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Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:01 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Initiation III
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None, Really.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None yet.
Requested Lore:
Etiquette: Bragging.
Etiquette: Hypothetical Murder.
Etiquette: Don't stomp on people's dreams.
Etiquette: Go with the flow.
Psychology: The inspiration of a crafter.
Psychology: Conditioned to pain.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Have their own smith.

Loot: +1 Serrated steel jastai shortsword.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:40 am
by Arlen

Thread Name: Golden Fields of Barley
Location: Loras surrounding area, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Collaboration: Yep, Rhea
Magic Experience: Yes for Rhea
Injuries/Ailments: Don't think so
Requested Lore:

Elementalism: Asking the wind to scout ahead
Elementalism: Blowing enemies back with wind
Blades{Longsword}: Disabling slashes
Blades{Longsword}: Stabbing through the neck
Etiquette: Its bad to keep people waiting
Etiquette: Apologize when late
Mount{Horse}: Cues for reinless riding
Mount{Horse}: Combining reining with pressure focused riding
Mount{Horse}: Knowing your limits as a rider
Mount{Horse}: Knowing when to rein in, when not to

Negotiation: Drive a hard deal if needed
Linguistics: Kokalath: Yes
Tactics: Set achievable goals
Leadership: Establish others’ skill level
Leadership: No need to handhold a skilled warrior through battle
Tactics: Gain a wider perspective
Tactics: Split the attackers into smaller groups
Blades: Gain an advantage for a deadly strike
Tactics: Fool your opponent into action
Blades: Bounce off your opponent’s weapon
Leadership: Make sure your team is ok
Tactics: Destabilize your opponent

PC: Rhea: Can do magic
PC: Rhea: Apparently is the black sheep of the family
PC: Rhea: Can sing
PC: Rhea: Fights well
PC: Rhea: Met doing a convoy job in Loras, Atinaw

Loot: Don't think so.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:00 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Rendezvous
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: A bit boring, just talking and planning.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Leadership: Command respect.
Leadership: Status report.
Leadership: Debriefing your followers.
Leadership: Briefing your followers.
Leadership: Show no weakness.
Leadership: Formulate a plan with your followers in mind.

Loot: None.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:14 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Prospect
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Part 1 of Arkash's blood magic acquisition plot.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Intimidation: Threatening with a gun.
Intimidation: Asking someone if they want to die.
Intimidation: Verbal abuse.
Investigation: Identifying blood writing.
Investigation: Ask the right questions.
Investigation: Default to a translator if you can't read the clues.

Loot: +1 flintlock pistol.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:02 am
by Haldir

Thread Name: Sacrifice Ⅰ
Location: Nivenhain, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Talks of domestic abuse & abortion
Collaboration: Nope
Magic Experience: Sadly no v.v)
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
  • Medicine: Prescribing remedies to ailing patients
    Medicine: Offering comfort to your patients
    Medicine: Rest is the best counter to bruised ribs
    Psycology: The fear of the abused
    Psycology: Understanding Body Language
    Investigation: Asking how one got their injuries
Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:03 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Innocence Lost I
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: No dogs were harmed in the making of this thread. (A dog is strangled and stabbed to death). This is also the second part of Arkash's blood magic acquisition plot.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Larceny: Breaking into a home.
Larceny: Search for alternate entrances.
Larceny: Ensure you won't be disturbed.
Larceny: Remain careful with doors as to not alert your targets.
Larceny: Animals can give you away: take care of them.
Larceny: Get the full scope of the situation before you start.

Loot: None.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:46 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Innocence Lost II
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Animal abuse, murder, abduction, descriptions of injuries, blood. This is the third part of Arkash's blood magic acquisition plot.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: A slash to his chest.
Requested Lore:
Blades: Dagger: Stabbing a sleeping opponent.
Blades: Dagger: Free your hand by striking with your foot claws.
Blades: Dagger: Throat-slitting.
Blades: Dagger: Wiping the blood off.
Blades: Dagger: Chest stab.
Blades: Dagger: Blindly slashing.

Loot: +500 df

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:57 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Hunting I
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: This is the fourth part of Arkash's blood magic plot.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Climbing: Sling your body on a branch.
Climbing: Using your teeth.
Climbing: One-armed.
Climbing: To escape a predator.
Hunting: Bears: Have an excellent sense of smell.
Hunting: Bears: Live in caves.

Loot: None.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:38 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Hunting II
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: This is the fifth part of Arkash's blood magic plot. Includes animal abuse, descriptions of injuries, violence.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Some bumps and bruises.
Requested Lore:
Acrobatics: Jumping from a height to land on a target.
Acrobatics: Recovering from being thrown.
Acrobatics: Ducking and diving around swipes.
Climbing: A bear.
Climbing: Using your dagger as a grip.
Climbing: A dynamic environment.

Loot: +1000df.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:46 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Presentation
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: This is the seventh part of Arkash's blood magic plot. Includes blood, vivid descriptions of gore, injuries, murder.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Acrobatics: Swinging from a line.
Acrobatics: Zipline.
Climbing: A rope.
Climbing: Using your pick arm.
Climbing: A stone wall.
Climbing: using bricks for grip.

Loot: None.