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Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:02 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Thread Name: A Sentimental Story
Location: Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Collaboration: Collab
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Painting - Creating Symbols
Painting - Forming a Face Outline
Painting - Getting Sketches For Facial Features
Painting - Comparing Tones
Painting - Portraits Stop at Collarbone
Painting - Every Detail Must Be Painted
Painting - Work While It's Quiet
Business - Letting a Customer Describe What They Want
Business - Schmooze with the Wealthy
Interrogation - Let Them Correct You

Business: Commissioning a painting
Business: Scheduling for business meetings
Finance: Taking out a loan
Finance: Financing a home
Negotiation: Ensuring your standards are met in an arrangement
Drawing: Sketching
Drawing: Beginning with a shape
Painting: Visualizing a piece
Painting: Ensuring the small details are kept
Investigation: Attempting to discern someone's origin

Loot: N/A

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:11 am
by Saej Mirilla

Thread Name: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=731 A Touch of Desperation
Location: Stolen Moments in Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Kinda violent
Collaboration: Collab, Rhea and Althalos
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: Althalos; half-inch bruise on the right side of his body, around his ribs-- it won’t actually heal.
Requested Lore:
Running; Focusing on breathing
Running; Letting the legs do the work
Running; Running for too long burns the lungs
Running; Feeling the beat of your feet
Running; Shoulders level and relaxed
Chakram; Tossing a disc from the heart to the apex
Chakram; Using an improvised weapon

Blades{Longsword}: Slashing across the Face
Blades{Longsword}: Cutting through wooden clubs
Reaving: Calling forth your pact weapon in time
Acrobatics: Sliding across the floor
Unarmed Combat: Kick to the groin
Unarmed Combat: Tussling with an enemy
Investigation: Looking into a loud noise
Shields: Shield Bash

Intimidation - Be Direct | Unarmed - Desperation Powering your Blows | Unarmed - Scratching at Eyes | Unarmed - Tackling Someone | Business - Lock Up When Finished | Negotiation - Thanking Someone with Gifts | Painting - Your Hands Won't Cramp | Business - Lose Money, Not Your Life

Loot: None

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:37 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Break I
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Possibly some swearing.
Collaboration: No friends in Nivenhain.
Magic Experience: No.
Injuries/Ailments: Nothing, really.
Requested Lore:
Bodybuilding: You're able to eat a lot more than the average human in one sitting, which helps you gain weight faster.
Bodybuilding: A healthy amount of body fat and muscle help insulate heat in your ectothermic body.
Deception: Your facial expression plays a large role in how much your victim believes you.
Deception: Feigning upset as to not give away the weapon you're holding.
Deception: Feigning surprise.
Persuasion: The threat of anger can persuade people to do your bidding if they're tired of fighting.
[NPC] Cojack: Might be starting to understand your decisions.
[NPC] Cojack: Getting stronger.
[NPC] Cojack: Walks with you.
[NPC] Cojack: Still doesn't like stealing, but seems to understand.
[NPC] Barry: Came to your house.
[NPC] Barry: Probably knows you attacked him.
Loot: Nothing.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:37 pm
by Arkash

Thread Name: Break II
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Swearing, violence, death, blood.
Collaboration: No friends in Nivenhain.
Magic Experience: No.
Injuries/Ailments: Nothing, really.
Requested Lore:
Blunt Weapons: Club: Strike the inside of someone's knee to buckle it.
Blunt Weapons: Club: Strike the side of the head to daze your opponent.
Blunt Weapons: Club: Hit them until they stop moving.
Unarmed Combat: Duck beneath a swipe of someone's weapon.
Unarmed Combat: Hold someone's arm up to stop them from stabbing you.
Unarmed Combat: When suspended, use your feet's talons to strike your opponent.
[NPC] Cojack: Saved your life.
[NPC] Cojack: Witnessed you murder someone.
[NPC] Cojack: Shocked by your actions.
[NPC] Barry: Definitely knows you attacked him.
[NPC] Barry: Asked for his money back.
[NPC] Barry: Attacked you.
[NPC] Barry: Tried to murder you.
[NPC] Barry: You murdered him.
Loot: -1 Wooden shack housing and all its furniture, wooden pale, the remainder of his firewood

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:56 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Power I
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: The first of a two-parter. I keep making these too long, sorry. Swearing.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Not yet.
Requested Lore:
Intimidation: Waving a weapon around.
Intimidation: Yelling threats.
Intimidation: Show no fear.
Intimidation: It's a good day to die!
Intimidation: It's easy to intimidate someone that you've conditioned to fear you.
Intimidation: The right amount of fear can stop an enemy in their tracks.
[NPC] Cojack: Is probably upset that you killed someone.
[NPC] Cojack: Is probably upset that you set the house on fire.
[NPC] Cojack: Is probably upset that you didn't listen to him.
[NPC] Cojack: Tried to pull you away from the Thompson Brothers.
Loot: None.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:56 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Power II
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: The second of a two-parter. I keep making these too long, sorry. Also, swearing, violence, blood, gore.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Not yet.
Requested Lore:
Unarmed Combat: Bite.
Unarmed Combat: Inflict pain on your attacker to weaken their hold.
Unarmed Combat: Burying your claws in someone's arm while they're grappling you.
Unarmed Combat: Your venom weakens your opponent and can send them into shock.
Unarmed Combat: Injecting venom into your opponent with a bite.
Unarmed Combat: Slashing an opponent's wrist with your sharp, serrated teeth.
[NPC] Cojack: Got beat up again and it's your fault.
[NPC] Cojack: Forgives you?
[NPC] Cojack: You're both going to die if you don't leave Lorien Immediately.
Loot: +1 Fine Steel Dagger (Brodie's Dagger.)

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:00 am
by Arlen

Thread Name: Due For a Drop In
Location: Loras, Atinaw
Notes/Warnings: Boring entry thread into the town
Collaboration: Nope.
Magic Experience: Nope.
Injuries/Ailments: Nope.
Requested Lore:

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Loot: 1 pair of leather gloves (-100df to be noted in ledger)

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:25 pm
by Arlen

Thread Name: [Memory] Seeing Blind III.
Location: The Northern Wilds
Notes/Warnings: Blood, but no gore
Collaboration: Nope
Magic Experience: Nope
Injuries/Ailments: Nasty claw scratch on the right shoulder and across left hand and wrist; happened over 60 years ago so he's likely got scars now only
Requested Lore:
► Show Spoiler
Loot: His life...

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:34 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Farewell
Location: Lorien, Outer Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: Nothing, really.
Collaboration: Solo.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Next time.
Requested Lore:
Deception: Betraying your desires to maintain a facade.
Etiquette: It's acceptable to allow someone you've supported to help you when you need it.
Meditation: Family can distract you from darker thoughts.
Rhetoric: The difference between a joke and a cruel insult.
Tactics: Using your wanted status to work around the law.
Tactics: Splitting up can sometimes work in everyone's favor.
[NPC] Cojack: Kept you from attacking someone.
[NPC] Cojack: Feels responsible for all your mistakes.
[NPC] Cojack: Forgives you for everything.
[NPC] Cojack: Told you to go.
[NPC] Cojack: Said he'd meet you in the woods outside of town.
Loot: -All possessions (including df) except for the clothes on his back and Brodie's dagger.

Re: Review Submission Thread v1.0

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:37 am
by Arkash

Thread Name: Defeat
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain
Notes/Warnings: Violence. Graphic injury descriptions.
Collaboration: Dying alone.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Three broken ribs, a collapsed lung, internal bleeding, several compound fractures to the left arm, large laceration to the left side of his head, slashed & blinded left eye, Impaled shoulder, coma.
Requested Lore:
Bodybuilding: It may be possible to train your recovery time.
Running: You can only run so far before you need to stop and recover.
Running: Fear is a good motivator.
Running: Gripping the ground with your claws to turn sharply.
Tactics: Strafing away from suspicious sounds.
Unarmed Combat: Sacrifice your arm to save your vitals.
Loot: None.