friends with a hug, and spend the next hour listening and talking about what is going on in their life, and with strangers she would want to make them friends soon after meeting them. Her life has taught her though that such openness can be dangerous especially in Lorien and among other nobles.

Elizana no longer instantly trust people, though she wants to. She is still a eager person and while she follows the social rules of her class in regard to behavior only just barely. She isn’t a reserved person, she is intelligent though, her true passion being archaeology, and the drawing of old things she sees.

Since her marriage and widow hood there has been a shift in her personality. She realized that despite it all she pawn in Lorien politics. There is an underlying fear for her that her new freedom will be stripped away from her and she will be forced into something worse.

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Skills Ledger, Knowledge, Magic, Possessions, Financial Ledger, Threads Ledger

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:19 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa



Elizana Octavina Celamyrsa was born on the 1st of Glade in the year 96 during the Age of Steel. She was born to then Baron Octavian Celamyrsa and Nyvene (Alderset) Celamyrsa at the Dawn Palace in Skaven the Kingdom of Lorien. Less than an hour later her twin brother Vincent Alder Celamyrsa was born. The two were the eldest children of the Baron and Baroness and were also the oldest grandchildren of the Count Vincent Celamyrsa and Elizabeth Celamyrsa.

Despite being younger Vincent was the heir to their father and grandfather. Originally attempts were made to separate the two, but it was discovered to be easier for everyone involved if the two children were schooled together. Elizana and her brother were educated not only in the way of the Lorien Celebrant but the ways of the Celamyrsa House. By the time they were eight both could and in unison quote and answer any questions about their family history.

It was at that point Nyvene Celamyrsa insisted that their education be separate. They both were destined for different parts of Lorien society she said and so both must learn differently. She had an ally in her father in law Count Vincent. So the children were separated for lessons. Both of them suffered greatly from the separation, and their school work and even there health began to decline. Their grandfather insisted that they would get over it.

It was during this time that Elizana really began to discover her interest in history and old things. As her mother took her around the estate and insisted that she learn everything about it and its operations she was introduced to the antiques. Having always enjoyed the lessons about history previously she loved seeing object that had belonged to that time or people she had learned about.

It was also at this time she began to learn draw. It started with her drawing pictures of her brother that she was missing, and then her father who was semi band from spending time with her as he spoiled the child to much. Then she began to draw pictures of the objects around the place. She found it was relaxing and in a way for that moment could be with those she missed.

That isn’t to say the siblings never saw each other. Their father was cleaver and would find chances to bring the children with him on trips around the kingdom as he handled the families’ affairs. The two twins would relishes these trips and time together.

It was when they were 12 that their Grandfather passed away. Their Father became count and he lifted the ban on his children’s lessons. Lessons such as history, grammar, and math he said they could do together. For lessons specific to their futures they would continue in separate classes. Both children’s health began to improve, and there grands improved almost instantly.

Elizana had learned about magic and specifically semblance which allowed you to study people and things around you. The young woman wanted to learn but in Lorien you had to be careful about learning magic. Both of her parents were hesitant about the doing it. Not because of any distance for magic, but for fear of her surviving the threshold sickness. Eventually they agreed, but with the understanding it was to help the family. They contacted the Pact about having her awaken, quietly. Mages being the way they were many didn’t but a few were interested, so because they were willing to talk, and others for the money.

Elizana meet with a few and let them get to know her. Eventually a Madam Betinca agreed to initiate Elizana. The family still wanted to keep her abilities secret so they did the initiation under the pretense of a case of the flue. It was a struggle for Elizana but she made it through the threshold sickness. She joined the Pact so she could legally do magic, but wasn't very active and then began to expand her knowledge of semblance, and also picked up Scrivening. During this time Elizana also began work as an Archaeologist and began to make excavation around Skaven.

It was when she turned 20 years old that her parents informed her that they had made an arranged marriage with Count Horatio Tredramo. Elizana was shocked and upset when she was told and her brother was also upset. Their mother informed her that she would be doing it as it was the alliance the family needed. The count was old and had decided he wanted a heir. Elizana father approached her privately and said that if she did this he would make a deal that after the Count died she would be allowed to choose, within reason, her future.

Elizana agreed to the deal and married the Count. She soon discovered that he did have a heir in his nephew, who Elizana found to actually be fairly reasonable, but the Count age and the whispering of the Kindred had turned him extremely paranoid. Elizana didn’t conceive the hoped for heir, but that was due to the Counts own shortcomings. She also discovered that the Counts Chamberlin was also a voice in the Counts ear, and he had hoped to have a child on the counts seat so that he could control the child.

The Count died peacefully in his sleep and Elizana found herself free. Her only real act as Countess, as no one allowed her any authority before, was to support the nephew as he took Count’s seat. With the new counts support, friendship and with an intact alliance between their houses Elizana returned to her family and her promised freedom.

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Skills Ledger, Knowledge, Magic, Possessions, Financial Ledger, Threads Ledger

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:35 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

Family and Friends NPC

Listed below are the family,
friends, servants and
enemies of Lady Elizana
Celamyrsa. Currently all
are NPC, and some are
political NPC that can
only be used for family

Vincent Alder Celamyrsa
(Companion NPC)

Age:1st of Glade, Year 96 - 23
Race: Human
Height: 6'
Weight: 165 lb.

Occupation: Noble
Title: Lord (Heir to County of Ludren)
Connection to PC: Twin Brother

Politics - 40
Tactics - 40
Blades - 30
Unarmed - 20
Law - 20
Acrobatics - 20
Agriculture - 20
Body Building- 15
Running - 15
Singing - 15
Dancing - 15

Description: Vincent is Elizana's twin brother. His is about and hour younger then her, but the two have been very close since then. Despite early efforts from their mother, and do to the efforts of there father the two weren't separated in their raising until the later years of their childhood. During this time both suffered a the separation was extreme. They were only allowed to see each other at dinner and when they would sneak away. When their father became the Count he removed this separation though he did push for them to continue to develop as separate individuals. They continued to be close, but each developed there own skills. While his sister learned history and magic Vincent focus was on politics and military.

Vincent received weapons training and tactical training from the local Argents who he has become close to and when he could would practice with the knights. He also made himself more and more useful to his father and he began to master politics and understand of the County's economy. He still found time to spend with his sister and their twin bound never faded especially as he found support for goals and efforts in the unwavering loyalty of his sister.

It was tested again when Elizana was married to the Count of Branderbren. Both suffered from withdrawals, and it was then that Vincent really became useful to his father as he volunteered to run the missions and errands that would take him out of Skaven and provided his with a chance to visit his sister. Between letters and these visit the two stayed as close as possible. Vincent actually enjoyed visiting the county as well as it focus on sports provided good entertainment while he was there. When the Count of Branderbren died Vincent picked up his sister and brought her home. The two have continued to support each other ever since.

Octavian Celamyrsa
(Story/Personal NPC)

Age: 41st of Searing, Year 72 - 48
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 178 lb

Occupation: Noble/Soldier
Title: Count
NPC Type: Story / Personal
Influence: 0 / 2
Connection to PC: Father

Leadership - 80
Politics - 70
Tactics - 50
Blades - 50
Agriculture - 50
Logistics - 25
Running - 25
Dancing - 10

Description: Octavian Celamyrsa is a family man first and foremost. After his own's father rather tyrannical rule Octavian firm but understanding tenure as Count has managed to smooth many hurt feelings and united the mainline and the branches in these troubled times. Like any good Celamyrsa he tries to balance his duties between having a understand of how to defend his County as it sits on the boarder, and keeping it productive. While Octavian lives in luxury he isn't a person who pushes a luxurious life style. He maintains the homes and grands that he inherited, but hasn't expanded upon them. His Barons, the local Argents have found him to be fair and firm. Even the powerful among Lustrians and Savants have found him approachable.

Nyvene (Alderset) Celamyrsa
(Story/Personal NPC)

Age: 11th of Frost, Year 75 - 45
Race: Human
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 162 lb

Occupation: Noble/Accounting
Title: Countess
NPC Type: Story / Personal
Influence: 0 / 2
Connection to PC: Father

Finance - 80
Negotiation - 70
Deception - 50
Psychology - 50
Leadership - 30
Dancing - 30
Painting - 20

Description: Nyvene Celamyrsa was raised as an Alderset but was married into Celamyrsa family. She has a talent with the numbers and between her skills Octavian's frugalness she has managed to keep the Celamyrsa in the green. She is a fairly haughty personality, though with her family she is much nicer and her family see's that she does love them. She does struggle to admit when she is wrong, but her and her husband do actually love each other and found a way to work with each other. She works mostly behind the scene or with her husband as he helps smooth over her stand off nature.

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Skills Ledger, Knowledge, Magic, Possessions, Financial Ledger, Threads Ledger

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:51 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa




GroupSkillSkill LevelProficiency
ArcaneSemblance 28/100 Apprentice
ArtistryDrawing 15/100 Novice
Singing 5/100 Novice
CharismaLeadership 20/100 Novice
Etiquette 15/100 Novice
CraftScrivening 10/100 Novice
DexterityDance 5/100 Novice
IntelligenceArchaeology 20/100 Novice
Politics 10/100 Novice

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:06 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

Skills Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+100-25 Semblance 75
-10 Scrivening 65
-20 Archaeology 45
-20Leadership 25
-10 Etiquette 15
-15 Drawing 0
CS Approval+15-5 Politics 10
-5 Dancing 5
-5 Singing 0
What to Do With Little Birdies+5-2 Politics 5
-3 Semblance 0
Frosty Rien days+8-3 Politics 5
-5 Etiquette 0

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:09 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa


Acrobatics 2 Total Knowledge
Staying up on Ice
Sliding intentionally across ice
Archaeology 5 Total Knowledge
Identifying Surface features that might disguise structures
Identifying Old Trash Piles
Observing ground objects as you walk by.
Recognizing a filled in hole
Historical Records can help narrow the search for something
Body Building 1 Total Knowledge
Supporting another person to move them.
Drawing3 Total Knowledge
Different led in pencils will affect darkness
Use basic shapes in drawing more complex pictures
Being able to self critique your own work.
Etiquette 1 Total Knowledge
Proper way to greet other nobles
Leadership 4 Total Knowledge
People don't always want you in a position of power.
Recognizing Other distress
Helping others help themselves as they become incapacitated.
Willing to talk with Anyone
Persuasion 2 Total Knowledge
Avoiding trouble by doing something good
Convincing Father to help a friend.
Politics 4 Total Knowledge
Lorian balance between groups.
Meeting in Secret to discuss dangerous subjects
Confirm rumors before reacting.
Establishing what you are your strengths in the bargaining
Scrivening 1 Total Knowledge
The Tools used in Scrivening
Semblance 2 Total Knowledge
Looking for Aura's that shouldn't be there.
Resisting looking at auras that are familiar

Re: Elizana Celamyrsa

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:22 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa


Novice Semblance


You know that’s a Fake right? - Apprentice Quirk

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