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Lore Bihotz Corvané

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:29 pm
by Lore
Name: Lore Bihotz Corvané
Race: Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'2
Weight: 110lbs

Birthdate: Glade 33, 4601
Birthplace: Railón, The Southern Marches, Daravin

Profession: Veir / Politician
Housing: Corvané Estate
Partners: -

Titles: Veir
Factions: Entente

Fluencies: Common, Raillen
Conversationals: -
Ineptitudes: -

Mageblight: 0

Siblings: Jacques
Lore is a practical, patient woman who wields her anger like a knife rather than a cudgel. Groomed from birth (like most all Entente) to participate in the Candor, she is not a liar as much as a withholder of truth. Any conversation held with her is like to be shallow and brief, though she can hold remarkable depth towards those who earn her brief trust or loyalty. She has been raised to be clever and resourceful - useful to those who wield more power than she or her family, and appraising of those who hold less. She has a marked, but carefully sequestered distaste for many men she has met, believing them to be exceptionally dramatic. As a result she is remarkably picky in those she chooses to involve herself with romantically, often favoring women when she does, though the rare man to enter her true good graces is not exempt from her potential affections.

Lore has a fascination with death, and she can go to brutal methods to fulfill this interest. She is afraid of her own death, though oddly unperturbed by corpses and carrion, and has growing, but unfulfilled interest in taking apart cadavers. A tangential relation to her interest in the subject is her interest in rifles, swords, and fighting; the ease at which a weapon can bring about the death of another and change the course of history lays ever-present on her mind.

A woman of short stature compared to her elder brothers, Lore is no less eye-catching. She has dark, wavy hair and straight eyebrows over light brown eyes. Her tan skin and round nose are distinctive of her family, and she was often told she was the spitting image of her eldest brother, Jacques. She is slim but not overly thin, with a small bust, waist, and just noticeable hips if one ever manages to see her without her common layers of clothing. Lore has a straight posture and dresses modestly, favoring long black dresses and gold accents befitting her class. She participates in some necromantic sculpting; namely, removal of scars. If scars tell a story, she much prefers to be a blank page. To some she even appears innocent and youthful, though this is more often than not a tactic to get herself into someone's good graces or trust.

The youngest surviving child of the Lord Pedro and Lady Catalina Corvané, and the only daughter, Lore was also their third successful initiation into the mark of Mentalism at the age of three. She grew up fatherless, raised by a carefully distant mother after the Lord Corvané took the oldest son, Jacques, and disappeared. Lore has been raised with the knowledge that the brother she barely knew was killed by her father, though she does not resent this as much as she maybe should as one less brother meant her only competition for inheritance is her other elder brother Itzal. As a teenager, following her growing interest in swordsmanship, rifles, and weaponry in general, she was successfully initiated into Brand, and focused her studies and practice on that magic over all else. She has since taken an interest in not only the shooting but the crafting of rifles, though her interest is still fledgling.

Even as a child, her closest friend was the daughter of a Valran that worked for her mother. This woman, Adelita Ramon, is only a few years older than herself and is much more of a spitfire than Lore, as she became a Halamire and immediately established herself as a bodyguard for the Entente woman. She considers her the one true confidante, the only person she can trust in this environment she was born into. She shows professional distance in public, never remarking on their long friendship or any behavior beyond what would be expected of a woman and her bodyguard. They frequently spar with each other.


Re: Lore Bihotz Corvané

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:46 pm
by Lore
starting package & approval bonus marked with *
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Non-Skill Lores
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Re: Lore Bihotz Corvané

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 11:02 am
by Lore
noble combatant starting package
Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class. (Noble)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel
Signet Ring of the Corvané
Iron Longsword
Chainmail Armor
A small suite of rooms in the family estate, with a bedroom, bathroom, study, and walk-in closet.
+250--Starting Package (Combatant)250 df
----250 df

Re: Lore Bihotz Corvané

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 11:23 am
by Lore
Adelita Ramon
Race: Human
Age: 23
Birthdate: Ash 77, 4598
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 lbs

Occupation: Halamire
Relation to PC: Bodyguard
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: Born to a Valran that worked closely with Lore's mother just a few years before Lore herself was born, the two girls grew up close, a friendship maintained as much in secret as they could. Parents always know, however, and there was no surprise that when Adelita became a Halamire she was immediately hired on as Lore's bodyguard. The two share secrets that they cannot share with anyone else, with a years-long bond that neither dares break. Lore loves Adelita dearly, and Adelita her. The few who know of their close relationship could claim that Lore is in love with her, though she would never confirm such rumors. Their relationship in public is strictly professional, even severe, though behind closed doors they're much closer.

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Unarmed Combat25/100Apprentice