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Vinsue Tecknick

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:53 pm
by Vinsue
Full Name: Vinsue Tecknick
Race: Gnome
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Height: 3’5”
Weight: 80 lbs.

Birthdate: searing 31
Birthplace: Dragrun

Profession: Smith
Housing: Tent
Partners: currently none

Titles: Gatherer
Factions: CLUGS

Fluencies: Common, Kaedic
Conversationals: none
Ineptitudes: none

hair:Red, kept short
skin:lightly tanned
Marks and scars:Shortened pinky on left hand. Burn marks on cheek.

Temperament: calm.
common mood: curious, frustrated
Weaknesses: too curious. Believing that saying “for Progress” will end better than not saying it.
habits: Talking to inanimate objects. Tinkering. Asking too many questions.
Fear: Magic. Not magic infused trinkets but literal spell casting and the effects it could have on the caster.
goal: Find the highest level tech and magic infused trinkets, find out if Dagrun has the strongest golems. if not than try to find out the secrets of the stronger Golems.
Religion: first Core second open minded


Major Lessons: Keep fingers away from moving parts, learned after she lost a good chunk of one to an invention she was helping with.

Progress often includes failures. Some failures can be monumental and always carries a chance of exploding.

Events that shaped her: The Jagged pillars outside COREs Academy caught her attention when she was young. The mere sight had inspired her to want to find out its secrets. In turn she had decided she would Study physics there.

Mom was a waitress. So oftentimes young vinsue sat in the bar listening to stories from the various customers. Other times she sat in the back reading books ranging from physics to myths of the world as she waited to go home for the night. Dad worked as a scholar at the academy. He believed it important for her to be properly educated and often taught her himself. Her grandma fixed watches and clocks for a living and took every opportunity to teach her what she knew. She went as far as to give her a toolkit for her birthday.

As she was told of the outside world she began feeling that the town was small and began saving up to explore the world. She worked any job she could get ranging from watch repair to pipe repair. She even made and sold trinkets when she had time.

Legends of a level 6 Golem caught her attention when wandering through town. With it came many questions and curiosities that she was determined to answer. To fulfill this quest she went to the CLUGS and volunteered to be a Gatherer.

Worst Event: The death of her best friend Sam will always haunt her. It started as a journeyman sat telling a story of some adventure he had lived. He had gathered a large crowd Despite the fact that The story was not that interesting. but the people had strong emotional reactions and got their attention. Since Sam wanted to be a storyteller they decided they had to know the secret. The Journeyman smiled at the odd request and decided to help. “Touch the heart” he had said as he began the initiation. Sam failed, catching mage blight that killed him. The experience haunts her as much as the loss hurts her

Re: Vinsue Tecknick

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:18 pm
by Vinsue
Skill Lores
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Engineering 20/100 Novice
Smithing 50/100 Journeyman
Storytelling 10/100 Novice
Unarmed Combat 40/100 Apprentice
Research 20/100 Novice
Physics 10/100 Novice
Artificing 15/100 Novice
Navigation 15/100 Novice
Clockwork 16/100 Novice
Divide 8/100 Novice
Two handed weapon, Quarterstaff 10/100 Novice

Re: Vinsue Tecknick

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:19 pm
by Vinsue
Skill Lores
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Non-Skill Lores
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Re: Vinsue Tecknick

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:20 pm
by Vinsue
1. general Starter Package
Clothing: one blue bodysuit, two auburn Bodysuits set of steampunk shoes 1 Waterskin
Backpack large: toiletries, 10 days of rations, eating utensils, flint and steel,

2. Cartographers Kit
Set of scrolls, Magnifying Glass, Ink Quill, paper weight, Compass, Measuring Compass.

3. Jewlsmith kit
Jewelsmith Hammer, Jewelers Pliers, Molding Base, Pitch, Smoothing Metal, Gilding Metal.

4. Doctors Kit
Needle and Thread, Bottle of Antiseptic, Bone Saw, Scalpel, Bandage, Medical Book, Gause, Broken limb Brace, Mask

5. Dagger

6. Quarterstaff

1 Artificing Book
A Book on Antithesis and Synthesis
A Grimoire on Beginner Crafting
A Book on Advanced Divide Studies
1 T3 Remnant Sunderscrap.
1 map piece
 6x Old Rusted Gears

1 small tent
1 bedroll
1 Blanket
10 torches
50 ft Hempen rope
1 lantern with oil

Currency Ledger
Starter pack+10001000
shoping trip-900100
fall of Dahlia10001100
wages ash16382738

Re: Vinsue Tecknick

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 10:26 am
by Vinsue


Current Mageblight  2/10 (no stage)

2 Mageblight 49th of Ash to 49th of Frost


Skill level: Novice 

Mark of control
