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Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:47 am



Full Name: Reima
Race: Fae'Norai
Sex: TBD
Age: 35
Height: 4'0
Weight: 50 lbs

Birthdate: 12th of Frost, 84 AS
Birthplace: Turoth Region

Profession: Tribune of The Omen
Housing: Migrant/Inn/Tavern

Titles: Tribune
Factions: The Omen of Ulendreaism

Fluencies: Common, Gentevarese
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Fae Form

Like others of her kind Reima's skin is light green, smooth save for the odd rough patch where jagged leaves sprout from the vine like patterns that crisscross her entire body. Large, upturned eyes are a diluted brown flecked with specks of white. Long vine like hair falls to the small of her back, framing rounded features as numerous blooming white flowers peak from beneath the strands. Jagged leaves fall from her shoulders and end between her shoulder-blades. Her body is well proportioned for her height, not gangley or awkward as one might expect. Thin fingers end in dark green nails that end in slight points, a feature which is shared by her toenails as well.

The Carapace

More often than not Reima wears a carapace, and over the years she has shaped it into many and varied forms, both male and female or somewhere inbetween. Most often though her Carapace takes the form of a half Hytori, mixed with either human or perhaps traces of other elven races. Her skin is a healthy tan color, hair the color of bark with hints of red with ears that are slightly too short and rounded to truly pass for a Hytori. The eyes tend to be large, golden but not shining as a true Hytori's would be. With her soft features, rounded cheeks and short stature Reima has many times been confused for one of the elven youth or children. At one time this annoyed her greatly, but when she was graced with no further height she was forced to accept the inevitable and now works to live with ramifications.


Reima was raised for her duty since she was a young sapling. For all, she knows she never had what one would traditionally call parents unless one could consider their teachers and instructors an appropriate substitute. It very well could be that she was born in some kind of farm for her kind, and at her birth immediately sold to the highest bidder to be raised as they saw fit. Whatever the case her past means that she has very little in common with most others of her race save for what is biological or instinctual. She enjoys nature and appreciates the balance of the wildlife, yet at the same time, she finds she can understand why the other races would seek to conquer and control the world through technology and magical might. The idea of the strong consuming the weak tends to make many of the other races squirm in discomfort, and for that Reima does find herself grateful for being born as a Fae'Norai if only for the perspective that gives.

Since as long as she could remember Reima has trained to fulfill her purpose, to protect and serve her master in any way he desired. Each and every one of the magic and skills she learned was done in order to fill her role, and because of that, she finds she has a difficult time picking out specific wants or desires that she can call her own. The idea of responsibility and duty come easily to her, but now with her master gone the thought of freedom and what that actually means for her is like a nagging itch she cannot quite reach. With nothing else to lean on for guidance, Reima has instead chosen to focus on that which all the other races seemed so fixated on, that of gold and currency.

Like anyone else, Reima can smile and laugh. She feels sadness and loneliness, anger and joy, jealousy, and contempt. She isn't cold or heartless in the least, and like others of her kind, she takes special pride in her appearance and her ability to alter it as she wishes. Because of what she is Reima does not feel the same desperation for currency in order to sustain her own life and survival, but she has begun to appreciate the things that gold CAN bring her. Clothing and special seeds and herbs, tools for her craft, passage to other cities, and one day other regions as well.

As a native Reima follows the way of the Omen, and while she herself perhaps holds some reservations, her position within the Church means that on the outside she holds herself to the roles and ideals of the sect she serves. In some ways, she uses her religion


Reima was born within the region of Turoth, though her memories only go so far back as when she came to Daravin itself. From the day she was born, she was raised and trained with a specific purpose in mind, to protect and see to the needs of her master. She is not sure if it was chance or cunning which lead her to her role, as given her biology and natural talents she seemed perfectly suited for what was required of her. The training itself was harsh, but Reima's life as a whole could be described as passable. She did not want for anything she required, she was not beaten or punished unjustly, and for all the pain and tribulations Reima received a great deal of satisfaction when she met and surpassed the expectations placed upon her.

Her master was a minor noble of the Rust Empire, and her role was a simple if not easy one. She acted as a protector for her master, as well as his aid in matters which concerned the command and infrastructure of his forces. To serve her purpose she was trained in three arts: Transposition, Shielding, and finally Affliction. Given her position within her master's possessions, her teachers were harsh in their tutelage, but their methods proved their worth at the end. For Transposition Reima was made to focus on two areas: Identifying points of interest in the place her master set up and providing him quick access via windows to guards and lookout areas within that area. Shielding was the second thing engraved into her soul, and its primary purpose was in protecting her master above all else. Finally, affliction was given to her with strict guidelines. She was to utilize it first and foremost to save her master should he become afflicted with poison or some other malady, even at the cost of her own life. Second, she was to utilize the magic as a final act of sacrifice to stop an invading adversary so that her master could escape.

It was not the kindest and generous of upbringings, but still, Reima found that she did not dislike her life. In fact, she took great pride in her work and strove each and every day to do what she could for her master whatever that may be. Her small size seemed a boon to her purpose as well, as she would most often go unnoticed or was simply dismissed by those who saw her dressed in her common servant attire. This fact made it so that her master could take her anywhere, under the pretense of having a servant that could tend his needs as proper protocol allowed. Reima would likely have spent her entire life living this way, serving her master's decedents after his passing, were it not for what occurred in the Searing of 112.

They had situated themselves in an upscale inn within the lands of Lorien, seeing to some task or another set out by the masters family. His guards were positioned in their usual places, two outside the room, and two inside. More were stationed outside the inn to guard the parameter. There were almost no guests in the inn this night, odd perhaps for the season, but it raised no noticeable alarms. That night, at the stroke for 8 as her master sat at his writing desk penning a letter to his father is when the assassin struck. He came suddenly and without warning, slipping past the guards outside and subduing the ones outside with no more than a whisper. Reima watched the windows as it happened, but still, she could not move quickly enough. In an instant, the door was thrown open and in a panic her shield snapped into place, shattering under the impact of the dagger that thudded into the wall off to the side. Sadly her shield had only blocked the first blade, and it was the second that that took her master in his throat. Like a shadow the assassin appeared and just as quickly vanished, leaving only Reima and the handmaid alive to watch as the young noble died in a pool of his own blood.

After that day Reima was uncertain what to do with herself. Her upbringing had given her a very particular set of skills, and as the Fai 'Norai required very little in the way of food she found that there was really very little that she had to cling to as far as a purpose went. She wandered for a time, doing odd jobs before selling herself as a mercenary for hire. Reima continued on in this manner for some time until returning to Daravin. Lost as she was it seemed as if she would continue on with no direction, that is, until she happened to attend a particular sermon being given by a particular Praetors who was familiar with her previous master and his family. Her time serving as her master's vassal l had not gone unnoticed, and due to her past deeds and the recorded training she had received Reima was welcomed into The Omen as one of its Tribunes.

Last edited by Reima on Sun May 17, 2020 7:26 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 1720
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Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:49 am


SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Affliction 25/100 Apprentice
Herbalism 15/100 Novice
Medicine 20/100 Novice
Negation 58/100 Journeyman
Poison Crafting 10/100 Novice
Scrivening 5/100 Novice
Transposition 25/100 Apprentice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Connections+5 5
Connections---5 (Negation) 0
Beta Tester Reward+100 10
Scrivening---5 5
Medicine---5 0
Connections II+5 (Negation)-- 5
Connections III+5 (Negation)-- 10
Connections IV+5 (Negation)-- 15
Connections V+5 (Negation)-- 20
Cleaning the Cathedral5--5
A Sermon, or a Test5--10
A Chance, or an Omen8 (Negation)--18
Starting Package

100 points
Affliction - 25
Herbalism - 15
Medicine - 15 (CS Review)
Negation - 25
Poison Crafting - 10
Transposition - 25

Character Sheet Rewards

Last edited by Reima on Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:43 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 122
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Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:50 am




  • Common Poisonous Plants in Daravin (SP)

  • Identifying infected wounds (CS Review)
  • Cleaning and Bandageing simple wounds (CS Review)

Poison Craft
  • White petal tea (SP)
    This is a simple concoction brewered from the white flower pettles that grows from Reima's body. The resulting brew has varying affects on those who drink it, ranging from a mild sense of detachment to minor hallucinations. Small doses, such as single cups, are relatively safe but more than that can potentially be lethal.



  • Burning Flesh
  • Combining Afflictions (SP)
  • Jinx: Severed Hand (SP)
    -This Jinx takes advantage of Reima's Fae Biology. She severs her own hand at the wrist, absorbing the pain of that act into her aether to later be utilized in a jinx

  • Ward Silence (SP)
    -As a part of her training Reima learned to create a small curved shield that prevents sound from escaping from inside the area. It still allows everything else to come and go through the shield
  • Linking Anchors (SP)
    -Anchors, once created, can be linked to other existing anchors within the area of influence. If these anchors are in range then the parameters of one anchor can be copied to form the basis for the new anchor.
  • Deflecting Attacks with a Shield (CS Review)
    -In instances when Reima is faced with a clearly superior opponent she will switch to using her shields not to directly block an enemy's attack, but to simply try and deflect it from hitting a vital point or hopefully cause the attack to miss entirely.
  • Negation: Activating Shields through Connected Anchors
  • Negation: Anchor Gateway
  • Negation: Aether Network
  • Negation: Splitting Parameters Between Anchors
  • Negation: Creating Permanent Connections Between Anchors
  • Negation: Manipulating Aether Network through Gateway
  • Negation: Tasking through the Network
  • Negation: Copying Parameters through the Network
  • Negation: Repairing anchors connected to the Network
  • Negation: Closing Connections in Aether Network
  • Negation: Closed Connections don't affect activated Shields
  • Negation: Deconstructing Anchor through Aether Network
  • Negation: Aether can be recovered through Aether Network
  • Negation: Control Anchor
  • Negation: Connecting Gateways to Control Anchor
  • Negation: Controling the Aether Network through Control Anchor
  • Negation: Building Anchors under pressure
  • Negation: Stronger image stronger shield

  • Multi-windows (SP)
    -So long as it is within the small area of Reima's Node Map she can open windows to each of her nodes at once. The more windows she opens the shorter the time she can keep them open, but the process of generating windows is easier when using a node she intentionally mapped.
  • Reflexive Blinking (SP)
    -This was trained into her from a young age. When she suddenly or unexpectedly feels as if she is in danger Reima may reflexively initiate a blink to one of her constructed nodes. This is only possible if a node has been established previously and is within range. While she is consciously aware of her actions, she tends to act first and question second in any given situation.


  • Intimidation: Status over stature
  • Intimidation: No nonsense persona
  • Intimidation: Cold Stare
  • Persuasion: Compelling religious belief
  • Persuasion: Moving a crowd
  • Storytelling: Sharing sermons and verses


  • Leadership: Strict instructions
  • Investigation: Accidental eavesdropping
  • Investigation: Suspicion based on appearance
  • Investigation: Acting on a hunch


  • Lore



  • Lore

The Omen

  • The Omen: The 5 Prophecys

Last edited by Reima on Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:41 pm, edited 31 times in total. word count: 986
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Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:50 am




  • 1 Horse (Kirin) (SP)
    -A calm and gentle horse, Kirin has been Reima's traveling companion for many years now. While she is no war stallion, and not built for speed, she is steady and reliable which makes her invaluable to Reima.
    -1 full set of tack (SP)
    -1 set of saddlebags (SP)


  • 1 Set of Clothing (SP)
    -Grey travel robes, loose-fitting on her small frame with pockets lining the inside.
    -Dark Grey travelers cloak, tattered and frayed at the edges from use.

Food/Cooking Supplies

  • 10 Days of rations (SP)
    -A special mixture Reima makes for herself containing a mixture of cheap fertilizer and decomposed vegetation that she can easily eat on the go.
  • 1 set of Eating Utensils (SP)
    -1 tin plate
    -1 tin cup, dented and warped
    -1 fork missing a prong
    -1 spoon, slightly bent
    -1 knife with a chipped blade


  • Plant

Traveling Gear

  • 1 Backpack (SP)
    -Dark leather, worn but in good condition. Can be work on the back or around the shoulders like a bag. Multiple pockets line the inside.
  • 1 set of Toiletries (SP)
    -1 brick of soap that smells faintly of pine and berries.
    -1 old brush missing a few spines, made of strong wood with a faded and worn handle.
    -1 small bottle of skin oil, scentless.
    -1 small pair of scissors, well maintained but with several chips along the blades.
  • Flint and Steel (SP)
  • 1 Large Tent (SP)
    -Fits 4 people, lightly patched but does not leak when it rains
  • 1 Lart Tarp (SP)
  • 50 ft of hempen rope (SP)
  • 1 lantern (SP)
    -With enough oil for several hours burning
  • 10 Torches (SP)
    -Carried in a bundle that can be slung onto the backpack
  • 1 Bedroll (SP)
    -Slightly lumpy, but gives enough protection from the ground to not be too uncomfortable.
  • 1 Blanket (SP)
    -Made of wool, warm but slightly itchy.


Unique Items

  • Potion Maker Kit (6,000 df)
    • Potion Kit Box
      -A wooden box with several folding compartments. The box is small enough to fit on Reima's back, held by two sturdy straps of leather. A rusty iron lock holds the kit closed, and Reima possesses the only key
      -The box contains 3 small drawers where ingredients can be stored, and small straps on the inside hold the flasks and beakers in place while traveling.
    • 1 small set of scales with reference weights
    • 4 tall glass vials
    • 2 beakers
    • 2 round bottom flasks
    • 1 metal flask holder
    • 1 mortar and pestle
    • 1 small oil burner
    • 1 set of metal utensils
      -tweezers, flat scoop, small spoon, stir rod, ect

As Reima is a mercenary, or rather hand for hire, she tends to travel where work is available. Instead, she often sleeps with her caravan, in tents on the road, or in a tavern or inn wherever they happen to stop.


ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package +1500 df -- 25,000df
Play Test Grant +45,500 df -- 70,000 df
Investment Deposit (Frost 119) -- -45,500 df 25,000 df
Potion Maker Kit -- -6,000 df 19,000 df
Investment Withdrawn (Searing 120AV) 47,320 -- 66,320 df
Wages (Glade 120AV) 95,550 -- 161,870
Living Expenses-Good (Glade 120 AV) -- 2,000 159,870
Dragonshard Foci -- pending... pending...
Last edited by Reima on Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:01 pm, edited 10 times in total. word count: 821
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Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2019 8:58 am
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Mon Dec 23, 2019 2:50 pm

Thread List

Glade 120 AS
DateThreadThread PartnersStatus
40th The Meet and Greet Urs Smith Active
42nd Connections Solo Graded
43rd A Chance, or an Omen Talon Graded
45rd Connections II Solo Graded
47rd Connections III Solo Graded
50th Connections IV Solo Graded
52nd Connections V Solo Graded
56th Cleaning the Cathedral Solo, Job Thread Graded
60th A Sermon, or a Test Solo, Job Thread Graded
word count: 73
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