Nostalgia and Mushroom Soup (CLOSED)

The inner-city of Dagrun.

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Location: Headed from Dagrun to you~
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1131
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1173

Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:04 pm

75th Ash 4622 ¤

Her head hurt, like her mind wanted to split in two. Over the last several days walking the with pony was boring and nerve wracking at the same time, she had taken to controlling a carrot with her mind in front of the ponies to make them go a bit faster, but all the use of magic had made her head ache. It wasn't anything severe, just an annoyance for what would be a great day returning home. Finally they breached the tree line and Moop dropped the carrot, the wagon stopped in its tracks as the ponies ate and Moop and Joop stared at Mount Lorsha with its misty peaks in the distance but now not too far. The road was winding up the mountain now and they would make it to the entrance and the tram soon enough. Joop was quiet but visibly relaxed.

The sounds of iron hooves on cobble stone would be heard all the way up the mountain until finally they came to the platform which stood the entrance to Dagrun breath takingly tall. The Guards didn't even notice them come in, as the two girls were already changed into their togas, spoils from Daravin packed tightly away in the cart which had seen much use. They would need to get it repaired and the ponies looked at by a veterinarian while they were here. Moop had made Joop promise they would leave for Daravin again. Moop was sure the secret lay there. Joop could only oblige and promise her sister yes, which to Moop felt like a sickening thing on her heart. After all the lying her sister still didn't know and Moop wouldn't confess, though she felt deeply guilty.

The cart was loaded onto the tram and the girls in the seating area in another car, they waited quietly, Moop feeling self conscious despite being around only her people. Not alienated, she wondered if she held herself different, if she would be still accepted here or if her mannerisms had changed. Maybe she would be more rough around the edges, likely not trust as many mages in Daravin from here on out. Mages from Daravin weren't common here though, and for now she would be safe. Finally, with the mechanical clicking and the sounds of steam the tram came to life, the doors closed, and they were headed straight for the Dyn.

Their parents met them there at the station and helped them guide the ponies back home to the farm on the lower outskirts of the Dyn. It was the perfect place to have access to the mushrooms down below and the beetles on the farm looked to be healthy. She could already smell mushroom stew cooking when she got up to the farm house door. Golems opened the door and took her coat when she got inside, and a pot was animated to stir itself on the stove. It smelled so good. Before heading to the kitchen she went upstairs to look at her room, exactly how she had left it before. She decided it was time to reorganize.
Called her mother,
"Do you see what we have for you downstairs?"
Moop did not, and came down to investigate. In the living room was a dog with a bow tied around its head eating a large carapace of a beetle.
"He is yours, his name is Deedys he's about a year old, go on call him!"
So Moop did, and he got up from his bone and shyly approached her wagging his tail. She patted him, then took from her pack a piece of Daravinian cheese and gave it to him. He really seemed to liked that and licked her hand, then put both front paws in her lap. She laughed and scratched his head, then thanked her mom.
"Deedys you can come with me."

She sat on her stone couch surrounded by rugs, furs, pillows, candles, and other nice things wondering to herself how she got to such a nice place, safe and sound after everything she had been through. Scared for a moment someone was watching her she looked around and tensed up, causing the dog to look in her direction too. She patted his head kindly and shook the feeling off.
"C'mon boy. Let's go for a walk..."
She said and headed for trouble in Little Levarin with her new dog on a leash and coins stuffed in a pouch burning a hole in her pocket. Part of her wanted a new weapon other than her staff, she no longer felt like she needed to use less than deadly force. But the more wise part of her said to buy some clothes instead, that buying a weapon was just asking for trouble and she could always rely on her skill with the staff in a pinch. She decided then to buy a couple new dresses and a mask. Maybe something interesting would crop up in her hometown.


Last edited by Moop on Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 885
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Location: Headed from Dagrun to you~
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1131
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1405
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1173

Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:12 pm


Streets so familiar, nothing had changed. The steam though, it was rank. She now knew what the foreigners meant when they said Dagrun had a smell, somewhere between mushrooms, metal, and sewage-- it would take awhile to become nose blind to the smell of her homeland. As a large gust of steam rose from a gutter she avoided it and tried not to retch from the smell, dragging Deedys away by his leash who seemed keen to bite and attack the whooshing steam. A few polite gnomes waved at her and she waved back with a big grin as she walked by a local bar. She wasn't far from the main hold of the Dyn now, taking an elevator upwards to head to Little Levarin. The market there had never interested her before, in fact she thought in her younger years that the snooty people who lived there were ugly-- now that she had been to the actual Daravin those people came from she understood much more about their culture. It would seem while some people took scholarly vacations in Dagrun, those who lived here had melded the two culture together. The smells of Daravin cuisine hit her first, a literal breath of fresh air against the rancid smell coming from the Dyn. But it wouldn't do to eat before her mother's cooking, not after she had spent so long from home. Little Levarin was a small section of the Dyn characterized by the exotic Daravinian architecture and goods. Lined along the main stretch were various food vendors and merchants, most commonly fabric-- just what Moop was here too buy.

The first stall she came too was piss poor quality and ran by a gnome who she was sure somehow had made knock off fabric from mushrooms found here in Dagrun, which in and of itself wasn't bad, the fabric was good, but the gnome spent a long time lying to her about their travels outside the city. The lying was evident in the way they pronounced certain words, the snake oil-like tone they took when describing the fashion of Daravin, and altogether left Moop with a bad taste in her mouth. It took some gnomish hospitality but eventually Moop was able to break free from the conversation and continue looking.

The second vendor was much better and ran by a short Daravinian man with a tiny mustache that looked something like a thin worm on his upper lip. She was just about to purchase a pair of wool socks, a rarity in Dagrun as there are no sheep, but Deedys had other plans. Before she had arrived the man at the stall was enjoying a large plate of pasta-- but when Moop and the man were talking Deedys decided to help himself to the man's plate. He scarfed it all down, earning Moop and DD a telling off as Moop tried to apologize, but was banned from the stall henceforth.

She was losing hope, the other vendors were selling very similar goods, peasant clothing dressed up as true Entente, but nothing was catching her eye. As she neared the end of Little Levarin there was a,
And Moop turned to see in an alley off of Little Levarin another stall was made. The alley was well lit and welcoming, with paper lanterns strung around the alley and beautiful tapestries from Daravin itself, Moop could tell, hung around to make a room. She went inside, keeping a short leash on DD, with high hopes this was the authentic fabric she was looking for. The woman who manned the stall was very overweight, with a Daravinian mask on and lovely Entente clothing. That said, her hair was disheveled and she looked in general unkempt. What the gnome could see of the human woman's face was covered and caked in bad makeup and the gaudy rings that adorned her fingers were ugly, but Moop could tell the stones were expensive. Her appearance was enough to make the picky Moop frown, but she could clearly see the woman was an eccentric and possibly not all there. The woman introduced herself as Marietta and spoke very clean Kaedic.
"Once upon a time I was a Veir and a seamstress too, but these days I--"
The woman let out a slight chuckle,
"Well, I gave up that life in many ways when I moved to Dagrun. What are you looking for? I can help and take special orders...."
Moop smiled politely and replied,
"Just browsing, thank you, though I was hoping for a new dress. You see I just came from Daravin and plan to return, it would be nice to bring back with me something authentically Daravin, but from my hometown."
"I have just the thing. And within a budget."

Marietta pulled out from a crate a dress and a mask. The dress was plain, but a lovely shade of dark green. The mask was made of bronze and featured cogs on it, clearly a Dagrun inspired mask-- but a feat of smithing to be sure. Moop's jaw dropped and she held the mask in her hand, it was beautiful. Her decision was made, she purchased the items and made her way back home with DD, who didn't fuss anymore the whole way home.

At home the mushroom soup was exquisite, just like she remembered with a fatty broth from beetle meat that would stick to anyone's bones. It was truly her favorite meal and she was so glad to be home.

word count: 973
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Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:20 pm



  • 6x Generic Lore

Loot: Dress. Mask, Dog;
Injuries: N/A

  • 5 Non-Magical Exp

Comments: The fondest of memories often reach the deepest young gnome; Whether it is by hearth, blanketed by its warmest glow, or a mother's love distilled in your favourite meal; Let it provides some comfort, and solace for both heart & soul.

word count: 123
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