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Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:27 am

Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:27 pm


Name: Arielys Cecille
Race: Rathor-Neoalt (Pangolin)
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'4
Weight: 133 lbs

Birthdate: 13 Cinderfall 4594
Birthplace: Carine, Daravin

Profession: Engineer, Scholar
Housing: Small cottage
Partners: -

Titles: -
Factions: -

Fluencies: Common, Vithmi
Conversationals: Gentevarese
Ineptitudes: -
Arielys has been called both curious and nosy. But he's never found it in himself to take too heavily an interest in a singular person than the concept of them, fixated on the inner workings that made them, them. His curiosity can be likened to that of a child encountering something new and exciting for the first time, complete with the wide eyes of wonder and endless questions. But he's far too polite to do this outright to people. And nervous; so very nervous. People are more complicated than machines, and while it doesn't outright scare him, certain reactions to his person do trigger fear responses. And his relationship with those around him is only further complicated by a need to see people happy. He did not have much growing up, but he found that the little things that his family did for one another made them richer than those who had everything and felt nothing. Or, at least, he felt that way.

Being polite is simply how he was taught to be (manners, after all), but how overly polite he is stems from years of dealing with a classist divide typical of when one looks at a serf boy. Smaller than those around him, he had to find a means of being more unassuming than he already was, and he found that being the little gentleman had worked. Continues to work. It just doesn't help that his stutter impedes conversation and he finds himself retreating from the looks of those who would comment on the impediment. It only gets worse if he finds himself deep in his rambling about something he had learned and wanted to know more about. Before he promptly shuts himself down and apologizes for talking whoever he was speaking with's ears off.

Unfortunately, Arielys is far too trusting. He doesn't have many experiences outside of anything science-related and most often the people that interact with him are much too concerned with themselves to full stock of what they could take from him. And his people-pleasing nature makes him susceptible for attempting to help anyone that may seem like they're in need - whether they actually are or not. This has lead to a fair many days of going hungry or scraping by by the skin of his teeth after getting himself robbed. But no matter how many times it happens, he never seems to learn and takes people at their word. It does keep people from being too often repeat offenders; they feel just a little guilty for tricking him the same way every time.

The most notable part of Arielys is his tail. Partly because it often knocks into things, but also because of how long and scaled it is. It stretches to roughly six and a half feet in length. While it isn't prehensile like one of his cousins is, it still has a fair functionality in being able to curl around himself enough to curl into a ball and around others loosely should he choose to. The scales are a dull brown, similar to the color of upturned, dry soil. The scales travel up his back toward his shoulder blades, tapering off into slightly harder flesh. More malleable than the exoskeleton of an insect, his skin is slightly harder where his scales taper out around his hands and feet. The tones also get gradually lighter, going from a brown to a softer tan. His hands are clawed, a call to his beast form that allows for ease of digging and breaking through surfaces similar to brick.

Having grown up with a diet much less than ideal, Arielys is decidedly smaller than a rathor of his age living a much healthier lifestyle. He stands at five feet and four inches, near exact. The natural curve of his spine makes for ease of curling into ball, or in his case, looping his tail between his legs to hold. His eyes are a brown deep enough to be black in some lights. At one point, his hair - brown and curly - had been long enough to pull into a ponytail but that he had only endeavored recently and the rathor found it to be more of an annoyance than anything else. The bangs he does allow cover the scar left following his accident on the left side of his forehead.

As a Carine native, Arielys carries the accent well. A bastardization of the more aristocratic Gentevarese, both his Common and Vithmi carry the accent with a more common word choice. His voice itself is set at a lower alto when speaking with others, although it dips a bit more when he finds himself in the company of people he is comfortable with. The stutter remains ever-present, with no easily noticeable change unless agitated or extremely distraught.

Arielys cannot say that he's had a terribly bad life. It had not been much different than those around him. His parents were serfs like most of the poor in Carine, working someone else's land and hoping that their children wouldn't be stuck doing the same. They cared for him as parents did, loving him as parents should. The youngest of two children, he found himself often retreating to the care of his older sister until their parents would return from the fields, bringing him one curiosity or another. A beetle here, a shiny rock there; he was pleased not so much by the object but more by the act of being remembered while they toiled away to keep food on their table.

With their strained resources, Arielys did not enjoy the splendor of a nutritionally packed diet and thus when he managed to attend any sort of schooling, he found himself among the smaller of the students. But he was happy to be learning and happy to be able to present his parents with the fruits of his labor. Reading things out from one of the few papers they had access to, and receiving praise for how well-read he was.

But it was when he was ten that things...changed. For better, or worse, he couldn't really say. Improperly placed tools and a badly boarded window resulted in a head injury that had him bedridden for close to two months. His parents couldn't afford to take him to a legitimate hospital and sought the help of local vets who could, at the very least, assist in some way. He remained speechless for the better part of his recovery, and when he'd opened his mouth to form his first words in close to three months...he struggled. The first syllables were the hardest and his ability to process things had come sluggish, but eventually, he could come back to the mental capacity he had been before the accident. Unfortunately, it meant he was behind in the little studies had been able to partake in, and having no other options, he found himself working with his parents in the fields.

In that time, he developed a wonder for the working order of...everything. Pestered his parents about how their farming work, why it worked. Why they were slightly better at it than the next farm over. The question of "how" remained at the tip of his tongue, closely followed by "why". Often chased away and faced with much less praise for shirking his responsibilities, he found his questions left unanswered, but his curiosity remained. It cultivated an interest in the sciences, tempered only by the stutter that had formed from his accident and the irritated gazes of those who weren't nearly as interested in what he found curious or peculiar.

At twenty-four, he managed to coerce the local mechanic to take him on as an apprentice before finding work on at the nearest train station. It paid enough that he could live on his own, and his parents wouldn't feel the burden of an extra mouth to feed, though he does worry how they'll fare on their own. The same money earned is saved up to go toward a more complete education, and maybe - an answer to all the questions he's had saved up.
Last edited by arielys on Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:47 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 1531
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:27 am

Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:30 pm

Mastered Skills: n/a
SkillSkill LevelLores
SkillSkill LevelLores
SkillSkill LevelLores
SkillSkill LevelLores
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
Starting Package+100 - 20 Engineering
- 20 Research
- 10 Alchemistry
- 15 Biology
- 15 Physics
- 20 Mathematics
Launch Bonus+25 - 5 Engineering12520
Approval Bonus+15 - 10 Engineering14025
starting package & launch bonus marked with *
Drawing: Basic blueprint sketches*

Investigation: Finding clues to the start of a problem*
Research: Start from a question*
Research: Forming a hypothesis*

Biology: Basic anatomy of a frog*
Biology: Hierarchy of physical needs*
Engineering: Reading blueprints*
Engineering: More than one type of engineering*
Engineering: Basic formulaic terminology*
Engineering: A cog out of place can ruin the whole machine*
Engineering: Importance of heat*
Engineering: Friction*
Engineering: Generic lore 1 (ft)
Engineering: Generic lore 2 (ft)
Engineering: Generic lore 3 (ft)
Engineering: Generic lore 4 (ft)
Engineering: Generic lore 5 (ft)
Mathematics: Basic arithmetic*
Mathematics: Fraction work*
Physics: The formula for work*

Appraisal: Finding the fault in a part*
Appraisal: Diagnosing a mechanical defect*
Appraisal: Figuring out what someone's handwriting says*


Last edited by arielys on Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:04 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 303
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:27 am

Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:31 pm

Starting Package*
1 Set of Clothing (shirt, pants, cloak, shoes, undergarments)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel
1 basic 20x20 cottage with:
- 1 bunk
- 1 chest
- 1 chair
- 1 small table
- 1 rug

basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth

+1000--Starting Package1000 df
Last edited by arielys on Thu Nov 11, 2021 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 131
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:27 am

Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:32 pm

word count: 16
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