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Cynistre Marquet

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 1:07 am
by Cynistre

Cynistre Maquet

Full Name: Cynistre Maquet
Race: Beastalt Rathari (Cryhund)
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 7'3"
Weight: ~300lbs

Birthdate: First of Searing, year 100
Birthplace: Teos

Profession: Laborer
Housing: Small cottage on the outskirts of Lorien
Partner: None

Titles: None
Factions: None (as of 29 Frost, 120)

Fluencies: Common, Vithmi
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

A tall and well-toned male Rathari who's shape is that of a Cryhund. With short, dark fur over most of his body, offset by subtle blue stripes and a lighter middle. He has various tribal marks strewn about his form; 'hands' over each shoulder, a scattering sun-like pattern over each shoulderblade, and varying band designs over his elbows, knees, and ankle joints. His face sports the classic 'husky' division of light and dark with two distinct blue stripes coming down over his left eye. He has various facial piercings; a nose ring, 'snake bite' lip rings, his left brow, and three dermal piercings under each eye. His eyes are a golden yellow, outlined in a thicker band of orange with a dark amber around round pupils, giving a striking look to them in the light.

Lining both sides of his upper and lower jaw are three teeth each(12 total) that protrude out of his jaw and through his muzzle to make a 'crocodile smile', without restricting his actual lips. At the sides of his forehead are a set of ridged deep blue horns that bow outward and curve back in like a C, with the blunted tips of each ridge and ending faced forward not unlike a bull. His hair is long and always unkempt, typically thrown into a very sloppy, low hanging mess of a bun. Around his neck is a thick mane of fur that then trails down his spine to the base of his tail. Said tail being a typical 'devil' look; long and whip-like but thick and ending in a classic spade. Notably; he keeps his claws trimmed and filed, as not to impede or hinder dexterity when handling objects.

His muscle tone seems evenly spread, built for strength and endurance, with dexterous hands ending his arms and fairly sizable paws built for more rugged terrain ending his legs. Generally, he keeps his paws tucked into boots, likely as a means to blend in better or be less unsightly than he already is as a Cryhund.
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Despite his imposing stature and appearance, he is generally quiet natured and tends to seem like an introvert, even lazy at times with how slow he can be to get moving or how often he lazes about in his down time. In truth; he struggles with his own brand of imposter syndrome/dissociation, not always feeling as though his body or life is his own. He often tries to combat this by keeping busy helping others, or resorting to alcohol. Despite this, those who get close enough to learn of his troubles are often constantly reassured and comforted that he will be alright, as he doesn't want anyone to ever worry about the 'big scary dog'.

Born to two wolf-shape Beastalt parents, he was something of a shock-- even by Rathari standards; born a pup, just as his parents, and thought to be a more domestic breed's shape, that is, until the teeth and horns started sprouting after his third birthday. Still, he was not without love and care growing up, his mother had the fortune of being a home maker, and thus spent most of her time with him while working her craft(she was a leatherworker, known for intricate designs worked into the leather itself and its lining. His father, on the other hand, was on the road more often than not, hunting and trading furs or leathers-- or his wife's crafts. His father would leave home for the last time on Cyn's 14th birthday, losing his life in an unfortunate encounter with a rabid beast far beyond his capabilities to slay.

On his 18th birthday, as is custom with Rathari, a small celebration was held in which his mother and a few relatives and neighbors attend. Cyn was, rather than excited and overjoyed with his step into adulthood, anxious and wary; for he still had not found what his Purpose was. In his youth, he had adored the songs his mother would sing, and the tunes he'd hear from neighbors or travelers, yet his outer teeth always made such vocalizations skewed and peppered with the clicks of bone-- while not many would consider this a devastating hinderance, his own ears could not tolerate the sound, silencing that notion of calling. He was wary of beasts after his father's passing, but not for fear of death in the same; but a sense of needlessness in the hunt unless to feed himself. As for his mother's craft? He sooner pricked more holes in his own fingers than leather or fabric... And thusly on his day of transition from boy to man, he felt he had been a disappointment; the only child he knew of the Rathari who did not have some sense of where to go with his life...

He kept a brave face, nodding in acceptance of perceived pity in the form of comforting words and reassurance that he would find his Purpose, yet he began to doubt it. Not for any lack of feeling, no, he felt the call, the tug at his whole being-- yet it was scattered, and any time he move in any direction he felt it pull, it would fade. With a heavy heart and set desire to find his place, he bid farewell to his family, setting out on the road to find some sense of belonging without the nagging guilt of defection. Thus far, the only act to stem the call seemed to be in lending his strength to those who could use it most, inevitably landing himself as a laborer.

Re: [wip] Cynistre Marquet

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 1:28 am
by Cynistre

STR = 35

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Bodybuilding 25/100 Apprentice
Running 10/100 Novice

DEX = 10

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Climbing 10/100 Novice

INT = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency

PER = 20

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Hunting 10/100 Novice
Survival 10/100 Novice

CRA = 5

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Leatherworking 5/100 Novice

SCI = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency

CHA = 25

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Intimidation 25/100 Apprentice

MER = 15

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Botany15/100 Apprentice

ART = 5

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Singing 5/100 Novice

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Re: [wip] Cynistre Marquet

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:08 pm
by Cynistre


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Re: [wip] Cynistre Marquet

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:35 pm
by Cynistre


Starting Package - General
  • 1 Set of Clothing (Coat and footwear included)
  • 1 Waterskin
    1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries
  • 10 days of rations
  • 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
  • Flint & Steel


A quaint little cottage that has been well cared for, though is far from 'luxury living' - complete with small outhouse off the back. The interior is cozy, heated by a small wood burning stove. To maximize on such small space, a loft area serves as the 'bedroom' with a simple, worn and used bed just barely large enough for him to sleep on and a trunk used for storage. Below said loft is the main living space fit with a rough wooden table and matching chair. The rug on the floor is near threadbare and most of its colors are deeply faded along well-used paths across the home.

The exterior of the home sports local flora too stubborn to die to his lacking green thumb, though it is clear he does try to tend to it as much as possible. A few over-dried herbs can also be found hanging from the overhanging roof, where he's tried to preserve and dry them but has yet to learn the proper technique.

Despite the tired look to the home, it is warm and welcoming to guests, kept clean and in shape as he learns how to maintain it on his own.

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1. Starting Gold, +25,000/25,000 df. // 25,000 Total.