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Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:15 pm
by Ruin

Players wishing to receive a review and be awarded Lore and EXP points for their threads should submit them here. Please include the following information in your request.

Post Reminders: Posts in Atharen must meet a minimum of 250 words. This is a literate website. Gross grammatical errors will be prompted to be corrected before any awards are given.

Solo: A solo thread should be approximately 1500 words. The far majority should be 1500 words or more, but it's acceptable to dip below that on occasion. You are permitted to choose 6 Skill Lores. 5 EXP per Solo. 8 EXP if the thread receives a Mod-intervention.

Collaboration: A thread involving two or more player-characters interacting with each other. You are permitted to choose up to 8 Skill Lores. You are allowed 10 Skill Lores if a minimum of 5 posts is reached by a player in a collaboration thread. An additional lore can be granted for every 5 posts beyond that. 8 EXP per Collaboration.

Moderated Collaboration: A thread that is guided and narrated by a member of the staff. You are permitted to choose up to 8 Skill Lores. 10 EXP per Moderated Collaboration.

Magic Experience vs. Normal Experience: When seeking to gain magic experience points (XP/EXP) you must specifically request said experience points. When awarded experience points for magic, they can only be allocated toward the specific magic for which it has been requested. At which point in time all of the requested experience points must be devoted toward the requested magic XP. Normal experience points can be allocated toward whatever mundane skill the player desires.

As a courtesy to the people who will be spending time reviewing threads submitted, it is requested that threads do not exceed 2 pages. Once the 2-page mark has been reached, it is requested that players and staff create a continuation thread.

Mageblight: In any threads utilizing magic or requesting magical XP, the PC requesting magical XP must state their current Mageblight, and must add any tiers of Overstepping in accordance with the system linked: here. As an example, if you currently have a level of 0 Mageblight but were initiated in-thread, for Mageblight enter '0', and for New Mageblight enter '0+2'.

Code: Select all

[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #000000; border-right: double 6px #000000; border-bottom: double 6px #000000; border-left: double 6px #000000; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000000; background-image: url(]
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[b]Thread Name:[/b] (Name with link included.)
[b]Location:[/b] (Where did it take place?)
[b]Notes/Warnings: [/b] (Anything special to bring to our attention?)
[b]Collaboration:[/b] (Yes? Who was involved? If another PC or Mod was not involved, it is a solo.)
[b]Magic Experience:[/b] (Yes or No?)
[b]Injuries/Ailments:[/b] (Has your character received any injuries or status effects?)
[b]Requested Lore: [/b] (What knowledge did your character gain?)
[b]Loot: [/b] (If applicable)

[u]For Magical Threads[/u]
[b]Mageblight:[/b] (Current Level)
[b]New Mageblight:[/b] (If Any)

Once your thread has been reviewed, please past this code beneath the box to show that it has been reviewed.

Code: Select all


Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 12:58 am
by Vivian

Thread Name: Time to Get Moving
Location: House Socorro, Daravin
Notes/Warnings: Vivian is exercising with his bestie mule
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Malformity: Everything that affects your transformed body also affects your human form.
Malformity: The mutations stick to your transitioned form, unless otherwise shifted.
Malformity: Using your imprinted forms to exercise more effectively.
Bodybuilding: Running to get fit
Bodybuilding: Muscle stitches hurt like hell
Bodybuilding: Tag is a good, basic form of exercise and coordination.

Loot: N/A

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: None
New Mageblight: None, hes not pushin it.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:02 pm
by Alistair

Thread Name: True Searing
Location: The Imperial Badlands
Notes/Warnings: Alistair becomes initiated in Brand.
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: Yes, 5 XP for Brand
Injuries/Ailments: +2 Mageblight; pain and trauma to the throat/thoracic cavity, which will take a week to recover from. Moderate Overstepping (which occurs from all initiations), which will take days to recover from.
Requested Lore:
Brand: Weapon Magic
Brand: The Mark of Brand
Brand: The Initiation
Brand: Ether Manipulation
Brand: The Axis
Brand: Crystallizes The Soul

Loot: N/A

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: It will be 0 by the time of this thread.
New Mageblight: +2, as of Ash 80.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:53 am
by Hugo Abreo

Thread Name: Guards !
Location: Genteven
Notes/Warnings: Vague references to combat.
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: Not applicable
Injuries/Ailments: Minor bruises I guess
Requested Lore:

Blades: Guard- Whole iron door
Blades: The basis of sword fighting is parrying and then attacking
Blades: Guard- Woman's Guard
Blades: How to use the entirety of your sword (especially the pommel)
Blades: When in a large battle remain aware of your surroundings.
Blades: Watch out for an enemy who is left-handed.

Loot: not applicable

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: 1
New Mageblight: n.a.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:48 pm
by Hugo Abreo

Thread Name: Neccesity and Learning
Location: Genteven
Notes/Warnings: Arguing and fear of Death.
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: Not applicable
Injuries/Ailments: Minor bruises I guess
Requested Lore:

Blades: Guard- Window Guard
Blades: The window guard is good for defence but generally not offence
Blades: Guard- Woman's guard on the left
Blades: How to go half-sword
Blades: Watch out for enemies skilled in unarmed combat whilst going close-ranged
Blades: Guard - Long Guard

Loot: not applicable

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: 1
New Mageblight: n.a.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:58 am
by Thomas

Thread Name: Golden Ticket
Location: Starkwayte, Grisic
Notes/Warnings: Mild discussion of abuse/non-con. Nothing too dark, though.
Collaboration: Yes, Alistair and Thomas
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Requested Lore: 8 generic lores (Alistair); 8 generic Lores (Thomas)
Loot: n/a

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:32 am
by Salen

Thread Name: The Bridge Between Reality II
Location: The Reverie
Notes/Warnings: Dream thread. The mageblight accumulated from Change comes from within Was brought forward to coincide with this thread, since Thomas did not have enough time to finish it.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience: Well its Remnant, but I'm Master now so no.
Injuries/Ailments: None (Mageblight had already been accumulated from "The Mirror" mutation.) It has been moved from the 33rd of Searing to the 51st Glade, the day it was accumulated, furthermore, this mageblight will not go away since Salen was at 5/12 in Glade because of this thread, putting Salen at 1 mageblight in Searing. This one wont go away until 51st Ash.
Requested Lore:
Remnant: Phantasm - Changing aspects in another dreamscape
Remnant: Phantasm - Drawing on other dreamscapes' dreams to imbue into your own illusory application.
Remnant: Phantasm - Identifying with another person's phantasm's and dream structure.
Remnant: Phantasm - Drawing on physical features of the Phantasm.
Remnant: Mnemonic Impression - Editing a phantasm
Remnant: Mnemonic Impression - Banishing negative thoughts.
Remnant: Mnemonic Impression - Navigating your way through a dreamscape.
Remnant: Mind Collision - Creating a bond to return to a dreamscape
Remnant: Mind Collision - Travelling through another dreamer's memory patterns
Remnant: Voyage - Thomas' Mindscape

Psychology: A concept of mind
Psychology: Dreams and their meanings
Psychology: Memories shape consciousness
Psychology: Intermediate Cold-Reading, dream apparition edition
Psychology: Confronting one's own self-delusion
5x Generic Lore

Loot: (If applicable)

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: (Current Level)
New Mageblight: (If Any)

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:03 pm
by Vivian

Thread Name: Scaling Up...and Down
Location: House Socorro, Daravin
Notes/Warnings: Vivian is reading about the Master skills of Malformity
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Malformity: Scale: Can be used to make the small large and the large small.
Malformity: Scale: Not necessarily useful in just combat, but can be used to help those around him.
Malformity: Scale: Enhances the beauty not often seen in the world due to its small size.
Malformity: Amalgam: Flowing like water from one form to another.
Malformity: Amalgam: Must be used in short bursts, and drains the mage who uses it.
Malformity: Amalgam: Adaptability and speed lend credence to this.

Loot: N/A

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: 2/12 at this point in Searing.
New Mageblight: None, hes not pushin it. Just reading, not performing.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:55 am
by Vivian

Thread Name: One Cog Moves Another
Location: Amoren, Daravin
Collaboration: Yes, Vinsue
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:


Artificing: Mathematics is the base of everything
Artificing: Engineering is structured on the laws of logic
Artificing: The blackboard is your ally
Artificing: Standing on the shoulders of giants
Mathematics: Addition
Mathematics: Subtraction
Mathematics: Multiplication
Mathematics: Division
Mathematics: Two things can have the same answer
Larceny: Using a child as a foible.
Larceny: Stuffing something up your shirt; basic but effective.
Larceny: Getting away from a crime scene
Charisma: C’mon, just a little theft…
Biology: Pregnancy hormones getting a bit out of hand.
Biology: Distraction can help reduce discomfort.




Vivian: 1x Basic Engineering Mathematics Book
Vinsue: 1x Artificing Book

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: Viv’s still got 3 mageblight hanging on.
New Mageblight:N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.1

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:38 pm
by Salen

Thread Name: Lamentations
Location: Verant, Boghadar
Notes/Warnings: Vivian Antics
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience: Yes, Nightfall for Salen
Injuries/Ailments: None
Requested Lore:
Nightfall: Compass - Generating a Compass to Create Shepherd
Nightfall: Compass - Umbraplasm becomes more denser the higher the mage's skill level.
Nightfall: Shepherd - The Ability to Fly using Umbraplasm.
Nightfall: Shepherd - Ether drains through flight.
Nightfall: Shepherd - A gaseous substance created through a compass
Nightfall: Shepherd - A symbol of the magic's freedom.
Remnant: Mind Collision - Can be used on waking targets at Master.
Remnant: Mind Collision - Pulling someone into your own mindscape
Remnant: Mind Collision - Adjusting the lucidity of a dream
Remnant: Mind Collision - Letting another dreamer see a private thought
Remnant: Mind Collision - Drawing a dreamer into a memory or Engram
Remnant: Phantasmal Reckoning - Creating a simple Phantasmal Wall.
Politics: Classism is a bitch
Psychology: Dealing with the signs of grief.

Remnant: Emotions affect a dreamscape.
Remnant: Tailoring a dreamscape to what you think another wants.
Stealth: Detecting a foreign presence.
Stealth: Sleeping lightly.
Psychology: Someone’s been betrayed.
Psychology: Not being rattled by temper tantrums.
Biology: Pregnancy, the great eroder of patience.
Biology: Sleep is precious to someone with few resources.
Politics: Calming down angry mages to further your own goals.
Politics: Classism is a bitch
x3 Generic Lores.

Loot: (If applicable)

For Magical Threads
Mageblight: 3 Mageblight (2 will go away by 34th of Ash, the last one will go away on the 51st Ash), Vivian is at 3 currently, please check her ledger for accuracy
New Mageblight: None.