Review Submission Thread v1.0

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Taelian Edevane
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Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:17 am

Thread Name: How Does One Respond to Threats?
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Modded, so 10 XP.
Magic Experience: Summoning XP, please! Taelian uses one of his Quirks for the first time, and summons a Marghozad.
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Summoning: The Lost Fathoms
Summoning: Shadowbringer
Intimidation: Threatening with an Archetype
Investigation: Piecing together probable cause
Investigation: Preceding an interrogation with investigative assumptions
Investigation: Examining a body
Investigation: Finding physical evidence
Deception: Claiming the same banner as someone else

Loot: +1 Meeting with the Queen of Atinaw
word count: 92
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Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:38 pm

Thread Name: Dum Spiro Spero
Location: Loras, Grimholdt Territory, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: (Anything special to bring to our attention?)
Collaboration:Yes, Saej
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Etiquette; Giving and receiving the same amount of information
Etiquette; Meeting a noble
Etiquette; Being polite to shopkeepers
Etiquette; Allowing someone to borrow an item
Etiquette; Accepting a gift
Business; Loras has high-quality items in their market
Business; Loras could be a good spot for a merchant stall
Business; Traveling for your job
Finance; Making an investment
Finance; Buying an expensive item out of your budget

Business: Always appraise craftsmanship
Business: Clothing is a weapon
Business: Investigate Threats to Business personally
Business: Do not dismiss claims outright

Leadership: Being the first to speak
Leadership: Admitting weakness
Leadership: Listen before you speak
Leadership: See from another person's perspective
Leadership: Connect with others through shared experience

Negotiation: Leading with half-truths

+1 light sage green dress
word count: 161
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Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:21 am

Thread Name: Like-Minded Correspondence - Abandoned
Location: Raellon, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Yes, Foma
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: No
Requested Lore:

Apothecary: Numbing/Paralysis recipe
Medicine or Apothecary: Birthing Pain Recipe
Medicine: Injections
Medicine: Assisting a birthing
Engineering: Designing better needles

Loot: N/A
word count: 47
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=695

Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:56 pm

Thread Name: [Memory]Bear Necessities II
Location: Free Cities of the North
Notes/Warnings: some swear words, cut wounds
Collaboration: Yep with Saej
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: Nope
Requested Lore:

Running; Jogging to tire yourself for better sleep
Running; Fleeing from a bear
Running; Warming up
Acrobatics; Juking out of the way
Acrobatics; Dropping to your knees quickly
Acrobatics; Rolling from underneath a wagon into a sprint
Intimidation; Being loud
Leadership; Making a call

Appraisal: The sounds of bear’s footsteps
Tactics: Appear bigger than your enemy
Tactics: Archers in the back, swords in the front
Blades: Burns when imbued with Lothas
Blades: Use the flat part of a blade to deflect
Ranged weapons: Arrows aren’t always meant to kill
Hunting: Bears have a thick hide
Trapmaking: Manipulate prey’s path

People: Dilina: Saej’s Mother
People: Dilina: Can open portals
People: Dilina: A hytori woman
People: Dilina: Said she’s forever in his debt
People: Shasco: A hytori man
PC: Saej: Crazy, reckless but quite brave

Loot: None :(
Last edited by Arlen on Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 173
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Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:40 am

Thread Name: Formless Like Water Ⅰ
Location: Forest outside of Alfsos
Notes/Warnings: nope
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: (No)
Injuries/Ailments: Body pains from sparing
Requested Lore:
  • Blades{Tachi}: Is deadly in the right hands
    Blades{Tachi}: Beast or man they all cut the same
    Blades{Tachi}: Locking blades with an opponent
    Blades{Tachi}: Making your own techniques
    Research: Learning new sword techniques
    Acrobatics: Combat Slides
Loot: Book: Way of the Flowing Dragon
word count: 72
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:41 am

Thread Name: Formless Like Water Ⅱ
Location: Forest outside of Alfsos
Notes/Warnings: nope
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience: (No)
Injuries/Ailments: Body pains from sparing
Requested Lore:
  • Blades{Tachi}: Way of the Flowing Dragon
    Blades{Tachi}: Striking with the momentum of the blade
    Blades{Tachi}: Move like water, slice a raging river
    Meditation: The calm of your mind
    Meditation: Stilling the turbulent waters of your consciousness
    Acrobatics: Turns and pivots
Loot: N/A
word count: 72
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
Alyssum Crow
Posts: 94
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Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:42 am

Thread Name: You Promise?
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Memory Thread
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Botany: Aloe Vera
Botany: Aloe Vera: Helps treats and soothes chapped lips
Botany: Aloe Vera: Also helps with sunburns
Medicine: Aloe Vera poultice
Persuasion: Getting bribed with food
Persuasion: Wonder or curiosity can override fear

Loot: N/A

word count: 60
Alyssum Crow
Posts: 94
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:18 pm

Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:37 pm

Thread Name: A Class On Legacy
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Memory Thread
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:

Alchemy: Can be used to enchant items and tools
Alchemy: Alchemy based enchantments eventually fade
Runeforging: Enchantments when made properly don't fade
Runeforging: A master runeforger is worthless if not a master craftsman
Smithing: Patience
Smithing: Perseverance

Loot: N/A
word count: 65
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:48 am

Thread Name: Hide and seek.
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Arkash gets brutally tortured. nah, just kidding.
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: Not this time.
Requested Lore:
Stealth: Ineffective if you're predictable.
Stealth: Hiding in small places that people wouldn't think to look.
Larceny: Don't tell your parents if you want to steal successfully.
Acrobatics: Standing quickly by jumping.
Acrobatics: Crawling backward.
Acrobatics: Dropping to the floor on all fours.
[NPC] Cojack: Told you off for stealing from someone in the season of Searing, 103.
[NPC] Cojack: Terrible at hiding.
[NPC] Liu: Your mother, once a physically fit and active wolf Rathari.
[NPC] Liu: Taught you to speak properly despite the shape of your tongue and mouth.
[NPC] Liu: Used to play hide and seek with you and Cojack.
[NPC] Liu: Terrible at hiding.
Loot: None.
word count: 142
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Posts: 1058
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Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:32 am

Thread Name: Stretching.
Location: Lorien
Notes/Warnings: None.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Acrobatics: Flexibility: How bendy your body is.
Acrobatics: Hinges a lot on flexibility for some of the core movements.
Acrobatics: Warm-up: Static stretches are best done after exercise.
Acrobatics: Warm-up: Dynamic Stretches are best done before exercise to loosen up and warm your muscles.
Acrobatics: Warm-up: High kicks to stretch the legs require a decent amount of flexibility.
Acrobatics: Warm-up: Keep your back straight and hips even while lunging.
[NPC] Cojack: Taught you a lot about stretches in the summer of 105.
[NPC] Cojack: Kept you warm when the fire went out.
[NPC] Liu: Really strong.
Loot: None.

word count: 120
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