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Obsequies' Mausoleum

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:04 pm
by Obsequies
Obscure Relics Scattered Throughout Atharen


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:04 pm
by Obsequies

RELIC: Malek's Eye

Malefaction: Yes
Sunderscrap: Revyx (Sigilic Pyromancy), Alterald (Malformity)
Donor Mage: Master Sigilic Pyromancy, Journeyman Alterald
Acquisition Link: Gifted by a mysterious master craftsman of old.

Object Description
This was once a beautiful silk lantern made by an artisan who would weep if they saw it now. The eye, teeth, and muscles gathered by the Sunderer are NOT organic, they are facsimiles made from alternative, non-living materials. Eye is a replica made of ceramic and glass, teeth are painted stone, and the internal muscles are painted rubber.

Relic Description
A new wielder may bind it to themselves by cutting their flesh on the teeth of the dormant lantern and unbind it by doing the same thing again. They will then be designated as its primary 'owner' and in its dormant state, the owner may allow others to do the same in order to avoid the consequences of being caught in its gaze. In order to arm and disarm the relic, the person designated as its owner must approach it and pull the string at the bottom.

From Alterald
Function: The eye held within serves as a sentry. When armed, it is always scanning the vicinity of wherever it is hung.
Vision Range: 10m in 360° usable radius. The eye can freely rotate using the muscles within its silk shell, however, it can only see in a 130° cone centered from the iris at a time.
Notes: The eye within does have night vision.

From Revyx
Function: When armed and a target is detected with a clear line of sight, the mouth of the lantern will cast Sigilic Pyromancy's Glare in an attempt to eliminate the target.
Accurate Range: 10m

Relic Failure Conditions
The eye can be blinded by bright lights. While it can see through opaque, non-living objects, it will not activate if there is something like a wall or other very large object in the way of its target. It will lock and track that target, but it can only fire if its line of sight is clear so it is recommended to place this relic in an area that is relatively open.

Relic Details
Creation link: A mystery lost tragically to time.
Sunderer: Obsequies, Master
Flaying: t5
Darkforging: t5


RELIC: Sonohaemia

Malefaction: Yes
Sunderscrap: Haemolian (Blood), Blaryl (Resonance)
Donor Mage: Master Blood, Master Resonance
Acquisition Link: Gifted by a mysterious master craftsman of old.

Object Description
Originally, this was a masterfully crafted antique violin.

Relic Description
For a new wielder, one may bind this instrument by bleeding on all four of its strings. It can only be unbound via the death of its master. If the wielder wishes, they may immunize allies to its devastating effects by repeating the binding process. This artifact must be bound to the user before it can be used as anything more than just a violin with an obscure appearance. Once bound, the wielder may freely choose to arm or disarm it in order to swap between its dual function as a mundane instrument and an instrument of torture or war. To switch between states, the wielder must press down on a carnelian inlaid into either side of the instrument's waist. When armed, it will give off an eerie red glow.

From Haemolian and Blaryl
For this relic, the Sunderer carefully fused the Sunderscraps during Malefaction such that the property they would imbue would end up being inherently intertwined. The result is a single, powerful effect with properties of both scraps. Additional effects are aesthetic or otherwise mundane.
Function: When played while armed, the sound created will resonate with the blood of any living creature within range. Cells unique to blood will begin to violently oscillate causing, at best, severe pain and limited movement. The longer a creature is exposed to the instrument's song, the more their blood vessels will be affected. Within 30 seconds, capillaries will start to burst. After a minute, smaller veins will start to burst. A minute and a half will result in larger blood vessels and arteries rupturing and two minutes will create such a tempestuous reaction that the blood will burst through the skin and body orifices in a spectacular fountain of gore.
Effect Range: The range is somewhat variable due to the physics behind sound waves and the wielder's discretion. Generally, a good rule of thumb would be that if a creature is close enough for the sound waves to reach them, they will be affected. Playing a louder song increases the effective range and quieter tones will have a smaller radius.
*the quality of somebody's hearing doesn't actually matter since the sound waves will affect the blood whether the creature is actually capable of detecting them audibly or not.

From Blaryl
This instrument always maintains perfect pitch and does not require any tuning. The wood will also not warp with moisture or anything aside from sufficient destructive, physical force.

From Haemolian
The violin will always appear to be slick with blood although this is something of an aesthetic illusion. The blood is ethereal and not actually tangible to touch. This appears to be nothing more than a visual artefact left behind by the Haemolian.

Relic Failure Conditions
Physics affecting sound waves will apply. If you are sufficiently armored using gear that will absorb or nullify sound waves, you will not be affected. However, the opposite applies as well. Physical barriers such as walls and other dampening objects will also make the weapon less effective.

Relic Details
Creation link: A mystery lost tragically to time.
Sunderer: Obsequies, Master
Flaying: t5
Darkforging: t5


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:06 pm
by Obsequies

RELIC: Gossamer Blade

Malefaction: Yes
Sunderscrap: Vaponel (Baptism), Aramond (Brand), Swilcon (Druidism)
Donor Mage: Master marks in Baptism and Brand, Expert Druidism
Acquisition Link: Gifted by a mysterious master craftsman of old.

Object Description
In another age, this was a finely crafted steel sword.

Relic Description
Blade is dormant upon creation. It can be activated by a new user bleeding onto the blade. It will only fall dormant again if current wielder is killed.

50cm blade length, 5cm width.

From Vaponel:
Equivalent hardness of tungsten, feather light weight and very thin.
Accurate Range: 10m
Additional Effect: Blade is colder than dry ice; the metal is roughly -85°C. On contact with flesh, frostbite will occur near immediately. Blade also functions as a wand for those who prefer ranged combat; it fires icicles the same temperature, sharpness and density as the blade itself. A pearl inlaid near the top of the hilt functions as a trigger. Repeated presses are needed to fire, additional projectiles are not produced by holding the button down. Additionally, it takes roughly 1.5 seconds to channel and fire each icicle.
From Aramond:
Duplicate Blades: 9
Accurate Range: 10m
Duration: 3 Hours
Additional Effect: Ethereal Duplicates can phase through non-living materials at will. Duplicate blades will float around the wielder and strike whomever or whatever the wielder strikes, each duplicate also fires a projectile at the same target the wielder aims the original at when used as a wand.
Duplicate blades will NOT affect the wielder nor will their projectiles.
From Swilcon:
Plants Affected: Grass, Weeds, Shrubs, Flowers
Accurate Range: 7m
Duraction: 15 Minutes Grace
Plant Effects:
Grass-> Grows rapidly and ensares targets struck by the blade.
Weeds-> Grow wildly into whip-like vines; they will strike the same target that the blade does.
Shrubs-> Produce razor-sharp thorns that will launch and impale targets struck by the blade.
Flowers-> Produces clouds of pollen that cause delirium and vivid hallucinations.
*Wielder is immune to plant effects

Relic Failure Conditions
If you were to strike something similar to a fire elemental, it would do very little damage. Overall, it has a weakness to fire in general, but due to its consummate quality, the temperatures required to dull its effects must be extreme: roughly 870°C or higher.

Additionally, because the Druidism effects require plants to function, this aspect of it will do literally nothing if there are no organic plants in the specified range.

Relic Details
Creation link: A mystery lost tragically to time.
Sunderer: Obsequies, Master
Flaying: t5
Darkforging: t5


RELIC: Demon Spine

Malefaction: No
Sunderscrap: Alterald (Malformity)
Donor Mage: Expert
Acquisition Link: Gifted by a mysterious master craftsman of old.

Object Description
Long, long ago this was a whip composed of the meticulously crafted steel designed to resemble vertebrae.

Relic Description
The wielder may protect themselves from the whip's grotesque effects by cutting themselves with the claw on the hilt. Doing so will release a venom that will give you immunity to the magic within the weapon. It is recommended that a wielder will then cap off or otherwise cover the claw so that they do not risk immunizing their opponents by mistake.

Warning: The venom carries with it corruption, or magithermal entropy within. This is roughly the equivalent of 3 points of mageblight. It is recommended that users immunize themselves prior to needing to actually fight lest they be dealing with the consequences when their senses ought to be sharp.

Cunning wielders may find situations wherein it is useful to use this venom to force overstep mages in combat but at the cost of the Alterald's function.

From Alterald:
Affected Tissues: Skin, Muscle, Bone
Whip Length: 1m
Effects: Contact with tissue will cause the cells to warp into whatever the equivalent part of an animal within the mutation pool is. Animal selected is thoroughly random. Entire limbs can be altered with a single attack if the damage is deep enough. Effects are not reversible UNLESS you are a Malformist of expert or higher; affected parts MUST be otherwise replaced with necromancy or victims are forced to deal with it.
Animal Mutation Pool: scorpion, mantis, centipede, millipede, naked mole-rat, warthog, walrus, blobfish, salamander, toad,

Relic Failure Conditions
In order to work, this weapon has to make contact with body tissue. If it smacks armor, shields, or other mundane objects the magical effects do absolutely nothing.

Obviously, the effects are also nulled by its own venom.

Relic Details
Creation link: A mystery lost tragically to time.
Sunderer: Obsequies, Master
Flaying: t5
Darkforging: t5

Re: Obsequies' Mausoleum

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:23 pm
by Obsequies

RELIC: Gloamcreepers

Malefaction: Yes
Sunderscrap: Umbridot (Nightfall), Maladite (Bane)
Donor Mage: Apprentice Nightfall, Expert Bane
Acquisition Link: Gifted by a mysterious master craftsman of old.

Object Description
Once upon a time, they were a beautifully crafted pair of black leather boots.

Relic Description
These boots will be naught but normal boots until activated and bound. For a new wielder to do this, they must first cut the bottoms of both feet and then put them on. Once done, the effects will always work when worn by the wielder. These shoes offer their boon only to one person at a time; they can only be rebound if the current wielder dies.

From Umbridot
Function: Once bound, the wearer will able to cloak themselves in darkness using Nightfall's Obscura. To activate this feature, the wielder need only prick their finger and touch a drop of their blood to the leather of each boot while worn.

From Maladite
Function: Grants the user the ability to fall from great heights safely, silently and gracefully. Similar to a Ferrier's Equipoise, the boots attract a sufficient amount of ashes to the soles at all times when activated and worn. As their wearer falls, the ashes will be used to slow their descent allowing them to land soft as a feather.

Relic Failure Conditions
These must be worn to be used. Sufficiently bright light, such as torchlight or sunlight, will dissipate Obscura's effect.

Relic Details
Creation link: A mystery lost tragically to time.
Sunderer: Obsequies, Master
Flaying: t5
Darkforging: t5


RELIC: Histanemia

Malefaction: Yes
Sunderscrap: Haemolian (Blood), Phrade (Mentalism), Echal (Remnant)
Donor Mage: Journeyman Blood, Expert Mentalism, Expert Remnant
Acquisition Link: Gifted by a mysterious master craftsman of old.

Object Description
In the distant past, it was once a lovingly sewn silk cape.

Relic Description
For the cape to have any use, its wielder must bind with it. In order to do this, one must suffuse approximately 50mL of one's blood into the fabric of the cape. It will always veil its wielder with its effects when worn. Once this is done, it can only become dormant again after its master dies.

From Haemolian
Function: Interwoven with blood and activated by the Haemolian itself when worn by its wielder, the fabric remains soft and malleable while protecting from all sharp force trauma with the durability of steel.

From Phrade and Echal
For this relic, the Sunderer carefully fused the Sunderscraps during Malefaction such that the property they would imbue would end up being inherently intertwined. The result is a single, powerful effect with properties of both scraps. Additional effects are aesthetic or otherwise mundane relative to Phrade and Echal.
Effect: When worn, the cape will grant the wielder immunity to the mental affects of both Remnant and Mentalism.

Relic Failure Conditions
It is a cape, meaning it's as easy to remove as any other cape. Simply pull it off the wearer and they will immediately lose its enchantments. Secondarily, Mentalists may still easily assault the wearer with psychokinetics; the cape does not prevent them from being affected by weave.

Relic Details
Creation link: A mystery lost tragically to time.
Sunderer: Obsequies, Master
Flaying: t5
Darkforging: t5