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Suggestion Forum

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:00 pm
by Ruin


Welcome to the Suggestion Forum. Do you feel strongly (or even mildly) about a piece of lore on Atharen? Do you disagree with certain parameters or limits? Whatever it is that leaves you dissatisfied, be it something to do with the pictures we use for the gods or the Review Request system itself, please share your thoughts in this forum. Please be advised that this isn't a complaint forum; please conduct yourself reasonably and kindly while we review what it is you'd like to see changed.

Please also consider that this forum will be reviewed as often as once a week. If you have pressing concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to a member of staff or to post in the #feedback or #bug-squashing channels on our Discord Server.

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Re: Suggestion Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 2:26 am
by Nuraku

Nature of Suggestion: Staff Quality of Life, Design
Subject: Mutations Quality of Life Overhaul
Summary: Mutations take up a lot of staff time to work through, and some players may become stressed trying to come up with their own. My suggestion is twofold:

- Optional Mutations

While rare for a mage to have none at all, it might make sense to allow magical mutation to be entirely optional. Maybe mages without mutations have magic that is more 'wild' and volatile with harsher penalties when steering into Mageblight, as it hasn't settled yet. Mutations could be a mark of control, but not required.

- Temporary, Faction-Specific, Earned, or Shared Mutations

A set of temporary mutations to choose from, like color changes to spellcasting, or cosmetic details that can later be replaced as the player comes up with new ones may be ideal. Most do not require an approval process, but some of them might be for specific disciplines and have a certain faction affiliation that requires knowledge and may be earned via review in-thread.

The Ebon Knights might train their members to undergo certain specific, controlled mutations, providing factional flair that narrators can reference when dealing with a faction or religious order of mages. It might also be an interesting flair to train your apprentice to have a specific mutation that you have. As the reviewer only needs to approve the knowledge and interaction, this would create occasions where higher tier staff do not need to approve the mutation.

Maybe custom mutations are earned, requiring 5 knowledge that roughly tie into some aspect of the mutation you want to create. This would make it so players MUST play out their skills and flesh out their character through play so that their mutation is cohesive to the trials of the mage, and it would help stop players from dumping big blobs of mutations down for a staff member to chunk through.