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Alleizha Lorraine

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 3:28 pm
by Alleizha

Alleizha Vanrei Lorraine

Race: Mixed Blood
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140lbs

Birthdate: 20th of Ash, 4602
Birthplace: Ciseperant

Profession: 'Fortune Teller'/Con Artist
Housing: Personal Tent in The Badlands
Partners: N/A

Titles: Veir of Ciseperant, The Red Seer
Factions: N/A

Fluencies: Gentevarese, Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:25 pm
by Alleizha



Through necromancy, Alleizha is nothing less than his parent's most precious creation. If he were to follow a natural birth, Alleizha would've most likely favored his mother's race a little more than his Sil'norai father. Lhuxia often spoke of his skin color when he was a child, doing her best to drop hints as she compared his peach-colored skin to her father's own. Except his father's blood has influenced that very skin to have a sallower tone to it. Almost as if the peach is slowly rotting. Combating the dull hue provided by Sil'norai blood, however, are pearlescent freckles throughout his face and the rest of his body. Red hair too, which Lhuxia remarks as belonging to her mother, is influenced by the Moroi's blood as thin strands of gold are also present. Although the thick, curly texture belongs to Victoriana whose blood is subtle compared to others.

The blood of Victoriana Lorraine is used to cancel out any imperfections within the child--- like the unusual tail or horns he was developing, and the curses brought upon by the Sil'norai race. But his mother (the entente one, that is) will speak highly of the beautiful hazel eyes that match her own or his full lips and chiseled jaw. So that only leaves his lanky body and pointed ears, both coming from his father aside from his skin. Etched into that same skin are the markings of his body too. The mark of malformity sits on the small of his back as it looks like it's rotating and almost coming to life. As for his mark of mentalism, it sits on his left forearm like a birthmark.


Many often remarked that Alleizha is an empty-headed child with a lack of facial expression and habit of observing those around him. This cannot be any farther from the truth. Initiation, mentalism specifically, has caused the mixed blood to spend a great deal of time in his head. Despite being chatty on a daily, it's common for the boy to keep to himself from time to time. Most of that time, he is doing nothing more than spacing out, and other times he is making critical decisions. Sometimes the decisions are meaningless and other times it is life-threatening. At least, that's what he believes whenever he's living in his head. It is often believed too that those that spend a great deal of time thinking make great judgment calls.

That isn't always the case for Alleizha.

He is witty and bright when it comes to his studies, there's no doubt about that. Not to mention, he is a great judge of character although he chooses to ignore it for the sake of a certain element called surprise. He's lived such a strict life with a rotating schedule, very predictable. Even the people around him, their motives and aspirations were predictable too. The outcome is that it has made him almost spontaneous and carefree with certain matters. Making decisions about his life moving forward and the unknown is always hasty. It's like he trying to beat fate in a nonexistent race. So far, he's shown that he can be a little reckless. Perhaps, that'll catch up to him and he isn't sure about it. His sheltered life surely plays a big part in this. Alleizha does have a habit of acting a little spoiled and childlike whenever he doesn't get his way. This doesn't happen too often, but it happens often enough to make him stand out amongst regular folks. The gap between the entente and common folk makes his bad habits and flaws gained from his privileged lifestyle stand out like a sore thumb at times.

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:28 pm
by Alleizha



Alleizha Vanrei Lorraine was born on the Montese of Ciseperant’s estate much to her dismay. Lierel Lorraine wasn’t disappointed with the child’s birth as much as she was disappointed with her brother's constant trials and errors that knew no boundaries. Nyville Lorraine, his father,and Lierel’s brother, had been by his sister’s side since her journey to Daravin. If anyone were to ask him about his sister’s success, he would boast of his achievements and swear that he was his sister’s hand through it all. Only Lady Lierel and Nyville know if that’s true or not, but the story has never intrigued most considering Nyville’s personality type. He’s known to be an arrogant, lousy drunk who’s better at licking boots than holding his own. While Lady Lierel is known for changing Daravin society, her brother is known for his constant need to fit into it.

Nyville’s wife, and the woman known as Alleizha’s mother, is prime example of his shortcomings. Victoriana Lorraine is a woman of high noble birth, a nobility status considerably admirable outside of Daravin society. But as a foreigner that often refuses to submit to all aspects of Daravinic culture, she’s a stain on the house name. Not to mention, her constant failure to conceive children. This is somewhat normal, however, Nyville’s reasoning for their union surrounded the idea that she could provide him and the house with multiple children. Victoriana often argued to do so naturally rather than Daravin’s twisted version of conception too. Unfortunately, her constant failure to conceive children and stubborn streak eventually caused him to give up and turn to others for pleasure.

A beautiful Moroi named Lhuxia was unlucky enough to meet Nyville during his search for other desirable partners. Oblivious to the new world around her, she becomes a concubine of some sort. Trapped in a remote estate where misery was her only company, she conceived multiple children for Nyville who was displeased with each child for their unusual appearance. He often referred to them as the 'unfixable'. Lhuxia hardly got a look at her children before they were shipped away— most likely sold to the slave trade. Ongoing for years, it wasn’t until Victoriana discovered Lhuxia that her fate had changed. It should come as no surprise that the Moroi was pregnant once more. Victoriana held no romantic feelings for her husband, so the slave’s presence wasn’t so much an issue. Lhuxia’s capability to carry children did make her envious.

Victoriana wanted nothing more than to be a mother and so she finally caved into necromancy practices. The married couple created what they believe to be the perfect child, altering some of the genes so that he could hold some sort of resemblance to Victoriana and her blood. Although, they decided to keep some of the Moroi’s contributions, believing that the race provided some unique features such as the various hues to the skin color and vibrant hair colors. Alleizha wasn’t the only ‘perfect’ baby born to the nobles. He was one of two, a brother that was also healthy before initiation. The process was horrifying as the parents slowly watched their children’s health decline before picking back up. Alleizha’s initiation was successful, however, his brother had suffered a few outcomes deemed embarrassing by his parents.

Alleizha was raised in a similar way to singular children. His brother was placed in hiding, while Alleizha was always on the forefront. He received multiple forms of affection from both his mother and father, who boasted about their child at any given moment. Lhuxia would become a part of his life too, despite his mother’s clear objections, as she would take up work as his nanny. Unfortunate work for the Moroi too since Alleizha grew to love and respect his mother, but when it was clear of their roles, he was sure to boss Lhuxia around and tell her what to do. Holding no favor with the Lorraine family, she obliged a majority of the time. It was hard not to follow orders too. The mixed-blooded child proved to be very intelligent and received a lot of praise from his tutors. Especially when it came to his abilities in malformity and mentalism. He caught on relatively fast to subjects since he enjoyed most of his lessons. The problem was that he would use what he learned to put himself at an advantage in every single situation. Alleizha is a mischievous person, but nothing can compare to his childhood where his curiosity peaked.

Alleizha was into gossip and eavesdropping on important conversations. He enjoyed visiting his aunt Lieril for her important meetings and discussions. Whenever his father tried to push him onto her, he showed little to no interest just like his aunt. However, the moment she would sneak away he followed closely to seek information. He would get caught usually, but he learned to perfect his ability to be sneaky and tell a fabricated lie. Previously mentioned, Alleizha was a smart child yet many didn’t seem to believe it. Observation showed him that children who are aloof and excitable get away with more. So instead of displaying how much he knew and his growth in magic, Alleizha pretended to know less. Which put a strain on his relationship with his father, Nyville. Striving to make his son the heir of the house was becoming difficult when your son decided not to showcase his skills and talent.

Their relationship only went downhill when Lady Lieril stationed her brother on The Imperial Badlands’ borders. Somewhat of a narcissist, Nyville refused to believe that his shortcomings put them in such a position. He liked to believe that it was his wife and sons’ fault that they were constantly warring with different groups of the Badlands. Fighting off raiding gangs had become the new norm for the Veir and the village he was overlooking. As odd as it sounds, Alleizha took an interest in the raiders too. He didn’t exactly enjoy their comings and goings, however, their lives were different from the culturally appropriate ones he lived so often. The raiders continued to come and the village was eaten away little by little.

Soon, Nyville could only protect his family as there was nothing left of the village. The raiding gangs came one night when the family wasn’t on defense and attacked their castle. Breaking in, the gang was only interested in what was left of the nobles. Alleizha took it as an opportunity to slip away and explore the Badlands for himself.

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:31 pm
by Alleizha


SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Acting 10/100 Novice
Blades 5/100 Novice
Malformity 25/100 Apprentice
Mentalism 25/100 Apprentice
Persuasion 15/100 Novice
Psychology 15/100 Novice
Rhetoric 5/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
None yet+00 0
Starting Skills+1000 100
Blades+0-5 85
Psychology+0-15 5
Rhetoric+0-5 0

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:35 pm
by Alleizha



► Show Spoiler

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:37 pm
by Alleizha


1. Starter Package
Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class.
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Large Backpack
50 ft. of hempen rope
1 lantern (complete with oil)
10 torches
1 Bedroll
1 Blanket
1 tier one Companion
1 Small Tent (2 people)


He lives in a tent.

1. Starting Gold, 1,000 df. 250/1,000 Total.

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:23 am
by Alleizha


Brawny Smithy


Race:Rathor (Neoalt)
Age: 22
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 167lbs

Occupation: N/A
Relation to PC: Friend/ “Pet”
NPC Type:Companion/Pet
Influence: 6


Before Brawny belonged to Alleizha, he was the child of a blacksmith in a small village to the north of Daravin on its borders. Brawny’s childhood started normal, he played and helped his father out in his shop often. As the oldest of multiple children and in the absence of his mother, he matured quickly and learned to look after others. Brawny had a life he somewhat enjoyed until a man visited his father’s shop to collect a debt. The details are still unclear, but he lost everything that day including his family. Brawny would’ve lost his life that day too if not for a young Alleizha. They were both practically children, pubescent kids at that, upon meeting one another. Scared and lonely, Brawny decided he was safer in his faunis form and refused to leave it for some time. Alleizha thought he was raising and training a dog until an incident occurred where Alleizha was almost attacked in the streets of Ciseperant. Brawny showed his other forms and Alleizha realized his speculations around his pet were correct. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop their relationship as master and animal. Maybe it’s a defense mechanism for Brawny, however, he chooses to stay in his faunis form and doesn’t talk much. Neither can recall having any reaction that’s human or humanoid related. No matter the form, Brawny flexes his strength at any given chance. Choosing intimidation, he is a very serious rathor that only yields to Alleizha if it calls for it although their relationship is somewhat neutral outside of their ‘pet and owner’ one.

Unarmed Combat- 50
Bodybuilding- 50
Survival- 35
Hunting- 35
Smithing- 30
Intimidation- 50

Re: Alleizha Lorraine (WIP)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:17 pm
by Alleizha

Magic Tracker



Through Necromancy, Alleizha has been altered to receive and favor his second mother, Victoriana. Not only has his genes been altered, but the structure of his bones to favor his second mother slightly more. Hair follicles, bone structure and such have been altered and semented with burnishing balm; few stitches can be seen.


Motif: Athene noctua


Throughout his childhood, the avian creatures have always been related to or symbolized Alleizha. Specifically, the owl is known for its intelligence. Aside from the bird's wits, owls are known to fool their prey and hold observation skills within large eyes that are shrouded in mystery. When it comes to Malformity, the personality traits of an owl are the best fit for the one who wields the magic. While his intentions with the animal shifting skills are unknown, it is clear that whatever he chooses to use it for must benefit him greatly like his avian friends of the night.

Apprentice: Linked Connections

Perfecting something often results in a better sense of it. Alleizha studied hard in malformity, taking a little longer to imprint and steal the form of his desired animals. Some might call him slow-minded considering the time he puts into imprinting and the extra time put into the beginning stages of the magic, but he has benefited greatly from it. When taking on the abilities of an animal, Alleizha has learned the difference and variations in animal senses as well as human ones. So much so that after painfully molding one’s self into his original form has allowed the specific senses to linger and equal the amount of time he’s spent as that animal. He can possess the very same sense of an animal, but that would also mean he would react to certain sounds, smells, and even taste like that animal.

Journeyman: Avian Thinking

Being closer to avian creatures has created an interesting, deeper connection with them than one is fully aware of. While loyalty is often hard to come by and trust takes time, avian creatures' curiosity peaks in his present. Heads swivel in his direction, flocks follow from a distance in hopes that they may figure him out. Bonds are still hard to come by, however, it is much easier to gain the trust of avian creatures. Once bonds have been made, it remains outside of the molded form taken on and create a connection that can last a lifetime. Telepathy is just about doable in his humanoid form, but the language is unrecognizable and almost unique to each creature or species of bird. However, it almost crosses the line a majority of the time and causes fatigue and severe headaches if he spends more than a minute in the head of another creature.



Motif:The Insignia of Ambition


Alleizha’s mark plays a big role in his life and possibly pushes him forward each day. In reality, it acts as a connection between him and the hopes of the world yet behave differently within the dreamscape. A light of hope in the darkness, mentalism is perhaps wrapped tightly around his brain more than others.

Apprentice: Dreamland

He has fallen prey to his dreams. Alleizha is capable of sleeping a lot longer than others, needing more than sixteen hours at times although that is the requirement. Sometimes, he sleeps soundly and other times he physically dreams and acts out the emotions that set the theme of his dream. Walking in his sleep, mentalism sometimes guides him to a new fate each day and the mixed-blood sees it as nothing more than a blessing.

Journeyman: Sleepwalker

The murals are no longer quiet. Constantly, Alleizha is being screamed at and depending on how intense the scene is and the emotion conveyed, there can be as many as a million voices. His eardrums will bleed and his hearing is slightly reduced in reality. The loudest emotion is heard while the one that is in doubt speaks in a soft voice in hopes that Alleizha will notice it in hiding and decipher it.