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Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:30 pm
by Velx

Art by Fortuna
Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor

Full Name: Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor
Race: Arkanai
Sex: Female
Age: 121
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs

Birthdate: 5th of Ash, year 4501
Birthplace: Ganeron

Profession: Cartographer
Housing: Tent
Partners: Davanor Ela'Velexnia / Aravon Tor’Maenon LXI

Titles: N/A
Factions: Chronologers

Fluencies: Common/Silvain
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Kimberly of face, and dark of hair, most of her can’t readily be observed. In order to protect from the welcome of Radenor, she is usually tightly wrapped in multiple layers of fur. Hotter weather and the lesser wrapping betray a tall and slim figure. When sufficiently unpacked, glowing shapes can be seen etched along her cheeks, down the clavicle and from the shoulder blades down the ribs. While her empty eyes don’t betray her focus, it can usually be followed over the crook of her nose. There is a slight slouch to the shoulders and bony hands are often wrapped tightly around each other. The hair is usually pulled away from the face using whatever is on hand, but reaching past the clavicle when loose.


There are three main aspects to her mind – family, love and purpose.

Family – The second twin in both mind and body, Velx has long since accepted being deferential to her brother in all things. Over many cycles, she has defined herself through this deference. Whether it was by nature or nurture, she has developed a complex when it came to her achievements often being overshadowed by her older sibling. Since her family was far more engaged with the drive and accomplishments of the primary twin, they were another confirmation of her lack of ability. The one place she felt like she excelled over her brother were the studies of the arcane, as the one initiation he had prior to her had failed. He would leave their home soon after. Some said that he began conducting some of the testing for the Chronologers, but it was hard to believe they would let a defective specimen into their circles. What she once defined by his presence, she was now measuring by his absence. There was bigger work to be done, and larger shoes to fill. In a way, she’d won their race by default but it never felt fulfilling. She has kept her mind focused on the things he failed at and found purpose in being better at least in the fields where he could not compete.
Her pursuits of the arcane led her over Ghrond and the great Courlan to the lands of Sil-Elaine.

Love – Upon the Elainian shores, she would meet the love of her life and even while she took upon the mantle of Ela’Davanor, it was she who would be protected. While the bond never could never bear children, an Arlaed came of it. Once Davanor left their home in pursuit of the Dranoch that wronged him, she could not sit idle for long. As time passed and he never returned, she took upon herself to either claim back her bond or perish in the attempt. Going so far as to ask for otherworldly help, she would take up summoning as well. Her search continues.

Purpose – She even had a chance to meet her brother again. This meeting led her to confirming the gossips of his involvement with Chronologers. With her pursuit of Davanor continuing in a fruitless manner, she would spend some time in Daravin, engaged in the pursuits of the group. When all of her own goals seemed out of reach, their own century long pursuit gave her a foreign idea to hold onto.

Today, she spends her time between Daravin where her twin resides and wherever the last rumor of her lover’s presence was unearthed.
Even with hope slowly waning and no real progress being made, the bond endures.
An Arlaed is for life, for good or ill.


Velexnia and her brother were born to scholars who were in turn cut from the same cloth. From an early age, her life was shaped by study. Since they were spawned close to the end of their mother’s childbearing age, extra tutelage and focus were given to the them as compared to the children sired before them.
Her parents were rumored to have once been somewhat influential among other scholars, but she never felt any of said influence over the course of her life. Whatever aura they once commanded seemed to have dissipated over the years, as they turned to less conventional forms of study.

It was always known that there were other siblings out there in the world, but the family never talked about them very much. While mother and father always seemed caring, it seemed that once you left the nest, you were on your own.
Perhaps through this realization, the twins decided to keep themselves in Ganeron for far longer than any of the children before them.

Their studies were going very well, and the parents seemed pleased with progress they were making. In light of this, their own tutelage would turn to more obscure topics. Since her brother always had an edge in these things, he soon started getting his own private classes, in addition to the ones they shared.
She tried joining them, but was refused. She tried spying on them, but she was caught. Every time, no matter the action, the same result.

As her eagerness to join the forbidden classes grew, she started employing more invasive methods.
With the money she started stealing from her parents, she could occasionally afford to send someone to spy on them. Careful as ever, they would still survey the room every time – looking for her. Figuring out that her spy would be discovered too, she started allowing herself to get captured before placing her spotter. This proved fruitful. While she never could abscond enough money secretly to keep constant tabs on them, she was able to send someone every now and again.
Her lookouts provided just enough information for her to fully appreciate that her parents were trying to initiate her brother on an unusual path, one not of Kyrikain.

Stranger still was the fact that they wouldn’t involve her. She shared everything with her brother, so when the first denial came from both him and their parents – she was not able to handle it gracefully.
Ever since that time, their relations have been strained, and the bond was never the same.
Her brother would eventually break and confide that the family, both the inner and extended circles, were coercing him into taking up resonance.
Someone or something had been lost to the group. The target was never revealed to either of the siblings. Their life was devoted to the search, but they were never able to find it. Hope rested on the next generation. This was something she could appreciate, but couldn’t accept.
Why had he been the chosen vessel of their purpose? Why not her?

In time, her twin was able to show true affection and get her included into the family mission. Hollow as it felt, it only deepened her love for him.
Once she was on the inside, her motivation was quickly crushed by overwhelming expectations of success. Those of her blood were getting truly desperate to end their search. Their drive compounded with her not wanting to lag behind her brother led to her becoming the main specimen for the resonance initiation.
Her brother was once again moved out of the way, to work on another project.
This has caused a conflicting pleasure within her. She got what she wanted, but was once again denied what’s his. It felt like getting scraps. She was finally resonant, but it was not a joyous rhythm.

In that smallest of accomplishments, she would attract her starling – Auna.

Her emotional state would soon fully polarize, from self to pure pity. Whatever her brother’s project was – it was not successful. The experimentation he was a part of led him to suffer severe stages of mageblight. He would never fully recover from it, nor would his work ever be discussed.
He left soon after making a middling recovery.
He never said goodbye and the family wrote him off much like the other blood before them. Once you were through the pass, the road was yours, but the door closed behind you.

They turned back to her next. They were pleased with how she’d taken to resonating, and were making plans to further involve her into what had been the older twin’s work. Whether it was indignation at always being the second choice, or the fear of becoming a second victim – Velexnia left her home without fanfare or warning.

The next major step of her story happened in Sil-Elaine. In this inhospitable place, she learned the terror of the dranoch, and the struggle of local Norai.
Against better judgement, she would make a life for herself here. She would take a mate and infuse her soul to the bond. It was a difficult compromise in her mind, but she soon found that the Arlaed tied more firmly than even the twinbond. It was more intimate than the starbond.
Her partner was in constant struggles with Dusk Court, and it wouldn’t be too long before he started leaving to pursue battle with them. He started coming home less and then stopped altogether. It never felt like their love had waned, so she set herself to the purpose of finding him.

It was in this search that she would find a confidant in a Hyr’Norai. A man of complicated history and even more complicated name would become her first firm bridge to the Others. Crossing into the pantheon of the Eldashan, she would soon feel the breath of her first patron.
While her initial skill in resonating had weakened over time and lack of use, she took to summoning. She became very close with this new man in her life, and while it was a smaller love – it was enough, as she starved for the other part of her soul. Their symbiosis continued, until her skills had grown enough to believe they’d help her in chasing her other half. Aravon Tor’Maenon LXI was left without warning – just like home, just like her.

In the many cycles of her search, she would never succeed in finding Davanor. The stories of his exploits led her through the world without too much change. Even with a communion to the beyond, she was not able to ever fully trace him. Her brother on the other hand, was a more conspicuous beast.
He had made his new home in Daravin, joined another secretive group, and once more took upon himself the goals of others. Even damaged, it seemed like her brother hadn’t changed. He was still a pawn of a bigger game.
To her dismay, she would discover that she too was unchanged. Once more denied, with a secret dangling before her – she became consumed with being a part of her brother’s pursuit.

It would soon come to light that he was of the Chronologers and working to get back the legacy of Saren. While the thought of the Creator having his fingers in her life in any manner was repulsive to her, she could understand his search for power.
Her brother seemed to be in a search as frantic as her parents, but with a different aim. This goal was never shared to her, but just as he had always done right by her – she pledged to assist him however she could. While she never reached the level of involvement of the resonance project, she would become more familiar with the organization as a whole and would do her best to be at her twin’s disposal.
He had once been her superior in every way perceivable, and now he was a husk.
Alone, unmarried, unstarred, of one name – solely Valanox, as the day he was born – his choices intrigued her. The eye-gouging gap of his obsession and his work only seemed to give it more validity. Her brother wasn’t a fool, and he would never willingly give up so many pieces of himself had it not been for a worthy cause.

She allowed herself to get distracted with his pursuits long enough to rekindle their kinship, but with newer rumors of dranoch to the north, she would once again leave to pursue her true goal. Her track would lead her to Radenor and this is where her story starts.

Re: Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:31 pm
by Velx
Skill List
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Cartography 75/100 Expert
Summoning 50/100 Journeyman
Resonance 50/100 Journeyman
Drawing 25/100 Apprentice
Mount: Horse 25/100 Apprentice
Survival 25/100 Apprentice
Hunting 25/100 Apprentice
Ranged Weaponry: Bow 25/100 Apprentice
Stealth 25/100 Apprentice
Navigation 25/100 Apprentice
Body building 25/100 Apprentice
Business 25/100 Apprentice
Caligraphy 25/100 Apprentice
Investigation 25/100 Apprentice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
CS Approval+15 15 debt 285
[Flashback] carry on or carrion (Thomas)+88 debt 277
Starting Package:
150 Points
Summoning - 50xp
Business - 25xp
Drawing - 25xp
Investigation - 25xp
Mount: Horse - 25xp

Skill Debt:
300 Points
Resonance - 50xp
Cartography - 75xp
Survival - 25xp
Body Building - 25xp
Hunting - 25xp
Stealth - 25xp
Navigation - 25xp
Ranged Weaponry: Bow - 25xp
Caligraphy - 25xp

Re: Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:31 pm
by Velx
Skill Lores
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Non-Skill Lores
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Re: Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:31 pm
by Velx
1. Migrant Starting Package
Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class.
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Large Tent (4 people)
1 Large Tarp
50 ft. of hempen rope
1 lantern (complete with oil)
10 torches
1 Bedroll
1 Blanket
1 Horse
1 full set of tack
A set of large saddlebags
2. Bow, Composite
3. Cartographer's Kit

1 Large Tent (4 people)

Currency Ledger
1. +1000 df (Starting Package)
2. Bow, Composite -200 df
3. Cartographer's Kit -200 df
Running Balance: 600 df

Re: Velexnia Auna Ela’Davanor

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:20 pm
by Velx
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Summoning 50/100 Journeyman
Resonance 50/100 Journeyman


None yet.


None yet.
