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[Memory] Classical Literature pt II

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:32 pm
by Thomas

29 Ash 4619

If life were easy and simple and carefree, Thomas would have spent the week waiting for Kent's Apprentice to finish binding the book by whiling away the hours in the town, chatting with the townsfolk, and drinking beer in what passed for a tavern. Unfortunately, life was hard, complex, and worrisome, so Thomas sent a missive to a contact in Leiden about the leather, and headed three days ride in that direction to facilitate a pick-up of same. He spent his evenings making nostrums: hangover cures and cold cures were good business in Frost, and he intended to collect. He wasn't flying the banner of Worth's Worthies at the moment, but if someone approached him and asked for his service, he showed them his wares, playing the part of the helpful but reluctant peddler to squeeze a bit of extra coin out of his supplicants.

He was not particularly proud of this batch -- it was just water, cheap alcohol, and some medicinal tasting herbs. There was nothing for color, and the bottles were functional but not notably helpful looking. He found a bottle with a short neck and a squat body made people more likely to buy some things, or a long, slender body with a tall neck, or a bit of a curve to it. All of them suggested different things, but ultimately it said: who would bother to put something that wouldn't work into a bottle this attractive? They were dark glass, at least, which disguised the lack of color and played up the scent. If nothing else, in more civilized places or to richer clientele, this could be sold as mouthwash or a post-prandial freshener. In Radenor, though, it wouldn't sell if it didn't cure something, so he applied it as a hangover relief, and sold through about a third of his batch as he passed through the towns between his target and Kent's workshop.

When he returned to check on the Apprentice's progress, he had the leather in hand, and had covered most of the cost of its acquisition with nostrum sales. Well, some of the cost, at least. It was better than nothing. He'd known the time and materials going into this particular job would be dear, which just meant that a lot was riding on the work of Kent's apprentice. He had a decent feeling about his chances of success, though. Even if there were some small mistakes in the copies, this could be explained away by primitive penmanship, and the Nobles, accustomed to woodcuts and printed pages, would probably believe him. As long as the materials and illustrations looked good, he was decently sure he could sell whatever the two of them came up with.

Or it could all go sideways in a heartbeat, but that was the nature of the game. He tried not to get worked up about the possibility of failure beyond doing what could be done to ensure the job was a success.

It was late afternoon and the sun was low in the sky when he checked the door to the workshop and found it open. He was pleased to find the Master gone for the day. He had business with the Apprentice, anyhow, and little use for the man who was nominally in charge, but too busy to answer a damn letter.

"Good afternoon," he called out to the workshop -- he didn't spy the Moroi immediately, but he heard the telltale signs of a craftsman at work, so he was probably bent over a desk or behind a pile of paper somewhere, applying the finishing touches to one job or another. "It's Johan. I've returned to take a look at what you've produced. I trust you've had a fine week in the interim?"

Re: [Memory] Classical Literature pt II

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:54 am
by Arnos Gleren

During the time that his contractor had been away, Arnos had worked effortlessly on the story that he had been assigned to replicate. While it was rather clear that there were a few mistakes here and there, the Moroi was honestly hoping that he could get away with it. If he had than he would be supposedly phenomenally rewarded. If he hadn't? Well that was something that Arnos was hoping to not have to bother dealing with. Even with the assistance that he had required in certain regards to this work, the Scribe simply wasn't capable of achieving some master level copying of the texts from one source to another. All that he could hope for as he would wait is for the fellow coming to check up on him to not have too discernable of an eye.

Late into the afternoon, a familiar voice could be overheard within the walls of the shop. John, the man that had initially hired Arnos, had found himself back around the time that he had initially set. At least the man had the proper decorum to show up before the shop closed. "Right, of course, I'll be right with you!" Much like one might have thought, Arnos was indeed in the back of the store bent over a desk at the moment. He had far too much going on at the moment and couldn't trust that some passerby wouldn't spill his secretive works to his employer. That being the case, Arnos take one quick look around the area, ensuring that no one was nearby, before enforcing his consciousness into a physical manifestation known to some as a weave. This weave would wrap itself around the bound stack of papers and pull them from a nearby table and into his hands before simply dissipating. Of course, once the texts were in hand, Arnos would meander his way through the shop and towards the storefront.

"Mr. Buchman. It is good to see that you are here." Taking a moment to hold out the bound stack towards the gentleman, Arnos would continue. "I know that it might not be precisely what you have asked for but.. I put forth every inch of energy that I had into these. Hopefully they are capable of meeting the standards that you are demanding." A soft smile would rest gently upon the Moroi's face as he would wait for the man to take the bindings from him. After successfully passing off the texts, Arnos would allow for both of his arms to drop at his sides as he would simply wait to see what the man had to say about such works. I wonder what it is that he'll ask of me next... What kind of timeline he'll set for the entirety of that text. I'm honestly going to need to look for some assistance.

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"Fear stops life. Not death."

Re: [Memory] Classical Literature pt II

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:45 am
by Thomas

Thomas looked over Arnos' attempt at the first story. The writing was, well, rough. There were evident slips and stumbles in places, apparent even to a man who could not read the script. If a person had both the original and the copy, it was no contest to tell the two apart, even to someone like Thomas, who was by no means an expert. It would be tempting to evaluate the boy's work in that way. It would also be foolish.

The entire point was not to sell the fake manuscript alongside the real one and astound the nobles with its likeness, it was to pass the fake off as the real, something for which they would have no point of comparison. So instead of focusing on the mechanical aspects of the work, Thomas looked at its aesthetic: the choice of inks, the strokes of the quill, the placement of words on paper, the weight of each letter and how the words took up space on the page. In that way, this was satisfactory. It could work. The rough hand could even be swung as an asset. If someone commented on it, he could compliment them on their keen eye and discuss the characteristic roughness of the men in Northradica who had transcribed these texts, and how they were not nearly so literate as the Riennese Celebrants he hoped would empty their pockets for these books.

This would pass muster. It was not the best work Thomas had ever seen -- Kent would have made these works sing -- but it would do.

He smiled at Arnos, "These will suit, boy. Can you do two copies of the book in six weeks, or three?"

Kent's truculence was turning out to be a real stroke of fortune, because the rate he'd quoted Arnos was far cheaper than what Kent would have worked for, but he felt it was fair. There had to be a difference in the Master's rate versus the Apprentice's, in deference to their relative skill levels.

Re: [Memory] Classical Literature pt II

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 9:39 am
by Arnos Gleren

The discerning eye in which Johan had inspected these texts had admittedly worried the Moroi. He didn't wish to convince himself of a result that was unlikely, so he would attempt to ignore the looks that the man had scrutinized his papers with. It wasn't an easy feat considering the fact that Arnos was very particular about his work.. One of these days, he is really going to have to hope that things work out better in terms of what he can do. With time he could do better and yet.. This was something that he didn't have the luxury of worrying about. Especially considering the fact that he was now limited to a span of two to three books in six weeks. Each book held four stories within and that singular story had just taken him a week. While it was perhaps feasible to complete a single book in that time, with a few weeks to work with in terms of getting every detail to be precise, two to three books was a huge ask. In all honesty, Arnos wasn't all that certain that he could accomplish what this man had been asking of him.

Not wishing to turn away his first official client though, Arnos would softly gulp down his anxiousness and would slowly nod to the man. It was obvious that he wasn't all that sure of himself but it was something that he was hoping to overcome. "I.. shall certainly do my best with what I can." Not a lie in the slightest. Even if he was worried about how things would turn out, Arnos would be sure to give this project his all. Even if doing so would require him to invest in a bit of assistance from others. "If I am to aim for three copies than.. I would like to request half of the payment up front. This will allow for me to acquire whatever resources I have yet to bring in and is quite likely the only way that I will be able to complete a third book." What he wasn't telling the man was what he had planned on bringing in to help him. Not that it was any of Johan's business how Arnos completed his task. What was important was that he completed it to the degree in which he had been looking for.

Knowing that it was a bit of an ask, Arnos wasn't all that sure as to whether or not he could convince Johan to fork over the extra coin. Truly placing his trust in how badly Johan might want or need these books though, Arnos would extend a single hand out towards him. Whether he was leaving it out for them to shake upon the possible agreement or for the bag of coin, he would leave up to interpretation. This was all about convincing Johan that he knew what he was doing. Either way, Arnos would be sure to try and balance his actions in response to however Johan had chosen to react to Arnos'. "So what do you say, Mister Buchman? Do we perhaps have a deal?"

"Fear stops life. Not death."

Re: [Memory] Classical Literature pt II

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:58 pm
by Thomas

All ventures required trust. The boy had trusted that he'd return for the chapter, and he had. Now he was asking something of his patron. Thomas mulled over the request.

The biggest risk was that the apprentice would take the money and run. As he had not negotiated a deal directly with Kent, he'd have no recourse there, and he would just be out the money. On the other hand, while the sum was considerable, it was not the kind of thing one could live on for the rest of one's life. and he'd be giving up his apprenticeship to do so, or else he'd risk being caught and arrested for theft. He could try pawning the book, as well, but it was a specialty object that few would have much interest in, and very traceable if he sold it to the wrong person. Besides, it would not be hard to track down a Moroi anywhere in the Four Kingdoms; they were not common here. So it didn't take much thought before Thomas clasped his hand in Arnos', shaking on the deal.

"This is acceptable, boy. Make sure you have everything prepared upon my return, including the illustrations, because they really sell the work. I look forward to seeing you in six weeks, books in hand."

With that, Thomas quit the shop and returned to his wagon. No sense in hanging around and maybe running into Kent; it was lucky he hadn't been found out as it was. Six weeks was a decent amount of travel time. He could head to a neighboring kingdom, or could spend the intervening time crafting nostrums for sale, or he could try his luck in finding someone rich and lonely and unlucky in love. It was always nice to have options, even if they were just different avenues to spend the time and make a few coins to rub together. There had been enough times in his life where he had no money, no prospects, and no choices, that the relative freedom afforded to him right now felt positively luxurious.