The Bridge Between Reality [Arkash]

Kyrikain's abstract plane, where all who sleep go to imagine and dream.

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Wed Jun 15, 2022 11:38 am

51st Glade, 4622

Salen appeared in his mirrored mindscape; shaped like a Hall of Mirrors; from the first side it would seem that everyone had been sleeping. It was the perfect night for dreams to be invaded. Salen needed as many allies as possible and the only way of doing that was through indirect communication. He exited his memory place out into the Reverie; a place where all palaces and dreams would commune as one; it would seem like a crystalline city as other Remnomancers would exit their memory palaces and explore the dreamscape.Appearing like every other city, it was the epitome of the dream world. An collaboration of the combining rules of the Kyrikaric Principle.

It was where utopia met dystopia, from the oppressive lives of other folk. Salen walked through the crowd of dreamers who seemed to be looking for a particular place within their palace. Some seemed to be in a world of their own, whilst others were surely cognizant. Perhaps they were Remnomancers themselves. However, if Salen was looking for something. Potential allies to help his cause, the only way was to go through dreamscapes one by one and decipher the probabilities of friend and foe.

Salen took the first step towards an archway which appeared to be overlooking a view of cosmic reality. It was nothingness for now, but one step further would reveal the doorway's real purpose. Who's mind will it be? How would he know if it was an present mind? Salen wouldn't know, for he could only find out if the certain dreamer would reveal themselves. With a brave sigh, he took a step forth through the archway in front of him and walked deeper into the dreamscape.

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Last edited by Salen on Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 456
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Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:24 pm


Through the archway were silence and solitude.

Momentarily followed the distinct whistle of the wind as it rapped and rattled the frigid wooden boards that sheltered the dreamer from its wroth.

Shrunken nails creaked in the hold of the planks they supported, withered and rusted to the test of time and the trials of the world beyond.

Every straight of wood to line the walls was painted with immaculate detail; with attention to the way the rings of sawn wood wrapped around one another, and the various imperfections that came with sloppy chopping and installation. Every dark beauty spot was rendered with immaculate precision.

A burlap sheet hung nailed above a broken window, billowing in resistance to the howling gales.

From the gaps in the roofing, the moon's pale light dimly illuminated that isolated place, broken by the makeshift rags that hung draped from the roof's support beams. Wicked, shadowy tendrils raked the patchy boards below, where they rested idly beneath a blackened iron hearth as it laid condemned in a state of disrepair.

A pile of chopped wood lay stacked nearby, the lumber was comparatively fresh to the rest of the shelter, void of the detail and recognition that accompanied the rest of the dilapidated shack. In its company, a chopping block and an old, rusted war axe lay embedded in the surface.

Against the opposite wall was a grimy bed of straw, tattered, stained sheets, and the impressions of laying bodies embedded deep in the flea-infested rest.

At the foot of the bed was the rickety door as it hung from its one hinge, lightly tapping the worn metal of the sliding lock under the assault of the wind.

The final item of note was a wolf's skin. Bundled on the floor before the furnace was the pelt of a skinned wolf, tattered and worn in its own right, ragged from an age of use.

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word count: 339
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Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:44 pm

The silence creaked as Salen took a step further into the unknown dreamscape; the silent howling of wind began to penetrate Salen's ears. It was loud, belowing for a moment, until it had muffled slightly.

He eventually came to the safety of a shack; the wind muffled by the sounds, the floorboards creeking with such horror. There was an element of darkness and loneliness built within this memory palace. A lonelyness that had never been cherished, but only forgotten. He could tell by the charred-burnt out wood in the fireplace, with nothing to keep one's self warm; other than the wolf skin on the floor.

It was the only source of warmth he could find, and yet too shallow for someone of an adult size. He frowned as he took a step forward; the creeking would begin and yet there was no sign of the dreamer yet. The coldness of this dreamscape had bothered him, for the only way to reset it was to simply edit it to a much more pleasant disposition. He channelled his ether as his eyes changed colour; similar to that of magic hour skies. A sign of benevolence came as he casted Phantasm, moving the many pleasant memories of summer from his own mind and securing them greatly with the use of Mnemonic Impression. The weather outside had changed to a more comforting and summery disposition, but leaving the landscape of the mind untouched.

The billowing gales had stopped and sounds of churping birds could be heard, like he completely caused seasonal change in the mindscape.

It was pleasant enough that it would drive out any negative energy from within the dreamscape, keeping himself safe as a Remnomancer, for he did not mean any harm. He continued to explore the mindscape as the room was illuminated even further.

A pile of chopped wood that had been freshly cut had been stacked there, waiting as fodder for repair. The dilapidated shack had holes where woodworm had been present. He took a seat amongst the straw bed, as he winced slightly. A flea bite had occurred upon his hand as he quickly made his way off the bed, cringing with disgust as he shook his hand frantically.

He could tell there had been poorer living conditions. A Memory Palace had been someone's overall identity unique to one, yet he wondered... Was the dreamer present? Had he gone wondered into the facets of his own mind?

The door at the foot of the bed had been left on one hinge; this was odd and yet unnerving. He reached out slowly, taking the handle of the door and opening it slowly.

word count: 453
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:30 pm


Didn't hit word count old bean, I'm sorry.
Remnant: Mnemonic Impression - The tool to alter a dreamscape
Remnant: Mnemonic Impression - Used to alter a phantasm
Remnant: Mnemonic Impression - Altering a state of mind for ease of access.
Remnant: Phantasm - The foundation of illusions
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Points: 3
Comments: Aww I really hope you revisit this concept, as it was a fun read! I'm awarding you just under what I'd give for a solo, as there's only roughly 900 words here. If you want to switch out any of the lores please do so. I'm sorry this was abandoned!
word count: 119
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