
The Southern Crown of Radenor.

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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:05 pm

29th of Frost, Year 4622

It was snowing. It was, meager and trace as it was, the first snow Sheorlund had seen that year, though it wasn't the first Taelian had seen. The man had spent many days toiling, committing himself to constant ventures through Jorikford and then the constant parley back-and-forth to Lorien, where he aimed towards becoming an industrial big-league. As pleasant as the walk was to the guild-tower, snow and all, far less pleasant was the prospect that some Watchman might attempt to restrain him and bind him to a bed, placing a brand against his neck. As much as Kyng Uldred had encouraged it, Taelian was on the fence about joining any sort of Guild, considering what he would have to give them. A shaving of his soul, which -- as far as he was aware -- could encompass some fractional element of his Divine Spark. That idea was harrowing, as was the concept of submitting himself beneath the knife of a foreign Kyng whom had never yet proven why he should be a recipient to Taelian's very selective trust.

Still, he was there approaching Raviken, not to join it but to attend the Covenant's affairs. Taelian was the man who managed their relationship with Radenor's southern half, and this bleak, onyx-colored chapter was a part of that mosaic. The valley that surrounded the tower was quiet, save for the spectated magi practicing their talents on boulders, cervidae or trees. Eventually, the long trek from forest to open field to tower-face ended, and Taelian was met with a large set of metal doors, which nearly dripped with their need to impose, intimidate and even unsettle. As collegiate as life as a Guild-Mage might have been, the warnings and threats -- often unspoken -- were surrounding him. Escaping meant death, or perhaps a fate worse than that.

He did not even need to knock. The foyer was opened to him, a tall salt-and-pepper haired man greeting him with a Knightly bow. "Lord von Klade," the man muttered. "I am Watchman Osian. We have been expecting you. Please leave your weapons and any arcane artifacts with me--I will watch over them."

Taelian squinted. He did not have any artifacts, save for Ard Fuil, which was his weapon. As attached as he was to it, the Thespian reluctantly reached around to unstrap his blade, handing it off to the Scab with little more than a huff. "Do you know who I'm meant to be speaking with?" he inquired.

"Overseer Lyrim," Osian answered. "Overseer Ferrous, from Thaiven, is visiting her right now. They should be at least an hour or two more. Until then, please wander the Wards and floors at your leisure. This first floor is the Grand Foyer, where people mostly come to convene and gather in social festivities. It is also where our barracks are. Please feel welcome, here."

Taelian nodded his head. "I'll make sure to do that, thank you," he replied, before brushing past the other man and into the grand, circular hall. The Knight wore a green satin vest with matching satin slacks, a bronze-colored pendant hanging from his neck. His shoulders, arms and the area around his collar were exposed, with his Mark of Resonance visibly wrapping around his left wrist. Glancing around, the Knight's orange eyes scanned the room, the corner of his lip twisting until his features spelled a certain, distinct sense of overwhelm.
word count: 611
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Arnos Gleren
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Location: Radenor
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Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=2325

Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:32 am


It hadn't been all that long that Arnos had found himself as a Novus of the Mages Guild. This was something that he had been avoiding for the better of a year now and yet.. It was simply something that he had fallen into anyways. Brought in by a Scab, or someone that seemed akin to one, Arnos had found himself trapped in the one location that his mother had pushed for him to avoid. Add on the fact that even now he still couldn't spend all that much time around his mother and this turn of events was one that he could honestly say was the worst. Or at least one of the more dreadful experiences that the young Moroi has had to live through up to this point. Despite the fact that he had been here for a few days already, and despite the fact that he simply didn't wish to be here, Arnos had sunk into the Guild experience rather easily. Outside of the lessons on magic and the abundant interaction with other individuals, his time here had essentially been the same as his life away from the tower.

Quite honestly, every day had been the same for him since he had come here. Well.. Except for his first day here. Since the second day of his time in the care of the Guild, Arnos would follow the same schedule. He would wake up early in the morning and head out to obtain a rather mediocre breakfast, spend the remainder of the morning attending his classes in the Seminar Ward in which he would come to learn the history of the Guild itself and why mages are required to be here, spend his afternoons attempting to expand upon his Mentalism capabilities, and a portion of the night would be spent slaving away whilst acting as a personal assistant to higher ranked mage. All in all, there wasn't much time that he would have on his own.. In fact, such a luxury was quite rare. In the times that he did have that time though, Arnos could be found pouring over texts that he had managed to "borrow" from whomever it was that he was found assisting that day.

Surprisingly enough, Arnos had managed to find a bit of free time to himself today. He wasn't quite sure what the reasoning behind it was but there was an actual reason behind it. Unbeknownst to the Moroi, his mother had chosen to speak with the Magus that had been overseeing him. She was a Fellow within the guild, known to many as Mother, and yet only one of the mages within the towers walls had actually been her child. Seeing how overworked the man had been, she had chosen to take the time to try and get the Magus overseeing him to lighten up the load a bit. This being a bit of an infraction though, she would have to cover her trail by wording her request a bit differently for him. She would play on the fact that he had been one of the few Moroi within the tower and would suggest that he be worked harder most days but given that small moment of free time once every week. For the time being, no one had called her out on such a thing. That is liable to change overtime though, if she isn't careful.

Regardless of the reason that he is here at the moment, Arnos was currently tucked away within the corner of a room whilst reading one of the books. This book had simply detailed what was being discussed in his classes but at least he had felt ahead of the curve with this much. He would come to learn about Hedra Theid and how she was one of the few 'Voices' known to history. A woman that was perhaps akin to Y'laera the Mind Rot to some degree. A human that had managed to take over Radenor in practically it's entirety and someone that Arnos couldn't help but be interested in. In his eyes, she was someone that he simply couldn't ignore, for she was the reason that the Guild had come to be. And perhaps the reason that Mentalism has been so feared throughout history... The magic that he himself was gifted via his mother.

"Fear stops life. Not death."
word count: 785
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