Review Submission Thread v1.0

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Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:52 pm

Thread Name: Stalk.
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: Some swearing.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None!
Requested Lore:
Stealth: Concealing your scent by hiding out of the wind.
Stealth: Stalking: Give a target with good hearing a wider berth.
Stealth: Stalking.
Stealth: Stalking: Catch up when they turn a corner.
Stealth: Stalking: If you lose sight of your target, they might have just turned earlier.
Stealth: Stalking: Back away and take cover if they come back your way.
[NPC] Liu: Was involved with some sort of peddling business.
[NPC] Liu: Swore.
[NPC] Liu: Was actually kind of terrifying.
[NPC] Liu: Did things she wasn't proud of to provide for you.
Loot: (If applicable)
word count: 117
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Location: Loras, Atinaw
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Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:53 pm

Thread Name: Negatory
Location: Silfanore.
Notes/Warnings: Memory. Blood, dark themes. General Dranochisms.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: Negation
Injuries/Ailments: None!
Requested Lore:
Negation: Tasking against an object
Negation: Anchoring to a person
Negation: Creating an anchor with the mind
Negation: Shields absorb force
Negation: Carrying an object with a shield
Negation: Force gradually wears down a shield

Loot: N/A
word count: 61
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Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:52 pm

Thread Name:Another Day At The Inn
Location: Alfsos, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Unfinished/Abandoned
Collaboration: Patrick
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: A red cheek from a slap and nail indentations
Requested Lore:

Mental: Self-control in a public setting
Mental: Self-control while getting hit publicly
Mental: Handling sensitive topics in public
Mental: Maintaining composure
Mental: Not raising voice during an arguement

Loot: N/A

Thread Name: Late Night Run In
Location: Alfsos, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Unfinished/Abandoned
Collaboration: Talon
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Botany: Purple Dead Nettle: Medicinal leaves
Botany: Mugwort: Beer recipe
Botany: Mugwort: Tea recipe
Botany: Mugwort: Salve recipe
Survival: Foraging by scent
Survival: Foraging by moonlight
Survival: Fight or Flight: Keeping wits
Navigating: Familiar path by moonlight


Thread Name: Let's Be Friends (Memory)
Location: Raellon, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Unfinished / Abandoned
Collaboration: Iakovos
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Athletics: Running and dodging crowded streets
Athletics: Running techniques
Athletics: Breathing while running
Perception: Observing the area
Knowledge: Vendor from Clan Myaldar that works with Atvalthal steel

Loot: (If applicable)

Thread Name: Thorny Crown (Memory)
Location: Raellon, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Unfinished / Abandoned
Collaboration: Kerr
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: Injured face
Requested Lore:

Unarmed Combat: Hitting where it hurts
Unarmed Combat: Grappling
Improvised weapon: Rock throwing
Philosophy: The big picture
Mental: Smiling through the pain

Loot: (If applicable)
Last edited by Linden on Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 230
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:23 pm

Thread Name: Talk.
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Persuasion: Showing your sadness can help.
Persuasion: Begging.
Persuasion: Using empathy to your advantage.
Persuasion: It's easier to persuade people who are close to you.
Persuasion: Sometimes, telling your side of the story can help people see reason.
Persuasion: Be direct and clear about what you want.
[NPC] Liu: Agreed to stop her second job.
[NPC] Liu: Thought you were a mature fifteen-year-old.
[NPC] Liu: Really did love you.

Loot: None.
word count: 94
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:23 pm

Thread Name: Scavenging.
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Stealth: Proceed deeper into the alley to stay out of sight.
Survival: City: Wealthier areas has more valuable trash.
Survival: City: Humans throw away bones, which you can eat.
Survival: Your cold-blooded body helps you go on longer without eating as much.
Survival: City: Moldy food is better than no food, right?
Survival: City: Looking through the waste for food.
[NPC] Liu: Said that she was given the vegetables that were close to spoiling by her boss.
[NPC] Liu: You knew she was lying, but you didn't say anything.
[NPC] Liu: Stole food for you and Cojack.

Loot: None.
word count: 121
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:24 pm

Thread Name: Missing
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Investigation: Approaching others with the intent of asking questions can be difficult.
Investigation: When questioning, pick someone who doesn't smell like drugs.
Investigation: Follow the trail that the missing person would have walked.
Investigation: Humans are more hostile toward you in Nivenhain, and aren't likely to give up any useful information.
Investigation: Determining if someone is angry at you.
Investigation: Determining if someone is under the influence by how they smell.

Loot: None.
word count: 95
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Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:37 pm
Location: Loregard & Alfsos, Atinaw
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Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:28 pm

Thread Name: Beauty and the Bartender
Location: Alfsos
Notes/Warnings: Abandoned
Collaboration: (Yes - with Patrick.)
Magic Experience: (No)
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
  • Investigation: Asking questions to get to know other people
    Etiquette: Introductions are key
    Etiquette: Being polite is a must from nobility
    Etiquette: Holding conversations with the common folk
    Etiquette: Accepting the hospitality of others
    Etiquette: Commending others on their accomplishments
Loot: N/A
word count: 67
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Location: Currently - Atinaw
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Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:09 am

Thread Name: A Viper in the Lion's Den
Location: Alfsos
Notes/Warnings: Abandoned
Collaboration: (Yes - Patrick & Liliana)
Magic Experience: (Yes)
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:


Summoning: Using your Archetype as surveillance
Summoning: The strain from the Ritual of Reminiscence
Negotiation: Always pay in advance when striking a Deal
Investigation: Checking a room to make sure it's safe
Logistics: Planning how many days you plan to stay at an inn
Psychology: Past Trauma influence current behavior
Psychology: Exhibiting signs of Paranoia
Etiquette: First impressions in a Foreign Land


Linguistics: Spoken Kokalath
Linguistics: Written Kokalath
Linguistics: Implication of tone
Intimidation: Standing up to others
Intimidation: Hands on hips
Business: Maintaining a logbook
Deception: Use of an alias
Appraisal: Testing through test
Loot: N/A
Last edited by Kotoru on Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 127
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:48 pm

Thread Name: Tea Time for Two... Plus One?
Location: Alfsos
Notes/Warnings: Abandoned but it is toward the end of the thread.
Collaboration: Yes, with Patrick.
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Requested Lore:
Cooking: Meat kebabs
Leadership: Group decisionmaking
Mount: Reasonable carrying capacity expectations
Mount: Quiet aids with soft hands
Animal Handling: Bribery with treats
Negotiation: Haggling over price
Survival: Packing for an expedition
Survival: Carry extra water
Survival: Carry a hatchet for camp
Survival: The rule of threes

Loot: Tools charged to ledger on character sheet.
word count: 89
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:37 pm

Thread Name: Awake I
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Fear, descriptions of injuries
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: Non.
Injuries/Ailments: -1 left arm from the elbow down. -1 left eye. -Muscle mass. Lasting weakness until he can rebuild his strength, troubled/shallow breathing until his lungs fully heal and recover. +1 Shoulder impalation scar, +1 Disfiguring scar across the left side of his head. Severe dehydration.
Requested Lore:
Bodybuilding: Spending a long time in bed can severely weaken you.
Bodybuilding: Pushing through weakness and fatigue.
Meditation: The mental scars of losing a part of yourself.
Meditation: Worry about your missing arm later and resolve to escape with your life.
Persuasion: Screaming and flailing aren't likely to convince anyone.
Survival: The symptoms of severe dehydration.
[NPC] Valris: Kidnapped you?
[NPC] Valris: Is holding you hostage?
[NPC] Valris: Saved your life?
[NPC] Valris: Held you down during your freak-out.

Loot: None.
word count: 152
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