Salen Auclair

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Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:29 pm


"Bel hath no fury, like a man scorned"

Name: Salen Auclair

Race: Half Human, Half Sil'Norai
Gender: Male
Blight: Corvo
Age: 25
Height: 5"8
Weight: 190 lbs
Birthdate: 39th Glade, 4596

Birthplace: Bardona, Cisperant (Daravin)
Location: Amoren, The Southern Marches (Daravin)

Raw Magic:
Nightfall - Journeyman
Remnant - Master
Mentalism - Novice

Assassin, Spy


The Brotherhood of Scaeva

Dahlia Senerite, The Omen of Ulendreaism.

Racial Ability:

The Path (Brazim and Kyrikain)

Partners: Tiberius Ela'Dallis {Deceased as from Searing 34th}
Sexuality: Homosexual

Fluent: Genteverse, Common


A Half-Sil'Norai who stands around 5"8, with a body of athletic muscle. Due to his blight, he appears to appear without any imperfections what so ever, a much more angular jawline, along with high cheekbones, which accentuate his masculine looking features. His eyes are strangely blue with golden heterochromatic hues within the center, as if the eyes were lit like candlelight in the dark, it is a strange and mesmerising thing to look at, especially when Salen uses them to his advantage to draw people in. His hair is dark brown with silver strands of hair, both which are silky smooth. His skin has that radiant silvery glow followed by some of the flowery patterns on his skin which can rarely be seen unless exposed to light.

His smile is radiant, mystifying as his teeth are perfectly white. He was magnificent to the eye of Brazim, only from his previous features which weren't so much appealing as he is now. The Corvo Blight has changed him dramatically, before he had the essence of leadened veins and a disfigured face, now he is an image of perfection and glory. A image of pride that Brazim would be most proud of.

Those who are drawn to him will feel a vibrant warmth of his skin, followed by the smell of Daravin's wilds, often indicated by the fragrance of colourful summer fruits such as orange and lemon, followed the dangerous odor lingers on his body, a scent that invites both danger and comfort within his embrace; it is the smell of leather that often has a foreboding yet inviting effect to those who approach him.

Marks of Control


Mark of Nightfall
This had been acquired at the age of 16 by his master, Everic Salvatore, in hopes he would never be able to use magic. It was a spiteful decision that backfired on him.


Mark of Remnant
Given to Salen by Dahlia Senerite, the woman who brought him to be tested as a Corvo at the age of 22.


Mark of Mentalism
Given to Salen by Tiberius Ela'Dallis, as a gift of remembrance, knowing that he would always be by his side.


Likes: Sex, Drugs, Massages
Dislikes: Commitment, Slavery, Cheesy Romance Novels.
Merits: Protective, Cunning, Passionate, Open-Minded
Flaws: Cynical, Impulsive, Manipulative

Sly, manipulative and promiscuous; Salen often achieves his goals with extreme tact and questionable antics, willing to gain anything by centralizing himself as the main prize. No matter how dirty the deed, he would revel in gaining the attention of others in order to achieve his goals. A tempter and an incredible manipulator, he is willing to leave no stone unturned, ensuring his goals are met with the use of ruthless and aggressive seduction methods and even manipulating various noblemen into sexual debauchery and tapping into their power hungry nature, exposing them for what they truely are.

Along this path, it has led Salen on a pathway to heartbreak and emotional torment for others as he manages to revel in his own selfish goals, no matter how amoral the act is; Salen is resourceful and survivalistic in nature, taking necessary and even unnecessary risks to achieve his goals. The biggest flaw that comes with this is his impulsivity, the ability to act without even thinking about the consequences of his actions. As well as this, Salen is very selective of the partners he chooses to become physical with; he has dabbled with both men and women but usually focuses his seductive wiles towards the male sex, partly because of preference.

Underneath the thin veneer of superficiality, there is a sensitive, caring and deeply passionate individual who appears to be emotionally scarred by certain experiences he has had; his hot-temper and inner rage tends to explode wildly when failures and self-doubt occurs, often making Salen deal with challenges in his life in the wrong way. He had developed a deep hatred for the Entente and the Omen has enforced this idea upon him for he relives traumatic experiences every single day of his life from the cruel slavery that he had endured during childhood.

However, his struggle to open up to people is blamed on the negative feelings he has; he believes everyone has a goal, an ulterior motive. Because of this, trusting people is not within his nature and whilst he does have the ability to trust, it is never in his nature to trust someone fully as he has been wronged by so many people in the past. He lives in pure cynicism and paranoia, knowing that there will always be someone better than him.


Salen was confined to slavery at a young age, a bastard child from a Sil'Elainian refugee. He was born with leadened veins and a disfigured face. He was taken away from his mother at a young age and began serving House Salvatore. It was a harsh life, often resulting to whippings and abuse from when he made even the slightest mistake. The house's leader, Everic was the most abusive man; rumour had it, that he immolated one of his slaves for the fear that he was a blood mage. There was mysteries weither he was, or weither Everic was a cruel and sadistic man. Salen had witnessed countless initiations of slaves, granting their freedom. It was then that his ambition spawned, to be free.

He was the type of person who would help others in need, often being the one struggling around, trying to do jobs for them. Even the most difficult jobs such as chimney sweeping. Eventually, Salen's patience began to wear thin; he'd see another slave initiated every three years. Salen hoped it was his turn, but eventually he was kept always on the line. At 18, he was still wondering if he would ever obtain his freedom. He became bitter and jealous as his desires burnt like a fire rumbling inside of him. It was the time when Salen had discovered what he had truely felt about his masters, before he shoved Umbraplasm down his throat. It circled, wormed it's way into Salen's soul as he was taunted by his master "You're not worthy of magic, you ugly leper."

That had proven him wrong, he was worthy. Worthy of magic and his freedom; it was then his first magic spawned within him, Nightfall, the ability to manipulate congealed darkness. To his master's shock he was expecting Salen to fail the initiation like the other slaves who weren't worthy of such a gift as it seems Ulen had chosen him in his eyes. His master was angry and banished him away from his home. Salen was finally free, but now that he had achieved that goal, there was still that insatiable void inside him that needed filling. He had nowhere to go, no purpose, nothing except the thing he gained. Freedom. It wasn't enough for Salen. With the way he looked, he knew he wasn't going to be accepted in any society, because of his looks. The disfigured features of his face, followed by the leadened veins, which encrusted his skin in hues of black cracks. There was a new ambition that spawned, one which seemed impossible without disobeying the natural law.

One night in Salen's peaceful slumber, he was inhabited with a strange dream. A realm of statuesque beauty, a garden rife with the smell of sandalwood and other fragrances. The gardens rife with sex and burning passion from every corner as alluring eyes would be upon him. They would smile in admiration as they nodded, before his eyes flickered open. A series of puzzles and corridors were set out for the Half-Sil'Norai, a series of puzzles and riddles he endured before finally being introduced to the woman who brought him here. He woke up changed in the puzzle area, but with no mirror to notice beyond maybe feeling different or admiring his own body. All of his imperfections, gone. His body would become ripped and athletic, his disfigurement and leadened veins suddenly disappear. There was no sign of anything but a beautiful man.

The woman would introduce herself as Dahlia, a dark haired woman with raven black hair and flawless pale skin, before taking him in and training him in the ways of the brotherhood. Dahlia saw potential in him to become a great spymaster one day, she gave him the gift that would help him further with that aspiration. She initiated him into Remnant, a magic which allowed pure control over their dreams and desires whilst being able to read others; knowledge was a powerful tool and she bestowed that gift upon him. Avarice and deep wanting would plague Salen's mind as he searched deeply for the thing that'll fill his void created by his own experiences and trauma. Perhaps that was the reason why Brazim chose him, for he was never fully satisfied. His ambition continues as of this day.

Last edited by Salen on Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:50 pm, edited 40 times in total. word count: 2087
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Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:25 pm

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Nightfall 61/100Journeyman
Remnant 100/100 Master
Mentalism 23/100 Novice
Seduction 77/100 Expert
Acrobatics 77/100 Expert
Spycraft 55/100 Journeyman
Unarmed Combat 50/100 Journeyman
Blades 31/100 Apprentice
Stealth 25/100 Apprentice
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Corvo: Shroud 42/100 Apprentice
Corvo: Siphon 5/100 Novice
Corvo: Beguiler 50/100Journeyman
Corvo: Shaper 0/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starter Package+100150 (20 Remnant, 25 Nightfall, 10 Seduction, 10 Stealth, 20 Unarmed Combat, 15 Spycraft0
Character Approval+15+15 (Acrobatics) 0
Starter Package Increase Update+5050 (25 Remnant, 25 Spycraft)0
Atharen Launch Bonus+2525 (10 Corvo: Beguiler, 15 Unarmed Combat)0
NaNo Rewards+2020 (Acrobatics) 0
Athaversary 2022+1515 (Blades) 0
Chameleon I+55 (Corvo: Beguiler) 0
Chameleon II+55 (Corvo: Siphon) 0
Chameleon III+55 (Spycraft) 0
Chameleon IV+5 (1 Magic)5 (1 Nightfall, 4 Spycraft) 0
The Black Dahlia Blooms+5 (Magic)5 (Remnant) 0
An Audience with House Oriol (Abandoned)+88 (7 Seduction, 1 Spycraft) 0
Someone's In Wonderland (Degare)+88 (Stealth) 0
Every Rose Has It's Thorn (Degare)+10 (8 Magic)10 (5 Remnant, 3 Nightfall, 2 Unarmed Combat) 0
Along Came a Demon (Arkash)+8(Magic)8 (Nightfall) 0
Preying on the Rowdy (Miki)+88 (Corvo: Shroud) 0
The Ghosts of the Past+5(Magic)5 (Remnant) 0
Reunion+5(Magic)5 (Mentalism)0
Revelations+55 (Seduction)0
Through the Looking Glass+5(Magic)5 (Remnant)0
A Memory for You+5(Magic)5 (Remnant)0
Behaving Badly+55 (Unarmed Combat)0
Dancing in the Dark (Alaric)+8 (4 Magic)4 (4 Mentalism, 4 Corvo: Beguiler) 0
Beauty and the Beast (Arkash)+8(6 Magic)(6 Nightfall, 2 Stealth)0
Broken Bones (Arkash)+55 (Corvo: Beguiler)0
The Black Dahlia's Wrath I+55 (Corvo: Beguiler) 0
The Mirrors Don't Lie+5 (Magic)5 (Remnant)0
The Black Dahlia's Wrath II+66 (Corvo: Shroud)0
Unbroken with Ambition+66 (Corvo: Shroud)0
The Bridge Between Reality (Arkash}+33 (Blades) 0
The Bridge Between Reality II (Thomas)+88(5 Acrobatics, 3 Corvo Beguiler)0
Inexplicable Meadow Meeting (Moop)+88 (Blades) 0
Famous Last Words (Moop)+8 (6 Magic)8 (4 Nightfall, 2 Mentalism, 2 Corvo: Shroud) 0
Lost and Found (Moop)+00 0
Coup de Grace (Andre)+00 0
Underworld: The First Contract+55 (Acrobatics)0
The Subtle Art of Wine and Politics (Hugo)+8 (Magic)8 (Remnant)0
Written in Blood (Jared)+88 (Corvo: Beguiler) 0
Bad Boys Get Punished+5 (Magic)5 (2 Remnant, 3 Nightfall) 0
Change comes from within+5 (Magic)5 (Remnant) 0
Mysteries in the Reverie+5 (Magic)5 (Remnant) 0
If Darkness Falls, Order will Prevail (Hugo)+88 (Seduction) 0
The Curse of a Corvo+55 (Stealth) 0
The Call of Danger (Group Assignment)+00 0
The Duality Slumbers (Thomas)+00 0
Mourning (Vassilios)+1010 (4 Nightfall, 6 Acrobatics) 0
The Seat of My Soul (Vassilios)+00 0
Lamentations (Vivian)+8 (4 Magic)8 (4 Seduction, 4 Nightfall) 0
Knowledge is Power (Vivian)+00 0
Cat Gotcha Tounge? (Ulgan)+00 0
Bel Hath No Fury, Like a Man Scorned (Hugo)+00 0
The Retribution Contract+55 (Spycraft) 0
The Night of a Hunter's Moon (Group Assignment)+10+10 Acrobatics 0
The Black Dahlia's Revelry+10 (5 Magic)10 (5 Mentalism, 5 Corvo: Shroud)0
Pasodoble+55 (Seduction) 0
Last Tango in Daravin I+55 (Seduction) 0
Last Tango in Daravin II+55 (Seduction) 0
Last Tango in Daravin III+55 (Seduction) 0
Seven Years, Bad Luck (Jared)+10(3 Magic)10 (3 Mentalism, 7 Seduction) 0
The Sixth Sense (Jared)+00 0
Happy Ending+00 0
The Fall of Dahlia Senerite I+00 0
The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II+00 0
Thread Name+00 0
Thread Name+00 0
Thread Name+00 0
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Last edited by Salen on Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:06 pm, edited 119 times in total. word count: 866
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Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:53 pm


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Last edited by Salen on Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:30 pm, edited 46 times in total. word count: 2687
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Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:29 pm


Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class.
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Set of Bladed Gauntlets

Within the shadows of Entente Square lies one of the gilded gates to the Stronghold of Scaeva in Amoren, along with the other coven members. He has a room there.

1. Starting Gold, +1000 df
-200 df
Wages from Frost, Glade and Searing 4622 + 3787

Total: 4587 df

Last edited by Salen on Wed Aug 31, 2022 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 156
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Thu May 26, 2022 11:18 am







The thematic motif of these mutations focus on the illusions of one’s self. The preservations of Salen’s perception of self will entangle between his and other’s mindscapes. The founding concept for this motif is known as the Mirror. As Salen progresses through Remnomancy, his understanding of illusions and dreams becomes a vivid, but dangerous journey.

Mark Location: Salen’s Mark of Remnant is located on his scalp, hidden between his locks of hair.


The Mirror - Apprentice
The Mirror is the foundation of Salen’s mindscape. It becomes factored within a hallway of mirrors. The mirrors are the empty spaces of engrams waiting to be filled with knowledge that Salen has acquired. By interacting with an object that is affected by Pervade, he is able to store memories that he has acquired into the selected mirror, ensuring that they are easily remembered. At Apprentice, it will be difficult to find the memory, through the shifting changes in the mindscape and it’s development to the concepts. As Salen progresses, the Hall of Mirrors will evolve, eventually becoming easier to navigate.

The Connection - Journeyman
As Salen traverses the different mindscapes and memory palaces, he often finds a connection between them. The Mnemonic Impression that he leaves often builds a foundation between the attachment created within the Reverie by creating a mirror within the mindscape of others, reflecting it back to his mindscape.

This allows to feel an empathic presence of dreamers he has visited. This brings a connection to reality meaning that he can sense the presence of a particular dreamer that he’s interacted with within the Reverie. The connection allows Salen to track dreamers that are nearby within a fifty feet radius. His Mark of Remnant will indicate this through an intense emotional stimulant that helps him decipher those between friend and foe through their experiences. These experiences are often filled with a brimming uncertainty that makes Salen more empathetic or vindictive, depending on his experience with the particular dreamer.

The Reflection - Expert
The Reflection is tapping into the illusory capabilities of the Hall of Mirrors; The Mask is a unique addition to Salen’s arsenal of deception as it allows him to use his own vanity as both a tool of espionage and a deadly weapon. The epitome of this mutation lies within the illusory components of the mirror’s reflection in Salen’s mindscape as he is able to project versions of himself onto reality.

To create this effect, The Mask is broken down into two phantasmal clones of Salen’s image, before being able to display the clones onto reality through the use of Phantasmal Reckoning. They are real, tangible versions of Salen who would do his bidding in regards to what he is thinking. However, clouded and negative thoughts can ensure these clones can turn on him. At this stage of Remnomancy he can either become his own best friend or his own worst enemy.

The Superiority Complex - Master
The Hall of Mirrors evolve into a City of Mirrors; the dreamscape is identical to the dream of Amurlain that he had experienced during his initiation as a Corvo. In the dreamscape he is a king, surrounded by servants and knights who are identical to his own self-image. The mirror city is created after the Hall of Mirrors destroys itself and restructures its engramic structure, connecting the synapses together, becoming a vivid dream world of Salen’s own vanity and creativity.

Even so, Salen’s grandiosity is interlocked in his dreamscapes, but he never forgets one thing, his life experiences and where he came from and whom he will become. Because of these traits, he grows callous to those who have a nature to dominate the power balance; he finds enjoyment in enforcing this on other people as his tendencies grow more sadistic in nature. This is shown in a deeper and darker side of his dreamscape.

The Gladiator’s Pit. When Trial is activated, his victims are sent there to fight versions of his own self-image. These versions are deadly armed warriors, knights and bloodthirsty warlords who take pride in. They will keep coming until they are all defeated leaving Salen to gamble for his life to a fight to the death as his ether drains.


word count: 842

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