Review Submission Thread v1.0

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Nathan Wolfgang
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Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:24 pm

Thread Name:A Game of Shadows: To Conquer a City (Part I)
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
  • Tactics: Assessing your available resources
  • Tactics: Utilizing resources available to you
  • Tactics: Making a thorough plan before jumping into action
  • Tactics: Taking into consideration the current political climate
  • Tactics: Better to focus on monopolizing one industry rather than stretching your resources thin
  • Deception: (Misdirection) Instant distraction used to switch coin pouch
Loot: Gained 50 df
word count: 86
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Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:26 pm

Thread Name: Nearest The Abyss: Three Walls to Freedom for the Wanted Arson Witch
Location: Lower Nivenhain, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Mild Nudity, Filth, Foul Language
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: Yes, Sigilic Pyromancy
Injuries/Ailments: Stab wound, cauterized
Requested Lore:
  • Sigilic Pyromancy: Cauterizing a Wound
  • Sigilic Pyromancy: Brick Harder to Melt Through
  • Unarmed Combat: Pushing Someone Away
  • Blades: Putting Your Sword Between You And Them
  • Blades: Getting Pinned And Stabbed Through a Guard
  • Tactics: A Wall Is Just A Door
Loot: Wanted in Lorien. Yay.
Last edited by Nuraku on Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 85
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Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:07 pm

Thread Name: Nearest The Abyss: Cradled in a Copse Of Corpses
Location: Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Blood, Filth, Foul Language, Dead Bodies. Part of a series of threads.
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: Yes, Summoning
Injuries/Ailments: Treated Stab Wound (Disinfected, Stitched)
Requested Lore:
  • Summoning: Veravend As Your Patron
  • Summoning: Symbol of Veravend
  • Summoning: Binding a Sah'viidost
  • Summoning: Language of the Sah'viidost
  • Summoning: Ritual of Unification
  • Summoning: Sah'viidost Can Generate Blue Fog
Loot: Escape from Nivenhain. Yay.
word count: 80
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Location: Lorien
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=774
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Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:18 am

Thread Name: The Thickest of Blood
Location: Essen, Brandt
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore: (What knowledge did your character gain?)
  • Etiquette: Meeting new people
    Etiquette: Having a meaningful conversation
    Psychology: Revelations can be traumatic
    Investigation: Asking for proof of someone's claim
    Investigation: Asking about key figures
    Investigation: Learning details of the past
Loot: +2 of his mother's Diaries
word count: 72
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:11 am

Thread Name: Foreshadowing I
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: None.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: Yes, Blood Magic.
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Blood Magic: Bloodshaping: Dismantle previously-made items to reform something new.
Blood Magic: Bloodshaping: Creating a lockpick and lever.
Larceny: Opening a lock with makeshift tools.
Larceny: Prisonbreak.
Larceny: The ability to pick locks helps you escape shackles, too.
Larceny: Looting your own belongings.

Loot: None.
word count: 68
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Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:19 am

Thread Name: Foreshadowing II
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Blood, descriptions of wounds, death, violence.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Gunslinging: Rifle: Firing while kneeling.
Gunslinging: Rifle: Allowing the recoil to rip it from your claws.
Gunslinging: Rifle: Swap to a melee weapon during the cool down.
Gunslinging: Rifle: The gunshot is strong enough to knock someone over.
Gunslinging: Rifle: Shooting from a hidden position.
Gunslinging: Rifle: Use the sling to quickly swap between holstered and ready to fire.

Loot: None.
word count: 86
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Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:39 am

Thread Name: Nearest The Abyss: Melty Things
Location: Lorien Outskirts
Notes/Warnings: Mild Nudity, Foul Language, Senseless Animal Murdering, Emotional Trauma, Animus Initiation
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: Yes, Animus
Requested Lore:
  • Animus: Rune of Animus
  • Animus: Initiation
  • Animus: What it's like to feel like an animal
  • Animus: The Magic for Turning Into Animals
  • Meditation: What A Powerful Trance Feels Like
  • Meditation: Understanding Inner Mental Weakness
  • Your Purpose: To Be Experienced, Not to Experience
Loot: Rune of Animus
Last edited by Nuraku on Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 81
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Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:23 am

Thread Name: Changing Beliefs pt 1
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Notes/Warnings: This thread was a placehold for Searing. Also, Xethe is being reapproved as of right now!
Collaboration: I'm riding soloooo
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: Nope
Requested Lore:
Languages: How to argue in Common
Lyonesse: The ghettos aren't in good condition
Investigation: Xethe isn't dead and gone

(I'm kind of bad at these, sorry! PM if I did it wrong)

Loot: N/A
word count: 78
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Posts: 139
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Sun Nov 22, 2020 1:36 pm

Thread Name: Nearest The Abyss: The Faunascape
Location: Lorien Wilderness
Notes/Warnings: Mild Nudity, Foul Language
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: Yes, Animus
Requested Lore:
  • Animus: Synchronicity
  • Animus: Immersion
  • Animus: Ethology
  • Animus: Weight Difference More Costly
  • Animus: Imprinting on a Raven
  • Animus: Immersing with a Raven
Loot: Template - Raven (Immersed)
word count: 52
Alyssum Crow
Posts: 94
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:18 pm

Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:12 am

Thread Name: First Steps
Location: Tyrclaid
Notes/Warnings: Memory Thread
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: Yes (Alchemy, all points)
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Alchemy: Filtering Impurities
Alchemy: Properly Straining Potions
Alchemy: Tool: Alembics
Alchemy: Tool: Retorts
Alchemy: Tool: Mortar and Pestle
Alchemy: The Crow Family Recipe Book

Loot: N/A
word count: 51
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