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Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:10 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Follow-Up
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Some blood, violence. 20XP for both participants. Arkash: 7859 Words, Cyrus: 6381
Collaboration: With Cyrus.
Magic Experience: No.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Blades{Rapier}: Slice and stab
Blades{Rapier}: Practice makes perfect
Blades{Rapier}: Decapitation
Blades{Dagger}: Using a stick to simulate a dagger
Blades{Dagger}: Standard dagger grip
Bodybuilding: Digging a grave
Bodybuilding: Burying a Body
Bodybuilding: The strength to decapitate someone
Acrobatics: Sidestepping attacks
Medicine: Inspecting the healing process of a patient
Medicine: Applying pressure to stall bleeding
Arkash: Adorable Komodo Dragon Rathari
Arkash: Is willing share his venom with me
Arkash: Is healing nicely
Arkash: Is fascinated by Magic
Arkash: Has one hell of a bite
Asmodei: Is an Argent Knight
Asmodei: Is Fayeth's Husband
Asmodei: Has been training Arkash
Asmodei: Has stoic disposition
Fayeth: Is cursed
Fayeth: A woman of elegance
Fayeth: Is as bloodsoaked as I am
Fayeth: Is the wife of Asmodei

Blades: Dagger: Hold the blade close to you, then strike when you're near your target.
Blades: Dagger: Spine stab.
Blades: Dagger: Do not run at your target with your arm outstretched.
Blades: Dagger: How to not leave yourself open after an attack.
Blades: Dagger: When facing opponents with larger weapons, stay close to them and stab repeatedly.
Blades: Dagger: While backstabbing is effective, sometimes it's unwise to step behind someone.
Blades: Dagger: The lightweight weapon makes it easy to dodge.
Unarmed Combat: Tail strike.
Unarmed Combat: Sweep out the legs.
Unarmed Combat: Using your bite to weaken your opponent.
Unarmed Combat: Evading the swipes of Blades.
Unarmed Combat: Bite the arm!
Unarmed Combat: Switching between armed and unarmed.
Unarmed Combat: Supplementary to your weapon.
Unarmed Combat: Clampdown and don't let go until all your venom is in their veins.
[PC] Cyrus: The doctor that took your arm off.
[PC] Cyrus: Strangled you.
[PC] Cyrus: Treated you while you were asleep.
[PC] Cyrus: You bit him in a show of force.
[PC] Cyrus: Offered to pay you for your venom.
[PC] Cyrus: Quite interested in you.
[PC] Cyrus: Doesn't like his own kind?
[PC] Cyrus: Not all bad.
[PC] Cyrus: Might be able to cure Fayeth's curse.
[PC] Cyrus: Offered to make you a new arm.

Loot: None.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:47 am
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: When Great Trees Fall
Location: Brandt, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: 20 XP for each participant, not 8. Taelian's Word Count: 6086, Konrad's Word Count: 6838
Collaboration: Yes, with Konrad
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: No
Requested Lore:

Konrad is not requesting any lores.

Politics: The Counties of Brandt
Politics: Power-Vacuums
Leadership: Staking a claim
Leadership: Asserting oneself in a crisis
Leadership: Attempting to inspire idealism
Leadership: Accepting one's position within a hierarchy

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:50 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: Lord Wendell, Ser Lange
Location: Brandt, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: No
Requested Lore:

Politics: Political Marriage
Etiquette: Courtship
Etiquette: Meeting Suitors
Etiquette: Private Dinners
Investigation: Seeking out political motives
Investigation: Gauging one's character

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:16 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: Finders Keepers
Location: East End, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: 20 XP for each participant. Taelian's Word Count: 6119, Arkash's Word Count: 7189
Collaboration: Yes, with Arkash
Magic Experience: Yes, 10 Mentalism XP for Taelian, please!
Injuries/Ailments: No
Requested Lore:

Climbing: A train.
Climbing: Sheet metal.
Climbing: To the roof of a caboose.
Climbing: While the surface is moving.
Climbing: Hooking with your pick and pushing with your legs.
Survival: Building a root fire.
Survival: Take a break when traversing the cold.
Survival: Warming up with magic.
Survival: Follow landmarks so that you don't get lost.
Survival: Taking Shelter from harsh conditions.
Survival: The appropriate clothes to retain warmth.
Unarmed Combat: Dodging lasers.
Taelian: Tried to kill you because you stole his egg.
Taelian: A half elf.
Taelian: God Mage.
Taelian: Cared enough to try and make it up to you.
Taelian: Tried to help you.
Taelian: You shut him out and threatened him.
Taelian: Left, as you demanded.

Mentalism: The Neurocrux
Mentalism: The Weave
Mentalism: Reality-Warping
Mentalism: Compel
Mentalism: Compel can do more than push
Mentalism: Holding an object within the weave
Transposition: Farsight
Tactics: Ambushing a foe
Tactics: Striking first, striking hard
Tactics: Striking from an unknown place
Tactics: Calling a ceasefire
Arkash: Nameless
Arkash: I almost killed him
Arkash: Felt humiliated by me
Arkash: Kicked my magic egg

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:49 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: Silent Dawn
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Tactics: Drawing out an enemy
Tactics: Destroying an escape
Tactics: Sieging an entrance
Tactics: Attacking when foes are least vigilant
Tactics: Sabotage
Sigilic Pyromancy: Sigilfall

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:52 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: The Sigil Fades
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Blades: Running Lunge
Blades: Diagonal Swipe
Blades: Parrying Multiple Weapons
Blades: Dagger Offhand
Tactics: Cleaning up foes amidst chaos
Sigilic Pyromancy: Affliction of Ash: Killed me

Aldrin: Son of Malek

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:53 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: Somnus
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Climbing: Cathedral Heights
Climbing: Risking A Fall

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:22 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: Unbroken
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:03 pm
by Alyssum Crow

Thread Name: The Basics
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Smithing: Coal fuels the forge
Smithing: Charcoal works in a pinch
Smithing: Most villages only have one blacksmith
Smithing: Blacksmiths made everything metal
Smithing: Versatility is vital
Smithing: Different tools require a different metal

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:34 am
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: Stake Out
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Collab; Taelian, 4272 words (12 XP), Arkash, 7189 (16 XP)
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Appraisal: Salted paths will have no snow or ice on them.
Investigation: Determining patterns based on prior observations.
Investigation: Determining someone's background based on your relatability.
Investigation: The things people say can be clues.
Investigation: Discerning someone's target by the way they speak.
Investigation: Gather information with idle chatter.
Spycraft: Renting a room as a base of operations.
Spycraft: Watching through a spyglass.
Spycraft: Recording information.
Spycraft: Write in a foreign language.
Spycraft: Get a closer look.
[PC] Taelian: Doesn't hate you.
[PC] Taelian: Insists on giving you a new arm.
[PC] Taelian: Will give you a new eye too.
[PC] Taelian: You owe him a lot of favors.
[PC] Taelian: Ser Steve.
[PC] Taelian: Undercover.
[PC] Taelian: Hunting Nobles.
[PC] Taelian: Can hold his own with banter.
[PC] Taelian: Could have been an urchin once upon a time.

Investigation: Staking Out
Investigation: Examining an area with Farsight
Investigation: Inspecting an area before delving into it
Investigation: Examining exterior details
Investigation: Inspecting someone's visage
Investigation: Uncovering opportunities
Spycraft: Using extraplanar mobility for assassination
Spycraft: Maintaining the appearance of regularity
Spycraft: Appearing as your role
Spycraft: Keeping up your cover name

Loot: N/A