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Volundr Strom

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:24 pm
by Volundr

V O L U N D R - S T R O M

Full Name: Volundr “The Returner” Strom
Race: Kohrún
Sex: Male
Age: Visibly in late 40s, actually 500+
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 204 lbs

Birthdate: No set birthdate, current life has birthdate as 27th of Frost, Year 4622
Birthplace: Radenor originally, most recently resurrected in Daravin
Profession: Soldier of the Daravanic Empire
Housing: Soldier Barracks
Partners: None

Titles: The Returner
Factions: Imperial Halamire

Fluencies: Common, Skaldrúna
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Volundr towers over most of his constituent fellow soldiers and even most Kohrún, standing at 6’2. This size is only more impressive with his muscular frame that tends to fill out the view of most opposing parties, leaning more towards a mix of mesomorphic and endomorphic body type, perfect for the cold weather. He has been seen to have golden eyes that shift around from a light brown color to a near perfect replica of 24-karat gold. He often sports an undercut hairstyle tied back into a loose wolftail that keeps his mostly black hair back, disrupted from time to time by shocks of gray hairs. A scar running from the bottom of his upper lip to his chin on the left half of his mouth is fairly prevalent, as well as a scar on his left ear. He has the looks of a man who has been through many battles, some of which he might not have lived through initially. In moonlight, his Mark of Control for Nightfall is visible on his left wrist, in the form of three triangles set into themselves, overlapping like a venn diagram.

Contrary to his rough looks and rather silent presence on the battlefield, Volundr is actually rather kind and easy going. However, whenever he has just been revived through the Neverborn he seems distant and rather dull, but that’s more due to the aspect of waking up with near-total amnesia. Whether he’s on the front lines fighting for his new country or back in the barracks enjoying a hot meal, he always does his best to crack jokes at the situation at hand, more to keep the morale of the group he’s with higher. Often keeping himself busy with card games and the like, it’s one of the few things he never forgot with his lifetimes, how to play cards. It never meant he was any good at them, but he does still enjoy playing.

The Kohrún as a culture were always a unique one due to their isolation in the archipelago of Rúnskaldr. And like many of his ilk, Volundr was one of the prayers that went out to Y'shendra to save their lives. Nobody but they knew of their full history, how the Bleeding of the Planes separated the men of Kovskanjr from their families and forever destined them to become what they are. However, the memories that exist do not start in this fated era, but rather on the 27th of Frost, Year 4622. What was once peaceful rolling plains was now a battle camp for the Halamire, the main brunt of Daravinic military power.
"Come now Returner, on your feet! You were gone for a while, but the gods seemed fit to bring you back to us! Been about three weeks this time around." Most of the battalion that he was a part of knew of his nature and knew that somehow he always came back. Feeling around his person and checking what he had, he felt the lightly dented armor as well as a rectangular shape hidden under his gambeson. While fishing it out, he glanced over at this stranger who wore the same colors as him, talking to him like they knew each other. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Volundr didn't know it himself, but he always had trouble with names, including his own. But the soldier glanced back with a wild grin, pointing to where his hand was going. "If you pull that out and give it a read, should explain things. But right now, I am to bring you to the commander for a progress report."
When he came back, he always read the journal eventually, whether it took a few minutes or days. His name was Volundr Strom, nicknamed the Returner. He fought for the Daravinic Empire and its glory, and was a recon scout. Anything he saw, smelled, tasted, felt, or heard went into the back of the journal to be given to the commander for intelligence. But common was not the only language on the pages. And what's more, it wasn't the only language he understood. Skaldrúna, the main language of his people, scrawled in footnotes and along the edges of pages told a different story. He was a Kohrún, a type of undying person who could repeatedly come back to life with no memories. There was not mention of a wife or kids, or siblings and parents, mostly due to the fact that any family that he did have at one point was most certainly dead by now. Further more, it seemed that everything in Common was information that was okay to share while everything in Skaldrúna was more information for himself. Magics and writings of Necromancy and Nightfall were a majority of the arcane knowledge, marking him as a mage in a past life. As for which one, it was hard to tell, since this journal seemed to cover his entire lifespan from the Bleeding to three weeks before his most recent death.

Upon learning his magical prowess in a past life, Volundr opted to keep this secret, instead beginning to train back his other skills. With nobody to trust since anyone could tell you anything as an amnesiac, he kept to the journal and to what he wrote in his past lives, now looking to the future of his survival as a seemingly lone Kohrún in the Daravinic Empire.

Re: Volundr Strom [WIP]

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:35 pm
by Volundr
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Blades 40/100 Apprentice
Nightfall 51/100 Journeyman
Stealth 30/100 Apprentice
Investigation 33/100 Apprentice
Necromancy 22/100 Novice
Writing 24/100 Novice
Cooking 5/100 Novice
Politics 4/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+150150 0
Character Approval+1515 0
Solo: Coming Back to the Realm of the Living and the Consequences of Death+55 0
Collab: Shroud & Dagger+88 0
Solo: Pulling the Weeds+55 0
Collab: An Idyllic Sort of Life...+88 0
Solo: Tiger Stripes+55 0
Collab: Enter, With a Knifed Grin+88 0
Collab: A Divinity's Shadow+00 0
Collab: Corrupting the Innocent (NSFW)+00 0
Solo: Stepping Into The Shadows+55 0
None yet+00 0
None yet+00 0
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Re: Volundr Strom [WIP]

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:37 pm
by Volundr


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Re: Volundr Strom [WIP]

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:37 pm
by Volundr


Combatant Starting Package
- Set of commoner's clothing
- 1 Waterskin
- 1 Set of brigandine armor
- Personal journal accounting various days from previous "lives" (contains starting lores if he dies)
- 1 Backpack which contains:
1 set of toiletries, 10 days of rations, 1 set of eating utensils, flint & steel

- 2 Steel Longswords

Housed in the Halamire barracks, Volundr simply has a small room shared with three other soldiers, a locked chest under his bed with his belongings. The accommodations are simple yet effective, and allow for relative comfort in passing times of peace.

Starting Amount, +250 df
Searing 4623, +983 df
Selling two iron longswords at 80% value, +400 df
Purchasing two steel longswords, -1000 df
Ash 4623, +819 df
Frost 4623, +1747 df

Total: 3199 df

Re: Volundr Strom [WIP]

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:53 pm
by Volundr


Mutations: None

Mageblight Graph
Frost 31st 4622: +1 Mageblight
Glade 31st 4623: -1 Mageblight
Ash 1st 4623: +3 Mageblight
Frost 1st 4623: -3 Mageblight

Currently: 0 (Level: No Mageblight)