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Caladrin Sil'Othis

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:09 am
by Caladrin

"I didn't pick my poison, my poison chose me.

Name: Caladrin Sil'Othis

Race: Sil'Norai
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6"4
Weight: 210 lbs
Birthdate: Searing 88, Year 4600

Birthplace: Amoren, The Southern Marches (Daravin)
Location: Varies

Raw Magic:
Druidism - Journeyman
Bane - Apprentice

Druid, Physician's Assistant


The Daravinic Entente.

Enemies: TBD


Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Bisexual

Fluent: Silvain, Common


Caladrin has many features of a Sil’Norai, including his glossy skin, brown hair (although, naturally blonde), and a set of markings which appear like a snake tattoo sleeve, covering his arm and his right pectoral. He stands around 6'4" and is known to wear form-fitting black garments, mixed with both leather and silk, usually accompanied with black, lace up riding style boots. He is muscular due to his insane battles of perfection as he believes his body is a temple. Due to his intense workout routine, his body ended up becoming sculpted over the years and he is known to keep his health in check. His body is flawless without a single blemish or scar.

Since he was born with heterochromia iridium; he shares a unique colour pallet with his eyes; one eye being pure silver and the other being gold. It was a genetic thing that had been quite common in his family.

Marks of Control

Mark of Druidism
This had been acquired at the age of 13 after his stepfather, Tyrik Val'Jorin initiated him, a Hyr'Norai druid.

Mark of Bane
The most grueling ritual as a child to ever be given this forsaken mark, he was initiated by his mother, Alevea Sil'Othis

Mark of Nightfall

Coming soon...


Likes: Wine, Reading, Intellectual Folk.
Dislikes: His Family's Moral Compass, Being beholden to anything.
Merits: Loyal, Values Freedom, Reliable
Flaws: Arrogant, Empathetic, Impulsive

Caladrin is a calmer version of Telias: reserved, quiet, and showing a sense of stoicism. He harmonizes with Telias as the diplomat and the peacekeeper. However, Pragmatism is one of the most defining traits of Caladrin. He may appear cold, logical and in some cases his thoughts may become somewhat mechanical and distanced from reality.

Despite being the calmer side of Telias; he does have a fiery and intimidating persona when it comes to interacting with newer people. Guilty until proven otherwise is a phrase that always stuck with him. He known to be extremely blunt, adverse and untrustworthy towards newer people. He's the type of man who would prefer to stay in his comfort zone and interact in social affairs when needed. He is known to show a huge degree of loyalty to those who are close to him; particularly his brother who helps him throughout his struggles.

He's a man that would bow to no one; he shows a degree of stubbornness, pride and charm within his ways. To begin with he understands the limitations of pride and confidence; exuding it in a more delicate, charming manner. It is pride that influences his decision making, often showing stubbornness to those who unite against them. From time to time, Caladrin may crack under pressure from certain tasks, often leaving him to emotionally struggle; this means tasks often fall upon someone else.

Upon that tough exterior that Caladrin had built up, hides a volatile and vulnerable Sil'Norai, despite how much he builds his persona to become fiery; it is not natural to him, more of a façade to keep people at bay. An aegis to his inner feelings and heart from being broken. It is very difficult for Caladrin to open up to people as he is known to show coldness at first, before drawing in from the warmth. Caladrin believes that actions speak louder than works and will show rather than tell. He is known to be unpredictable as he makes decisions with pride and pragmatism, sometimes taking a ruthless turn to achieve his goals.


Zheran Sil'Othis and Alevea Ela'Tenris married for gain within their empire; their families had been battling for the forefront of the name. However, due to Zheran's family power; House Sil'Othis took credit as they had a generations of powerful mages, within their family history. Although, Alevea was unhappy and miserable during the marriage; she had conceived three children, the eldest, Telias, the youngest Caladrin and Ferkas, who died prematurely. It was a sacred moment for Alevea; despite losing one child, she had a moment of sadness; but also a moment to revel in a strong future for her family line. Zheran's sister decided to initiate Caladrin from an early age into world of magic, as well as Telias; both had different pathways. Caladrin was firstly initiated by his mother into Bane as a child; the initiation process had been extremely taxing for Caladrin for he spent the seasons ill with disease from the passing initiation.

The arguements and constant bickering would continue through the night as Telias tried to provide Caladrin with comfort. It wasn't easy growing up in a mage family; disagreements amongst family members were common, especially when they were discussing the future of the boys. Zheran thought there would be a better future if helped with the liberation of Sil Elaine, which Alevea had discussed with him several times and pleaded for him to stay within the family. He did not listen to Alevea's plea and he decided to put himself forward for the Black Remedy; it is said he was driven to madness and pure patrotism for his own country. However, the boys didn't understand those terms; they were young, still trying to survive a cruel world together. This brought on alot of stress for Alevea, as she tried to keep the family together in such a dark time. It was questionable weither Zheran had made the right decision as he chose to fight a bigger cause, rather than be there for his family.

Nine months later, Alevea had received a letter that Zheran had been missing in action, presumed dead. It was sadness to the family, but for Caladrin he could finally sleep. His worse nightmare was over. The decision of the family house going to the leader had always been merit-based in Daravinic society. It was unknown who would be the strongest of mages within the house, since there were plenty of highly skilled mages within their society. It was decided that Alevea would continue the legacy of the house, since she was the second strongest mage at the time, gifted in multiple magical disciplines including Necromancy, Bane, Brand, Oath and Mentalism. Now that Zheran Sil'Othis was gone, she had taken the reigns upon the house.

As the Sil'Norai boys grew up, Alevea began to worry about their military education; since Zheran had gone. She had two options; send them to Nardothis, or allow an master to teach them with the comfort of their own home. Eventually, Alevea would become romantically involved with a Hyr'Norai druid named Tyrik Val'Jorin. It is said that druidism was in his blood as his family tree had passed down their mark from generation to generation; although druidism is rare, the initiation process was difficult, time consuming. It was cause great amounts of frustration and anxiety even a single student. Eventually, Tyrik trained the boys in both combat and magic, but he saw something special in Caladrin. A kind benevolence, hidden behind a mask of distrust and blunt force trauma to the mind. He had discussed the initiation of his second magic with Alevea first, knowing how much she trusts him.

Caladrin was eventually initiated into his second magic, Druidism. Unlike his Bane initiation, this was more difficult as there were complicated concepts to grasp first. However, Tyrik guided him through the initiation process before drawing the mark upon him and eventually he passed; but with minor setbacks. He had suffered symptoms of light mageblight; where he became exhausted for a whole season. This brought him an opportunity to explore his newfound magic and learnt the basic acts of druidism with his father. This year, Caladrin enrolled in Nardothis, where he explored his magical talent further and become a strong powerful mage, just like his grandfather and his mother.

Re: Caladrin Myi'Othis

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:15 am
by Caladrin
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Bane 27/100 Apprentice
Druidism 58/100 Journeyman
Necromancy 25/100 Apprentice
Medicine 30/100 Novice
Acrobatics 45/100 Apprentice
Blunt Weaponry 25/100 Novice
Intimidation 5/100 Novice
Survival 10/100 Novice
Unarmed Combat 8/100 Novice
Ettiquette 3/100 Novice
Persuasion 3/100 Novice
Bodybuilding 10/100 Novice
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Re: Caladrin Myi'Othis

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:45 am
by Caladrin


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Re: Caladrin Myi'Othis

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:55 am
by Caladrin


Starting Package
1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
Noble/Entente Starting Package
1 Signet Ring
6 Outfits (TBA)

House description here

1. Starting Gold, 1000df

Total:1000 df

Re: Caladrin Ela'Othis

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:01 pm
by Caladrin

N P C: Telias Sil'Othis

Race: Sil'Norai
Age: 28
Height: 6"7
Weight: 230 lbs

Occupation: Mage, Bodyguard.
Relation to PC: Older Brother
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6


He is the fiery half of Caladrin. Strong, brave, bold and extroverted. He is the lion's head of Caladrin; the protector who wouldn't let no harm come to him. His love for his brother has always been strong, particularly that sometimes he'll defend his battles for him. He is his armor in the sense of conflict; something which he seems to create a lot of with his protective nature. He becomes judgemental and pugnacious where he'll often choose battles that are wrongly thought against other people.

Caladrin is usually the one who picks him back up again, aswell as the one who scolds him often. He has known to show a degree of impulse compared to his brother who's a more forward, calculated thinker. He hated his father; knowing how he'd abandon his family, for a way to escape from family politics. He was inherently close to his auntie Feleri Sil'Othis initiated him into various different magic disciplines, including Oath and Brand. He had the magic to become a trained bodyguard for the family as well as a valuable mage.

His love is strong for his brother and would continue to protect him. Despite his icy demeanor, he knows he doesnt mean any harm, since his mind was somewhat fractured by his father. He knew deep down there was a kind, benevolent man inside and that he would never give up on him, no matter how painful the situations get.

Oath - Journeyman 50/100
Combat: Blades - Journeyman 50/100
Bodybuilding - Apprentice 40/100
Survival - Journeyman - 50/100
Brand - 30/100 - Apprentice
Acrobatics - Apprentice 30/100

Re: Caladrin Sil'Othis

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 8:03 pm
by Caladrin

Motif: The Feydark

Caladrin’s Mark of Druidism gives him thematic traits as he grows this form of magic; he begins to channel Y'shendra's corruption inside of him, eventually making him into a darker figure of life, as well as a power of vengeance. Throughout his growth, he gains an understanding of the Law of Druidic Exchange, further his relationship between life and death.

Rune Location: Caladrin’s Mark of Druidism is located on his lower back, central to the bottom of his spine Given to him by Tyrik Val'Jorin, at the age of 13.

Apprentice - Feywild Incarnation
At this stage in development Caladrin begins to develop features that are fae-like, his blood cells and immune system protect himself against natural poisons as his body begins to mutate into a dryadic being. His immune system speeds up when at levels of sunlight, allowing him to recover from diseases quicker than average humanoid. However, this ability can only be used three times a season. Caladrin must actively focus and meditate to use this ability.

Journeyman - Heart of Life
Caladrin's body begins to fully understand the Law of Druidic Exchange as well as undergoing various mutations from an organic perspective. His heart mutates into an vessel for storing life energy. Each time he drains the essence from a lifeform, he stores it within his newly mutated faeheart. It pulses and glows a golden ochre colour. Depending on the amount of life energy stored, the glow would become more intense, leaving him vulnerable to those who wish to hunt him.

There are consequences for holding life energy for too long, one those would be decaying. As life energy is from a living organism, it's soul also decays like a body meaning that Caladrin's body cannot handle the corrupted source of his power. His skin would become white, leadened with blackened veins. The longer he keeps his life energy inside him, the more damage he does to his body and internal organs. It is said that Y'shendra had cursed druids who abused the law, meaning that if they borrowed life energy, they must give it back or suffer the consequences of becoming a blighted. Caladrin must expend his life energy or risk having internal damage done to him.

Expert - Nature's Coalescence
This mutation increases the ability to Commune with animals and increases in its intensity when enshrouded in Wildveil; this ability mutates Caladrin to release pheromones that hasten the attraction to animals, allowing them to be easily charmed. The plant will always completely shrivel and die from using this ability. However, this also draws in the opportunity for more predatory beasts to attack Caladrin. He must be watchful when out in the wilds as even the most untame of beasts can strike from the darkness. As well, the ability is only through pheromones produced by plants therefore Caladrin needs to be around plants to use the ability.

Master - Verdant Apotheosis
A master of life and death, Caladrin can hold life energy for two weeks without it becoming blighted. His heart mutates further, allowing it to grow extra vessels to store and purify it. As part of the Law of Druidic Exchange, he has given up his body as a vessel for life; a vessel that'll grow. It is part of the world cycle that everything lives, everything dies but more importantly everything rebirths from its remains, its bacteria. Caladrin's heart will pulsate, like pollen from a flower as he creates an aura of soothing presence. His skin directs the flow of pollen from his heart and disperses it, as if his whole body was a stamen. Anyone who comes into direct contact with his aura will be slowly rejuvenated and revitalised due to the ability of Feywild Incarnation.

However, there is still the risk of becoming blighted, if he does he'll do exactly the opposite and cause harm; shedding at the nature's very core and becoming an extremely hungry beast for death. This comes to effect at Level 7 Mageblight, which is the beginning of Middle Stage and lasts until the Mageblight goes back down to 6. Caladrin must have the willpower to not give into such madness. The greed for life energy that druids feel when they become powerful is often associated with Y'shendra's domain of malice. They must not give in to the voices that the blighted tell them, for if they do they can have serious consequences for their allies. Caladrin must remain stable at all times for his life energy to rejuvenate those around him as Caladrin naturally apothesises himself with nature and it's laws.