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Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:22 am
by Oliver
Ash 30th, 4622

The days where Oliver agreed to put up with Eric's shenanigans was the day that he married him in Lorien, although he had been infatuated with him for some time; his love grew strong that the stoic Griscian would do just about anything for his husband. Those things include accompany him on business trips since he was the naivest and deeply troublesome folk, especially when it came to money. The man almost had no restraint for the financial duties of his house that he would sprawl freely with hedonism. The worst times were the nights of drinking within taverns around the world. They were on their way to Lanbridge as they took a rest stop at a town in Nurin, since the nights appeared to be wild and rife full of potential threats. Furthermore, it'll be wise if they were rested beyond the journey; Oliver thought that would be the case, but since he is dealing with his antics, he eventually rolled his eyes and gave up, knowing how much of a wild one he was.

Oliver could see him chug down a full pint of beer in about seconds as they patrons would cheer him on; he'd watch with complete disappointment as he sighed and shook his head "Eric, you fucking idiot..." He said to himself as he glared in his direction in which the drunken husband would waddle in his direction. He would continue to glare at him as he blinked twice "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Eric asked with a sort of aggressive tone.

"You said you wouldn't get drunk again... That was an obvious lie..." He said, still maintaining his glare as he sighed as he appeared to be completely uncomfortable with the situation, knowing that Eric could potentially stir up a scene in his current state "What are you worried about, darling? It's just a few pints..."

"A few pints? I've watched you chug a full keg!" He said seemingly agitated before he sighed "You want to look presentable but at the same time you're just ruining it, I mean look at you..."

"Oh, Relax darling... Take some down ya..." He said as he sat on Oliver's lap, before taking his glass as Oliver rejected the drink by pushing it away "I'll get my own drink, I'm not a baby..." He said, furrowing his eyebrows, appearing to be more agitated then ever "Look, I don't want anything bad to happen to you but... You're also taking a mark for your own grave..."

"You just don't know how to have fun!" Eric said as he went to covort on his own again, leaving Oliver to mentally suffer from anxiety. At that moment, Oliver decided that fresh air was the best option as he walked outside of the tavern as he leant against the door, he eventually noticed a patron smoking a few cigarettes in which he whistled to him "Oi... Got any cigarettes?" He asked the man in which he smiled and handed him one cigarette and lit a match. He clutched it between his index and middle finger and placed it in his mouth. The mysterious hooded woman lit a match and moved it directly to the tip of the cigarette lighting it.

Oliver took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke in the opposite direction.

"Stress?" The female asked.

"Could say that yeah... I'm dealing with a manchild of a husband..."

"Oh... Those are stressful, I'm also taking time away from mine..."

"Sometimes I wish I never married..." He chuckled as he took in the view for a moment as everything remained quiet.


Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:44 am
by kayleth
Kayleth did not usually stay at the Taigh. The small tavern and inn located within the village of Nurin. However, tonight was an unusual occasion. He could have chosen to walk home but, it would have easily been pitch black and while he did not have many things to fear out in the middle of no where. The lingering anxiety of his past hung a large cloak over him. From what he knew the inn had but a handful of rooms that were under utilized. Mainly the working men of the town spent their time drinking after a hard days labor in the forest or fields.

Kayleth walked down the sparsely crowded dirt street it sat on. The smell of tabaco tickled his nose like warm bread. It wasn't unpleasant but, definitely rare in this town. Although, not impossible to get for a large sum of coin. Outside the entrance stood a tall well built man with brown hair. He was strikingly handsome but, Kayleth payed no mind as he gave a quick glance before entering.

He had never actual been here at night and was not used to the overall mood of the tavern. Normally the towns people were quite and well reserved or maybe that was just because of him. Here, they were loud and boisterous and bale to to forget their troubles or maybe they were just enjoying themselves. Kayleth, thought far too much into things. He had not eaten supper after helping Ciara with the days bread making.

He glanced over the room looking for a place to sit. "Anywhere alone and dark would be perfect." Just as he said that he found a spot away from most of the debauchery. He settled up with the Inn keeper requesting a room, some food, and water. He pulled out some paper from his bag and a piece of charcoal and began to sketch ideas for a stone grinding mill. Converting actions and physics into broken strings of runic script and being as precise as he could with his rough measurements.

It is far too loud in here, especially "that" one. He thought to himself. He was referring of course to a man who was several flagons deep into his vices as he moved from table to table. The usually off put Nurrinians did not seem to have a problem with his actions which only drove home to Kayleth that it was he they had a problem with.

Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:16 am
by Oliver
Oliver's attention rose towards the Sil'Norai who had walked into the tavern. It was not often he would see such company flying about in Lorien or Radenor, but if he did he could assume they were some kind of refugee from their homeland; he often approached the matter with great sympathy as he began to remember the days he served as an Ebon Knight, rescuing and helping other SIl'Norai find their place of refuge, it was a better life than the simplistic Griscian lifestyle, trying to be a paragon of the pillars; sometimes it was better to be morally aligned with who a particular person identified themselves to be. He let his experiences shape him, rather than a deep ideology enforced on the people like chattels and lifestock.

Oliver could remember the suffering, but also the enforcement of the Black Sigil upon the Sil'Norai to numb their pain; it seemed to have taken every negative emotion away from them, left them in a state of euphoria, ignoring the dystopian suffering that went around. Oliver saw it as another way of controlling people, numbing their awareness of such events to enforce another political agenda upon them. The more he thought about the situation of Sil'Elaine the more he was speculating against the leader of the Black Remedy, Aldrin Sil'Jalus. He had questioned his motives, whilst most seem to be made with good intent, he did think there was a deeper ambition.

A darker agenda that noone could put their finger on until it was too late.

Another puff of his cigarette, he turned to the woman beside him as he stared at her for a moment "I'm guessing your husband is among that crowd."

"Oui..." She spoke briefly in Gentevarese.

He could see the sharpness of her lanceolate ears and smiled before he initiated a conversation in Silvain "Cad as duit?"

"Vendigad, ach tá cónaí orm i Lorien, ar mo bhealach chuig ionad gnó." She spoke.

"Is as Starkwyte mé san Impireacht Grisic, ach bhog mé go Lorien, bhuel trí thimpiste i ndáiríre"

She revealed her hood and to Oliver's surprise it appeared to be a companion that he had lost touch with, he appeared to be shocked and angry "Sábháil an cacamas, Oliver... Ní raibh a fhios agam go mairfeadh tú, ach níor inis tú dom"

"Giselle..." He said, exhaling through his nose "Didn't expect to see you here..."

"Well you weren't very fluent in Silvain before, that seemed quiet a shock; your a fast learner..." She uttered.

"You expect me to be friends after what happened on that boat?"

"I can explain..."

"Save it!" He said as he appeared to be angry, he eventually stormed off inside the tavern, leaving the female outside, he returned to the bar and eventually pulled Eric aside "Eric!" He tried shouting before he appeared to be drowned out by the noise that the bar patrons were making; he eventually gave up, sighed before backing into the table that Kayleth was sitting at in that dark corner, not realising that he had knocked the table through being a clumsy git...

"Apologies..." He spoke gracefully the man who sat there "I think I'm gonna need some alternative company, mind if I join you whilst the riot dies down?" He said in a agitated tone, needing some peace and quiet from the situation at hand.


Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:39 am
by kayleth
A smaller built man, the drunk one, lead the handful of patrons in a song that none of them knew. They all seemed to mumble along like a choir of idiots enjoying their ignorance. Kayleth could not put any stock into the actions of men obsessed with drowning their lives away. Maybe they were not grateful for the lives they lived and just lacked perspective about how bad the world could really be. The melancholy memory of Sil-elain crept into the back of his mind. He attempted to redirect his focus back to his innovation while the distractions continued.

He drew two large circular disks stacked on top of one another with arrows depicting rotation in opposite directions. Various runic symbols riddled the page as he attempted to get the correct string translation for the movement. He began to sketch one of the slabs as an individual from the perspective of looking at the face that met the other. This one was shaped like a doughnut with curved lines emanating from the center to the edge one the same direction. He began to draw the rough draft for the other stone just as the table was abruptly bumped causing the start of it to streak across the page.

Kayleth looked up eyes like dagger sheathed behind spectacles. The attritive muscular man from outside met his stare. The cold uninviting energy did not phase him as he asked to sit down. Scanning the room Kayleth looked for other tables but, there were none.

"At least you have the mind to apologies. You may, as long as you are more quite than him." He said pointing the charcoal pencil in Eric's direction.

"I do not want any more distractions but, I suppose that is my fault for choosing a location such as this one." A small pause left room for him to sit as Kayleth's food arrived. A thin stew of fish and a few vegetables along side a fair portion of bread.

"Is this the Breac's Bread?" The woman nodded and quietly walked away.

Kayelth put his paper and writing tool down and tore of a piece and dipped it into the bowl. Elegantly eating it in small amounts. He tore a larger portion of it off feeling willed to share Ciara's bread with passersby. "Please, allow this to fill your belly." The Elf was an odd contradiction between politeness and coldness all in one.

Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:34 am
by Oliver
Oliver smiled at the gesture of kindness but revoked his act towards the breath as he took a deep sigh "I'm not hungry, but thank you" He spoke out in an exasperated tone as he appeared to be tired, but his husband was too busy having a good time. It seemed he was matched with an effort of selfishness that the man he fell in love with was falling into a pit of debauchery; a pit that Oliver always had to help him climb out off. It was evident that he was tired and just wanted to end the night. He proceeded to become even more lost in his love and devotion for him that he appeared to forget his own boundaries and his own feelings. Perhaps he was too empathetic towards the one he loved, letting him take advantage of him.

"So when do you think this commotion would stop, hmm? Wanna bet on it?" He said as he turned his eyes towards Eric's direction who appeared to be being carried by the rowdy patrons of the bar. He looked at them with contempt as he was watching him, incase things would stir up so easily. The former Ebon Knight's patience was beginning to test his limits as social gatherings and other things weren't his style; the introverted Oliver would rather spend his time reading quietly than dealing with a bunch of drunken hooligans. Oliver side-eyed another patron who appeared to walk in the dark corner and clumsily spilled his drink on Oliver's shirt. At that point, he looked at the man with contempt as they make eye contact, before he laughed drunkenly.

"You need a bib..." He said continuing the laughter in his conversation.

"You need some manners..." He retorted back, making the patron grab Oliver out of his chair by his neck and pinning him to the chair; Eric looked at Oliver for a moment in complete shock before passing out due to the heavy drunkenness he had eschewed. He was going to have to fight himself out of this situation somehow.

"You what, cunt!"

"I said... You need some fucking manners!" He pushed him off as he looked to Kayleth as the bartender would intervene in the conflict "Right, all of you... Bars closed, rooms are also full, so I suggest you leave..." He said as Eric would awaken, but struggle to stand as Oliver pulled out the key to his room from his pocket "Eric... Darling, just sit down..." He said, trying to nurse him back to health "What's the academy going to say hmm? You turned up to an Artificing lecture drunk, hungover in the morning? What kind of debauchery do you do to yourself..." Oliver asked, already peeved by his antics; however, he should be used to it by now, but it appears Eric was throwing his reputation and career down the drain.

The question was, could he help Eric, or was he a lost cause?


Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 9:58 am
by kayleth
Kayleth, in fact, did not know when the commotion would end. He was not used to such behavior of these people but, then again he did not come to Inn. This was his first time staying here due to living in such close proximity and making sure to leave with enough time to get home before the sun had set over the horizon.

“I do not know enough information to ‘bet on it'." You seem to be rather used to this type of behavior and therefore have an advantage.” Whether Oliver picked up on it or not the young fragmenter was referring to Eric and how he was presenting himself. It was not hard to catch the looks of concern between the two or rather looks of adoration.

Yet another table bump this time from a patron who seemed less than tolerable. It was in slow motion that Kayleth saw the mead start to spill. He sprung into action gathering his papers as quickly as possible not wanting to have to redraw what was already there. He was satisfied to see it was on the well-mannered albeit overly familiar guest at the table. Conflict immediately erupted between the two. Oliver was no small man but, then again neither were the people of this land.

The owner hopped in and ushered those not staying in Taigh to head to their perspective homes. “You can all leave as far as I am concerned.” Sending an annoyed look toward Eric. As the sultry tones of Oliver’s voice tried to rock his lover back to a level of less intoxication.

“Excuse me, did you say an artificing lecture?” Kayleth was the only intellectual in the village and so the hope of having an academic conversion layer the foundation for a connection.

Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:47 pm
by Oliver
Eric would eventually regain some form of balance, although his ability to initiate a normal conversation was clouded by the intoxication of alcohol that he had consumed; Oliver had wondered why Eric had resulted in such debauchery. Was it his lack of restraint to contain himself or a deeper personal issue that had been bothering him? Oliver would've always thought if there was any kind of issue, he would talk to him about it. Of course, the Dalchiberg family haven't been exactly welcoming of Oliver's presence and have considered him a threat to their long line of Lustrians. Despite family tensions, there was bound to be disagreements amongst the sort as it was evident in his own family back in Starkwyte.

As he was nursing Eric, he looked towards the bartender and the owner before sighing as if he was asking for too much after the incident "Could you fetch something that'll remedy the sickness, please..." He spoke in his Griscian accent, gentle, smooth and seemingly diamond cut with a commoner's flair to it, perfect to the ears. He appeared to be embarrassed as the incident was drawn by his husband before Eric spoke out "Oliiiiivvvveeeeerrrrrr, yooouuuu wasssn't suppose t-t-to disssscuuss thaaaaat" He said groaning out loud, noticing the Sil'Norai who appeared to have had his interests peeked. Oliver was baffled, he didn't know what to do or say other than remain polite at all times "Well... Err yes, It's an artificing lecturer we're going to see... Eric's out on official business after all with someone secretive..."

"Olliivveeerr... I think I shoould've told you..."

Oliver was confused, told him what? There were more questions about the kind of information that Eric was keeping. He smiled at Kayleth nervously as Giselle walked into the room, things would begin to get awkward once again as he grabbed Eric by his arm, until he froze in place again. The panic began to settle in as he looked at the other female "You're looking for Alizar Dennington of Lanbridge?" She asked as Oliver remained confused as Eric nodded.

"He was found dead, three days ago..." Oliver furrowed his eyebrows before turning to Giselle "How do you know? Were you the culprit?"

"My, Oliver I don't know what you're insinuating, I should have you know that I received a letter to see him too regarding some of the issues arising in Radenor... Noble mages going missing, can only suspect mage hunters if your also not a culprit of one."

"I don't contend myself to such savagery!"

"Oh is that so... Prove me wrong..."

Oliver was frozen as he couldn't prove that he was a mage himself, not when he was in a state where he could be branded and watched with suspicion for the rest of their lives. All he could do was reign in silence before he looked at the other Sil'Norai "I think we should discuss this another time; it appears being in Radenor was indeed a waste of time..."

"He's not against that, of course Artificing would be illegal in Grisic right?" Eric would speak quickly as he hiccupped due to his elevated intoxication.

"Hmm, I suppose that kills that motive of you being in Radenor at such a time... I shall bid you good night, hopefully we'll talk in a more civilised manner tomorrow."

A few hours later, Eric had been sleeping but the stoic Griscian wasn't; there was something bothering Oliver on a deeper level, so much that he paced back and forth outside of the room. He exhaled through his nose as he wanted a cigarette right now; he had seen smoking as a way to relieve stress and tension in his shoulders. As much as he craved Eric's massages he was asleep and left to suffer with the nagging thought that Eric may have not told him the entire truth.

He was deeply upset, so much that his walking speed quickened, as the creaking of the floorboards could be heard. He held his hand in his head as it appeared that everything was playing on his conscience. What had he done to deserve this.


Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 8:27 pm
by kayleth
The drunkard stumbled his way over to the table Oliver and Kayleth sat at. Never in Kayleth's wildest dreams would he ever be tempted to let go of the strict control he had on his emotions and vices. Although, one could argue that just because his vices were seen as productive did not mean they were good for him. Perspective drove the world, made countries war and lovers quarrel. Unfortunately, this was the Fragmenter's first impression of Eric and one that would etch itself into his mind for the foreseeable future. He pondered for a minute if he was being too harsh but the thought was quickly interrupted as Eric fell over himself and began to whine. The stench of digested mead spewing forth from his maw encapsulating Kayleth in its miasma. The thought physically revolted him as he gagged and covered his mouth.

Oliver did speak with a sense of prominence to him. The two were polar opposites physically and mentally it seemed. Brash but well mannered.

"The only food that could possibly remedy that is Fish-head stew. I doubt he would be able to eat in his state."

The two shared a look and Kayleth was able to muster an ounce of sympathy from his cold personality. He understood the duty bound aspect of their companionship or perhaps stewardship.

"I was not aware of any artificers near hear but, I do not know much about this area myself. I have yet to walk this land to explore more than this town and my dwelling near here. I find in hard to believe that He is an intellectual but you do know what they say. There is a fine line between madness and genius."

Kayleth sunk into the background of the conversation as a hooded figure approached the table. These people seem extremely chaotic and out of balance. They attract too much attention. The strict grip on his partners arm clued the Sil'norai in on the relationship these three shared.

He listened to her speak about the murder of an Artificer in Lanbridge. That must be near here with some journey.[/] Murder and disappearance was common to Kayleth and he was not surprised to see that outside of Sil'Elain the cycle continued. The two bantered back and forth with a clear history. He did not know how but, he could tell that it walked the line between friend or foe. Much passed and Kayleth was confused by the strained conversation. The three left abruptly but, Oliver made sure to say excuse himself.
Thank the Path, maybe now I can get some work done.
Time passed quickly and before he knew it he was writing and drawing diagrams by candle light. The dancing flame caused shadows to bounce off his face exaggerating his sleep deprived features. As he wrote various runic scripts or attempts at them along with different types of prototypes for a gift he wanted to give to the Breac's the creaking of floor boards shattered his concertation. The shadow of a large man crept on the stairs followed by his physical form, it was Oliver.

"Good evening, no sleep for the wicked they say." Kayleth unsheathing his usual wit.

Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:15 am
by Oliver
The man appeared to be troubled not only by the behaviour of his husband but also the recent murder that has taken place; if only there was another answer to the mystery. What troubled Oliver the most was Eric's unclear communication of the situation, he often questioned if the man was lying to him or telling the truth? So far, he had been telling stories of meeting an artificer in Radenor but something didn't seem to add up. As Oliver approached the end of the staircase, he could hear the voice of the Sil'Norai downstairs, beckoning him forward as if he had been seen. He came down the stairs slightly, chuckling nervously as if he had been caught, he still remained apologetic "Oh? Was I disturbing you? Sorry..." He simple nodded as he sighed "If I were pacing up there and making the floorboards creek, it's a... Rather bad habit of mine when troubled times occur..." He uttered nervously.

He looked towards his papers and noticed the drawings, similar to Eric's as it appeared to be in some kind of Runic Script; he tilted his head and smiled at the young SIl'Norai before hovering over his work "So, you're an aspiring artificer too? My husband he's also an artificer, but he's kinda learning... Take's years to perfect a craft as you can tell." He said with another nervous chuckle, like he was speaking too much "If you're lucky, you could ask him to tutor you..." He said with a smile, he said as he went walked to the window for a moment, scratching the back of his neck as he accidently moves the collar of his shirt, revealing the Black Sigil in front of him.

The mark of an Ebon Knight.

He turned around with a friendly smile, making his way toward the other man "So, do you care to tell me what's a young Sil'Norai like yourself doing in Radenor?"


Re: Tavern's Delights [Kayleth]

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:37 pm
by kayleth
Oliver always seemed to be apologizing to Kayleth. Most likely because of his childhood or current circumstance in life that made him feel as though his actions were too impactful and inconvenient for others. That, or he was just someone who did not hold the confidence to care.

"Yes, I see that. Troubled times seem to follow you. I would not tolerate it. You are far more understanding than I am. If the noise had prevented me from my studies I would have said something. Stop apologizing for existing, its unattractive in a man." Kayleth paused for a moment unsure if he wanted to invite further conversation between the two. He recalled that they were headed to an artificing lecture.

Perhaps I can learn more about who they were going to see. I do need tools after all. A little kindness will go a long way here.

His shoulders relaxed as his overall energy seemed to smooth over and become slightly more inviting. 'We all have our bad habits. Mine just happens to be deemed productive. I take it your traveling companion is the cause for your stress?' is what Kayleth would have said given the opportunity. However, Oliver was the type to talk compulsively to fill the voids of silence in a conversation.

"So, he is your husband. Certainly an odd choice but, they say love is blind. Yes, I primarily study fragmentation but, due to circumstance I find my self in need of gaining a larger knowledge in the field of artificing." The young man pondered for a moment. While, it was true he could use someone to bounce ideas off and ask questions to a more senior scholar of the field he did not feel Eric would be the best choice.

"I mean this with no judgment and speak more objectively but, I would not allow that man to teach me. I think I have tolerated enough of his presence. No need to subject my mind to such an unpleasant experience." Kayleth must have said something that struck a nerve as the large man walked away to a nearby window. It was just a moment, but, the elf saw it or part of it.

Is that.... He focused his eyes in the dimness of the candle light. He could not be certain but, he made out more than just a bit of it. Kayleth's attitude changed quickly. No longer was he mildly inviting but had his guard up. He felt the breath of oppressions against his neck and his heart began to race slightly.

"I doubt someone from the Ebon Knights would are too much about the past of someone they were here to brand." His voice calm but firm. From what Kayleth observed his personality did not fit in with the dogma he came to know about the order he served. He wanted answers.

Did they send someone all the way out here to find me?"